Chapter Twelve

Getting to the front, she bowed and said, "I sincerely apologize for the delay, your honour."

The silence that descended upon the courtroom was palpable. It stretched on so long that one could hear the faintest of heartbeats. Judge Anderson, an elderly man in his early fifties, fixed an intense gaze on the petite young lady standing before him. His eyes, magnified by the reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, bore into her, assessing her presence and intent.

Every eye in the courtroom was locked onto the judge, their collective anticipation heightened by his deliberate silence. Kore's bowed head remained, the only exception in the room. Judge Anderson's gaze lingered for a moment longer before he signaled with a graceful gesture of his hand.

"Call the first case," he commanded, his voice resonating with a slight but commanding boom.

The courtroom's Registrar, Mr. Collins, a man known for his impeccable attention to detail, took a step forward. He cleared his throat before announcing, "Case number one: Senator Agabaje Johnson and his son, Daniel Johnson."

As the names were uttered, all eyes shifted towards the entrance of the courtroom. The imposing figure of Senator Johnson, accompanied by his son Daniel, stepped into the dock. The spectators held their collective breath, acutely aware that this trial marked a turning point.

That you, Mr. Daniel Johnson, son of Senator Agbaje Johnson, on the 21st February 2010 was seen by several eyewitnesses to have shot an innocent passer-by, in person of late Oladade Badmus, during a sporadic shooting at Lake side street, pipeline Lagos."

"That you, Senator Agbaje Johnson, in conjunction with the Commissioner of Police and Former Chief Justice collins Odima, arrested an innocent citizen, charged him to a kangaroo court where you sent him to jail in place of your son."

"That you, Daniel Johnson, were discovered to be in possession of illegal arm without license.

The room's tension reached its zenith as Registrar Collins finally raised his head to face the accused. "Guilty or not guilty?" he inquired, the weight of those words hanging heavily in the air.

In response, the defense counsel, known for his confident demeanor, shot up from his seat, his voice carrying conviction. "Not guilty."

The courtroom, filled with spectators, held its breath, knowing that the battle had just begun in earnest.

"Present the facts, please," Judge Anderson requested, his deep voice resonating with authority.

Kore rose gracefully, her head held high,
she offered a respectful bow before she began.

"Your honour, esteemed members of the Jury, what this courtroom seeks are not just facts; it craves justice. Justice for a life unjustly taken, for an innocent soul languishing in wrongful incarceration. Your honour, justice is the ultimate aim of this proceeding," she declared passionately before resuming her seat.

Back at Rotimi Chambers, Jojo's initial confidence crumbled into uncertainty. She face palmed herself in shock, while her colleagues couldn't hide their astonishment, most eyes turned towards her now.

"Oh my, what is she doing ?" Paul muttered in disbelief.

Lawrence nodded in agreement, "could this be a disaster ? Please tell me this isn't going to be a disaster ?"

But Florence, always skeptical of Kore's abilities, couldn't help but smirk, "I knew it. She's way in over her head."

At the hospital, Paul reclined in his seat, his heart beat becoming faint as the feeling of fear seemed to have a grip on him. "Come on, come on, he muttered, under his breath.

Lawrence, still holding onto hope, replied, "Let's give her a chance; she might have something up her sleeve."

Florence, maintaining her skepticism, sneered, "I told you she couldn't handle this."

But, obviously, no one was listening to her.

In the midst of the gripping courtroom drama playing out on the television screen, Lawrence's anxiety got the best of him. He couldn't help but mutter to himself, "No, no, she can't lose." His fingers rhythmically tapped the floor, his agitation evident.

Florence, seated beside him, turned toward him with a surprised expression. She couldn't ignore his muttered plea.

"What?" Lawrence inquired, catching her intent gaze and the curiosity it held.

For a fleeting moment, Florence hesitated, then she replied, "Nothing, nothing." She shifted her attention back to the television, concealing the hint of envy that danced in her eyes.

Back at the courtroom, the judge paused in his writing, his gaze steady as she addressed the defense counsel.

"Present your case," he instructed.

"Thank you, Your Honour," the defense counsel replied, his tone confident. "I begin by asserting that the tragic shooting of the late Mr. Olatade Badmus was nothing short of an accident. Regarding my client's son being in possession of a firearm, he was merely practicing in case of need for self-defense."

A wave of disapproval rippled through the audience, accompanied by a chorus of disapproving murmurs.

"Order!" the usher bellowed, and the clamor subsided, allowing the defense counsel to proceed.

"For my client, he was simply acting as any father would - protecting his child.

Furthermore, my client is a disciplinarian who ensured his son's upbringing was characterized by strict discipline. He has also compensated the family of the deceased with monetary restitution," the defense counsel continued. "Your Honour, I believe this is a fair resolution. I, therefore, appeal to this honorable court to acquit and discharge my clients as they are innocent of the aforementioned crimes."

After jotting down some notes, the judge looked up once more, this time addressing the prosecuting counsel. "Prosecuting counsel, don't you have anything to say to defend your clients ?" He asked, giving her another piercing gaze.

But, Kore, unwavering in her stance replied
"By all means your honour, I do."

"Proceed then."

Amidst the courtroom spectators, Jojo from Rotimi Chambers couldn't contain her frustration. She heard someone remark,

"What's wrong with your sister? Is this how court sessions are held?"

Another chimed in, "Is she trying to show off or what?"

Jojo, her muscles tensing, observed the growing unrest without offering any comments.

Watching the televised proceedings from his home, a man remarked in pidgin, "Omo, this lawyer proud oo! See as she dey do like say na she be judge gan gan ?"

"Kore, what on earth are you doing ?" David muttered under his breath, baffled by her approach to the case.

Kore, composed and unpalpable, rose to her feet and began her argument.

"Your Honour, no form of disciplinary action or financial compensation can resurrect the dead," Kore began, addressing the omission in her counterpart's statement. "My learned colleague here also neglects to mention that we cannot reverse the years of suffering endured unjustly by an innocent man."

Prompted by her conviction, she delved into the legal intricacies, articulating, "Your Honour, the allegations encompass multiple violations of the Nigerian constitution. These include defamation, murder, unlawful arrest, and illegal possession of a firearm without a license, each with its own set of clear consequences as stipulated in our laws."

Kore, with unwavering authority, continued, "To clarify, Your Honour, these violations are explicitly outlined in our constitution. Defamation, as per Section 14, Article III, is defined as the act of making false statements that harm the reputation of another and is subject to legal consequences."

She maintained her composure as she further elucidated, "Regarding murder, Section 21, Article IX, unambiguously states that the unlawful killing of another human being carries a penalty of life imprisonment or, in certain circumstances, the death penalty, as per our constitution."

Kore's legal acumen shone as she proceeded, "Unlawful arrest, as detailed in Section 32, Article VII, refers to the apprehension of an individual without proper legal authority, and this act is expressly forbidden in our constitution, with consequences ranging from monetary compensation to imprisonment, depending on the severity."

With precision, she concluded, "Finally, illegal possession of a firearm without a license is explicitly addressed in Section 27, Article II, which stipulates the legal requirements for firearm ownership. The consequences for non-compliance include heavy fines, imprisonment, or both, as outlined in our constitution."

Her citation of these constitutional sections not only reinforced her argument but also underscored the seriousness of the charges against the defendants, leaving no room for doubt in the courtroom.
As Kore spoke, her words carried the weight of not just her conviction but also the laws she cited.

Amidst the courtroom spectators, Jojo from Rotimi Chambers couldn't contain her frustration. She heard someone remark,

"What's wrong with your sister? Is this how court sessions are held?"

Another chimed in, "Is she trying to show off or what?"

Jojo, her muscles tensing with tension, observed the growing unrest without offering any comments.

Watching the televised proceedings from his home, a man remarked in pidgin, "Omo, this lawyer proud oo! She nur do rehasal before she commot for house ?"

"Kore, what on earth are you doing?" David muttered under his breath, baffled by her approach to the case.

In the courtroom, as Kore continued to advocate for justice, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air, accentuated by the diverse reactions of those both inside and outside the courtroom.

"....... So, your honour and highly esteemed members of the Jury, I would like to appeal to this honourable court that wrongs should be punished and justice take it's full course. Thank you.

As Kore took her seat, the judge wrote for a while and then looked up. By now, with the whole argument Kore had brought up, everyone expected justice to take place.

"I have heard the opinions of the two sides, and truly, prosecuting counsel...." the judge began, her voice commanding respect.

Kore looked up, holding her head high, her eyes fixed on the judge, her determination unwavering.

"Do you feel ordinary words are going to cause justice to take place?" the judge inquired, her tone enigmatic, drawing everyone in the courtroom closer.

Kore's confidence seemed to waver for a moment, but she maintained her composure.

"Bam! I said it," she thought to herself, a triumphant smile hidden behind her serious facade. "The hands of the law will surely be twisted for cases like this in Nigeria. Tough luck, Barrister," she scoffed.

Paul face palmed himself in disbelief, while Lawrence kept an intent gaze on the TV screen, waiting for the verdict.

Meanwhile, in Rotimi's Chambers:

"Chei! See disgrace," someone exclaimed. "And she was warned to drop the case, oo!"

By now, David had quietly walked out of the scene into his office, his expression as stoic as ever.

Jojo's shoulder slumped in disappointment, but there was still a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Back in the courtroom, Senator Agabaje Johnson, believing he had swayed the judge in his favor, spoke confidently. "Well, Your Honour, with all due respect, we are not here to entertain your constitutional jargon. Uphold the law."

"I have compensated the family and am willing to compensate them again if need be. Just let some leniency be. Some fine will be the end of it all, I know."

The judge leaned forward, her gaze unwavering. "Mr. Johnson, your argument is valid, but remember that your son's fate lies in the balance as well."

Senator Agabaje appeared confident, but just when it seemed he might emerge victorious, the judge dropped a bombshell.

"However," he continued, "your self-serving actions have led to the suffering of many innocent people, including your son's."

The courtroom fell into stunned silence as Senator Agabaje Johnson's confident demeanor crumbled. He had expected leniency, but the judgment hit him like a ton of bricks.

The judge's words continued to reverberate in the courtroom, " are sentenced to pay a sum of 30 million Naira as compensation for the family of the late victim, Olatade Badmus. And for your son's involvement in your crimes, he is hereby sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor and is to pay a fine of 10 million for the defamation of an innocent man."

Shouts of joy and jubilation were about to erupt, but a wave of the judge's hand and a command for order by the usher suppressed them. The judge continued, "The accused is hereby discharged and acquitted as he has been found innocent of all the charges against him.

" And for the individuals listed below,

Commissioner of Police Innocent Madu, former Chief Justice Collins Odima, and Senator Agabaje Johnson, you are hereby relieved of your official positions in the country. The court has found you guilty of crimes that disqualify you from these esteemed roles.

Former Chief Justice Collins Odima, your license is revoked with immediate effect.

You are all hereby sentenced to 30 years in prison with hard labor.

"I rise."

"As Your Lordship pleases," Kore and her opponent affirm, rising and bowing.

Kore approaches her opponent, exchanging a firm handshakes.

In the courtroom, an overwhelming sense of joy pervades as the accused is unshackled and warmly embraced by their awaiting parents.

Meanwhile, Senator Agabaje Johnson and his son are handcuffed and escorted into a waiting police van, surrounded by the convoy that had accompanied them.

The scene unfolds with a mix of emotions, from relief to justice being served, capturing the contrasting fates of those involved.

At the hospital, joy rippled through the air as Lawrence's formerly tense expression relaxed into a smile, and Paul jumped out of his chair in excitement, unable to contain his elation.

In Rotimi's Chambers, David's stoic demeanor gave way to a subtle smile, and Jojo couldn't help but share in the joyous atmosphere, even though she had doubted the case's outcome.

However, Florence couldn't hide her embarrassment, and the faces of those who had spoken against Kore in the chambers now bore expressions of embarrassment and regret

Kore, having argued diligently for justice, let her tense shoulders drop in relief . She couldn't hide their satisfaction as they emerged victorious,

Alas, justice has prevailed.

"Fellow Nigerians, justice has prevailed!" the reporter announced triumphantly. "Barrister Akorede Williams emerges as the victor." She continued, her words flowing seamlessly. "She has won the case, and it's a wrap!"

"As we can see," she added, gracefully moving about while the camera followed her, "the court premises are brimming with jubilant Nigerians. Justice has not only been served, but the evil-doers have also been brought to book. What a remarkable day!"

"Oh, here they come." She paused as she spotted them, her tone shifting.

"Good afternoon, sir and ma," she greeted.

"Good afternoon," the family responded in unison.

"So, please, tell us, how do you feel?" She extended the microphone to anyone willing to speak.

Mrs. Kole spoke first. "I feel overjoyed. I can't believe that after 10 long years, I am finally going home with my son."

"And you, sir?" she inquired.

"Terrific! To say the least," Mr. Kole replied with enthusiasm.

"So, Mr. Kole Junior, how do you feel now?"

"Justified!" he exclaimed. "I owe it to God and the Barrister. After 10 years, I had accepted my fate. But here I am today, free."

Next, the judge stepped forward.

"Your Honor, you served justice where it was due. How did it feel? Were there any moments you felt threatened for taking on such a case?"

"As a judge, my primary duty is to uphold the law and ensure justice is served. While presiding over this case, my focus remained on a fair and impartial trial. While there may have been challenging moments, I never felt personally threatened. It's crucial for the justice system to function without undue influence or fear. The court's decision today reflects our commitment to justice and the rule of law."

"Your Honor, please tell us, what are your thoughts on Barrister Williams and her maiden court appearance?"

"Regarding err.... Barrister Akorede Williams and her maiden court appearance, I must acknowledge that she arrived late, which is not a practice any organization would endorse, I mean, Punctuality is essential in any legal profession."

"However, despite this initial setback, Barrister Williams conducted herself with confidence and presented her case effectively. Her legal arguments were well-structured, and she demonstrated a strong understanding of the law."

"While I would have preferred timeliness, I cannot deny the quality of her legal work. It's important for young lawyers to continue improving and adhering to courtroom etiquette. Overall, I believe Barrister Williams has potential, and I hope to see her grow and continue to contribute positively to our legal system."

Kore was next...

".......Barrister Williams, may we have a moment, please?" a reporter's voice cut through the commotion.

Kore's steps came to a deliberate pause as the reporters swarmed around her, their questions hanging in the air like eager beacons of curiosity.

The clamor of the press intensified as they surrounded her, their eyes fixed on her every word.

With grace and a glimmer of serenity in her eyes, Kore responded, "Of course, please go ahead."A reporter wasted no time, asking, "How does it feel to emerge victorious in this case?"


"Awwn! Look at our baby on TV!" Mrs. Williams exclaimed, stealing glances at her husband, who wore a proud smile.

Back at the court,

Kore took a moment to compose herself, her eyes gleaming with the satisfaction of victory as she responded to the reporters' questions.

"Well," she began, her voice steady, "emerging victorious in this case is undoubtedly a remarkable achievement, not just for me but for justice itself. It's a testament to the power of perseverance, diligence, and faith in the legal system."

"As for my confidence," she continued, her gaze unwavering,

"Well," she began, her voice carrying a weight of gratitude, "I can't express how humbled and thankful I am. This victory is not just my doing; it's a testament to the grace of God that has guided me throughout this journey."

She took a moment to collect her thoughts, her smile radiating a profound connection. "Facing such a high-stakes case, especially for my maiden court appearance, could have been overwhelming. But, in my heart, I felt His divine presence, a reassurance that I was where I was meant to be. It was as though God was saying, 'You are capable, and I am with you.'"

Kore's eyes glistened with sincerity as she continued, "Believing in a higher purpose, I drew strength from my faith. I knew I wasn't alone in that courtroom. It wasn't just about me; it was about justice, about standing up for what's right, with God as my steadfast ally."

She adjusted her stance, exuding both humility and conviction. "As for my critics, I understand that not everyone will see eye to eye with my approach. But, faith has taught me to persevere, to remain steadfast in the face of doubt and adversity."

"Criticism is an integral part of our profession, and it keeps us on our toes. To my critics, I'd say this: skepticism is healthy but, I believe it's God's guidance that has led me to this moment, and I trust in His wisdom."

The reporters, huddled together with microphones and cameras in hand, nodded in unison, profoundly moved by the passion in Kore's words.

"So, there you have it!" The first reporter exclaimed, excitement bubbling in her voice. "Barrister Akorede Williams hasn't just emerged as the victor in this case; she's ascended as a rising star in the legal world."

"Indeed," another reporter chimed in from a different network. "A woman of deep conviction and unwavering faith."

The third reporter , not to be outdone, added, ".....And her victory today stands as a testament to the incredible power of both."

The viewers at home watched with bated breath as these reporters delivered their accounts. The collective admiration for Barrister Akorede Williams echoed through the television screens.

The screen then transitioned to a final image, showing Barrister Williams leaving the courthouse, head held high, flanked by her legal team mates.

The news anchor, speaking softly but with genuine admiration, concluded, " And there we have it, folks, witnesses to a historic moment. Barrister Akorede Williams, a beacon of hope and inspiration. This is Nana Siva bringing you the latest news on Air news T.V.
