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Lillian cherished her time in District Eight, grateful for the connection with Rose and Jim. As she boarded the train to District Twelve, she looked forward to another meaningful visit.

Upon arrival, Lucy Gray welcomed Lillian, ready to accompany her to her house. The journey promised new experiences and the rekindling of old friendships in District Twelve.

Lillian, harboring a surprise for Coriolanus, was eager to showcase her singing talent at Lucy Gray's show in District Twelve. Anticipation filled her as she looked forward to the reaction she would evoke from her old friend. The prospect of surprising Coriolanus added an extra layer of excitement to her visit.

Lucy Gray and Lillian spent the entire day bonding, exploring the district's best spots and shopping for outfits. As the night unfolded, Lucy Gray took the stage, while Lillian remained hidden in the corner, ready for her surprise performance. Despite the limited time together, Lillian had managed to learn all of their songs, creating a thrilling atmosphere for the impending surprise.

"We have a special guest in the house today!" Lucy Gray announced, eliciting excited yet curious cheers from the audience. "Give a big warm welcome to my friend Lillian Crane." The applause filled the space, and Coriolanus, taken by surprise, remained still, disbelief etched on his face. Sejanus had a wide smile on his face, happy to see his friend again.

The taller brunette, confidently walked onto the stage, prepared to serenade the crowd with the songs she had learned in a few short hours. The air buzzed with anticipation, and the stage was set for a memorable performance.

Lillian began to strum the guitar and sing alongside the band, captivating the audience with her voice. The crowd, both dancing and entranced, was pleasantly surprised by Lillian's musical prowess. Coriolanus, having never heard Lillian sing before, watched in awe, realizing this hidden talent she possessed-previously shared only with Felix and Arachne. The night unfolded with a magical blend of surprise and admiration for Lillian's unexpected musical gift.

After finishing the first song, someone handed Lillian a bottle containing clear liquid, and she playfully accepted it. "Just to clear my pipes, guys, don't worry!" she exclaimed with a laugh, reassuring the audience as she prepared for the next part of her performance. The atmosphere was filled with a blend of excitement and curiosity, eager to see what Lillian had in store for the rest of the evening.

As Lillian and the band played one more song, Lillian couldn't help but notice Sejanus's absence from the room. Simultaneously, she observed Coriolanus no longer gazing at the stage; instead, his eyes seemed to long for a door in the corner. Lucy Gray, too, directed her attention toward Coriolanus, curious about his shift in focus. The dynamics in the room hinted at an undercurrent of emotions and stories yet to unfold.

As the song concluded, Coriolanus made his way toward the door. Lillian, after expressing gratitude to the crowd, followed him off the stage, and Lucy Gray trailed close behind.

Lillian entered the room quietly, only to hear Sejanus explaining himself. "He didn't tell me he was getting weapons. I was getting them money to leave, I didn't say weapons, I meant supplies." Sejanus clarified, his gaze landing on Lillian. The room held a charged atmosphere, with questions lingering about the true nature of their intentions and the complexities of their shared predicament.

Sejanus, upon seeing Lillian, underwent a noticeable shift in his expression. This change puzzled Coriolanus, prompting him to turn around and spot Lillian and Lucy Gray. In response, Coriolanus walked over and pulled Lillian in protectively, adding a layer of complexity and tension to the scene.

"What is going on here?" Lucy Gray demanded, directing her question toward Billy. He shook his head, avoiding eye contact with Lucy Gray and redirecting his gaze toward someone else, adding a layer of mystery to the situation.

"She's gonna open her mouth," Spruce remarked, referring to Lucy Gray. He expressed concern about Mayfair as well, ending his worries with a solemn statement. "No, she won't. She's all talk," Billy asserted, prompting a scoff from Mayfair. The room became charged with an undercurrent of tension as conflicting sentiments and uncertainties hung in the air.

"Oh, yeah, Lucy Gray? Would you say I'm all talk?" Mayfair taunted, closing the distance between them. "How was your visit to the Capitol? Nice, wasn't it?" Her taunts filled the room, intensifying the charged atmosphere. The confrontation between Lucy Gray and Mayfair added a layer of tension, leaving everyone on edge, awaiting the unfolding exchange.

"So what, am I all talk?" Mayfair challenged just before the unexpected blast of a gunshot echoed through the room. The sudden eruption of gunfire left everyone bewildered, not knowing its origin.

Lillian, scanning the room in surprise, was shocked to see Coriolanus standing next to her, holding a gun. Stunned into silence, she could only gasp at the unexpected turn of events, leaving the room in a state of shock and uncertainty.

Coriolanus shielded the girls from the unfolding chaos as Billy went after him. "Nice going, bud. You just killed the mayor's daughter. How do you feel?" Billy taunted before charging at Coriolanus.

In a swift turn of events, Spruce intervened, grabbing one of the guns and shooting Billy before he could reach Coriolanus. Lillian watched in shock as Billy's body collided with the wall, the room filled with the aftermath of the sudden and violent altercation.

Lillian, overwhelmed and tearful, found herself in Coriolanus's comforting presence. He gently wiped away her tears, urging her to regain composure. "I need you to go out there and sing your little heart out while we clean this up," he said, kissing her forehead. Lillian nodded, a small smile forming on her lips in acknowledgment.

"Lucy Gray, you too," Coriolanus directed, turning his attention to the others. Spruce took charge of hiding the guns, while Coriolanus and Sejanus hoped for a discreet cleanup. The room buzzed with emotions as they walked out like nothing happened.
