Knocked Out

Marinettes POV

I'm checking Felix's pulse as Adrien is kneeling beside me worried. "He will be okay", I say. Even though I wasn't sure at all if he was actually okay. "Adrien Hes fine". "Thank God", he says as he stares at me looking happier. Felix lets out a cough. "G-guys I'm fine", he says as he touches my arm. Adrien pulls me away from Felix and kicks him while Hes on the ground. "Get up you had us worried for nothing". "Jezz for a second I thought you actually cared". Felix takes a pause. "But you care about me right, Marinette", Felix says as he winks at me.

Adrien gets mad, I could just see it in his eyes. "Okay get up now Félix," Adrien says as he lifts Felix up by the shoulders. "So you guys have fun at the cliff while I do your dirty work", Felix says a little mad. Me and Adrien stare at each other and start blushing.

Felix's POV

I swear them two need to get a room. I think this as I stare at them blushing at each other. "Okay can we please leave this place now its giving me the heebe geebies", I say as I grab the shovel and put it in the trunk. "Yeah we can go", Adrien says. We all pack into the car and as soon as Adrien gets on the road I say "Why do I have to sit in the back". "Quit your whining", Adrien groans. "Hey, Felix, you still live in the same place as always?", Adrien asks without a doubt. "Of course I do, why" , I ask. "Because we are going there to stay for the night, that okay with you Marinette?", Adrien asks politely. "Yes its more than okay I want this night to end", Marinette says grumply.

We sit in silence for a while then Marinette asks me a question, "Felix". "Yes, my love I respond." she rolls her eyes at my response. "What happened to you when we found you", she says curiously. "Its kinda fuzzy", I say. "But I do remember some of it", to which I respond. I start telling them about what happened, "I was shoveling and then this random guy came out of nowhere, I remember his outfit clear as day.

He was wearing a black suit with biker gloves. He started walking towards me which made me confused. Then he asked me about a girl with blunette hair. To which I responded "No, If I saw someone with that hair color, I would have probably remembered it."

"Lier" he said to me. Then he showed me these pictures of you Adrien and Marinette, you guys were in Adrien's car. But it wasn't just 1 picture, it was many. I saw Marinette get shivers down her spine.

"No", Marinette said. "Marinette was their someone following you before I met you, like did you have a stalker problem," Adrien says as he looks Mari right in the face. "No, not that I know of", She responds. I could tell Marinette was uneasy by all of this. I begin finishing the story, "After he showed me the pictures, he struck me in the head with a shovel and that's all I can remember." "Holy shit", Marinette says while she can't believe what Shes hearing. "Marinette, it will be okay me and Felix are here," Adrien says with one hand on her shoulder and one on the wheel." "Yeah, but Felix almost got hurt, can't you see you guys are getting hurt because of me," Marinette says with sorrow in her eyes.

Adrien's POV

I try to comfort Marinette, but she still feels bad. About 30 minutes go by and I see Felix sleeping in the back.

This is when I know it's my time to talk about what happened between us.

"Hey, Marinette", I call. "Yeah, what's up", she answers. "You know about earlier at the cliff", I say to her. I was just dying to talk about it. "Yeah...", she responds while trying not to look me in the face.

"The kiss," The words just come pouring out of my mouth. I see her face turn dark red when I tell her this. "T-The k-kiss", She has trouble speaking. "You know at the cliff when we almost-", she cuts me off.

"Oh looks like we're here", She says changing the subject as soon as we turn into Felix's driveway. I guess she doesn't want to talk about it I think to myself. Did I do something wrong I wonder? I should really just let it go but it's really hard too.
