Chapter 7

Just like Izumi had said, it didn't take long for word about her encounter with the bullies to reach the teachers.

It was the third period, right before recess, when there was a knock on the door of the class 1-1. It slid open to reveal a man dressed in standard Jounin uniform. He looked at the teacher, who had shut up when the door was suddenly opened. Third period was Ninja History, a class Hanako very much enjoyed. She crossed her fingers under the table, hoping they didn't come looking for her.

She arrived to class in the second period. After taking Izumi to the infirmary, she stayed with her, just watching her sleeping form or staring out the window until first period was over. She arrived for second period, and sat in her usual spot next to the window. Takeshi would always challenge Itachi to a race to the class after resistance training, but Itachi would always win and claim the spot next to her. Takeshi, gritting his teeth, had no option but to sit beside him. She didn't understand guys. Who in their right mind would race right after resistance training? She was sure Itachi could handle it, but Takeshi was overexerting himself.

She could understand something, the sit Itachi had claimed used to belong to Takeshi before he was transferred. But she still couldn't understand why he was fighting so hard to get his seat back. Not that she cared, but she kind of liked Itachi sitting next to her every day.

"I need Hanako Uchiha to come with me. Her presence has been requested in the main office." The entire class took a breath in unison, including herself. Takeshi moved to the front, enough to make eye contact with Hanako. "What did you do this time?" he mouthed with concern. Hanako knew very well what she had done, and Itachi did too.

With a sigh, she stood up and walked towards the door. All eyes were on her, and the teacher remained silent as she made her way. It wasn't until the door was closed behind her, that she heard him clear his voice and begin speaking about the First Hokage's deeds once again.

"What did I do?" Hanako asked in the most innocent voice she could muster.

The Jounin, probably a teacher from the senior courses, looked at her with serious eyes. "You know very well what you did."

Hanako looked at the floor, she didn't say anything else until they reached the main office.

The Third Hokage was like the principal of the academy. All the teachers answered to him, and even the lesser missions, like D and C rank, were assigned in this room. It was a large rectangular room, with a long table right in front of the window. The Hokage was sitting in the centre, with two other teachers at each side of him. Hanako could recognize the other two people in the room to be the bullies she faced that morning. Tenma Izumo was standing in the middle of his two friends, arms crossed and a bored look on his face.

"Tenma, stand straight." The teacher who escorted Hanako to the office spoke loudly.

Tenma, in a second, let his arms fall to his sides and straightened his back. Hanako guessed right, he was their teacher. "What is this?" she asked.

"We heard about your little 'encounter' of this morning." The teacher replied, giving her a stern look. "Tenma will apologize for making you uncomfortable."

"Is that why I was brought here?" Tenma growled. "Come on, sensei, we already came to an understanding. I'm missing Ninjutsu class right now, and the exams are coming soon!"

"I must agree with Tenma," Hanako said. "We did come to an understanding." A smirk graced her lips, but she refused to let it show. He did say things wouldn't be left like that, which supposed he might come at her again. But she was actually looking forward to it.

"I still don't appreciate fights within the academy. I would like you two to come to terms with each other, as fellow Konoha Shinobi." The Hokage's request was clear. "The four of you will stay after class for extra sparring sessions. You will finish whatever business you had this morning, with your respective teachers as spectators. We won't let you harm each other, but you will get to release some of your tension."

"Are you implying I have to fight against the three of them?" Hanako raised an eyebrow. "Not that I mind, but it's quite unfair. Three against one."

The Hokage chuckled. "No, Hanako. You will only fight one of them. The three of them might have had the intention to fight, but only one started it. I called the three of them, so they could choose who will fight. The rest will only watch." Hanako smirked. She already knew Tenma would take the fight.

"I will." Tenma hurried to say before any of his buds could speak. Her lips curled up into a smile. "Then it's settled," continued the Hokage. "Today, after class, the four of you will meet your teachers at the entrance. They will escort you to the training grounds, where Hanako and Tenma will begin a friendly match. The other two will only watch."

"What is the purpose of this, though?" Tenma asked. The Hokage smiled. "Shinobi can only understand each other in battle. They communicate with their fists. The rules of your fight will be explained to you this afternoon. You may return to class." Hanako and Tenma were about to leave, but the Hokage stood up. "Not you, Hanako Uchiha. I would like to have a word with you, in private." He smiled. The other Jounin with him, stood, and left the room with the others.

When it was finally Hanako and the Hokage alone, he spoke. "I was also told you threatened them with your Sharingan. I chose not to mention anything in front of Harumo, because then he wouldn't let Tenma fight. I also must request you to refrain from using it in this fight. We want it to remain as friendly as possible." His smile almost reached the wrinkles around his eyes.

"I understand."

"I have been reading your report book, Hanako. You have quite excellent grades, I must say. How do you feel for the upcoming exams, hm?" he asked.

Hanako looked out the window. She didn't need to study much, she and Itachi would often study ahead of each term, and slay their tests with ease. "Not worried, I guess."

The Hokage nodded. "How about I offer you a deal?" He piqued her interest. "I will tell your teachers to hand you more difficult assignments. If you keep your good grades, I'll let you take the graduation exam by the end of this term."

Hanako's eyes were as big as round eggs. Her mouth widened as she became overwhelmed with excitement. She was sure she would be a Genin by the end of the school year, and she couldn't wait to be out there.

The training grounds was a vast green area, perfect for casual encounters like this one. When Hanako returned to class, she had no choice but to tell Itachi and Takeshi about her scheduled fight with Tenma, and they had both insisted on coming to watch. Hanako stood in the middle of the clearing, facing Tenma. The two Jounin teachers were standing behind their respective students. Tenma's friends were standing on each side of Harumo, while Itachi and Takeshi stood on each side of Yakumo. Hanako and Tenma walked to stand right in front of each other, and performed the sign of confrontation. "I will not go easy on you, Hanako Uchiha," Tenma said.

Hanako only smiled. "Don't worry, I didn't expect you to."

Harumo pierced a branch of a tree, and leaves fell down slowly. "As soon as the first leaf hits the ground, the match begins. There are no rules except no killing each other. Of course, we will stop the match before you even try to."

And no Sharingan. Hanako smirked, the first leaf hit the ground. They both hit the ground as hard as they could, and dashed towards one another. Tenma pulled a kunai from his pouch, but before he could attack her, she grabbed his wrist and twisted just enough for him to let go of the weapon. She kicked him hard on his stomach, and then punched his jaw.

Tenma sneaked a hand to his pouch and threw shuriken at her before she could dodge. The metal stars pierced her torso, but Hanako's body lit up in flames, disappearing into the air. When the fire was gone, the burnt metal fell to the ground. Tenma had covered himself with his arms to protect himself from the fire, giving Hanako an opening to stand behind him.

"Tenma!" His friends yelled, but it was too late. Hanako placed the edge of her knife right at Tenma's throat, thus ending the match.

Tenma didn't move, he couldn't believe he lost. And she didn't even use her Sharingan. She fought like his equal, which meant she was holding back even if he wasn't. Hanako looked down at him and smiled, offering him her hand. "Just a small advice, Tenma. Never close your eyes."

Tenma was stunned, but he accepted her hand. When he stood, he didn't feel the need to prove himself any more. He lost, but he felt he deserved it. "I'm sorry, about this morning." His voice was low, but Hanako heard him. She shrugged. "It's not me who you should apologize to. You were a jerk, but I'm glad you are slowly coming to terms with it. So am I." Her smile widened. Tenma turned to look at Itachi and nodded firmly at him. Itachi returned the nod.

Tenma looked back at Hanako, she was still smiling at him, which only made him blush. "Stop looking at me like that," he exclaimed. "I'll see you tomorrow at school." With that he turned and left with his friends.

Hanako chuckled. It seemed the Third was right, they only needed a friendly match.

When Hanako arrived home, her sister was home as well. She was helping her mother prepare dinner, while she told her about her latest mission. Hanako slid the main door open and stepped inside, took her shoes off and left them near the entrance.

"I'm home," she said. Both her mother and Hikari looked at her with huge grins. "Your father should be home soon for dinner. How was school?" her mother asked.

Hanako smiled. "I was told by the Hokage that he was impressed by my grades. So much, that he spoke to my teacher about handing me more difficult assignments. And," she grinned. "If I manage to keep my grades high, he would let me take the graduation exam by the end of the year."

The onion Hikari was holding hit the ground. She looked at her younger sister with incredulous eyes. "You... he what?"

Hanako's grin became small at the glare her sister was giving her. "I was offered to graduate this year."

Hikari took a deep breath before looking at her mother. "I need to go to the bathroom, I think the onion got into my eyes." Hanako watched her sister leave silently to the bathroom, not even sharing her a second glance. "What's her deal?"

Akira sighed. She knew very well Hikari's deal. Hanako was catching up to her really fast, and as the older sister, it was hard for her to watch her baby sister surpass her so quickly. It took Hikari three years to graduate from the academy, and here Hanako came with the news that she'd be graduating after just one year.

Hanako was different from Hikari, in every sense. And Akira knew, the only thing in common those two had was their mother. Akira watched her youngest daughter, wondering when she should tell them the truth, they were only half-sisters, and Hikari should stop comparing herself to Hanako. Hanako arrived to the kitchen, and picked up the onion and looked at her mother with teary eyes. "Is she not happy for me?"

Akira smiled. "She is happy for you, Hanako. She's just upset at how fast you're progressing, and she...she has been feeling stuck."

"Stuck?" Hanako looked at where her sister disappeared. "Do you think it's because she's on Shisui's team? I hear he's an amazing Genin, he even earned the name 'Shisui of the Body Flicker'. I would understand if she would stand by and watch as he completes the mission. That's definitely a turn down."

Akira shrugged. "It's hard to tell, but your sister has to find her way on her own, just like you." Hanako looked up at her mother. Akira decided that moment Hanako shouldn't know of her true lineage, at least not yet. "Continue studying and training like you have been doing, okay? I am proud of you." Hanako smiled and nodded. "Let's finish dinner, then."
