~ 6 ~

"Can we talk?"

Y/n looked at the text, frowning a bit before quickly typing back to him.

"What for?" she texted back, she saw as he read her message as a few seconds later he texted back.

"There's something on my mind" he texted.

She huffed a bit as her fingers started to quickly press onto the screen of her phone quickly. "Why don't you tell me right now then since we're already talking?" she questioned him.

"I rather do it in person" he replied.

"Sorry, I'm busy so I don't think we can meet up at the moment" was all she sent before muting their conversation as well and put her phone in her pocket, a bit annoyed.

"Mommy?" Koji's voice made her quickly turn her head towards the boy as he looked at her with a slightly tilted head. "Mommy okay?" he questioned.

She smiled and gently patted his head. "Mommy's fine" she said before sighing. "She just doesn't want to go to work" she lied.

"Then don't go!" Koji replied with a grin as Y/n chuckled at the simplicity of the two year old's thinking.

"But mommy has to go so we can eat food" she said as he furrowed his brows a bit before smiling at her.

"Then Koji go to work!" he exclaimed, making her chuckle again.

"Koji's not old enough to work yet" she said making him start to pout.

"When can Koji work then?" he questioned.

"When you're mommy's age" she simply replied.

She watched as he started to count on his fingers, quietly mumbling numbers as he looked up and grinned at her. "Koji can work tomorrow!" he said, causing Y/n to laugh. He looked at her confusedly as she picked up the boy and set him down in her lap and wrapped her arms around him making him giggle.

"Why're you so cute" she sighed out.

"Mommy" Koji said as he looked at his mom.

"Hm?" she hummed, looking at him. 

He soon grinned. "I love you!" he said. She stared at him before laughing and kissing his forehead.

"I love you too" she replied to him, hugging him close. 

The two decided to stay at the house for a bit and helped out with making lunch. They stayed at Y/n's mom's house for a long time that the sun was starting to take it's leave from the sky. With the insisting older mom, she had gotten her daughter to stay for dinner even though she felt that they were intruding inside her home for quite a while now. 

"Are you sure you don't want us to leave?" Y/n questioned while washing the dishes.

"It's fine! You need to stop worrying so much!" her mother replied, waving off her daughter. Y/n only sighed as her mom noticed Y/n's phone on the coffee table in the living room as her phone was lighting up as someone seemed to be texting her though the sounds to notify her weren't going off. "Someone's texting you" she said, glancing at the texts only to see the name "Miya" from the person texting her daughter. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to figure out which Miya twin was texting her. Her eyes glazing over the text messages, she instantly knew who it was, making her chuckle softly. "He's texting you" she informed her daughter

Koji looked too and had curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "Who's texting mommy?" he questioned, looking over at his mom.

"It's no one, don't worry Koji" she reassured the boy with a soft smile.

"Bad guy?" he questioned.

"You could say that" she hummed in response making him nod again.

"What do they look like? Koji will protect mommy!" he exclaimed with a grin

Y/n chuckled softly. "Well.." she hummed to herself. "He has yellow hair" she stated

"That's it?" Koji looked at his mom as she nodded.

"Mhm." she hummed in response.

"Koji will beat him!" he said, making her chuckle softly.

"Thank you Koji" Y/n responded.

Soon, the two had to leave once they were done with dinner since it had gotten late. Saying goodbye to their grandma/mom, Y/n buckled Koji in his car seat before making her way inside the car as well and started to drive back to their apartment. Parking her car in the parking lot, she got out of the car and started to take Koji out of his car seat and noticed that he had fallen asleep on the ride back home. Smiling softly, she unbuckled him before propping him on her waist and let him rest against her while she grabbed Koji's pictures and closed the door, locking it. She walked to her apartment and unlocked the door and made her way inside, closing the door with her foot.

Y/n went to Koji's room and set him down on his bed before looking for more comfortable clothes for him to sleep in. Once changing him into his pajamas, she made her way over to her room and gently laid him down in the big bed and tucked him under the sheets. Giving him a kiss goodnight on his forehead, she left her room to do a bit of cleaning up since she didn't feel tired just quite yet. Humming softly, she picked up Koji's toys that were around the house and put them in his toybox. She then headed towards the kitchen and quickly put away the dishes.

While cleaning up around the apartment, Atsumu wouldn't stop texting her the whole day, causing her to annoy her but she ignored him nonetheless. Once she was done, she smiled in satisfaction at how clean the apartment now was. It was then that she realized that she had left the door unlocked. Cursing under her breath, she quickly made her way to lock the door before someone made any ideas to try and break into the apartment. Her hand inches away from locking the door, someone had knocked on it which startled her a bit.

Hesitantly, she went on her tippy toes to reach the eye hole to see who it was, only to see a fake blonde standing in front of her door. Stepping back a bit she got more annoyed as she took out her phone from her pocket to look through the messages only to see that she got spammed by him. Getting even more irritated, she scrolled through the hundreds of texts she got from him only to see that in the recent messages that he sent her that he was heading towards her apartment. Her question was how he even knew where she lived.

Knocking at the door again broke her out of her train of thought and made her sigh as she put her shoes back on and slightly opened the door and looked up at the male, an annoyed expression on her face. "What do you want?" she questioned.

"You were ignoring my messages so I took matters into my own hands and decided to come to you" he said with a small pout.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you want?" she questioned.

"Think I can come inside? I'm kinda cold" he said cheekily, a small smug smile on his lips which she wanted to slap right off his face.

She glanced over to the door that lead to her room before sighing quietly and looked at him. "Hold on" she said and closed the door. She grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and wrapped it around herself before opening the door and went outside, leaving the door just slightly open so she could hear if Koji had woken up from his sleep.

"Now that's just mean" he puffed his cheeks out as she only rolled her eyes.

"Tell me what you want to say" she stated, obviously not wanting to talk to him especially in the cold.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "How long are you going to be mad at me?" he questioned.

"For as long as I live" she retorted.

"I know what I did in the past was a dick move but can't you forgive me? I thought it would be for the best since I was leaving Hyogo and it was pretty clear that you had your heart set in staying in Hyogo" he stated looking at her. 

"We could've worked something out" Y/n stated. "Ever heard of long distance relationships? Or were you planning to break up with me for a while so you could run off with another girl?" she questioned, venom in her voice.

"What? No! Y/n I would never do that!" he exclaimed.

The woman only became more annoyed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Can we just talk about this another time? It's late Atsumu and I'm tired" she stated.

He stared at her as she looked at him with annoyance. He soon felt something burst out of him and without thinking, he told her something that surprised both of them.

"I still love you" he stated. She stared at him with wide eyes as he tried to keep his composure, not breaking eye contact with her.

"I-.." she didn't know what to say as she backed up a bit as the door slightly opened more, showing the inside of the apartment.

"I know you're married but, my feelings for you haven't changed" he stated sternly. There was silence as Atsumu awaited her answer.

"Are you crazy?" she soon said, breaking the silence. His eyes slightly widened as he looked at her as she seemed to be in distress. "After these three years you come here just to tell me that?" she questioned. Atsumu opened his mouth before closing it, not knowing what to say to the female. "Out of those three years you decide to tell me now? That you still have feelings for me? What did you think that I would say it back if you were to tell me that?" she said coldly as she stepped back into her house a bit.

"Y/n-" Atsumu stepped towards her as she cut him off.

"No! Don't 'Y/n' me! Do you know how hard it was for me after you left?" she questioned.

He stared at her, not saying anything as she sighed in frustration. She continued to vent to him about how hard she had to work after he left, her arms swinging around a bit to show how frustrated she was. While she was doing this Atsumu couldn't help but look around a bit in her house as she ranted. There weren't any photos of her and a guy meaning that she could be lying about her getting married. He continued to look around as he spotted a picture of a baby and soon a picture of her and a small boy together making him furrow his brows a bit. But what caught not only his attention, but Y/n's as well, was the voice of a small boy.

"Mommy?" he called out tiredly. Both adults looked over to the sound as both their eyes widened at the little boy who was rubbing his eyes tiredly and looked at them.

Y/n felt her heart drop as she stared at Koji before quickly glancing at Atsumu as he only stared at the boy in shock. The boy's features looked just like Atsumu, and Osamu since they were twins, when he was little. Soon, he pieced the puzzle together. When she meant that there was someone special in her life she didn't mean a man, she meant a son. And that wasn't just her son, that was his son as well.

"I think you should leave" Y/n quickly stated.

"Wha-" before he could say anything Y/n quickly pushed him out of the apartment and closed the door on him and quickly locked the door as she felt her hearting beating out of her chest. She pressed her back against the door and slid down it as she pulled her knees to her chest.

"Mommy?" Koji said, now awake as he went over to her. "Mommy okay?" he questioned and gently put his hand on her arm.

Letting out a shaky sigh, she looked up at the boy and gave him a small smile. "Yeah, mommy's fine. Go back to bed" she said softly.

He looked at her, hesitant to leave. "Koji in trouble?" he questioned as she shook her head.

"No, Koji's not in trouble" she said, quickly composing herself as she stood up and picked up the boy and took off her shoes. "Come on, lets go to bed" she said as he nodded, resting his head on her chest as she made her way over to her room.

Setting him down on her bed, she changed into more comfortable clothes and sat down on the bed before swinging her legs over on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. Koji snuggled into her, making her chuckle as she brought him close to her body.

"Was it the bad guy?" he questioned making her smile.

"Yeah, it was the bad guy" she said.

"Koji's sorry he couldn't protect mommy.." he mumbled, clinging onto her shirt as she hummed softly and rubbed his back.

"It's okay, mommy protected us this time and kicked them out" she said as he nodded into her chest before looking up at her as she slightly looked down at him.

"Koji makes sure to protect mommy next time" he said as she chuckled softly and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sure you will, now go back to sleep" she hummed making him nod in response. 

Y/n turned off the bed light as the two drifted off to sleep.
