Chapter Thirty Five

Jojo was still unconscious when the van drove into the compound. The children's excited screams died down immediately everyone alighted the van with Larry carrying Jojo's unconcious body. By now, everyone's attention was drawn. Each eyes followed them into the main house.


They had carried her into the van and driven out of the parking in lot and out of the peering eyes of the onlookers and on to the road.

"What just happened ?" Larry asked, his voice trembling.

"That's not what matters now, what matters is we find the nearest hospital...."David was saying when Kore cut him short.

"No hospitals!"

Everyone turned to her starting at her like she just grew two heads.

"This is a life and death situation here," Flora began."What do you mean by no hospitals ?"

"She wouldn't want to go-to any one." Uncle Paul please drive home."

"What!" All chorused in shock.

"When this happens, I usually pray, okay ?"

"Wait, are you saying, this is not the first time ?" Martha screeched.

Kore didn't answer. Instead she burst into a song.

At first, she was the only one but soon the others joined in.

After hours of singing, Jojo began to stir.

"She's going to be okay. " Kore declared .

"How do you know that ?" Flora questioned.

"She stirred, didn't she ?" Larry countered. And silence reigned.

"So, you want to tell us what happened back there ?"Martha asked.

"The tumour came back sis." She declared after a while.

Again, everyone was shocked.

"Tumour ?". David asked.

"What!" Martha exclaimed in what sounded almost like a whisper.

Kore couldn't look Martha in the eye but she nodded.

"And what did you do about it ?"

"She didn't want to go see any doctor ?"

"What ? And you didn't tell anyone ? Not even mum and Dad ?"

"She didn't want anyone to know! Kore screamed almost at the brink of tears. What was I supposed to do ?"

"Tell! You were supposed to tell!" Martha screamed back. You know, just because you're not blood sisters doesn't mean you should be selfish! She almost died out there.... Martha stopped herself realizing what she had just let out. Oh my God, Kore I'm so sorry. All at once, she felt like the ground should open and swallow her.

"You know. Just because you are not blood sisters doesn't mean you should be selfish! She almost died out there..."
These words echoed in her head and sent her insides wrenching in pieces. Her body shook as she struggled to hold back the tears that threathened to fall.

Meanwhile, the environment felt akward for the others as the whole family drama had unfolded in front of them.

And now as they were home. Immediately the door was opened. Kore stepped out of the van and ran into the house. Her room was her only refuge now. Martha followed calling after her.

She stopped abruptly on seeing her parents In the sitting room for the first time since the holidays started.

"Dear, what is it ?" Mrs. Williams stood up immediately she saw Kore's face.

Martha followed next into the room "Kore wait.."

But Kore withdrew to a far corner in the room.

"I'm sorry." She mouthed, but Kore wouldn't look her way.

Martha, what is...Mr Williams was about to ask when the others sauntered in, each carrying their long faces with them.

"Does anyone care to explain what is happening...." Mr
Williams was about to ask again until Larry walked in with JoJo's unconcious body and dropped it on one of the sofas .

Now Mr. Williams was alarmed. He stood up while his wife found her way to her daughter's side and began to check for pulse or any form of life in her.

" Can somebody tell me what is going on here ?" Mr. Williams thundered.

"Dad... Paul began, ehm, Jojo lost conciousness."

"What! How ? What happened ?" Mrs. Williams asked.

"Dad ?" Kore began, she felt jilterry all over as she anticipated her father's reaction to what she was about to tell him

Mr. Williams turned to the speaker. "Yes, Kore, tell me, what happened ?".

"D- Dad ?"

"Yes, yes,.I'm listening. Talk to me"

"Dad, the.... the tumour came back." Kore announced and burst into fresh tears.

It was like a bomb was dropped.
"What!" Both Mr. and Mrs. Williams exclaimed, total shock written all over both their faces.

Mrs. Williams eyeballs glistened with tears and danced from left to right, she covered her mouth to withhold the tears that threatened the come out In yelps. She tried to speak but stuttered instead. "How ? W-w- w when ? Today ?"

But Kore said nothing. Tears drenched her face and she she shook rather violently.

"L-l last year ?"

Something flickered in his eyes and any one who knew Mr. Williams knew what was coming.

"What!!" He roared. "Last year ?"

"D- Dad, I'm sorry."

"You're sorry ?" He scoffed. "Sorry ?! Would you be sorry if my daughter had died ? Hmm ?! Would sorry have fixed it then ? You better pray she's alright or else!"

At this moment, Mrs. Williams needed no soothsayer to tell her she had to calm him down, and she did just that.

"You know what ?...." He was about to say but he didn't complete the statement. He turned around angrily and found his way upstairs.

Unable to hold the tears anymore, Kore broke down and ran upstairs almost colliding with you other family members/onlookers.

Meanwhile, Martha stood shaken to the core as guilt washed over her whole system. She was almost at the brink of tears too until she felt a hand clamp her shoulder.

"I didn't mean to". were the first words that came out if her mouth before she burst into tears.

"I know," he nodded, while holding her hands "I know" Paul said again as he pulled her into a hug and let her cry her heart out.

Soon, he walked her upstairs and put her to bed.

He came back downstairs to meet the others still in the sitting room.

"You guys should go to sleep, I'm staying with my wife tonight." He announced to the guys and heaved a sigh.

"No problems P". Larry answered.

"Yeah, your wife needs you." Lawrence said.

"Will she be okay ?" Jessie asked, concern written all over her face.

Paul could only nod. "Yes, you guys should get some sleep. She will be fine.

"Alright then, Good night." Jessie said to no one In particular.

"Good night." Others replied.

She left thereafter and others began to follow suit, leaving Paul to put Jojo in bed.


The whole room was still. The only sound in the room was the whirling ceiling fan that at least managed to chill the tense athmosphere and, probably, make them drift to Dreamland. But, no one was asleep.

"Anyone asleep ?" Larry asked.

"Not me." David answered.

"Me neither." Lawrence mummured.

"How would one sleep ? I mean, we all watched family drama." David answered.

"I can't believe we had to watch that." Larry added.

"We had no choice, we were in the van with them". Lawrence replied with a shrug.

"I really feel for them though." Larry mumbled.



It was almost 10pm and she wasn't asleep. He knew because of how tightly she held the duvet they both shared and how rigid she was on the bed.

"You're not asleep." He stated.

"How can I be ?" She croaked.

He turned towards her and sat up. "But it was just a mistake."

"And I would never forgive myself for it!" Martha declared, suddenly sitting up.

"So what would you do ? Beat yourself up about it ?"

"If that is possible, I will!"

"And what would that solve ?"

On realization of the obvious, Martha began to cry afresh. "But, I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to."

"I know that Martha. I know. But you just have to forgive yourself."

"But, you don't understand, I've hurt her a lot. Now all our friends know she's adopted, I just had to expose everything."

"And I know that," Paul said softly and pulled her closer to her head rested on his shoulder. "I know that and I know she has forgiven you."

"You think so ?" Martha sniffled. "She might not want to ever see me after this."

Paul could only sigh.

"Dear Father," he began, pulling his wife closer, We are sorry for the harm we have caused through careless use of our tongue, we have hurt you by hurting Kore and so we ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive us, heal Kore and help her to forgive us. In the name of our Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen."

"But," she paused. "I was the one who committed the blunder."

"And so I made it mine too." He shrugged.

"But... Wh...why ?"

"Let's go to sleep."

For a while, Martha couldn't help but feel numb. She glanced occasionally at her husband like he had just fallen from the sky and soon fell into a reverie, wondering what she did to deserve such a man as Paul.

"Okay, enough staring!" Let's go to sleep" Paul said.

"I Love You."

"Love you too.".He replied without hesitation. "Goodnight." He added.


After ensuring all lights were out, Kore
stepped out of her room. She needed fresh hair and a drink of water to quell her thirst. Slamming her door shut as noiselessly as she could, she walked to the kitchen, with every step seeming like she was stepping on spikes.

She got to the kitchen in no time, grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and marched outside to sit by the pool.

As she looked her feet dangle in the water, she took in huge gulps from the bottle water and heaved a heavy but relieved sigh. Again, what she loved, peace and quiet.

"Dear Father, thank you for proving yourself, for showing your glory to us in...." But she was cut short.

"Really ?"

Kore froze all at once.

"What ? Are you scared now ?" The familiar voice continued. "Or aren't you scared that something's lurking around somewhere just waiting for it's next victim."

Kore said nothing in reply for sometime.

"What do you want Flora?"

Flora gasped placing a hand on her chest in mock surprise. "I'm surprised. I see your dyslexia has left you. So, you remember my name ?" Kore said nothing, so she continued, moving to sit beside Kore this time.

"Anyways, I couldn't sleep so, I came here to seek some air. Until I saw your nasty face and thought to have some fun with you, maybe, look for some trouble. Not to mention now that everyone knows you are nothing but a cheap skate, a church rat who is nothing but privileged to live an extravagant life she doesn't deserve." Flora growled.

"And did she mention that you almost killed Jojo ?" She scoffed. Aren't you both like twins or something ?" Flora stated, laughing and clapping her hands together. "Murderer!" She stated contemptuously.

"I've told you Korede or whatever you are called , you do not belong here
or anywhere in particular. Nobody loves you or cares for you. You belong in the slums where people like you belong. She hissed. After everything, they are going to get tired of you and will have nothing to do with you. So, please, take my advise and leave while you can before they give you a disgrace full exit. Hmm ?" And with that, she was gone.

