Chp.4 Bubble Lake


And so, (YN) marches his way to find the very first sage holding onto the very first Star Cure. As he does, he also started encountering monsters on the area as he started taking them down and also using his vacuum powers to inhale some blitties Broque Monsieur told him, as he got some blitties and continues his search for the path on Dimble woods for the star cure he goes to a path as he then heard voices...

???:  You guys! You hear footsteps??!

???: Yeah! It's probably (YN)?!

(YN): Huh?? Who's that?!

???: It is him! It's us sir! Your koopa troopa units!

(YN): Koopas!? You guys got capture and locked up as well!?

Koopa #5: Y-Yeah! How do you know??!

(YN): The Goomba Storms and Shy guy squads were captured as well, but no worries. I saved them. And now I gotta save you Koopas.

But he realizes some huge boulders that were blocking the way and they were at the other side, he tried punching them but no use. They were too strong.

(YN): Damn it. Too hard.

Koopa #3: You guys! Our king is gonna save us!

Koopa #8: But do you think he can break down those boulders??

Koopa #1: Belay your talk soldier! This is King (YN) we're talking about! He can break anything! Isn't that right, your awesomeness?!

(YN): Hehe Yup! I can break anything! I am King (YN)! Okay you Koopas! Hang on for a while, I'm going to search for something big to destroy these huge boulders!

Koopas: Got it!

(YN) then started to find a way to break down the boulders and rescue his koopa troopas. He goes to a path that was behind him as he realizes the path was a dead end and the river besides him...he then realizes a few islands across the dead end...

(YN): Damn it. Looks like I gotta swim to get over to those areas.

(YN) jumps in the river as he then goes all the  way to the he does, he realizes he has strong lungs to breathe in the water, so he starts swimming his way to the areas, he then realizes some Fawful look-alike gators going after him, he se had no choice but to beat them into a pulp. After beating the Fawful gators into a pulp, he continues swimming as he then gets to a little island. As he got out of the river, he realizes a huge ship with two flowers spreading dust all over...

(YN): A ship? Hmmm. Maybe this can help me break those boulders out of the way.

As he goes to the ship, he realizes a smell from the flowers...

(YN): Huh? Smells...really nice...can't...resist the smell....but...I feel like ima gonna...gonna...

(YN) wanted to sneeze so bad but couldn't. Meanwhile inside his body, Starlow and the bro's realizes something going on on (YN)'s nose deck. So they checked it out as they realizes a whirlwind going up, Mario got on top of Luigi as they both spinner around as they started flying up as they arrived in a weird area as Starlow realizes some pollen raining down...

Starlow: I see...pollen are raining down wonder his nose started to know, if you guys hit these pollens towards his nasal walls, it might make him sneeze...

The bro's started spinning around hitting the pollen towards (YN)'s Nasal walls, as they hit all of them, Starlow realize a giant membrane started to grow...

Starlow: Wow! Now that's a serious guys, tru hitting this huge membrane.

The bro's spin towards the giant membrane as it caused (YN) to get ready to sneeze...

Starlow: Oh I see. Once you guys see a membrane like this, hit it and (YN) will sneeze. I don't know how many times we have to hit them, but I'm sure he will sneeze any time.

Several membranes started to pop out with a serious reaction as the bro's started hitting them, as they did, they then hit the last lumpy membrane, as they did, the last one was making (YN) to get ready to sneeze...


His sneeze caused a huge wind as it caused the ship to move as he was on it...the ship sails, breaking through several rocks on the river as the ship gets the huge boulders and realizes it was gonna end up destroying the ship...

(YN): OH SHIT!!!!

The ship ended up destroying in pieces as the boulders ended up destroying as well...

Koopa #3: Wow! The hell was that?!

Koopa #10: It was huge!

(YN) was laying there knocked out for a bit as he started waking up and getting up as he shook his head....

(YN): Man, what a crash.

(YN) realizes that the boulders were destroyed as he can now save his koopa troopas...he started punching the cage as he finally frees them...

Koopas: FREEDOM!!!!

Koopa #4: Man you know how to make an entrance sir!

Koopa #2: Ramming through those rocks with a ship?! GENIUS!


(YN): Really? I mean yeah! Yeah that was my idea! You know, getting an extra mile for you guys! Remember that, minions!

Koopas: YEA SIR!!!

Koopa #3: So your awesomeness, where are we going to do now??

(YN): You minions stick with me, there's business I gotta deal and finish! And all of you are gonna help me alongside with the goomba troops and the shy guy squads!

Koopas: KOO-RAH!!!

After saving his Koopa troopas, he continues to head over Dimble woods as he continues to counter monsters and defeating them and collecting blitties as he arrives in a area, he realizes something on the river...

(YN): A propeller? In the water? Hmmm. If I can make that propeller fly, then it can take me to Dimble woods in no time!

As he walks towards the propeller, he realizes some flowers that had the same smell like before...(YN) started to smell the flowers as he again started to feel like sneezing again...back to his body, the bro's went flying towards his nose deck as pollens stared falling back as they started hitting them towards the membranes, as they hit them all then they started hitting the crazy reactions of the they hit all o the reaction ones, as they hit the last one, (YN) started to feel like sneezing...


As he sneezed and caused a huge wind, the propeller started to spin around, as it did, somehow, something gigantic came out from the river as well, it wasn't just and ordinary propeller, it was also a giant robot with orange hair, eyebrows as well, once the gigantic robot came out of the river, (YN) doesn't notices at all until he realizes everything was dark again already for him....

(YN): Weird. It got dark know, I think this might have happen before at Dimble woods...everything got dark all of the sudden...and then...

The giant foot of the robot then stomped on (YN) as he left him knocked out...

Starlow: Uh-Oh! Why do I have a feeling (YN) is not saying nothing after that....come you you guys, we have to go back to his rump command.

The bro's and Starlow started heading towards (YN)'s rum command as they arrived. They then got on to the boats as they started sailing towards to hit the adrenalines! Each adrenaline have different colors to hit, red for Mario and green for Luigi. As they hit all the adrenalines, an energy spark started to react as the bro's has to hit a blue adrenaline which caused to grow every time they hit it. As the blue adrenaline grew bigger, it started to sparked as it hit (YN)'s body started to react...

Starlow: Alright! (YN)'s moving again!

The story continues on the next chapter...
