size doesnt matter

Marinettes POV

I wake up to Felix saying "Size doesn't matter" that's when I'm intrigued to the conversation. "I go to sleep for a second and you guys start talking about size," I say concerned. They both stare at me dumbfounded, they look surprised that I'm awake. I start giggling. "Did you hear that whole conversation" Adrien says scared. "No, why" I question him. "Uhm, no reason. Felix where are we sleeping tonight", Adrien changes the subject. I'm really confused why Adrien changed the subject so fast what were they talking about before I woke up. I question myself hoping someday I'll get the answer.

Felix answers Adrien's question "Oh I only have 1 guest room open; the others are off-limits so... You... Guys... can share one." Share a room with A-Adrien oh no. I start to blush.

Adrien's POV

As soon as Felix says that my eyes brighten. I'm so happy. "Okay!", I say out loud. Felix takes us to our guest room. "There's sheets on the bed, if you guys need anything else just tell me. Its 3:30 A.M and I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed." Felix says as he walks out of the room to leave just me and Marinette together.

"Okay I'll sleep on the floor you can sleep on the bed", I volunteer. As much as I wanted to sleep in the bed with her, I'm a good guy. Marinette doesn't say a word to me, it's like she doesn't want to talk to me.

I make my spot on the floor comfy and lay down. I unbuttoned my shirt because it was starting to bug me. Then I started to get tired.

I've fallen asleep but then something wakes me up.

Marinettes POV

I try to fall asleep, but I can't the things that happened in the day just trace my mind over and over again I can't get it out of my head.

I look over at Adrien to see if hes still awake. Hes not. Hes fast asleep I don't know how he could sleep.

I started to move around in the bed to see if I was just uncomfy. Then I closed my eyes and tried again. But all I see is flashbacks upon flashbacks of the whole day. I start to cry a silent cry.  tears just go down my face as I wipe them. I can't sleep I repeat back to myself over and over again. I decided I should just wake Adrien up. I stared at him for a few minutes, he looked so peaceful.

Okay Marinette pull yourself together. I go over to Adrien and tap him on the face to wake him up. It took a few taps. "Adrien" I say to him while taping his face.

"Marinette? What's wrong is everything okay" he says as he looks at me concerned. "Yeah, well no, I can't sleep. I tried everything and I just can't. Every time I'm about to fall asleep, I get flashbacks of the whole day over and over again" I say this as hes laying down and I'm looking over his face. "I'm sorry Marinette", He says as he starts to sit up cris cross apple sauce. "Do you want me to lay up there with you?", he says as my heart beats a thousand by a minute.

"p-please", I say as he starts moving up onto the bed. He lyed down first and then I lyed right beside him. We were about an inch or less apart from one another. He turned on his side to where he was staring at me as I was on my side Infront of him. "Is this better" he said to me as he put his hand next to my face moving his finger under my eye. "Have you been crying," he said as he wiped my tears with his finger. "Yeah", I say shyly. He looks at me sadly after I said yes to his question.

"I'm really sorry you had to go through this, a person shouldn't have to." Adrien says as he stares me right in the eyes. We stared at each other for a good minute. I really just wanted to kiss him right now but is it really the time. He falls asleep in a couple seconds. I never want this moment to end. I feel so safe wrapped in his arms. I fall asleep in this moment.
