~ 8 ~

Koji was very brave, well, to him he was at least. Others found him quite brave as well. He would take on many challenges and even though others would be scared, he would face them head on. He remembers when he went to the doctors and get himself a shot, he made sure not to cry and his mother called him brave. After that compliment that she gave him he felt like he was able to do anything, at least he thought so. But at the moment, he was in daycare and was drawing just like the rest of the little kids.

"L/n-Kun! What're you drawing?" a small girl questioned the boy.

"I'm drawing me and my mom!" he replied with a smile.

"Eh? Who's that?" another girl asked before pointing at a stick figure with yellow as it's hair.

"It's a bad guy" he simply said as he started to draw a sword that stick figure him was holding. 

"They seem scary" another girl said.

He nodded as another boy joined in. "He doesn't even look that scary!" the boy stated, staring at Koji's drawing. "He looks more ugly than scary" he tried to insult as Koji only nodded, agreeing with the boy.

"He is" he stated. "He came to my house last night"

"Really?" a girl questioned.

"Were you scared?" another girl questioned as he shook his head.

"No. I don't remember much but I remember that he was tall, and he was bothering my mom" his brows furrowed a bit as he stuck out his tongue, starting to write down words that he was saying to the bad guy, also known as Atsumu, but he obviously doesn't know that. 

"Did you chase him out?" the first girl questioned.

The other boy that joined in and scoffed. "If he went into my house I would've chased him out when I first saw his face" the boy commented.

Koji soon shook his head. "No I didn't. My mom chased him out instead. But next time I see him I'll make sure I chase him out!" he exclaimed.

"Wow, L/n-Kun you're so brave" the second girl complimented, a smile on her face.

"Do you think you'll be able to protect me if the bad guy were to come for me?" the first girl questioned.

"Yeah, me too Koji-Kun!" the second girl joined in.

"Hey! I can protect you guys too!" the other boy said with a proud smile.

The two girls stared at the boy before looking back at Koji and asking him to protect them while Koji was finishing up his drawing. The boy only became furious by the girls ignoring him, and without thinking he pushed Koji making the girls gasp as it earned the attention of the other kids.

"Why'd you push L/n-Kun?" the first girl questioned.

"Yeah! What'd he do to you?" the second girl defended.

"Koji is nothing but a poophead!" the boy yelled, causing the other toddlers to gasp.

Koji got up, dusting himself, staying calm and brave like his mom told him. He stared at the boy, "My mom said that it's not nice to call people names" was all he said.

"All you ever talk about is your mom! What about your dad? Do you even have a dad?" the boy spat out harshly. 

Koji stared at the boy, the question soon flooding his mind before he has a stern look. "Even if I don't have a dad all I need is my mom!" he yelled.

"Hey hey, what's going on?" a daycare teacher quickly intervened the small argument before it turned into a fight. 

"Ito-Kun called L/n-Kun a poophead!" the first girl quickly said.

"He also pushed him!" the second girl stated.

"Ito-Kun, what did we say about calling people names and pushing them?" the teacher asked softly, looking at the boy.

"It's not my fault! L/n only talks about his mom! He doesn't even have a dad!" the child yelled out. "I bet he's just lying about having a mom too!" he exclaimed before glaring at Koji.

It was soon Koji's turn to glare at the boy. "No! My mom is real!" he yelled. 

"Okay okay, calm down you two" the teacher quickly said. "Ito-Kun why don't you apologize to L/n-Kun?" the teacher said.

"I didn't do anything though!" he exclaimed.

"Please Ito-Kun? I don't you to have me call your parents and get you in trouble with them too" she said softly. The boy stood there before looking away, mumbling a sorry. The teacher sighed before looking at Koji as he looked away.

"Its fine..." he mumbled back.

"Thank you. Now come on, it's snack time" the teacher prompted before standing back up before walking off.

Once their back was faced away from the toddlers, Ito stuck his tongue out at Koji who only did the same. For the rest of day, Koji was in a bit of a mad mood with the question still lingering in his mind; Who is his dad?

At some point, it was soon time for his grandma to pick him up. Quickly, he grabbed the bag that he had and ran out of the building as a smile made it's way to his face, seeing his grandmother. But it wasn't long though as he saw who was next to her, it was the bad guy from yesterday. Without any hesitance, and went over to his grandma as fast as he could before gently tugging at his grandmother's pant leg, glancing at Atsumu to make sure that he wouldn't do anything.

"What's wrong Koji?" she questioned and picked up the boy.

"Grandma the bad guy followed you" he said in what he thought was a hushed voice but Atsumu was still able to hear him as he couldn't help but be amused at the nickname.

She chuckled in response. "Did he now" she mused as he nodded, still stealing glances at Atsumu who only had an amused expression.

"Hurry, lets go before he gets us. But don't worry, I'll protect you" he said bravely making her smile.

"I'm sure you will" she said. "Now come on, lets go back home" she said before she started to walk with Atsumu following them, walking right beside them. 

Koji became more aware of Atsumu as he wouldn't stop staring at him, squinting his eyes at the fake blonde as he only gave Koji a closed eye smile in return, but Koji didn't smile back. During the whole walk home, Koji didn't stop looking at Atsumu, waiting for him to make the first move, but he didn't make one. He thought that he would stop once they went inside the house but he was quite wrong once he saw him go inside after them. He couldn't believe that his grandma had let the bad guy inside the house. When he was let down, he quickly went to go find himself something so he could protect his grandma. 

"Hopefully my daughter isn't causing you too much trouble" the older woman stated.

Atsumu chuckled, looking around the house as memories flooded in his mind about being in this house. "Not at all. I think I'm the one causing her trouble" he said.

She soon chuckled as well. "She'll come around at some point" she said. "How have you been?"

"I've been good. Becoming a professional has made me a bit busy" he chuckled a bit. He looked around the house as it hasn't change since the last time he went over. "Y/n seems to have talked about me" Atsumu said, amusement laced in his voice.

"You can say that" she said before handing the male a glass of water. She soon let out a small sigh. "I tried getting her to get back into contact with you" she said softly, looking at Atsumu. Atsumu soon became a bit serious, hearing her words. "She's stubborn as you know" a small smile went on her face as she let out a soft chuckle. "This is the first time she's actually ever talked about you to him. She doesn't like talking about you, I'm sure you know why" her voice soft. "She's changed a lot after having Koji, but I can tell that she misses you. And I'm sure you  miss her as well" she looked at Atsumu as he gave her a soft smile, the guilt building in him.

"I know that...It was wrong of me to leave her like that, but I can't change that" he stated. "But this time I won't be leaving her" he said with confidence. "I promise-" before he could finish she put her hand on top of his.

"I trust you Atsumu" she said softly. "Once she comes around, please, cherish them with all of your heart. They mean so much to me" she said with a sad smile as he nodded, determination in his eyes. "But do know.." she trailed off as he became curious as she slightly squeezed his hand, her smile turning into a menacing one. "I won't let you off easy if you leave a second time" she said as he quickly nodded.

"Yes ma'am!" he said which caused her to chuckle as she let go of his hand. "You have some company" she stated before walking away from the male. He rose an eyebrow until he felt a poke on his leg. Looking over, he saw no one before looking down to see Koji. He chuckled as he saw the boy had a metal clothes hanger in one hand and a hat made of paper on his head.

"What are you doing here?" Koji questioned the man, keeping his distance with him as he looked up at him.

"I'm just here to talk" he stated before squatting down so the boy wouldn't start hurting his neck from looking up. 

"About what?" he questioned him once more.

"I don't know if I can say, it's a secret" he smiled in amusement as the boy squinted his eyes at him.

"Fine, but you have to leave right now" he said.

"You're pretty brave" he said, trying to change the subject. He saw as the boy's eyes gleam a bit at the compliment before it quickly goes away and puffs his chest out.

"Obviously, who else is going to protect my grandma and mom?" he questioned

"Do you play sports?" he questioned.

The boy shook his head as he slightly lowered the clothes hanger. "I've never played that before" he said, making Atsumu chuckle.

"You should play volleyball when you're older" he said.

The boy tilted his head a bit, curiosity in his eyes. "Volleyball?" he questioned as Atsumu hummed.

"It's fun. I'll show you how to play when you get older" he said.

This made the boy's guard go up a bit. "Why? Are you gonna try and take me?" he questioned, the clothes hanger pointing at the man who only chuckled.

"No, I'm not going to take you" he reassured. "Do you think we can be friends though?" he questioned.

"No" he simply said. "Mommy said that you bother her a lot" he then furrowed his brows a bit. "And because you bother my mommy I can't be friends with you" he said.

Atsumu chuckled once more, amused with his son's words as he sat down on the floor. "Y'know, I knew your mom for a real long time"

"Really?" the boy questioned, his eyes shimmering a bit as he nodded, chuckling. He took out his phone before scrolling through it. Koji tilted his head a bit, wondering what he was doing as he carefully took a small step forwards. Atsumu soon showed his phone to the boy as it was a picture of Y/n in Inarizaki High's volleyball club uniform, which was just a jacket and sweats. She was talking to Kita as there was a smile on her face. "Woah.." Koji quietly said as Atsumu chuckled before swiping his phone and showing him what seemed to be a video of her.

"Y/n~" it was Atsumu's voice through the phone as he called out her name, the camera facing the female whose back was facing it. 

Koji watched as the female turned around, only for his eyes to widen a bit as he grinned, seeing that it was his mom as she smiled softly.

"Yeah?" she questioned until her eyes widened, quickly hiding her face. "Atsumu stop recording me!" she scolded as Atsumu could be heard snickering behind the phone.

"Come on! It's not like I'll be showing it to anyone!" he laughed out.

"Just put the phone away!" she yelled, laughing a bit as well.

Soon the video ended as Atsumu watched the boy grinning widely. "That was my mom!" he said happily as he hummed in response.

"That was. Wasn't she pretty?" he questioned with a smile.

He nodded. "She's still pretty!" he added making Atsumu chuckle.

"She really is" he said. 

"Do you have more?" Koji questioned.

"I do" he said. "But I wanna ask ya something" he said as Koji quickly nodded. "Do you think I can have your mom?" he questioned. Atsumu decided to mess with the boy a bit as he quickly shook his head no.

"No you can't!" he quickly said.

"What? Why not?" he questioned.

"Because she's mine! You can't have her!" Koji argued.

"Ya gotta share!" Atsumu argued back, his Kansai accent kicking in.

"No! I won't let you!" he yelled.

"But I'm just gonna take her for a bit. How about I take her for a month and you can take her for a month?" he teased the boy. He soon saw the boy's eyes tear up a bit. 'Oh no' he thought to himself.

"You...you can't have her" he choked, his voice cracking a bit.

"Hey hey, I was just kidding!" he quickly said, panicking a bit. "Why don't we go and-" before he could finish his sentence Koji cut him off.

"You can't take me either! I won't let you take Koji away from mommy!" he cried out. Tears soon started to fall down his eyes.

Now Atsumu was really panicking. And as if fate wanted to make things even worse for him, Y/n had opened the door to the house.

"Koji, I'm back early" she stated.

Atsumu slowly turned his head to look at the female as the two made eye contact. Her eyes quickly glancing at the crying boy that was a feet or two away from him, crying before her eyes were met with Atsumu's again.

"Crap..." Atsumu muttered under his breath
