
Note: I don't like the illustration anymore ;-;

Note (from ao3): Heyo!
It's been a while for this fic.

All of the places mentioned in this chapter are (obviously) real places. I've been there recently with a friend for fun and that's how I immediatly thought about this chapter. Like, I already knew I wanted Noremma to go there on vacations together, I just didn't know how

And now here it is!


That is how Norman and Emma found themselves on a plane, a few weeks after the discussion.

We need to go back in time a little for us to understand how they ended up there.

A few weeks ago, when they were discussing about the changes they wanted to bring to the bakery, Ray had told them they needed vacations.

« You two are in big need vacations. »

Both of Norman and Emma's eyes had widened.

« What make you say that? »

Ray looked at them like it was obvious.

« First of, you two are working like crazy since you're in charge of the bakery. Second of all, I know you both need a real good night of sleep. Especially you, Norman. Third of all, anyone can see that you need some rest. Some customers told me that you two should rest. So, yeah. Me and Anna will take care of Snowball while you're gone. »

They had took some time to choose a destination and that's how they were now on an airplane.

Direction. Montréal, Canada.

Norman's old hometown.

Emma was excited, but also very nervous because it was her first time on a plane. Norman noticed her nervousness. He took her hand in his and gave it a small reassuring squeeze.

Emma ended up laying her head on Norman's shoulder and fall asleep. The snowy boy joined her soon in sleep.


Emma ran out of the airport once they had their luggage. Once outside, she took a good amount of fresh air and turned around to see if Norman was coming. Her smile increased once she saw him exit the crowd to join her.

Norman let out a chuckle when he saw her turn around, her signature smile on her lips.

« That's already amazing! »

« Emma, we just arrived. »

« I know! »

They went to the hotel to drop their stuff first. Emma was amazed by everything. She couldn't help but to look all around, taking in the scenery around her.

« Emma! Come! »

With a chuckle, she joined Norman so they could go to their room. Once there, she took the keycard from him and opened their room. Once inside, she dropped her luggages in a corner and jumped on the bed. She let out a laugh as Norman was dropping his luggages beside hers.

« Norman! This is amazing! And this bed is SO comfortable! »

The snowy boy let out a giggle and went to lay beside her. Emma let out a giggle as she climbed on him. She layed her head on his chest, looking at him. Norman looked back at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

« You know you're beautiful like that? »

The white-haired boy arched an eyebrow, a playful smile on his lips.

« You're way more beautiful than I am, love~ »

Emma chuckled before giving him a kiss on the nose.

« I say, we go eat something. I'm hungry. »

It was Norman's turn to let out a chuckle.

« That's a good idea. »


Emma was surprised when the waitress that welcomed them said "Bonjour. Hi". She knew that everyone here was talking French and that some of them were talking English. She wasn't expecting people to greet them in both languages. Her surprise must've shown on her face since Norman let out a chuckle as he answered the waitress. In French. So Emma didn't understand but she guessed he asked for a table for two. Since that's normally what you do when you come to a restaurant. Right?

When they were both seated and had their menu, Emma was even more surprised to see that it was all written in both English and French.

« That's awesome. »

Norman heard her whisper, making him chuckle. Emma raised her gaze from her menu to look at him.

« You'll notice that everyone is greeting us like that when we'll enter a place. It's because Montreal is a bilingual city. You'll see that we have high chances to meet people talking English too, not just French. Or any other languages. »

If Emma's eyes were full of stars before, they were now galaxies.

« For real?! That's so cool! »

Their food arrived and they ate while laughing together. They went back to the hotel right after to go sleep since it was quite late and they were both tired.


The next day, they went to the old port. They had taken the subway since it was a bit far from their hotel. As they walked towards the old port, Norman couldn't help but to chuckle at Emma's amazement. He was finding it cute how she would get excited over nothing.

Norman knew that town pretty well, since he was born there and lived there. Even if it's technically been years since he last came to Montreal, he still remembered the city like he had never left it.

They got out of the subway and walked toward the old port's direction. They passed in front of Chapel Notre-Dame-De-Bonsecours. They passed beside market Bonsecours to finally join the water's edge.

Emma ran to the sidewalk and leaned on the barrier as her eyes widened in amazement once again. Norman came to her side and took her hand to bring her closer to the buildings further.

Her eyes widened even more, if that's even possible, when she heard a weird sound. Norman followed her when she ran to the giant dinosaur standing in front of a big white building. He heard her laugh when the animatronic moved.

« There's a dinosaur! Why is it here? »

Norman stopped beside her and looked up at the dinosaur. He looked behind him at the building before looking back in front of him.

« That building behind us is le Centre des Sciences. Or science center, if you prefer. They have an exposition about dinosaurs right now. »

« That's so cool! »

They stayed there for a little while before continuing their walk. Emma had insisted to take a selfie with the dinosaur that they sent to Ray. The raven boy only sent them a thumbs up as a response.

They walked around town, stopping at some small cafe to go eat, until it was the evening. Norman could see how excited Emma still was, but he could also see how tired she was becoming.

« Should we go back to the hotel and call it a day? »

Emma nodded as she let out a yawn. They made their way toward their hotel to go sleep.

The girl fell asleep as soon as she layed her head on the pillow. With a chuckle, Norman went to soon join her in her sleep.


The next day, as they were walking around town, Emma suddenly stopped. Norman turned around to look at her.

« Emma? Is something wrong? »

She smiled at him before going to his side and take his hand in hers.

« Everything's alright! I just remembered that my uncle live here! »

« Your uncle? »

The ginger-haired girl nodded.

« Yeah! My uncle Lucas. You saw him at my dad's funeral. Oliver too! »

« Oh yeah! I remember them. Especially Oliver. You never told me that they lived here. »

She let out a nervous chuckle.

« I, kind of forgot, about that. »

She bit her lips as a smile still made its way to her lips. Norman let out a chuckle.

« Well, if you know where they live, we could stop by and say hi. »

With a bigger smile on her lips, she took out her phone and searched for her uncle's address.


Emma was the one to knock on the door. A man with red hair, a scar on his right cheek and missing an arm opened them the door. He smiled as soon as he saw the ginger-haired girl.

« Emma! What are you doing here? Come on, come inside. »

The couple enter the house before taking off their boots and coats to go join the two men in the living room.

« I'm doing fine! We're here on vacation since Ray insisted on us going on vacation. »

Norman nodded, agreeing with her.

« We decided to come here since it was where Norman lived when he was younger. »

« Oh! Really? »

Norman nodded.

« Yes, I grew up here until I was eight. »

Emma and Norman stayed chatting with Lucas and Oliver all morning.

« Well, it was nice seeing you again, uncle! »

« It was really nice to see you both again. See you an other time, Emma. »

After hugs and goodbyes, the couple left.


Their travel was coming to an end. Which was making Emma sad because she didn't want it to end. So, to celebrate the end of their vacations, the girl had a surprise. She didn't know where Norman was taking her, but she wanted to give it to him once they would arrive.

They had to walk and climb in order to reach their destination. Emma was exhausted once at the top and she could see Norman was too.

« Norman! Are we there yet? »

She heard him chuckle as he stopped to turn around and look at her. They were finally at the top of the stairs.

« We're here, Emma. »

« Ah! Finally! »

She ran the rest of the stairs remaining to stop beside him.

« I thought you were tired. »

« I am. »

Norman playfully rolled his eyes as he took her hand in his and brought her near the fences.

« Look. »

She looked towards where he was pointing to see the scenery in front of them.

The sun wasn't entirely up yet. The buildings were still lit up and morning fog could be seen floating around. A faint snow was falling.

« That's beautiful... »

« I know right? I remember the first time my father brought me to Mont-Royal. I was six and I had the same reaction as you. »

Emma looked at him. He had his usual smile she now noticed was only for her. She doesn't know why she had never noticed it before. Even in their previous life. Even after realizing what she was feeling for him after losing him, she hadn't noticed all of the little thing that was destined for her only.

Being with him now made her noticed the way he was smiling with a smile that was only reserved for her. Or the way he was looking at her with so much tenderness and love. Or just the way he would always find time for her.

Emma was deeply in love with Norman and, after a thousand years, she now realized it.

« Norman? »

She didn't look at him when he turned his head to look at her. She continued to stare into the distance.

« I don't know how I hadn't realized it before but, I love you. »

Norman's expression soften.

« I love you too, Emma. »

« What I mean is, I love you. I always did. And I'm scared to lose you again. I'm scared of many things in reality. Sometimes, since I remember everything, it feels like I traveled in time to the futur. It feels like, everything that I learned in this life that I didn't know in my previous one, I forget it all and is relearning it. It's... it's weird, I know. »

Emma turned her head to look at him. Her eyes immediately locked into his.

« What I'm trying to say is, I love you. Everytime I'm with you, everything feels normal. Like it was always meant to be. I couldn't imagine a life without you in it before. Now, I can't imagine my life without you by my side. »

Norman failed to notice the ginger-haired girl reaching for something in her pocket.

« I love you more than anything. I want to be by your side forever. Like I said before, I want to walk alongside you. »

Norman let out a chuckle at this last sentence. He would always remember it. It made Emma smile to hear him chuckle like that.

« I love everything about you. Your good side and your bad side. I want to be there with you even in your worst moments. I want to be the shoulder you can lean on when everything doesn't go well. So, that's why I'm asking... »

Emma showed the little box she was holding before putting one knee on the ground. She looked up at him to see his eyes already full of tears. She knew he understood where she was going with this. It made her smile softly even more. She opened the little box.

« Will you marry me? »

End note: I don't really like the illustration anymore but it's still kinda cute

What will be Norman's answer?

End note (from ao3): Fun fact about that animatronic dinosaur: me and my friend went back to see it recently and they gave him a red scarf for Christmas! It's so cute! (I'm the one who took the photo behind Emma and Norman on the illustration)

Like I said in the note at the beginning, I went to all the places mentioned in the fic. I went to all except for Mont-Royal.

What did you think of that chapter? Let me know what you thought of it!

Likes, comments and shares are all extremely appreciated!

See you next chapter!
