
Hanako stood in front of the Intelligence Division building. She took a deep breath and then let it out. Ibiki had offered her a job, and in spite of being doubtful about taking it before, now she was certain. She walked in.

The halls were dark as she walked, no one seemed to be inside. Doors slammed open and a prisoner came through them. "Catch him!" a Chuunin dressed in gray clothes yelled from the other side. Stunned, Hanako approached the prisoner and kneed him in the stomach. The prisoner coughed and fell on the ground.

Hanako looked down at him. He was bleeding from several wounds, and trembling in fear. Steps approached and Hanako looked up to two Chuunin hurrying towards the prisoner with handcuffs. Ibiki was standing behind them, looking at Hanako with curious eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

Hanako observed the prisoner being carried away by the Chuunin, back to his jail she supposed. "I have made a decision," she said, looking back at Ibiki.

The Jounin approached her and smiled. "I see. Is it too much if I ask you to start today?"

Hanako shook her head. "I'd like to."

"Good." Ibiki started walking down the hall, Hanako shadowing him closely. "Several prisoners were brought today by the Anbu," he said. "We have a lot of work to do."

Hanako nodded. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Right now?" Ibiki looked at her with a smirk. "Just watch and learn."

* * *

Hanako stood behind the glass. Ibiki was inside the room, sitting at a table with his hands laced in front of him. There was a prisoner in front of him, tied to a chair. "The boundaries between Kirigakure and Konohagakure are kind of shaky," Ibiki said, staring firmly at the prisoner. "May I ask why were you so close to the Fire Country?"

The prisoner remained silent.

"Are you sure you should be watching something like this?" An Anbu stood beside Hanako.

"Actually, Ibiki-sensei said I'm supposed to learn," Hanako replied. She looked at the Anbu from the tip of her eye. The familiarity of him made her smile. "What about you?"

The Anbu looked at her. "I'm the one who brought him in. I'm curious about what he has to say."

Hanako looked back inside. "I thought your mission was over once you handed him to us. Are you allowed to be here?"

"I could ask the same thing to you, Hanako Uchiha."

Hanako looked at him, meeting a black eye and a red one. "I'm the new intern of the Intelligence Division. It's nice to see you again, Kakashi Hatake."

His eyes gleamed with surprise. "I'm an Anbu Captain."

Hanako smirked and looked away.

"I see you did well in the Chuunin Exams." Kakashi looked back through the glass. "Why did Ibiki bring you here? You're so young."

"Must be my amazing talent," Hanako commented. "Or my undeniable prowess."

"Yeah, sure." Kakashi smiled slightly.

Hanako looked at the door at the moment Ibiki walked out. "Now that was easy," he commented with a sigh. "I didn't even mention the word 'torture' explicitly, and he was already blurting everything." When Ibiki looked at Kakashi, his brows arched in curiosity. Then his eyes drifted to Hanako. "I see you've met each other."

"Is torturing people to get information all you guys do around here?" Hanako asked.

Ibiki laughed. "No, that's what I do." He smiled at her before crossing his arms over his chest. "Actually, most members gather intel outside the village."

"Espionage?" Hanako furrowed her brows. "I'm not sure I'm qualified for that."

"Not alone," Ibiki nodded towards Kakashi. "That's why you're going with him."

Hanako looked at Kakashi with wide eyes. He was calm, waiting for Ibiki's instructions.

"It is said that Orochimaru is experimenting on our own people. He is hiding somewhere close to the village. Your mission is to find its location and, if you can, his objective."

"Understood." Kakashi nodded. Hanako looked at Ibiki and sighed.

"Are you sure—"

"You said you had an amazing talent," Kakashi looked at Hanako with a small smile behind his mask. "Why don't you show it to me?"

Hanako smiled back and nodded. "Aye."

* * *

Hanako knocked loudly. Kakashi opened the door with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, it's you." He was about to close the door but Hanako stopped him and invited herself in.

"What's your problem? I thought you said, 'Meet me in the gates in an hour'," she tried to mimic his voice but failed.

Kakashi nodded. "Yes, I did."

"Well, that was two hours ago!" she almost yelled but did her best to keep her composure.

Kakashi looked at the clock he had in his living, and chuckled slightly. "Oh, I forgot to change the batteries. I'm sorry."

Hanako sighed heavily. "Really? Is that your excuse?"

"Do I need an excuse? I'm the captain."

"A terrible one," she hushed, aiming for the door. "Come on, let's go."

"Wait," Kakashi stopped her by putting a hand on her shoulder. "This is serious."

Hanako looked at him with an incredulous face. "What?"

"How did you know I lived here?"

Hanako rolled her eyes and turned away. "I've got contacts."

* * *

Hanako and Kakashi continued their patrol around the village outskirts. Everything seemed quiet and calm, besides there was nothing that had attracted Hanako's interest. She looked at her companion. Kakashi didn't look like the kind of guy to make conversation, but she was starting to become bored. "So, who is this Orochimaru guy?" she asked.

Kakashi looked at her. "He's a Jounin from the village, but he's also a scientist."

Hanako frowned. "A scientist?"

"He likes to experiment," Kakashi explained, stopping by a tree. Hanako stood near him. "According to the Third, he went too far to even experiment in his own subordinates."

Hanako pressed her lips tightly. "Is he looking onto new techniques?"

"Probably. That's what we need to find out."

Hanako looked at the ground. "Is there anything you know about him, something that might tell me how his chakra signature could be?"

Kakashi looked at her curiously. "You're a sensor?"

"Yes, and besides that..." She looked at him with the Sharingan. "I have this."

He nodded. "Unfortunately, I don't know Orochimaru personally. But the headquarters gave order to evacuate everyone within the woods near the village. So, if you can sense someone in the perimeter, it will probably guide us to a hideout."

"I see." Hanako closed her eyes and looked for a chakra signature. There was a faint chakra not too far away, and there was an even fainter chakra below it. It appeared to be someone standing over a lying unconscious body. Suddenly, the first person pulled away as a dark aura surrounded the other, darkening even the chakra.

Hanako opened her eyes with a gasp. Kakashi looked at her alarmed. "What happened?"

She bit her lip. "I think I found him, nearly 2 kilometers towards north."

"Alright," Kakashi was about to leave but Hanako held him by the wrist. He looked down at her with questioning eyes.

"He's doing horrible things," Hanako said, still not looking at him. "We must not let our guard down, and be cautious." When he nodded, she finally let go.

* * *

It was definitely a hideout. When Hanako stared down at the hole in the ground and door ahead, she was certain. "Orochimaru is inside."

Kakashi nodded and tried to go down, but Hanako stopped him. "No, don't. He will notice we're here if you open the door."

"We'll be fine."

"Isn't the purpose of this mission to locate the hideout? We did it, let's go back before we get in trouble."

"'Find the hideout and his purpose', we're still missing the latter." Hanako was becoming impatient.

"Fine, I'll go in. I can hide my presence, he won't know I'm there. But call for reinforcements, I'm not exactly sure he'll like me nosing around."

Kakashi frowned. "Are you going to be okay without me?"

"I don't plan to get into a fight with a Jounin. But if it seems to assure you," Hanako looked at him with a smile, "I've never lost a match."

Kakashi stared at her for a moment, "I'll be right back, don't do anything stupid. If he sees you, run." And he left.

Hanako looked back at the doors and sighed. "No one told me you were so kind..." she muttered to herself before approaching the door. She placed both hands on it and pushed. The door moved easily and without a sound. Hanako smirked, it was going to be easier than she had expected.

Taking a deep breath, Hanako's eyes faded to black and her chakra lowered to become imperceptible. Exhaling, her mind went blank. She hid in the darkness, and advanced. The sound of painful screaming guided her down the halls until she reached a lab. The door was closed but Hanako could listen to what was going on inside, and it didn't sound nice.

"I need to see..." Hanako pushed her luck, and moved the door slightly, just enough to slip inside. Orochimaru was too submerged into his experiment that he didn't notice her presence, and gave her time to hide behind a giant cylindrical machine.

There was the body of a man lying on an exam table, and it was moving slightly as black marks covered his skin. Hanako observed with terror that he agonized as the marks travelled through his body, and even though he gagged several times, he never let out a scream.

"It's not supposed to act like this," Orochimaru said as if speaking to someone in the room. Hanako moved her eyes around but her fear only increased upon finding nobody. Orochimaru smiled as the body in front of him flinched one more time before becoming still. As he spoke again, the man's marks started receding into a single mark at the base of his neck with the shape of three slight curves pointing to the same center. "Next time, if you want to sneak up on somebody, don't be afraid." He looked over her shoulder at Hanako's location. "I can smell your fear from over here."

When Hanako met his eyes, she could feel her blood running cold. She saw Orochimaru opening his mouth and showing her his fangs. His neck straightened long enough to make Hanako question if the man even had a backbone. His head moved in her direction, and he opened his mouth to bite her. As a sort of defense mechanism, her vision turned red.

Her surroundings fell into place and Hanako looked up at Orochimaru. He hadn't moved from his place.

"Nice eyes," Orochimaru smirked and returned his attention to the dead man. He drew a corpse bag from underneath the exam table, and carefully put the man inside.

Hanako walked out from her hiding place, and walked slowly, surrounding the Jounin. "The Curse Mark isn't ready yet," he said. "But when it is, they won't die anymore." He looked at her and smiled a twisted smile. "I guarantee it."

"And how many more will have to die before you reach that point?" Hanako narrowed her eyes at him.

"As many as necessary."

Hanako moved her hand to her weapon pouch and pressed her lips. Don't do anything stupid, Kakashi's words ringed in her mind. Hanako lowered her hand back to her side.

"I never thought I would find an Uchiha youngster roaming in one of my hideouts," Orochimaru commented. "And even less to find the famous Hanako Uchiha."

Hanako's face gleamed with curiosity. "You know about me."

"How wouldn't I know about the Uchiha who stopped the conflict between Iwa and Konoha, the descendant of Madara Uchiha, and the believed reincarnation of Amane Uchiha?"

Hanako looked at the corpse bag and then back at the Jounin. He had long silky black hair, combed to the left side of his head, and yellow reptile eyes with purple shadows. "What do you know about reincarnation?" Hanako asked.

Orochimaru's grin seemed to widen, and he approached the girl. Hanako remained still in her position. "I know enough."

"What jutsu were you performing on that man's corpse?"

"The Curse Mark," he sneered. "It allows its user to use natural energy as a source of power. However, as you can see, it's still incomplete."

"And when it's complete, what's it supposed to do?"

Orochimaru stood in front of Hanako, and leaned close to her ear. "Do you really want to find out?"

In a single movement, Hanako pulled a kunai from her pouch and aimed it at the Jounin. He grabbed her wrist and bent it in a weird angle, causing her to drop the knife. Hanako moaned in pain and tried to pull her wrist away to no avail, Orochimaru didn't let go. "You're such a fine asset," he said. "To think you would come to me willingly, it must be a one-time opportunity. I have no intention of letting it slip!"

Hanako moved her wrist until she heard it snap and an acute pain moved along her arm. Orochimaru widened his eyes. Her hand had become numb, and she managed to pull it away from his grasp. "You broke your own wrist to escape?!"

Hanako kicked him in his stomach, drawing all the air from his being. As Orochimaru fell on his knees in a coughing fit, Hanako ran outside the room. Steps hurried to the room she used to be in, and Hanako heard the voice of the Third Hokage yelling at Orochimaru.

Before she even realized it, Hanako had hit a dead-end hallway. She looked at the way she had come from, but everything was so dark even her Sharingan couldn't see through. Hanako let her back rest on the wall and let herself slid down to a sitting position, bringing her knees close to her chest. When she looked at her wrist, it was bent in the wrong angle and the skin was slowly turning purple as it swelled.

In a swift movement, Hanako snatched her bone back into place, suppressing a cry of pain. Her bones started to heal right away and the swelling receded. Soon, her wrist was as good as new.

You should take advantage of your ability. If you can heal this fast, you shouldn't be afraid of injuring yourself whenever comes handy.

Shisui's words spoke into her mind. Hanako closed her eyes.

Shisui stood in front of Hanako, watching her trying to free herself. He had tied her to a trunk and now was waiting for her to escape on her own.

Hanako knew that the rope was tight enough not to let any limb of hers move, as they were. "Don't be afraid to break a bone or two if you need it," Shisui said, gaining Hanako's attention.


"You should take advantage of your ability. If you can heal this fast, you shouldn't be afraid of injuring yourself whenever comes handy."

"You mean," Hanako widened her eyes.

"The only way out is breaking your wrist so that your hand bends enough to slip through the opening. After that, use your wind chakra to cut the rope. Once you're free, snatch the bone back into place so that your body can heal."

Hanako chuckled slightly at the memory, the pain was now a distant memory. That was the first time she had to forcibly break her own bone. It had hurt so much she seemed reluctant to do it again, but Shisui made her do it again, and again. First the wrists, then the fingers, ankles, shoulders, and knees. Every single joint she's had to dislocate for whatever reason, but now she was used to ruling out the pain.

"Never thought it would actually be useful..." she said in a lower voice, getting back on her feet.

"Hanako!" She looked up to see Kakashi hurrying her way. "Are you okay?"

"Where's Orochimaru?" she asked.

"He got away," Kakashi narrowed his eyes, looking back in the direction he had come from. "Another Anbu team went after him, but I'm not so sure they'll be able to find him."

When he looked back at the girl, his eyes softened. Hanako was looking down at the ground, still holding her wrist tightly. "What happened?" asked Kakashi, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"He's working on a Curse Mark," Hanako said. "Or, so he said... He might also be working on a reincarnation technique. He seemed to know a lot about it, and seemed a lot interested in it too."

"You got all that information just by listening in?"

"No, he told me. And then he attacked, saying I was a fine asset. What did he want to use me for?" Hanako looked at Kakashi with questioning eyes but Kakashi only shook his head.

"I don't know."

Hanako pursed her lips. Orochimaru knew about Amane, he had answers to her questions. But how much did he know?

Squeezing her eyes shut Hanako gritted her teeth. She couldn't think about going to Orochimaru for answers, she just witness how dangerous a man he really was. Next time she wouldn't be so lucky to get away alive. He was not an option.

"Can we go now?" Kakashi nodded.

* * *

"How did your first mission go?" Ibiki asked with a smile when Hanako came back with Kakashi. He was waiting for them at the entrance of the building.

"Orochimaru escaped," said Kakashi. "However, we found his hideout. According to what Hanako saw, he was still experimenting with the Curse Mark. Probably the final stages."

"So, after Anko he couldn't just let it drop, huh?"

"Anko-sensei?" Hanako looked at Ibiki with questioning eyes. "She has a curse mark?"

"She was the first one... who survived." Ibiki sighed. "Anyways, Kakashi, Hanako, thank you for your service tonight. You may go home." Kakashi bowed.

"Yes, understood."

Hanako was about to turn away when Ibiki spoke again. "Hanako, we still haven't made official your enrollment to our team." She looked at him. "The vacant I offered you is actually the missing member of a small Anbu unit. Today's mission was your first S-rank." Hanako's eyes widened.

"You sent me, a Chuunin, to an S-rank mission?!"

"It was a test."

Before Hanako could reply, Kakashi explained. "There's an Anbu unit that works specifically under Ibiki's guidance, instead of the Hokage's. This unit is known as the 'Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force'."

"I hand pick my own members according to certain requirements I note. In you, I find great potential in both infiltration and espionage, which can be worked on," Ibiki said. "In the Chuunin Exams, I noticed that you cannot be swayed by empty threats. Also, you are willing to sacrifice yourself for a meaningful purpose, if that means no harm will come to your friends. You are not a coward, if I were to torture you right now to get information out of the people you love, you wouldn't even flinch.

"'You are just an obstacle, Ibiki-sensei. I know who you are. I know you torture people. I know you play with their minds until they become insane. I do just about the same, and I won't stop until I find that tiny little detail that makes everything fall apart. I will move through your words until I find something I can use against you. I know you said at the beginning of the exam that fighting was not allowed, but if I have to beat you so that everyone passes the test, I will. Even if that means I fail.'

"Isn't that what you said?"

"Is this the detail you will use against me?" Hanako narrowed her eyes.

"Become an Anbu," Ibiki said. "I don't need a coward that would reveal the village's information at the first limb they chop off. I know I can trust you to take this job. Besides that, today you proved to be a sensor, which allows you to excel in tracking assignments. We could use someone so flexible like you in the black-ops."

"Assassination, espionage, tracking, infiltration, information gathering, logistics," Kakashi numbered. "Those are all the typical assignments commended to Anbu. However, you are only going to be tasked with infiltration, tracking, or espionage missions."

"You brought me here, so that you could make me an Anbu?" Hanako asked in a cynical tone.

"Think about it." Ibiki nodded.

"There's nothing to think about," Hanako smirked. "I accept."
