Protect them.

Lucifer sat at the bar of the hotel. A rubber duck in front of him, along with a glass half full of whiskey. It was one of those nights wher Lucifer needed to contemplate everything that was going on in his life. Especially since it was the month of Alastor and Andria's wedding. The past few months have been...rather eventful for him. After Charlie asked for him to get her a meeting with heaven, everything seemed to move so quickly after that. He still couldn't believe how much she'd grown up in the last few years. He couldn't believe that she was going to have kids of her own in almost 7 months. His little girl was going to be a mother. Lucifer let out a sigh, his mind drifting off to her and Alastor's wedding. In only three weeks, he would have to let her go. Was Lucifer prepared to give her away to a demon like him ? Although Andria had assured her father, more than once, that she would be fine and that Alastor would protect her, it was Lucifer's natural instinct, as a father, to worry about her and her future with him. Lucifer down the rest of his whiskey before grabbing the half full bottle and pouring himself another glass. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard footsteps approaching him. Lucifer looked towards the staircase and saw the man his daughter would be marrying, the man he would soon call his son-in-law. Alastor approached the bar, "May I join you ?" Alastor asked, still keeping up his prideful composure. Lucifer nodded, fiddling with the rubber duck in front of him. Alastor grabbed a glass and poured himself some whiskey. He sat down on the chair next to Lucifer. An awkward silence fell over them, neither of them knew what to say to the other. It was rather awkward for both parties. For one, Lucifer sat next to the man who was fucking his daughter and Alastor sat next to his future father in law. They were always at each other's throats, they were so used to spitting insults at each other and now they had no idea how to start a genuine conversation.

Lucifer clears his throat, "So...uh...nice weather we're having, right ?" He asked, trying to strike up some sort of decent conversation.

Alastor seemed somewhat caught off guard, probably due to the fact that Lucifer was even speaking to him, "Oh, y-yes, I suppose it is quite decent." Alastor replied.

Once again, they were enveloped by awkward silence and after about 3 minutes or so, Lucifer spoke up again, "So, what brings you down here so late ?"

Alastor merely glanced at him for a minute before replying, "I, uh... I couldn't sleep. I have...a lot on  my mind tonight." Alastor continued to stare down, blankly, at the glass in front of him. His eyes meeting their reflection in the glass.

Lucifer turned his attention back to his rubber duck, "You too, huh ?" Lucifer chuckled, sheepishly.

Alastor chuckled slightly before sighing, "Yes. So much has happened in the past year and now that I'm going to be a father. It just occurred to me how vulnerable they will be when word gets out about them."

"They ?" Lucifer questioned with an arched brow.

"I mean I don't know if they're going to be a boy or a girl and I despise calling my unborn child it, so I prefer to use gender neutral pronouns."

Lucifer nodded in understanding, "If you're so worried about them being in danger, why not just keep them secret ?" Lucifer suggested.

"I thought you, of all people, would know that that's not practical. You never know who you can really trust down here. I know no one in the hotel would ever willingly  say anything, but I have a lot of enemies down here. Enemies that would do anything to hurt me in any way, shape or form. Including torturing people who know my most vulnerable secrets. So it's no point in keep them secret. Besides, I want my children to see their kingdom, I don't want to hide them from the dark beauties that sometimes occur in this hell hold. But I suppose I shouldn't worry too much about their safety. After all they have two of the most powerful feelings in hell to protect them." Alastor pointed out.

Lucifer chuckled heartily, "I guess you're right. You and Andria would never let anything happen to them."

Alastor looked over at Lucifer amusedly, "Actually, I was referring to you."

Lucifer was stunned to say the least, "Me ?" Lucifer asked, still not convinced that Alastor was referring to him.

Alastor still had a smug smile plastered on his face, "Of course ! I do hope you intend on keeping your future grandchildren safe." Alastor said, almost teasingly.

"Of course I do ! I just didn't think you considered me as one of the most powerful beings in hell." Lucifer said, the last bit coming out as a soft mumble.

"Well, you're the king of hell. Who could possibly be more powerful than you ?" Alastor asked rhetorically.

Lucifer smiled, glad that they were actually getting along, like he promised Andria, "You do have a point." For the first time, Alastor actually gave Lucifer a genuine smile, "Look, Alastor, I know we haven't always gotten along with each other, but, now that you're marrying my daughter, I want to change that . Start over. I can see that you important to Andria and I want us to be on better terms from now on, for her."

Alastor tapped his chin thoughtfully, "Very well, for Andria, I will...tolerate you." Lucifer gave him a smile.

"And I, uh, I want to apologize for insulting you before." Lucifer mumbled.

"And I suppose I should apologize for mocking your height as well as your ridiculous obsession with ducks." Alastor apologized, well sort of.

"Hey, there's a reason I like them so much !" Lucifer defended, "I like ducks because, when Charlie and Andria were little, they used to adore ducks and when they moved out, just after Lilith left, I guess I got lonely. So I got some rubber ducks, not only to make me feel less lonely, but also to remind me of my little girls. It was the only thing that reminded me of them." Lucifer explained.

Alastor's expression softened slightly, not much but anyone who knew him well could see it, "Perhaps your hyper fixation with ducks isn't as childish as it seems." Alastor admitted, in the most prideful way he could of course.

"Thanks, Alastor." Lucifer said, before chuckling, "You know, when Andria found out she had wings, she was so excited because it meant that she would be able to fly like a duck."

Alastor hummed, taking a sip of his whiskey, "I assume you were the one who taught her how to fly then ?"

"I was. Why do you ask ?"

"No reason, I just wanted to commend you on your teachings. She sure knows how to use them now."

Lucifer knew exactly what he was talking about, "Really ? We're finally getting along and you had to bring up how she uses her wings during sex ?!"

"Who said anything about sex. I mean...she is rather gifted with her wings then too, but she does use it for other things."

"What do you mean ?"

"Sometimes, when she sleeps, she'll wrap them around me. Almost as to comfort me in some way or to get me to fall asleep."

The two carried on with their conversation for a while until they both heard footsteps approaching. They turned their heads and saw a disheveled looking Andria, she had a tired expression on her face as well as a sluggish demeanor, "Dad ? Al, what are you doing ?"

Lucifer and Alastor got up and walked over to the tired princess, "Darling, why are you up ? Shouldn't you be in bed ?" Alastor asked, gently running his hands down her shoulders.

Andria rubbed her tired eyes as she spoke in a raspy voice, "You weren't in bed. I wanted to see if you were okay."

Alastor's eyes softened, feeling guilty that she had gotten out of bed just to see if he was okay. Alastor kissed the back of her hand, reassuringly, "My doe, don't worry yourself about me. I'm fine. Why don't you head back upstairs and I'll join you in a minute. It's important that you get enough sleep. Not only for you but for our little fawn, too." Alastor reminded her as he ushered her towards the stairs.

"Okay, but please don't be long."

"I won't, darling." Andria walked back to her and Alastor's room as Alastor turned to face Lucifer, " I should get back to her." He said as he started making his way up the stairs.

"Hey, Alastor ?"Lucifer called, making Alastor stop in his tracks, "Promise me you'll protect her. Promise me you'll protect them."

Alastor's eyes softened, knowing exactly what he meant, "With my entire afterlife."
