Welcome to heaven

Alastor sat on Andria's bed as watched his girlfriend pack everything they might need to be in heaven for a day though she wasn't being over excessive, unlike her sister. Though Alastor didn't want to admit it, his nerves were eating away at him. He knew since he always talked about his mother that Andria try to get him to see her, not that he didn't want that, it had been years since Alastor saw his mother, when he was alive at least, he was worried that his mother wouldn't want to see him since he went to hell, "Hello ? Hell to Alastor ? Are you listening ?" Andria asked snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, no. Sorry, my love, I'm just a bit...distracted." Alastor said not meeting his girlfriend's eyes.

"Al, what's wrong ?"

"What makes you think something's wrong ?"

"Because you get quiet when you're nervous."

"How do you-?"

"Al, we've been dating for five months, I think I know most of your habits by now."

Alastor blushed as he shied away only for Andria to turn his head to face her, "Now, tell me what's going on." She said in a gentle tone.

"I'm...worried that if I see my mother in he-up there. She might...she might not want to see me considering what I've become."

"She didn't know you were a serial killer ?"

Alastor shook his head in shame, he knew that killing was wrong when he was alive but it wasn't like he was killing anyone who didn't deserve it, "I tried to keep it secret the best I could but after I died I don't know if my secret got out."

"You know I don't think you've ever told me why you became a serial killer in the first place." Andria said sitting next to him.

"It's a topic that I...don't really like to talk about but for you, my doe, I will. My blood lust started after I killed my father. He was a vile man, he treated my mother and I... poorly. He would often hit her if she talked back to him even if she wasn't really talking back. They often fought with when I was a boy, I would hide under my bed to feel safer but I could always hear their arguments. I put up with it until I turned 17. He and my mother had another fight which resulted with my mother having a broken nose. I'd begged my mother many times to file for a divorce, she could've stayed with me but that bastard made her feel so scared to leave. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. That night when he went out hunting, I hunted him. And when he was dead, my mother was the happiest she could've been. So, I thought if killing one scumbag made made my mother this happy, why not kill the others too ? And I was good at killing scumbag men, I never got caught."

"But then how did you die ?"

"Another hunter was out late at night and mistook me for a stag, I got shot in the head." Alastor said as he moved his red hair out the way revealing the 'x' where he'd been shot. "And he let his dogs out on me and..."

"That's why you have the scars ?" Andria asked as Alastor nod, "Well if you're mother doesn't want to see you then...she's missing out on something incredible."

Alastor raised his eyebrow curiously, "Oh, what's that ?"

Andria pecked his lips, "You." She whispered making Alastor blush again. (Teehee flustered Alastor 🤭)

"Now come on we gotta meet Vaggie and Charlie in the parlor before the portal to heaven opens." Andria said as she grabbed her suitcase, teleporting to the parlor. She placed her suitcase down as Alastor teleport behind her picking her up bridal style making her giggle. Husk just rolling his eyes taking a sip of his beer.

"You love-struck fuckers sicken me." He said as he walked away so wouldn't have to endure his boss and Andria being all lovey dovey, which left Alastor and Andria alone.

"Well, now that he's gone wanna make out ?" Andria asked

"You read my mind, love." Alastor replied, smashing his lips onto hers as he walked them too the couch. As they made out, Andria bucked her hips a bit, pleasantly surprising Alastor, "Darling, getting a bit excited aren't we ?" He smirked making Andria blush from embarrassment. Alastor just kissed her again making her forget her embarrassment but before things could escalate Angel burst through the doors making them cease their actions.

"Oh, fuck !" He said with a huff as Niffty popped out of the pot plant.

"You look messy ! What happened to you ?"

"It's who happened to me. And the answer is everyone. Twice ! Val had me working 16 hours straight on an fucking whim. The absolute dick bag." Angel saw Alastor on top of Andria on the other couch, "We're you two just about to fuck ?" Alastor and Andria looked at each other.

"Maybe." They both replied

"Whatever, I'm too fucking exhausted to care."Angel said before flopping down on the free couch as Vaggie and Charlie entered the parlor. Angel immediately sat up as the wall exploded...again.

"Seriously !? What is with that wall ? We have a fucking door ! Bitch !" Andria said angrily, which turned Alastor on...a lot.

"What up, hoes !" Cherri bomb chuckled in her Australian accent.

"Ho-holy shit, Cherri Bomb ? Long time no see, baby !" Angel said, excited to see his friend.

"Angie , ya bitch ! You been texting me depressing shit all day, figured we could tear shit up like old times." Cherri then saw Andria, "Andri, bitch, is that you ? Haven't seen you in ages !"

"Oh, hey Cherri, good to see you again." Andria greeted her old friend.

"Yeah, good to see ya bitch. So is this the new guy you told me about ?" Cherri asked gesturing to Alastor, who looked rather annoyed.

"Oh yes, Cherri this is Alastor, my boyfriend. Alastor, this is Cherri Bomb. She and I have been friends since I was 114 years old."

"Nice to finally meet ya bitch ! Gotta say, Andri, he's not bad but I've seen better." Cherri said only annoying Alastor further.

"Charming." He said bluntly

"Yeah, finally glad to meet the lucky fucker who scored this hot bitch." Cherri said playfully punching Andria's arm. "Here hold this !" Cherri said tossing the lit bomb she had to Charlie who panicked.

"Ah, oh my god ! Oh my god !"

"Nope ! Gimme that." Vaggie said throwing the bomb out of the hole in the wall.

"I love seeing ya Cherri , but I'm too tired. I need to pass out." Angel said as he tried to flop down on the couch again but Cherri stopped him.

"Oho, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead ! Come on, what you really need is a recharge, a reinvigoration, a re-..." Cherri trailed off, not being able to think any more words that started with 're' but Charlie helped her.

"Responsible night on the town ! That is a great idea. Hi, Charlie." Charlie introduced herself to Cherri, shaking her hand, "That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends. Aagh, he never brings anyone around !"

"Wonder why ?" Cherri said sarcastically.

"Yeah, me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard. I think they deserve to have a little fun."

"W-w-wait they ?"

"Yeah. Hi, everyone ! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation !"

"Wait, I am only here for Ang..." Cherri trailed off as Charlie handed her a stack of cash, "Ooh, never mind. Let's go !"

"Make sure they have the best time tonight. Anyway the portal to heaven should be opening right about..." Charlie started as the portal opened behind her, "now !" Charlie ran and threw Vaggie into the portal, "Bye ! Come on sis !"  Charlie said to Andria.

"Okay, we're coming." Andria replied as she and Alastor entered the portal before it closed. Pentious then entered the room but spat out his drink when he saw Cherri.

"Well, if it isn't my arch-nemesis ! Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb ?"

"Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I got to drag your sorry asses along."

"Oh, oh, you and me are going out, like for fun ? I, I didn't think this would ever happen. What ? What do I do ? What do I wear ?"

"Don't fucking touch me, you minted dick head !" Cherri said making Pentious blush.

Meanwhile while Andria and Charlie, the four of them approached the gates of heaven. "Guys, look at this place ! It's sooooo clean ! Isn't that amazing ?" Charlie said in awe and excitement.

"Yep. Super cool. Heaven. Wow."  Vaggie said nonchalantly.

"Hiya ! Welcome to heaven. Can I get your name, please ?" Said St. Peter from his podium as he open a book.

"Oh ! Uhhh, uh, uh, Charlie and Andria Morningstar." Charlie said.

"Charlie and Andria Morningstar. Hmm. I'm not see you guys on my list here. That's so odd." St. Peter said

"Uh, our dad got us this appointment so maybe try Lucifer Morning...star." Andria said with hesitation.

"Oh, fuck ! Yeah. Hoooo, he he he. Yikes. Am I right ? Are you sure you guys are in the right place ? Because I think you might be a little lost." St. Peter said hesitantly.

"Uh, no. We're not lost. We're here for a meeting." Andria replied, raising an eyebrow.

"St. Peter." A voice came from above them making all of them look up. "We can take it from here. Greetings, daughters of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high Seraphim of heaven. You are gifted to be here."

"Hi, I'm Emily, the other seraphim. Though you can call me Em ! Emmy, E, whatever you want. I hobby whatever. Welcome to heaven."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The group walked passed Adam and Lute surprising the two. "Holy fucking shit balls. Am I thinking who I think I'm seeing ?" Adam asked in shock.

"What are they doing here ? How did they even get up here ?"

"Who cares ? I'm handling this shit right now."

"Wait, you want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone ?"

"Better than waiting for the fucking extermination."

"Sssshhh. Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule ?"

"Uuuuugh, 'no one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations.' I know fine." Adam said taking another sip of his drink, "Don't fucking shush me, bitch."

"You should listen to your lieutenant. Adam." Sera said startled both of them as she teleported them to somewhere more private.

"Fuck, Sera ! You can't sneak up on a guy like that. Jeez."

"Your highness, forgive me, but what are the hell-spawn doing here ?" Lute asked Sera.

"Well, you failed to control the demons unrest and now Lucifer is involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughters. I never would have agreed to your...yearly activities if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it."

"What do you want from me ? I'm just one guy."

"I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear ?"

"Yeah. Got it." Adam confirmed.

Alastor and Andria had started settling into their temporary room, which was next to Vaggie and Charlie's, "Well Charlie seems to be enjoying heaven, doesn't she ?" Alastor asked his girlfriend.

"Yeah. She always wanted to see heaven, ever since we were kids. I'm glad she's finally getting the opportunity to see it. Oh also I have some exciting  news."

"Oh, and what might that be."

"Well, I asked Emily if she knew you're mother and...she's taking us to your mothers house."

"You...you did that for me ?" Alastor felt his heart with immense joy and love at the fact that his partner would go through all that trouble just so he could see his mother again.

"Of course. I'd do anything for you, Alastor. Besides I think it's fitting that your mother meets her son's new girlfriend, don't you ?"

Alastor chuckled, "Yes, I suppose. So when going ?"

"Well, Emily said she'll drop us off when she takes Charlie to the petting zoo or something, so right about..." Andria trailed off as she heard her sister's sing-song voice eco down the passage, "Now." Alastor got up as he took his girlfriend's arm leading her down the hallway, following Charlie. As promised, Emily dropped them off at what was supposed to be Alastor's mom's house. The two stood outside the door, Alastor's heart felt  like it was about to jump out his chest at any moment due to how nervous he was. Andria noticed his nervousness and held his hands, "You still nervous ?"

"Yes but having you by my side makes me feel much better." Alastor said looking at her lovingly. He then knocked on the lightly blue coloured door, not long after a shortish woman opened the door, if one was shallow they would think the two didn't look related at all, but Andria knew how to look past appearances. The woman has the same caring eyes that Alastor had when he and Andria were together.

"Pardon me ma'am, but are you, by any chance, Abigail Hartfelt ?" Andria asked politely. (I don't know what her real name is so I made one up)

"Why yes, I am. What brings you here ?"

"Well, I don't know if you remember ma'am but I'd like you to meet, your son, Alastor." The woman's smile fell slightly as her eyes fell on her son, she looked at him with disbelief. Could it really be him ? After all this time ?

"A-Alastor ? Is it really you ?" She said in a trembling voice as she reached up to cup his face.

"Yes, mother. It's me." He said as he held the hand that was on his face. His smile was brighter and seemed more genuine, much like it was when he was with Andria. He had tears of joy building up at the corner of his eyes that he quickly wiped away in order to not look weak in front of his girlfriend and mother.

"Oh honey, it's okay to cry. I missed so much." Abigail said pulling her son in for a hug. "Come in, come in. Make yourselves comfortable." Abigail ushered them inside as she closed then door. "So, who's this lovely lady you've got here, young man ?" She asked referring to Andria.

"Mother, this is my girlfriend, Andria."

"Oh my ! Alastor that is great ! It is a pleasure to meet you, Andria." Abigail said as she took Andria's hand in hers.

"The pleasure is all mine, ma'am." Andria replied bashfully.

"Oh, don't be so formal, sweetie. Call me Abigail after all you're practically family." Abigail said cheerfully as she sat down on the couch opposite from her son and his girlfriend. "I was just about to make some afternoon tea. Would you both like some ?"

"Oh yes, please mother it's been ages since I last had some of your tea. What about you, darling ?" Alastor replied.

"Oh yes, some tea sounds lovely." Andria replied.

"Such good manners too ! Alastor, she's a keeper."

"Believe me mother, I know." Alastor replied as Abigail left the living room for a while. Soon she came back with a tray with three cups on it, that she set down on the coffee table.

"So, Alastor, where have you been ? I searched all over heaven for you but I never found you."

Alastor tensed up, this was going to be difficult to explain. Sensing his tension, Andria gave his hand a supportive squeeze, which seemed to do the job. "Mother, there's something about me you should know."

"And what is that, dear ?" Abigail asked.

"Well, mother, the reason you never found me in heaven is because I went to hell."

Abigail stopped drinking her tea and worriedly looked at her son, "Oh, my sweet boy, there must be some mistake. Why would you be down there ?"

"Mother, when I was alive I... I was a serial killer."

Abigail's face went pale, could the son she loved so dearly really be a man of such sin ? "Alastor, I don't understand. Why ?"

"It started after I killed father."

"You killed your father ?" Abigail said in shock.

"Yes, mother, and I know my actions were wrong but I only killed the scum of the world, people like father."

"My boy, that doesn't make it right. Now you have to suffer for the rest of eternity." Abigail said with a disappointed look on her face.

"I know but it isn't so terrible down there. Why, if I hadn't gone there, I wouldn't have met Andria." Alastor said looking lovingly at Andria.

"She's in hell too ?"

"Actually, I'm the princess of hell and the future queen." Andria explained.

"I understand if you don't to see me now, mother. Just say the word and we'll leave." Alastor said sadly, though his smile never faltered.

"Oh, my boy, I have waited a millennia to see your face again. You're still my son. Whether we're in heaven or hell doesn't change that and it certainly doesn't change the fact that I love you." Abigail pulled him into a hug as he broke down into happy tears. "Get in here, sweetie. You're part of my family now too." Abigail said to Andria, who was watching happily from the side. Andria smiled brightly as Alastor pulled her into the hug. Suddenly Andria's phone buzzed, making her look at it.

"Sorry, honey but we have to get going. The trial's about to start." Andria said as the three of them pulled away from the hug.

"Trial ? What trial ?" Abigail asked.

"Oh, my older sister has this hotel that she built to rehabilitate sinners so they can go to heaven." Andria responded, "And we're trying to convince heaven that sinners can be redeemed."

"Oh that is sweet. Well if you two have to go I won't keep you here for too long, but Alastor it was good to see you again."

"It was good to see you too, mother." Alastor replied.

"Who knows ? Maybe we'll see each other again. And tell me when you two start trying for a tot." Abigail said suddenly making Alastor blush.

"Mother !"

"Don't 'mother' me. I spent 9 hours giving birth to you, the least you can do is tell me when I'm expecting a granbaby."

"Anyway, we should get going. It was lovely to meet you Abigail."

"Same with you, sweetie. Keep Al in check for me will you ?"

"Oh, trust me, I will."
