The accident

Note (from ao3): I'm sorry in advance for that chapter

I'm also sorry for not updating for a while. But I'm back!

So I hope you like drama and angst and fluff


Everyone had noticed how Ray and Anna were way closer to each other. No one said anything, but they all noticed. Ray and Anna knew of course that they knew and were thankful of them.

Every time Emma would help her father with the bakery, Ray would sometimes crash in to help them as well. He had earned the nickname "cyclop" from Yuugo. He didn't mind it.

Norman and Emma had made it an habit to go to the bridge of the train track just the two of them. They would always bring Snowball, their dog, with them.

That's where they were right now.

They were both laying on the ground side by side, the puppy too, right beside the train track in the grass.

« Hey Emma! »

She turned her head to look at him.

« I made some research and I found out that Snowball is a Samoyede! »

« Really? »

« Uhun! »

He nodded, a smile on his lips as he scratched the puppy's belly.

« And that's what the vet told me when I went with him. »

« So you didn't do some research to find what kind of dog he is? »

He only let out a laugh as an answer. She ended up laughing with him and Snowball joined them with his little howling.

She liked those moments. Just the two of them being kids again. Like nothing could happen to them.

Like she always wanted.


Ray and Anna had took the habit to go to the cafe together.

They had just left it and were walking around the parc near their apartment building.

Anna noticed how Ray always seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

« Hey Ray? Is everything alright? »

« Hm? »

He looked at her. She had a concerned expression on her face.

« Yeah, everything's alright. Why do you ask? »

« Why do you always seem lost in your thoughts then? Like you're sad or, even nostalgic. »

The raven boy stopped walking, his eyes widening a little. Anna stopped too, turning to look at him.

« Ray? »

Ray looked at her.

« You'll think I'm a weirdo after that. »

« I won't. »

She took his hand and squeezed it a little. A small gesture that would always make him feel better, just like before.

« Anna. Do you... believe in reincarnation? »


Norman and Emma were walking at the parc that day, after school. They had brought Snowball to the dog parc and were going back to their apartment. They both turned around when they heard a shout coming their way.

A girl and a boy stopped in front of them. The girl had long brown hair with pink strands in it attached in a ponytail on the side of her head. Her eyes were an amber color. The boy had short black hair with grey strand of hair forming an X. His eyes were a grayish color.

« Oh my god! We actually managed to catch up with you two! »

« Yeah! When Zazie told us he had seen you when he went to the library with mom, we had to find you! »

Norman frowned while Emma only arched an eyebrow.

« What do you mean? Do we know each other? »

Both their eyes widened.

« Huh?! What do you mean "Do we know each other?" Of course we know each other! Boss! It's us! Barbara and Cislo! Don't you remember us? »

« Yeah! Barb is right!l

The two took a step closer, which made Norman to back away. The duo stopped and Emma put herself between them and Norman.

« Look. You may know him, but he clearly have no clue of who you are. So if you could, please, let him alone, there won't be any problems. Got it? »

They saw Barbara and Cislo's defeated expression.

« Sorry... We didn't want to scare you two. We're just happy to see that you can finally live the life you both always dreamed of with the other. Sorry for having disturb you... »

The duo gave them a sad smile and left. Emma turned around to face Norman once they were nowhere to be seen. He seemed to be lost in thoughts.

« Are you alright? Did... you knew them? »

The snowy-haired boy looked at her and shook his head.

« No, but... I have that feeling that I somehow saw them before... I don't know why... »

Emma took his hand.

« Let's go home. Come on, Snowball. We're going home.»

The puppy joyfully barked, not understanding what was happening. Norman nodded.

Hand in hand, they left the parc.


When they entered their apartment, Norman went to sit on the couch, where Snowball joined him as soon as Emma unleashed him. The dog layed his head on his laps, making the boy scratched his ears.

« Norman? Are you... okay? »

She came closer.

« Yeah... I'm okay. »

A tear rolled down his cheeks. Emma sat beside him and put her hand on his arm. He noticed another tear and tried to wipe it away, but it was of no use since more were coming.

He wasn't sad, that was the weird thing. Emma cupped his face and wiped the tears away.

« I... I don't even know what's happening. Why am I crying? »

« Maybe all the stress you had earlier when those two came that is getting release? »

Norman shook his head.

« No. More like I... am relieve. Relieved to see them. But... I don't even know them. I-It's like it has been years since I saw them and I... Je ne sais pas ce qui m'arrive... »

He sighed, cleaning the last tears staining his cheeks. Emma gave him a reassuring smile.

« Hey, we'll figure it out. Together. Okay? »

Norman smiled back at her.

« Yeah. Together. »


Norman was working at the bakery that day. Yuugo wasn't there since he was on vacation so he was currently alone with two other employees in the shop right now.

He was cleaning the counter since there was no one in when the bell of the door rang. He raised his head to greet whoever had just entered the bakery.

« Hi, welcome to Goldy Pond's bakery! What can I get for you? »

« Norman?! »

His eyes widened at the sight of the ginger-haired girl.

« Emma?! »

With a huge smile on her lips, Emma went behind the counter, startling the snowy-haired boy. She hugged him before backing away.

« Norman! I didn't know you were working here! »

He let out a nervous chuckle.

« I work here since a good year now, as a second job. And you? What are you doing here? You're, not really supposed to be behind the counter you know? Unless you work here and I didn't knew it. »

Emma tilted her head before bursting into laughter.

« I technically work here too! My dad own the place actually! »

Norman frowned.

« What? Wait... You're telling me that Mister Yuugo, my boss, is your dad?! »

« Yes he is! »

Norman nodded.

« We should get to work. Customers are starting to arrive. »

« Right! »

Emma went to the kitchen while Norman started to welcome customers.


Both Emma and Norman had the closing shift. They were cleaning up the store when they heard the bell of the door ring. They both raised their head to the person who had just entered the bakery. Emma spoke first.

« Hi sir! We are sorry but the store is currently closed. You will have to come back tomorrow or an other day. »

The man had a smile that, she didn't knew why, was annoying her for some reasons.

« Oh! I'm terribly sorry. I wasn't here to buy anything. I just wanted to talk with the one in charge of this place. »

Emma nodded before tilting her head a little.

« I am also terribly sorry. But the owner of the bakery isn't here at the moment. He doesn't want to be disturb right now either and he will be back in about two weeks. »

« That's no problem at all. I'll just have to come back in two weeks then. Good evening to you two. And it was a pleasure to see you again, Norman. »

Once the man left, Emma locked the doors and turned toward Norman. He had both of his eyebrows stuck in a frown and was lost in his thoughts.

« Norman? »

Norman looked at Emma who was now beside him, a hand on his arm.

« Let's just finish the close and go home. »

She nodded and they went back to closing the store.


Instead of going to the apartment, Norman brought Emma to their comfort place.

Once at the bridge, Norman leaned his back on it, sighing. Emma came beside him, leaning her back on it as well.

« That last man knew you. Do you know who he was? »

The snowy boy let out an other sigh.

« Yeah... unfortunately. »

Emma scooted closer to him and wrapped her arm around him, bringing him closer to her. Norman leaned his head on her shoulder for comfort.

« That man's name is Peter Ratri. You probably already heard of him on the news or the internet. He's one of the biggest CEO you could meet. »

He took a short break before continuing.

« He's my uncle. »

« Your uncle? »

She felt him nod on her shoulder as she rub small circle on his back.

« Yeah... He was my father's brother and, let's just say that they weren't in the best of terms. When my father died, he was the one who was suppose to take care of me since he was my only close family then. But my uncle didn't want anything to do with me, so I went to an orphanage before Isabella adopted me. »

Norman hid his face in the crook of her neck, closing his eyes.

« I never thought I would see him again one day. I have a bad feeling. »

« About what? »

Norman raised his head, staring at the ground.

« I don't know. If he was there, that might mean something happened. I don't know what, but I have this feeling that something bad happened or is about to happen. »

He looked at her and she looked at him. Like it was all staged, Emma's phone rang. They both looked at her pocket where her phone was before she took it out. She answered it and put it on her ear.

« Hello? »

« *Hello? Is it Miss Emma Mikhaylov speaking?* »

« Hum, yes, it's me. Who's calling? »

« *This is Gracefield's hospital.* »


Emma never ran this fast in her life before. Norman managed to catch up with her once she stopped at the front desk of the hospital.

She was panting as she asked the lady at the desk who looked up from her computer.

« Hi, how can I help? »

« I'm... I'm Emma Mikhaylov. I'm... we're here to... to see... I got a call and I came here as fast as I could. We're here... we're here to see Yuugo... Yuugo Mikhaylov. »

The lady nodded as she typed in something on her computer before looking back at the duo.

« He is in room 631. Just go by this corridor then take the first left and you should be able to find it. You'll just have to wait outside until the doctors tells you that you can enter. »

« Thank you. »

Emma and Norman walked quickly through the doctors and nurses until they reached the room 631. They sat on the chairs that were in front of it.

Emma's right leg was bouncing out of stress. Norman put his hand on it, making her stop. She looked at him before leaning her head on his shoulder. He leaned his on top of her head, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a comforting way.

Norman took out his phone from his pocket when he looked over to Emma who had fallen asleep out of exhaustion. He dialed his brother's number and put his phone on his ear as he heard the ringing.

« *Norman?* »

« Hey Ray. Can I ask you to go check on Snowball for us, please? »

« *Snowball? your dog? Yeah, I can. Did something happened?* »

« We're at the hospital right now. Something happened to Emma's father. We are waiting for some news right now. »

« *Shit... I hope he's alright. You can count on me. I'll go see how Snowball is doing. Give me some news when you get some.* »

« Will do. Thanks, Ray. »

« *No problem. See you.* »

« See you. »

They hung up. Norman let out a sigh as he looked over Emma again. She had scooted closer to him. He leaned his head in top of hers again and waited.


A few hours later, as the sun was rising, a nurse came out of the room to wake them up. Emma and Norman both slowly opened their eyes, letting them adjust to the artificial light of the hospital.

« Miss Mikhaylov? »

Emma raised her head from Norman's shoulder.

« That's me. Please tell me he's alright. Please... »

The sorry look on the nurse's face was enough for Norman to understand that something wasn't good.

« We are extremely sorry. We did everything we could. »

The world around Emma started to silenced itself as the words of the nurse's voice was fading away. Her ears were ringing as well as her throat was tightening.

« He didn't make it through the night. I'm sorry. »

She shakily nod as her eyes started to fill with tears. Norman looked at her before wrapping his arms around her, trapping her in a hug. He looked back at the nurse.

« Thank you for telling us. »

The nurse gave them a nod.

« You can go see him if you want to tell him your goodbyes. »

The nurse left, letting the two alone. As soon as the nurse left, Emma bursted into tears. Norman could only keep her in his arms to calm her down. Once she had calmed down, she got out of his arms and gets up.

« I... I wanna tell him goodbye... before we leave... »

« Do you want me to come with you? »

She nodded. Norman got up and took her hand before they both entered the room.

Yuugo was there, laying on the bed. Emma had never seen him this peaceful before. Norman gave her hand a squeeze to reassure her. She slowly let go of his hand and went toward the bed, where she knelt beside it. She took her father's hand in hers.

« Hey dad... I don't even know what to say... I love you... I'll... I'll miss you... »

Her voice cracked. Norman came to kneel beside her and took her in his arms.

« You don't have to say anything, Emma. Words... words can be hard in those moments. I too, was like that when my father died. »

She looked at him before leaning her head on his chest, hidding her face to let her tears escape again.


They had stayed at the hospital the entire day. Ray had texted Norman to tell him that he had brought Snowball to his apartment while they weren't there.

They had to go home eventually. The sky was dark when they entered their apartment.

Emma immediatly went to her room and locked herself in.

It broke Norman's heart. He wanted to help her get through it, get through the pain. He also knew what it was like to lose someone really important to you.

It did happen thrice for him after all.

He decided to let her alone for now, since he knew it was what she needed the most right now.

He sat on the couch and texted Ray to tell him that they were finally home so he could bring back Snowball to them.

An hour later, Ray had arrived to Norman and Emma's apartment. The two boys sat on the couch while Snowball layed his head on Norman's laps.

« So, any news? On her father? »

The snowy-haired boy let out a sigh, petting the puppy's head.

« He's... gone. »

« Wha- Really? »

Norman nodded.

« Yeah... At least it's keeping her away from the pain of hearing the last words of your father. »

Ray didn't said anything. He knew what Norman meant and he knew that the best option in that kind of situation was to let her talk when she was ready. He knew that more than anyone.

They stayed in silence until Ray had to leave.

It was around midnight when Norman knocked on her door. He could hear her faint sniffing through the door.

« Emma? »

She didn't answer but he heard some movement.

« I, if you need to talk, I'm here. Don't hesitate to wake me up if there is anything... Good night. »

He went to his bedroom to sleep.


It took a few days for Emma to be able to fully get out of her room when Norman had an idea. They were both sitting on the couch.

« Emma. Come with me. »

She raised her head that she had layed on his shoulder and nodded. They took Snowball with them when they left the apartment.

He brought her to their comfort place. They both sat on the ground. Norman wrapped one of his arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him in a side hug. Emma layed her head on his shoulder.

« Why did you bring me here? »

He looked at her.

« I brought you here so you can let everything out. I lost my father as well, I know how it feels. I know that, to feel better, you have to talk about it. It worked for me, so I'm sure it will work for you too. But only talk when you are ready. Okay? »

He felt her nod on his shoulder. A couple of minutes had passed before she talked.

« My father and I were always really close. He adopted me when I was five. At the beginning, we were moving from a place to another until he decided to finally open his bakery, when I was six and a half. I helped him with the decorations. I had a mother too. She was Yuugo's childhood friend. Her name was Dina. They got married when I was seven. We were all so happy. »

Emma took a deep breath as she layed down on the ground, looking at the sky.

« I was thirteen when she left us. It had been hard for both me and my father, but we got over it. We lived together for the last six years, until now. We didn't really just moved here, when we first met, we had always lived here. I had just changed school. I miss him... I miss him so much... »

A choke interrupted her. Norman layed down beside her and took her hand.

« My father and I were pretty close too. His name was James Minerva. My mother's name was Elena Minerva. She died while giving birth to me, so I never met her. I would've loved to meet her, but life is life. We were living in an apartment in the city of Montreal. We moved here when I was eight because my father had found a better job here. I met Ray at my first day in my new school. We immediately became friends, like we always been. »

Emma was looking at him now. Despite her eyes red and a bit puffy from the crying, Norman could see the curiosity hidden in them.

« We were really happy too. My father died when I was eleven. He was sick. I was grateful to have Ray with me during that time. He helped me go through the pain of losing my father. He knew what I was feeling at that time, since he had lived it too. I was sent to an orphanage because my uncle, the one who was suppose to take care of me, didn't want to take any responsibilities over me. Isabella manage to adopt me a bit after I was sent there. »

He felt Emma scoot closer to him.

« I miss my dad a lot too. But, what happened, happened. We can't do anything about it. Believe me when I say that it is a good thing that you didn't got to talk to him before he dies. It makes it harder to go through the pain when you know exactly what their last words are... and when you see them let out their last breath... »

She gave him a squeeze on the hand, making him look at her. He gave her a smile, to which she responded with one of hers. Emma layed her head against his shoulder as she hugged his arm. Norman layed his head on top of hers and closes his eyes, taking in her comforting scent. Snowball came to lie down between them.

They didn't said anything more. They stayed in silence taking in the warmth of the other as they fell asleep against each other.


« Oi! Don't sleep on the ground outside like that. You two will get a cold or something. »

Both Emma and Norman got startle by the voice and the joyfull bark and little howls of Snowball. Norman looked at his brother who was leaning over them.

« Ray? Since when are you here? »

Ray let out a scoff.

« I should be the one asking you. Why are you both asleep on the ground like that? »

Norman looked at Emma when he felt her move. She was clinging to his arm and had her head resting on his chest. She raised her head as she let out a yawn.

« Ray? What are you doing here? »

Ray rolled his eyes as a playful smirk could be seen on his lips.

« The same thing as you I guess. I'm here because I wanted to show this place to Anna, actually. »

That's when they noticed the blonde girl behind the raven boy waving at them.

« Hey guys! »

« Hey Anna! »

Norman and Emma took a sitting position. Ray and Anna took a seat beside them.

« No, but seriously, what were you two doing on the ground? »

Emma let out a small chuckle while Norman gave them a smile.

« I guess we fell asleep somehow. »

Norman nodded as he was scratching Snowball's head. Ray nodded too as he went to pet the puppy, a nostalgic smile on his lips.

« Emma? How are you feeling right now? »

The ginger-haired girl looked at the raven boy before leaning her head on Norman's shoulder.

« I'm feeling better. Thanks to Norman. »

« Good. If you're both tired, you should be going back home to rest. »

Norman and Emma nodded as they got up. Emma took Snowball's leach and, after saying goodbye to their friends, they left.

Ray and Anna stayed there for a bit before leaving as well.


Yuugo's funeral came a few days later.

Just like a film cliche, it was raining. Everyone in black, hiding under black umbrella.

Emma was under the same umbrella as Norman who had his arm around her shoulders. She didn't want to leave his side. Ray, her uncle Lucas, her cousin Oliver, some friends and colleagues, more like employees, of Yuugo, and other people that she didn't knew.

She wasn't really listening to what they were saying. She could only hear the sound of falling rain and her gaze was staring at the ground.

When it was finish and everyone was leaving, Emma stayed in front of her father's grave. She didn't cried, or at least she don't think she did. It was hard even for her to say because of the rain.

Norman and Ray had stayed a bit behind, to keep an eye on her. Ray looked at his brother in the corner of his eyes. He knew what Emma was feeling and he knew that Norman did too. Norman let out a sigh as he went to Emma's side. He put his hand on her shoulder, making her look at him.

Despite the rain, the snowy young man could see her tears. He pulled her into a hug where she bursted into tears, not caring about the fact that she was completely soaked. He let her cry until she calmed down by herself.

Ray had left to let them alone together. Norman managed to bring Emma inside. They stayed for a few minutes where people would come give their condolences to the ginger-haired girl.

Seeing how she couldn't take any of it anymore, Norman excused themselves and left with Emma.


As soon as they were in their apartment, Emma went to lock herself in her room. Norman could only look at her with a worried gaze. He let out a sigh as he also went to his bedroom. After entering his own room, he stopped in front of Emma's, listening to see if she needed anything. He could only hear her sobs through the door.

He would make sure she was alright the next day.


Emma was still in her room when Norman had finished preparing their breakfast. He let out a sigh when an idea popped in his head.

Emma was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She let out a sigh as she rolled to be on her side, looking at her windows that were hidden by the curtains. She closed her eyes in hope to be able to fall asleep.

Suddenly, she heard music coming from outside of her room. She sat down on her bed before getting up to go to her door. She listened to what was happening when she heard someone humming along the song.

Emma let her curiosity take over her and went out of her bedroom to go see what it was. When she arrived in the living room, she saw Norman standing in the center of the room. He turned around and smiled to her once he heard her.

« Emma! Come! »

He took her hands and brought her closer to him. He started to swing at the sound of the music, humming along the song. Emma let out a chuckle as she slowly started to join him in his dance. Norman started to sing. She had never really heard him sing like that before, but she was sure that she wanted to hear him more often.

~ Hold me close and hold me fast ~

~ The magic spell you cast ~

~ This is La Vie en Rose ~

~ When you kiss me, heavens sighs ~

~ And though I close my eyes ~

~ I see La Vie en Rose ~

Emma closed her eyes as she put her head agaisnt his chest, letting herself getting carried away by his angelic voice. She felt so at peace in the comfort of his arms. She felt at ease there. Like she was always meant to be there. Like she had always wanted.

Emma started to unconsciously hum alongside Norman's singing. Snowball even joined him. His little howling and barking harmonizing with their singing and humming.

When the song ended, neither of them left the comfort of the other's arms. Norman gave her a kiss on the head, making her smile.

« Thank you. I feel a bit better now. »

He smiled.

« Glad i could be of any help. That song was my father's favorite. I remember he told me that it was the one him and my mother played at their wedding. »

None of them dared to back away.

« Norman. »

« Hm? »

« Can we stay like this a little bit. I feel good being in your arms like that. »

He gave her a kiss on the head as an answer. He brought both of them to the couch so they could sit.

After a few minutes of staying in each other comfort, they both fell asleep.

Just like it was always supposed to be.

End note (from ao3): So? What did you think? You didn't think that this fic was all fun and joy, right?

The song at the end is "La vie en rose" The Louis Armstrong's version

Hope you liked that chapter and hope to see you next chapter!
