Chp.20 Deep Castle


And so, (YN) is already inside peach's castle as he started realizing her castle has changed and all destroyed, nothing but Fawful statues as well, he started destroying them that were in his way to search for peach. He started to realize enemies as well. He started taking them down one by one that were in his way. After that, he continues fro his search for the princess. He then found himself some magikoopas locked up in a cage...

Magikoopa #4: KING (YN)! We're here!!!

(YN): Magikoopas!??

Magikoopa #1: Your Surliness! Please save us!

(YN): Hold on Im coming you guys!

(YN) charges to the cage as he started punching it and punching it as the cage broke and the magikoopas were free at last.

Magikoopa #7: JOY!

Magikoopa #5: FREEDOM!

Magikoopa#9: We Who are not worthy of the mighty (YN)'s personal rescue must honor him...

Magikoopa #2: We, the magikoopa corps will attempt to find a suitable way to express our deep gratitude...

Magikoopa #1: No jerry, don't you remember ? We have to sing a song for him.

(YN): Forget it minions! Let's get a move on! Quick!

Magikoopa #3: Now hold on there! I thought we're gonna built a monument to his energy strength!

Magikoopas: *Start arguing alone together*


Magikoopas: KOO-RAH!

And so the magikoopas joins (YN)'s journey to save the princess and stop Fawful. (YN) kept going on door to door, room to room, the castle was so big it will take him a while to get to save peach. He kept going and going and going and going and going until he reach to the top of the castle. As he got to the top he then hears a laugh and then say...


(YN): Thats him! Fawful!

Meanwhile in room where the dark star is still trying to be awaken on one side while peach on the other side is somehow giving her magic to the dark star to be awaken by some machine. Fawful is the one who's behind this. In order to awake the dark star, only peach's magic can be able to awake the nightmare...

Fawful: I HAVE CHORTLES MIDBUS!!! AND I HAVE EXCITEMENT!! At last, the dark star will be wide awake from its long napping sleep.

Midbus: ! Lord Fawful !

Midbus realizes someone coming in the room with them...(YN) enters...

Fawful: Fawful hates your timing!  Nuisance barging in at the critical time for us!

(YN): Nuisance Barging? GWAHAHAHAHA!!! Pal, your like a nuisance SUPERTANKER! Enough with the bullshit! Tell you what, I'm here to stop you from awaking the dark star and to save princess peach! Stop or I will pummel you!

Midbus then started to walk up to (YN)...

Midbus: Lord Fawful. Leave him to me.

(YN): What?! Fighting you again??! Well, have it your way, I'm warning you. Your gonna end up losing teeth this time and I can assure you I'm not in a mood by looking at you and that freaks faces!

Fawful: ...I have uneasiness...(YN) keeps coming out like an ugly rabbit from a magic hat who stinks really bad! But I, Lord Fawful will help Midbus to fight (YN) to gain victory! Midbus has pride...So Fawful leaves you to him. MIDBUS!!! POWER UP!!!

Fawful then takes out a ray gun as he then shoots Midbus with some light blue aura as Midbus started to change somehow...he clench his fists as his whole body started to turn light blue and a crown on top of his head as well and brown fur from his looked like he has some sort of ice power now...

Midbus: Now you, (YN), Will face the wrath of my blizzard power. YOUR JOURNEY...ENDS HERE!!!


The story continues on the next chapter...
