Story Trailer:

Location: Unknown

???: I thought.

Fire and Smoke happening everywhere.

Bullet's Flying.

???: I thought, I could save them.

A silver leg stomp the ground. Multiple Quadruple leg mechs appear and open fire.

???: It hurts

Explosions appears, and then a 50mm cannot fired.

And lastly all the the Units except for one was still standing but, blood was flying over the place.

???: Is this it.

In the unit show's a Girl with Silver Eyes, Silver Hair, and most of her uniform was Covered in blood. And her right arm was holding her Left Arm and it was missing.

And next The Unit was a Löwe, and it was look directly at her. The Girl in was in pale and tears stay coming out of her Widden Eyes.

???: Am I going to died.

The Löwe lift it's lug up and was ready to swing at her head.

???: My..... Dear.. Sister.... I'm s-sorry..... That I couldn't keep my promise. Please win the War.

And Everything went Black

???: Please have a Peaceful Life, I'll be waiting for you.


German News Reporter: *Speaking in German.

US Female News Reporter: Officials have stated of the Strange discovery of a Mysterious Gate in the Streets of New York City. The People are confused that could be a Movie prop

Japanese News Reporter: *Speaking In Japanese*

US Female News Reporter: An Unidentified Enemy has Attack New York City.

NYPD Officer: 11-99! I Repeat 11-99 Emergency!!!

SWAT Officer: We can't Hold them back! We're that Army.

The Sound Gunfire, Cannon Fire and explosions.

And various voices of News Reporters from different countries, Speaking in France, Russia, Germany, Japanese, Korean, and other's.

US Female News Reporter: Right Now one thing is Clear. We are at War against the Legion.

???: I thought I Died, but I didn't. I survived and now fighting in an different Army in another world I don't know of. My name is Adeline Milize my Callsign is Darkstar. I'll fight till my Last breath.

And the scene changed as it takes place in the Other world, the Legion begin charging towards there enemies, and on the Frontline, U.S, Russian, French, Japanese and German Force's open fire on the Legion as Heavy Weapons and Rail-Guns and open fire. But Explosives were happening everywhere, and over head Showing the Battlefield as 10 Tanks consisted of 2 M1E3 Abrams, 2 KF-51 Panthers, 2 Type 10s, 2 T-14s and 2 Leclerc XLRs, reinforce the Front line.

Next M1299 Howitzers, fire there Rounds into the Air, and next a round was coming on top of a Löwe, and impacted

???: Upon the Legion invades the world I was in, and Yet Things were still the same, after every Legion, our Strategies and Tactics have to change, but For Me. My Squadron did a Dangerous role.

On the Group a Group of Quadruple Leg Mechs, speed  down the battlefront, upon this arrival the Legion open fire, but only for the Mechs to dodge the shot's and send a message by firing machine guns and chain guns rounds at them, and Firing there 120mm Smoothbore Guns at them.

At the Back a Squad of Four leg Walkers fire there Rail-Gun Rounds and one of them slash through a Löwe, punching the Turret off of it.

In the Mist of the Battlefield over head A M1E3 Abrams X Tank open fire. And Zoom out as dozens U.S, British, Japanese, German, Russian, French, Korean, and other nations tanks and Armored Fighting Vehicles, chasing The Legion.

The Scene is similar in this Video at 1:14

On The Ground, Groups of Soldiers Open Fire on the Legion while a M1E3 Abrams X Tank and a T-90MS Ride along with a T-14 Armata and a Type 10, but the T-90MS took a Hit through the turret ring and exploded sending the Turret into the Air but The Soldiers continue the fight. And Next a Polish PL-01 Light Tank, enter the scene along With other Tank's, firing Rounds at The Legion as they Fall back.

And then In the Area All Ground Forces Cheered for their success against the Legion.

On the The Roof of the building, A Strider was on it With its canopy open up, and out of it shows a Woman looking at the Sky, as her silver being blow by the wind.

Adeline: This War is Only the Beginning.

This is my First time doing a Story trailer like this, and it's not easy, so this is the best I can do for now, so I hope you enjoyed this and check-in later.

That's All and Also have a Great Summer Break.
