Idol Story

Jeongyeon was finally done with work,she was heading to her room.

Before she could enter Momo stopped her.

Jeongyeon:What is it Momo-isss?

Momo:Jeongyeonie,Twice will have a reunion I'm sure you and Nayeon will be there.(Hands invitation and leaves with a smile.)

Jeongyeon waved her goodbye and went it.

As she enter the room,she saw Nayeon asleep.

Jeongyeon covered Nayeon with a blanket just like how she takes care of her during there Idol Days.


Jeongyeon would tease Nayeon while the others laugh at there shenanigans.

One time the girls where practing for thier new performance.

Nayeon:I'm gonna be a star?

Jeongyeon:Sounds like that is the new song,are you okay with it?

Nayeon:Um,Yeah sure why not.

After all that non-stop practice that's when Nayeon realized how annoying the song was.

Nayeon was tired after thier performance and mad at the sametime.

Right now there at their dressing room.

Jeongyeon:You okay?(hands Nayeon a water bottle.)

Nayeon:Thanks,(grabs the water and drink it)

Jeongyeon could see Nayeon is tired.

Jeongyeon:Wanna rest on my shoulder?

Jeongyeon maybe mean to Nayeon be she is really nice when they are both alone.

Nayeon:Sure,thanks Jeongyeon.(smiles)

Nayeon then rest her head and had fallen asleep immediately.

Jeongyeon:Sleep tight bunny.

End Flashback.

Nayeon woke up and saw Jeongyeon starting at her.

Nayeon:Hey you didn't tell you have arrived(hugs Jeongyeon)

Jeongyeon hugged back Nayeon.

Jeongyeon:Twice will have a reunion wanna go together?

Nayeon smiled and kissed Jeongyeon.

Nayeon:Ofcourse we will go besides I miss those dorks.

Jeongyeon smiled and cuddled with Nayeon.


Bonus:2yeon moments in bed

Jeongyeon was asleep while Nayeon looked at her carassing her face.

Nayeon:Jeongie so cute.

Jeongyeon then slightly openend her eyes.

Jeongyeon:Nabongs,let's sleep already.

Nayeon smiled and cupped her wife's face.

Nayeon:Not until you kiss me first.

Jeongyeon sighed and kissed her wife.

Nayeon:And hug me very tight.

Jeongyeon then hugged her as she is very tired.

Nayeon:Love you Jeong.

Jeongyeon smiled.

Jeongyeon:Love you too.
