Calum: My mum told me u stopped by last night.

Michael: Yeah, I did. I wanted to say goodbye to her.

Calum: Goodbye? y goodbye?

Michael: because I don't plan on seeing her again

Calum: what do u mean...

Michael: I'm ending our friendship, Calum.

Calum: ur joking right..please tell me ur joking.

Michael: no, unfortunately I'm not. We can't be friends anymore Calum.

Calum: my name is cal...u used to call me cal...don't call me Calum..call me cal..

Michael: sorry Calum, we're done.

Calum: what did I do wrong??? :-(

Michael: you proved to me last night just how cold hearted you truly are. And just how much you care about my feelings.

Calum: I didn't see u last night.

Michael: you're right, but I saw you. You asked me to come to your room. So I did. And you were making out with someone. What a great way to invite the boy who likes you

Calum: Mikey..I thought u weren't coming..and I was desperate..so she just sorta came in and we just..yea..were u the one who slammed the door?

Michael: yup, and you should've known I would have been coming regardless.

Calum: I'm so sorry...can u forgive me?

Michael: no. We're not fixing whats been damaged. We're not friends anymore.

Calum: but...y?

Michael: because I can't be friends with someone I'm in love with. Don't you get that?

Calum: sure u can...we can make things work.

Michael: I'm positive we can't. You like girls, I like boys. We should just accept that and find other people to socialize with.

Calum: why does my sexuality have to change our friendship? I'm sorry that I'm not gay and that I'm not in love with u too..I'm trying to fix our friendship and u won't let me. I think ur the cold hearted one here.

Michael: I don't want a friendship with you okay? Please just end this conversation.

Calum: no.

Michael: then I will. Goodbye calum

Calum: don't leave me..I need u :-(

That was a lie and Calum knew it was, which is exactly why Michael didn't reply and instantly deleted the messages after, following with his contact.

That was done and so were they. Their friendship was just dust now and he needed to focus on moving on from the boy who gave him so much to fall in love with. All of those flaws of his that were so wonderfully beautiful, and the way he held Michael was so precious and full of embrace; protective almost. And those moments the boy would hold his hand whenever he felt sad as a way of comfort.

Now when he's sad, Calum gives him space.

You can tell just how much has changed.

All because Michael had to fall in love with his best friend.


Michael was crying all day, his heart aching at the very thought that Calum was gone forever. It was like the world was in their hands and they had everything even if they weren't in a relationship. Their friendship was infinite, full of genuine love and care. They were perfect best friends and they'd be perfect boyfriends but Calum isn't gay.

He was full on sobbing as he listened to depressing music, relating deeply to the lyrics flowing through his ears.

Everything hurts.

And he didn't want to move.

He couldn't move.

That was until he didn't have a choice when his doorbell was ringing. Michael gripped a hold of his teddy bear and walked downstairs to answer the door, not caring that his cheeks were covered in fear stains.

The green haired boy opened the door, revealing a sad looking Calum. He wanted so badly to slam the door in the boys face, but he didn't have the courage in him to do so. Instead, he just examined the boys features and noticed that he as well had tear stained cheeks and pouty lips. Those pouty adorable lips he wanted to kiss like crazy.


"I-I want to fix what we had, Michael. I don't care if you don't want to be friends, because I do, more than anything. And I know you're heartbroken but I'm heartbroken too. You have to consider how I feel about all of this as well."

Michael rolled his eyes. He knew Calum had feelings, but his weren't more important than the green haired boys. He wasn't heartbroken like Michael was. He was just Calum, a selfish, stubborn Calum that always has to get his way.

"Come in."

Calum closed the door behind him, setting down the weird wrapped box he was holding in his arms. He then sat down on the couch and looked around Michaels place awkwardly.

"Do you want anything to drink, tea, coffee, juice?"

"No thanks," Calum replied with his hands in his pockets. He just wanted to get this over with so he could have his best friend back.

"So why are you here? You know I don't want to talk to you?"

"I do. But I want to talk to you. And there's some things that I want to tell you that I didn't want you to know for certain reasons."

"Well what is it?"

"I want you to know that you're going to be my best friend no matter how you feel and no matter what you think about me. I'm always going to want to hang out and play video games with you and cuddle on cold nights to just watch movies on Netflix. I'm always going to want to gossip about the next girl who comes into my life because you're always the first person I think of to tell. I want you to understand that I do love you, but not in that way."

Michael crumbled at those last few words. He didn't want to hear it. If this was Calums solution to make him move on, he was beyond wrong.

"Why don't you love me in that way?" Michael whimpered, tears brimming in his eyes.

"Because I..I just don't. And I'm sorry for that."

"There's always a reason. Whats yours?" Michael asked, just wanting to get an explanation out of the boy. Just some stupid hope he had that he truly was in denial.

"Because I don't know how to love you, Michael. I don't know how to love someone I've known all my life when I've only loved you in one certain way, as a friend. I've never loved anyone. Yes, I've had my heart broken before just like you and I've been sad and I've weeped over shit like that. But I've only ever known one love and nothing is ever going to change that."

"One love, huh?"

"One love, always one love. I can't just change how I feel about you because I don't know how to. I don't know if I'm straight or bisexual or gay. All I know is that I like hooking up with people who find me attractive."

Michael frowned. "I find you attractive."

"That's different. I would never take advantage of my best friend."

"And why is that?" Michael asked, just waiting for that response.

"Because I-I don't want to hurt you like that. You're fragile."

"Everyone's fragile, yet you take advantage of others."

Calum didn't know where he was going with this and he didn't know what he was trying to say. All he knew was that he wanted his best friend back and maybe a little more but he was never actually sure of what he wanted. Aside from friendship.

"But you're special to me. And that's why you're my best friend. Because you're special, so fucking special to me, and I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry that you're willing to end our friendship because I don't know how to love the way that you do."

"Then let me teach you how to love."

Calum was shocked, scared even when seeing Michael leaning in. He could practically feel his breath fanning on his neck and it sent shivers down his spine. It meant something, it had to. He knew he needed to pull away, but he didn't have the will in him to do so, and he didn't actually want to either.
