
Jayeon,Yeonju,and Namyeo will be having a meeting at there school.

Nayeon:I can't wait to see my babies.

Jeongyeon:Haha just wait now okay?

As the bell rang the kids went out one by one.

Namyeo:MAMA!(hugs Nayeon)

Nayeon hugs her daughter,while the boys went to greet thier other Mom.

Jayeon:Mama Bunny,only one parent is allowed fowr the metting.

The two couples looked at each other.

Jeongyeon:I'll go don't worry take care of the kids.

Nayeon:Okay,text me when you're done
Arraso?(kisses Jeongyeon's cheeks)

Jeongyeon:Haha I will,see you soon.

Nayeon and the kids waved Jeongyeon goodbye as she went to the kids meeting.

Jeongyeon entered the room,there she met Jennie from blackpink and Chaeyeon from iz*one.

Jennie:Oh,Jeongyeon I taught Nayeon will be the one who will attenend.

Chaeyeon:Yeah,This is kinda new.

Jeongyeon:Well,I also want to know more about how the school handle the studies here and stuff.

The both girls giggled at her and then the principal,Mr.Kim Taehyung.

V:Okay well parents,let us start the meeting.

After all the talks and stuff,everything was fine.

Jeongyeon was about to go out when, V called her out.

V:Jeongyeon,there is a bit of a problem.

Jeongyeon:What is it?

V:Well,This is about Namyeo.

Jeongyeon was confused so she decided to let him continue.

V:Well Namyeo had a project where she would draw her parents but,she drew you two kissing and told the whole class how you always do this to Mrs.Im.

Jeongyeon was embarassed she just was red as a tomato.

Jeongyeon:I'll talk to her about it,thank you so much Sir.

They both shook hands and left.

Jeongyeon went to the place where Nayeon told her to meet them.

Few minutues came she had arrived.

Nayeon:So how was the meeting?

Jeongyeon:I'll tell you on the way home.
