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Coriolanus felt a growing unease as they headed back to the Snow compound, worried about how Lillian might perceive his living situation compared to her stable family. Sensing his discomfort, Lillian reassured him by grabbing his hand and resting her head on his shoulder.

As the journey continued, Lillian drifted into a peaceful slumber, her head still nestled on Coriolanus's shoulder. The quiet moments together provided a brief relief from the challenges they faced, creating a sense of connection and understanding between them.

Coriolanus, relieved that Lillian was still peacefully asleep, gently lifted her from the car and carried her up four flights of stairs to their apartment. The quiet ascent allowed him a moment of reflection, contemplating the complexities of the situation and the support they were extending to Lillian during a challenging time.

Coriolanus carefully laid Lillian on his bed before taking a moment to tidy up his room before she awoke. When satisfied, he gently woke her, suggesting she change into a pair of his clothes for comfort.

"There's my wardrobe; you can pick whatever you want to wear. I'll be outside the door." he said, giving her privacy. Lillian browsed the wardrobe and opted for a beige, long-sleeve button-down paired with black shorts.

On the other side of the door, Coriolanus was on his hands and knees tidying up the house before she emerged from the room. Hearing her approach, he swiftly rose, meeting her at the door.

"How do I look, blondie?" The brunette inquired, prompting a smile from the blonde boy as she spun around. "Comfortable." He replied. She took his hand, guiding him to the bed, feeling tired, lost, and unsure if her body could bear another tear.

Seated on the bed, she took the head, he the foot. She smiled, eager to learn about him. "What's your favorite color?" she asked. "Blue," he replied. "Basic." She giggled, making him smile. "Oh yeah? What's your favorite color?" He asked. "Blue." Lillian answered looking down, making both of them burst out laughing.

"Are you ready to mentor the Hunger Games?" The girl asked, prompting a sigh from the boy. After a moment of silence, he shook his head. "Not at all." She nodded, "Neither am I."

"I'm scared for Wovey. She's so sweet and she doesn't deserve this. She's always happy, she's probably smiling there in the zoo right now. I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to give her all she needs. I'm too short to get her out of the trucks, how am I supposed to help her live." Lillian poured her heart out to the boy in front of her.


Tigris hurried to the store with their entire budget, determined to prepare a hearty meal for their guest, a task she was accustomed to. Tonight's dinner would feature chicken, potatoes, and beans, a modest but heartfelt offering within her means.

Coriolanus left his bedroom to inspect dinner when the aroma made his mouth water, and he began daydreaming about the food. In the kitchen, he glanced at his cousin.

"You're going all out for this girl, cuz," he chuckled. "We're barely even friends, y'know. We started talking two days ago. We've been competition for years. This prize was going to be between the two of us." Coriolanus said hoping Lillian didn't hear him, it was the last thing she needed today.

"Be nice to her Coryo, she's having a hard time, you know how it feels."

Coriolanus fetched Lillian for dinner, hopeful that she would enjoy it. The pair made their way to the dinner table, where Lillian was introduced to Grandma'am.

"Hello, dear. I'm Grandma'am. I'm so sorry about your sister." Grandma'am said, pulling the young girl into a comforting hug. "Hi, I'm Lillian, thank you so much for welcoming me into your home." Lillian said smiling at Grandma'am.

After the delicious dinner Coriolanus and Lillian went back to his room. "I'm so sorry if I'm intruding, I just don't think I'd make it at my house. I feel like my parents would change everything, clean her room, move pictures, I just don't think I could handle it, y'know?" The girl said, tear rolling down her cheek. The boy gently swept the tear away using his sleeve.

The bond between Coriolanus and Lillian deepened as they shared their stories, creating a connection that transcended their past rivalry. Coriolanus, empathizing with Lillian's struggles during the war, began to see beyond his previous assumptions about her family.

As Lillian opened up about her hardships, Coriolanus felt a sense of remorse for his preconceived notions. He realized the importance of understanding each other's stories and experiences, fostering a newfound understanding between them.

In the quiet moments of the night, as they exchanged stories, both Coriolanus and Lillian found solace in each other's company. The complexities of their lives intertwined, breaking down the barriers that had separated them for years.

The night carried a weight of shared burdens and newfound empathy, laying the foundation for a connection that surpassed the constraints of their past.

"You get the bed, I can sleep on the couch in the living room." Coriolanus offered looking at the girl. "Can you stay here until I fall asleep? I don't think I can be alone." Lillian answered frowning at the boy. "Yeah I can do that." He answered as she got out of the bed to go to the bathroom one last time.

Coriolanus settled into the small bed, in the spot closest to the wall, making room for both of them to sleep semi-comfortably. Lillian returned from the bathroom and lay down beside him.

Lillian quickly succumbed to sleep, exhaustion from the day taking its toll. However, Coriolanus found it difficult to rest immediately. Concern for the girl lingered, and he hesitated to leave her side, unsure of what might happen if he wasn't there.
