Fifteen days until Christmas, Michael thought the next morning as he repeated the same ritual of sitting out on the balcony with his cup of tea while gazing at the gorgeous sight in front of him.

It was a perfect time to think and reflect on all of the terrible and great things that have happened so far in his life. But there weren't many great events, considering he's been feeling quite lonely lately and his friends kissing under the mistletoe all the time isn't doing him much justice.

The lad doesn't care much for Christmas. He doesn't mind spreading love and joy around of course, but he'd rather pretend that the holiday didn't exist. It's just a day to be stubborn and ignorant when you don't get what you want. Michael doesn't want presents, he just wants a person to love.

But who is he kidding, that's never going to happen. The person he has a very little crush on would never be interested in him. He's a loser, an outcast, everything that's not on the list of perfection and interest.

Calum: come over

Michael: I don't know. I'm kind of busy.

Calum: doing what? Sitting on ur balcony?

Michael: How the hell did you even know that?

Calum: cause I know u, duh. Now come over. We need to talk.

Michael froze for a moment as he read over those four words that mentally scared him every single time. It's not everyday that Calum asks for his best friend to come over at six fifty in the morning. The boy can only hope that he didn't catch on to his little crush that's going to end very soon. It's just a phase that will surely be forgotten about in the future.

Michael: Fine, on my way.

Michael slid on his brown leather jacket, along with a pair of black jeans and some brown combat work boots. He usually wears all black but he likes to dress to impress for Calum. It's not weird for trying to look cute for someone you barely like, right?


Michael was nervous to knock on his best friends door. He was afraid to have a conversation because what if its about his little crush? It is really that obvious?

"Come in," Calum said in a hushed tone, his voice still raspy from his morning slumber. The way he sounded was so attractive in Michael's mind, so cute and adorable and -- no, these thoughts need to stop.

"So, you said we needed to talk?" Michael pursed as he made himself comfortable on the velvet couch in front of him. He leaned against the cushions to support his back and made sure that the position he was sitting in was just right since he may be here for a while.

"Yeah, I don't know what to get Luke and Ashton for Christmas."

Now the colored hair boy was angry. He didn't show it obviously because he didn't want to upset his best friend, but he really didn't want to stop his valuable time to think and take his mind off of life for a while to chat about Christmas presents; the things he could really care less about.

"Can it wait?"

Michael's question made Calum frown. All the kiwi boy wanted to do was hang with his best friend but he's been distant lately. It's weird, a little too weird and he doesn't like it. If only he could just figure out why Michaels acting that way, then maybe they could become as close as they once were.

"I promised Luke I'd meet up with him at the aquarium at seven fifteen sharp."

"Oh okay," Calum responded as he glanced down at his hands. That's not really what he wanted to hear. All he wanted was a conversation about presents and weird things like using frosting on Graham crackers instead of chocolate chips, "do you have to go now?"

Michael nodded sadly as he stood up and brushed off the lint lingering on his black jeans. He said a quick goodbye and headed out the door, but didn't even make it two minutes outside without getting a text from the one and only.

Calum: miss u already ):

Michael didn't know how to respond to that and the truth is, he doesn't want to. Especially not with the way his heart is pounding inside of his chest.

Calum never misses him.
