Telling The Yelling Hasting's

When I woke up I realised I spent the whole night at toby's apartment. I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. "That better not be you know who" Toby said walking over to the couch. "It's probably not I think it's Hanna I forgot to text her." I said picking up my phone. "Oh no." I said reading the text that read.

"Congrats again I just have to keep saying that. I wonder what the yelling hastings will say after you tell them. Tick tock time is ticking you have 12 hours till I interfere

I read the text out loud. I can't believe -A is controlling my life. No matter what I have to do, -A will not hurt my child I thought to myself. "Its going to be okay babe we can tell them together." Toby said sitting down and holding my hand. "I don't think you should come, trust me they wouldn't like it, I think I should do it on my own. Just saying I probably will be bringing some bags with me." I said knowing that my parents would probably kick me out.

"It will be okay they will understand" Toby said wrapping his arms around me. "You really must not know my parents. They don't like to let me date until I'm 21 they said that you shouldn't be tied down. They still think I'm a virgin" I said getting up and pacing around the room.

"I'm gonna go, I better get there before -A gets there first." I said getting my bag and my keys. I kissed Toby goodbye and left. I got in the car and put the keys I The ignition. As I started to backup I got a text.

"I see you took my advice. Won't it feel good ton get it off your chest. Well off your chest and into your stomach.

I took a deep breath in and Headed to the house that I've been to a thousand times, yet I think this is the last time that I open that door. The last time I will ever step foot in the house I called home.

I went straight up to my room and started to pack the things that I will need most. I can't believe it I am actually leaving my home. I got my suitcases out of my closet and placed it on my bed. I took half of my closet, a couple blankets, my school supplies, my laptop, and a couple other little things.

I walked downstairs and looked around for my parents. I couldn't find them any where so I took a pad of paper and wrote them a note that read:

From: Spencer
Hello family I wish I could say this in person but I have no choice. I know you love me and I know you have cared for me over the years. But what I'm about to say will change the way you see me. I am pregnant, the baby is Toby's we have decided to keep it. I know you would never have approved but that is the way it is. I have packed my bags and will be living at Toby's since I know I can not live here anymore. I love you so much and I wish it didn't have to be this way. I wish it could have turned out a different way. I love you all so much and if there is an emergency you know how to reach me. I know you still care about me but I know your reactions I know how you planned a different future for me. I know that I have disappointed you. but this is my life and I tend to keep it that way
Love you all so much, Spencer

As I closed the door I felt lime my word has come to an end. I felt like the wires that have been plugged into my heart from day one have been pulled out and cut. Now even if I try to plug them back in they will never work the way they used to.

I drove to Emily's so we could talk and so I could give her car back. I went up to her room and sat on her bed. She was in the bathroom.

"Hey em I told Toby and my parents." I said as I curled up into a ball. "It's gonna be okay babe, you know the first (let's make fun of that movie) it was Finding Nemo, and at the end we couldn't make fun of it. I remember the line that Dory said it was " just keep swimming" and that line helped me all the way from grade nine to now. I think that like can help you too Spence you just have to keep on swimming" Emily said curling up next to me.

We both fell asleep after that. We fell asleep and didn't wake up until the morning.

Okay so I know this chapter was short but I still hope you liked it
Kisses -A
