Prologue: Season 1 (Part 1)

In The Times Of The Night Time Flares we're in the Air as Then on the Ground a Massive Swarm of Unknown Units we're moving into the Area and moving faster than expected they both color Silver and were preparing for the battle and on the other side hold the army of soldiers with modern all soldiers in the foxholes were aiming their weapons at the enemy Army and one soldier puts his finger on the trigger and then more flares were in the air and then a spotter on the line is looking at the massive group of unit's and out of the smoke was a M1E3 Abrams Main Battle Tank with the end Amy at the enemy in it's crosshairs getting to take the Shot


New York City, United States of America

Year: 2060:

In The City Of The United States in the North West Was A City Name New York City The City That Never Sleeps and it was buzzling with traffic and then a lot people enjoy these peaceful time's together

American Citizens: *Laughing*

American Female Civilian 65: Yeah me and my husband Came here years ago it was fun back in the old days

American Male Civilian 999: Hot Dogs come get Your Hot dogs

And then as Civilians begin moving through Times Square as one of the Most Populated and popular Plaza in New York City

Fort Anchorhead

a Military Installation that the Carrys Tanks and Dozens of Infantry and outside dozens of Soldiers, And Helicopters Such as SA-9 Kestrel Gunships, SeaWasps, Scorpions, Dragon Assault Gunships and other Helicopters Such as Apaches, Vipers, New Black Hawk Helicopters, MV-38 Condors, and other vehicles flying around and S-76 Sea Dragons heading out of the base Heading out to Sea for Patrols.

The Base Is Heavily Fortified and Well Defended and Dangerous and the Outside of the Sea walls is a Kill Zone to any Enemy Warship or Pirates that dares get close to it.

Then in the Halls a Man was walking through the halls to the mess hall to eat breakfast, and then when he arrived there he went to go get his food and then went to go still at a table and the man's name was Daniel Recker Johnson he's 19 he entered the Military in The Age of 16 and past multiple test and practices to Become a Officer and some how reach the Officer Rank of First Lieutenant and Graduated at the Age of 17. Then he found a table that was full of his Teammates of his Unit and he was a Tank Commander of Argo Armored Tank Battalion and then saw a Person with Silver hair and then he sat in front of her.

Daniel: Hey Adeline how's you're day

And then the woman looked up at him she had Silver Eyes and had Silver Eye brows and she was smiling too and on her chest has a Name tag named Lieutenant Adeline Milizé

Adeline: Good as always Captain

Daniel: Yeah I can tell even for that situation in Afghanistan when we have deal with a bunch of Terrorists Thugs again.

Adeline: Yeah I know those Bastards are always causing trouble no matter how many times they continue to mess with us.

Daniel: Yeah Agree with you there.

Adeline Milizé's age right now is 18 She entered the military at a Young age at 14 and was trained by US Armed Forces, but she was Founded at Washington D.C at the in a Strange Four legged machine, and have lost a Left Army, She Was taken in by a 38 Year old US Military Officer who was a Female.

Her time in the military she was able to participate in Training to become a Officer and after graduating she became Daniel's Second In Command.

And A good fact She is the Older Sister of Vladilena Milizé and They know she has a Younger sister, but Adeline is starting to think that her Younger Sister might be thinking that she is dead.

And then other person was next to tap his shoulder

Daniel: What is it Lance

Lance: Well will you look at the Man you two are getting along well

Daniel: What we're not Girlfriend and Boyfriend were just friends

And then another one spoke

Simone: Listen Captain you know her for since Middle School Buddy seriously

Daniel: Ok guys please stop

All of his Teammates on the table: Don't Denied it

After they said that Adeline can't do anymore but have a Embarrassing face and Alfonso just sigh instead because they sometimes annoying him even though him and Joanna were friends many years ago and then another person came and this one had Black Hair and Jet-Black Eyes and this one was female and was age 16 (The Second Old Sibling to Shinei Nouzen) but a military Soldier and her name was Rena Nouzen as US Military Sargent that was found by US Forces In South Korea when it was Attack by North Korea but after the battle US forces until she was taken in and adopted by US Marine Male Officer and started growing up.

But things start to look a little bit more different she was by far the smartest kid she was able to learn about the world's history, how to live in it and how exactly the world's military work and then she attended school and started studying real hard and plus started skipping many grades because she was too smart and smart than anyone could expect it almost as compared to Rena Nouzen and Daniel, and Adeline the three have known each other for years and became friends for a very long time and also there are now in the same unit in the United States Military.

And then she sat down by Joanna

Daniel: Hey Rena how Are you doing

Rena: Good but a little

Daniel: Something wrong Sargent

Rena: It's nothing really

Lara: Ok

Arlo: Are you Sure

Rena: Yeah

Daniel: I see At least you're ok

Rena: *Sigh* I don't know I just hope so

Daniel: Hearing saying that you're From another world people are still having a hard time believing you

Rena: What's the Point, The Republic Of San Mongolia, The Legion Drones, My Older Brother and Younger brother, besides no one believes me at least the Government knows but they're trying to figure out if it's true.

Adeline: Same to me.

Daniel: We'll talk about that later.


Little Girls Mother: Hey there's a sale over there.

Little Girls Father: Ok let's check it out.

Little Girls Mother: all right but I'm warning you it's a shoe sale I'm pretty sure you might know.

In the middle in the center of town square in the city something appeared which is clearly invisible but still can be seen but it seems like it was about to appear any second

US Military Base Fort Anchorhead

Adeline was busy working on something but she was trying to get a little bit more worried about Rena who was having issues with herself as well.

Adeline: *Sigh* I just hope there's a way to give out the truth about where We are From*Looking at her Left Mechanical Arm* I'm pretty sure my Sister might be disappointed in me for leaving her, but she doesn't know that I'm alive or not.

11:50 a.m.

Was the time the GATE appeared and everyone around that started looking at it surprisingly because it has never been there before everyone thinks it's a movie prop but I don't know what it is until a Silver leg came out and other people gasp

And then Back at the base Rena was working on her XM7 and then heard sort of static and then place her hand on her Head because she heard that noise

Rena: What the- Static but I don't have my Radio on me, Wait that can't be!

Back To New York City

And then a group of Things appeared out of GATE and these things were moving all by themselves and then the the ones with 8 legs as some sort of cannon starting aiming at the civilians until then the war horn was blown and all them started yelling and then the soldier started firing multiple rounds were the bullets and also missile launchers and Cannon rounds and people were running away any invasion was begun

NYCPD Police Officer: Is anybody and hear me on these comms 11-99 and I repeat we have a 11-99 emergency we need help now America is under attack I repeat America is under attack

And as Explosives begin happening out of nowhere

Fort Anchorhead

And at US Military Base the Sirens went off and then everyone started moving to their vehicles and then SA-9 Kestrels, Apaches, MV-38 Condors begin flying in the Air and multiple Soldiers got there Tanks and Vehicles and begin moving out and then The Base Commanding Officer was talking on the Phone about whats happening.

Fort Anchorhead Commander: Yes I heard you I'm mobilizing the troops now

And then Rena burst through the door and then the Commander spoke to her.

Fort Anchorhead Commander: Sargent Nouzen what is it's

Rena: *Panting* The Legion.... They're here

As the Commander heard it he was confused because when she said that.

Fort Anchorhead Commander: What?

In New York City the Drones were moving in like Crazy and they killed every civilian, cop and SWATs along the Way and then that's when The City was getting about to get overrun

NYPD Police Officer 3: Keep moving Now

NYPD Police Officer 78: GET MOVING NOW

American Female Citizen 6577: There coming

As the People kept running the SWAT was doing the best they can to hold them back

And Then After a Few minutes more drones were arriving to the Battlefield and then a Little girl was running away but Trip and then she look behind her and saw a Drone with 6 legs and she was getting scared and then the Drone move it leg up high and was going to kill her until.


Gunfire was Heard and A Missile came in and Destroyed the Drone and More came and did the same destroying the Rest of them and the Little girl look up and Two Helicopters moving in.

And More Helicopters came to Help including The Large Quad Helicopter the Dragon Gunship. And flying along with it was a Different type of Aircraft With 8 Rotors known as the Wyvern Troop Transport.

As They Flew over the Civilians and the Choppers fire a barrage of Rockets at the enemy but the enemy fire back but only get destroy by the Helicopters.

And the Civilians cheer for The United States Army for saving them and next in a matter of Minutes a Large group of vehicles was heading towards the battlefield.

And The Tanks begin spotting the Enemy and then Infantry fire there guns at the enemy and the bullets didn't do much against the Small ones, but it wasn't long until Then Abrams Tanks Open Fire

10 × BOOM

The Tank Shells hit their targets and the Drones begin to pull back a Little as The US Soldiers US Their Exo suits to jump at high high ground and Fire Rockets at the enemy and then they begin falling back.

US Male Marine 555: There Retreating push forward

US Female Marine 600: Roger That

In the Tank of a M1E3 Dainel was looking at through the Screen in his seat as The Turret lock on a target while the LAVs and APCs Along with the Infantry continue Firing.

Daniel: Gunner Target Up ahead with the long Main Gun.

Lara: Identify.

Daniel: FIRE!!!


In slow Motion the Tanks Sabot Round Shell was fire and flew towards the Löwe and hit it and popped the The Turret off, throwing it back a land on another Löwe.

Lara: Target Destroy.

Daniel: Alright Keep firing.

As They move forward The Tanks continue firing at the Drones and what was In front of the US Army was 5 Löwes they fire their main guns and Claim 10 American Soldiers and the Abrams Fire back the rounds hit the 3 Löwes.

As The Fire fight continues Squads of USMC and Rangers we're engaging the Legion on the Streets.

USMC Male Soldier #123: Spraying Bullets like Hell!

USMC Female Soldier #245: It's getting more difficult for us to fire back.

A Marine was Firing a 50 Machine Gun at the enemy, and claiming 4 Of the Same unit's, and then a Jet flew overhead and bomb the Enemy.

The Jet that bombed them was a XA-20 Razorback.

And next the Sound of a Avenger 30mm Cannon was heard, and the rounds.

2 A-164 Wipeouts Flew overhead shredded dozens of Aemises, Graulwolves and Löwes at the Same time.

But the one that was left was about to fire but got destroyed. The Soldiers looked behind them and saw a Unit Running on four legs at high speed.

(I know this designed is based off the XM2 I couldn't find a perfect unit so this is all I could choose but the design is going to be different in the Bio of the Squadron using this, I'm not a Good at drawing, This is all I could think of so I Apologize for this one.)

The Machine Guns are Replacing with Two 30mm Chain Guns and has a 120mm Main Gun.

Has Forest Camo.

And ran past the Tanks Started Jumping on the walls like Crazy dodging and then the Unit was on top of a Buliding and Fire a Round at a Löwe and exploded.

And Then Missiles from Three Grauwolfs tracked the The Four legged unit but invaded them by letting them hit the rooftops.

US Female Marine 45: What the hell


US Male Marine: That Unit


US C-21 Dragon Gunship Commander: No way that Unit

And Then After there was another one and Ran fast down the Road towards the Drones and this one was equipped with two 30mm Chain Guns and Also Equipped with 120mm Gun and did the same, Destroying every Legion unit apart and the Drones begin moving moving away but was Got Destroy by the Kestrel Gunships, Apaches and The Scorpions including the C-21 Dragon Gunship.

Simon: Holy Hell that, thing is too fast.

Daniel: So Everything that they said is true, the Legion are real, and those two. They Are The Eighty-Six.

As he said the two units turned around and giving the United States Army A scary looking, while the Flames and smoke from the down Unit's continue rise form them.

The Fight Continues and Continues due to the Legion have a bad time dealing with The United States Air Superiority and Advanced Technology they possess including that what frighten them was the Two Units who Processors of The Juggernaut and they have been Dominating the Battlefield of New York.

The Battle lasted for 5 Days but The New units that Rena Nouzen and Adeline Milizé ride in were helpful to combat against the Legion.

And The Battle Of New York City Ended in a American Victory.



Part of the Legion War


February 14th, 2062- February 19th, 2062


New York, New York, USA


Decisive American victory

Legion Invasion Repelled


United States of America



President of the United States

Unknown Legion Commander


U.S. Army

US Army Special Forces

US Marine Corp (USMC)

US Army Rangers

New York National Guard

U.S. Navy

US Air Force

New York Police Department

Legion Forces


US Forces:

498 to 1,200 Infantry

25 Light Armored Vehicles,

10 Main Tanks Damage or Immobilize

New York City Police Department/SWAT Teams:





Unknown (But 80% Of The Invasion Force Destroy)

(20% Retreated)


It was 2 months since the Attack by the unknown enemy The United States give them the Soliders that lost their lives against the Enemy and after that they savage the dead Units that Participated in the invasion and reports said they are unmanned drones there we No Human pilots in them and many of were damage but still operate and that means there weapons and Legs were destroy and they we capture for to be research .

The City of New York was devastated the damage to all infrastructure was Bad and plus other buildings such as the gate still in Times Square still intact and also the United Nations building as well and multiple buildings across the entire city have many holes in them, and many civilians were killed in these artillery attacks and missile attacks and also rounds from the drones and also the United States has managed to capture a number of units that were disabled for at least 5 hours from EMP grenades.

Number of Units of The Legion that were capture.

10 . Ameises

3. Grauwolfs

5. Löwes

1. Self-propelled Mine (Was disabled from a After getting shot by a 50 Cal HMG (Heavy Machine Gun) from a JLTV

United States News Reporter

Female News Reporter: Good afternoon everyone it's been two months Since the attack from an unknown enemy reports. *Picture shows a Group of Löwes Trying to take out 5 M1A3 Abrams X Tanks but failed to do it* These Units are completely unmanned means there drones and we don't we're they come from and according to the Government, The United States capture some of the Units that were disabled and destroyed so what do want to know about them

Male News Reporter: Well these drones are similar to the drone's we have but we have ever seen anything like them before, they walk on multiple legs and they carry weapons on them and we don't know what names they have.*Picture of two EMKV90-TOR Tanks Firing at a Group of Ameises* But we did capture 22 of these units and these unit can't not destroy by small arms fire like SMGs, Assault Rifles, Pistols and Shotguns these can be destroy by Heavy Machine Guns and Explosives like Anti-Tank, Grenade Launchers and any other weapons that use explosives which is the only thing to defeated them which Means Tanks, Air Support, and Anti-Tank Weaponry are the only option but for the Bullets on Assault Rifles well have to be improve to deal more damage and Rail Gun Technology works extremely effective against them.

The weapons manufacturing facility known as Nordvik the one that supplies the United States with excellent War Machine material and also NATO countries this manufacturing facility was found and formed in 2028 and it has been going on for years and they support and do business on manufacturing military equipment such as new equipment lay tanks and drones including Weaponry.

During the times on entering to the 2030s many countries included the United States have been developing on "Rail-Gun Technology" but the technology was getting far harder and harder than to buildand that's when one of Nordviks new CEOs and ask the United States can they help with the railgun technology but the United States doesn't know if they can actually do it but not until 2035 they manage to build a perfect weaponry and also the real gun technology on the testing was a complete success due to this the United States thank them for the help and tell them to keep up the good work and also those that have been studying the real gun technology in the United States that did many fail tests on them have also shifted their business to help support Nordviks facilities and see how they'll be able to work perfectly until then they were able to help them build many and there factories are automation, robotics, and large-scale 3D printing. Each of their factories is fully automated without any permanent personnel. Without employees, most of their factories were constructed in remote, isolated locations and Those personnel help them keep the Nordviks Automotive Facilities running until they might Close down for a break.

And then During The Battle of New York United States Soldiers use A special type of weapon now as an Infantry hand held Rain known as The Rorsch MK-4 Rail-Gun.

A new weapon invented by Nordvik in the Year of 2040 and carries Two modes Rail-Gun Mode and Fully Autom wasatic Mode and the guns were use during the battle and they did excellent damage to the Drones and then we're the perfect weapon in Combat against them but Nordvik have to increase the Bullet Count so the rounds could last longer than just holding 20 Rounds in the magazine and the Magazine count has reach to 40 Rounds.

And then Rail-Gun Tanks known as The EMKV90-TOR

Tank was a Rail Gun Tank that was created by Nordvik in 2042, it was suited as a perfect weapon of War against tanks and capable of shifting into two modes. In Mobility Mode, helps it's passengers will move swiftly across the landscape, unleashing destruction with the turret. But in order for it to deal some serious damage they added Siege Mode, a different type Mode that lets it slow down to a crawl, by lowering its suspension to add extra stability, and deal more damage with the turret.

And then during the Battle, Civilian Casualties were Higher than expected and Military Casualties We're low and many call this the Incident known as The New York City incident Or The Battle Of New York City

Washington DC:

Situation Room

In Washington DC multiple General's and Admirals and other Military Officers were in the situation room and then Came Entering in the Room was a person with Black Pantyhose and black Heels and everyone stand and then the person sat down and revealed as a Woman known as Jenna Johnson The Female President of the United States of America

Jenna: Okay gentlemen Sit

And then everyone sat down and then she spoke again

Jenna: Ok Listen one of our Capitals here in the United States was attacked by unknown military Forces what do we know about Them

US Military General 4: Well Ma'am President we have Mange to salvage the destroy units and what we learned from them is that they are both autonomous, and also unmanned too

US Military General 3: Ma'am President the Problem is we still don't know how the GATE Appeared in New York

Jenna: What about the people who saw it

US Military General 3: Well they did said it must've been a movie prop or something like that. But it's hard to believe that something like could just appear out of nowhere and plus the Drones that attack kill everything in Sight and don't show no mercy too.

US Secretary Of Defense: The Thing is that there's another world on the Other side of The GATE, and plus there is land on the other side as well.

US Navy Admiral 2: The Drones fight in a Swarm too, and their body armor is real thick and small Fire Arms can't even penetrate them.

US Military Colonel: 6: The Nordviks Rail-Gun Infantry Weapon works Effectively against them as well including that their Body Armored is vulnerable to our Tanks, Anti-Tank Weaponry, and The EMKV90-TOR Rail Gun Tanks .

Jenna: Yes I heard but the problem is we were Attack by a Nation that uses drones and plus We don't know what nation built them

US Military General 1: Madame President I request We send an expedition Unit on the Other side to find out what is on the other side.

Others begin talking about it until the President Calm them down.

Jenna: I get it that our nation was Attack by these drones but our Allies in Sweden are going through the information that we need to know we're they came from and who's responsible for this invasion

US Military General 1: So what's your order Madame President

Jenna: What the Forces That fought against this New Enemy to start an Expedition on the other side for 5 days of Recon and Gather information on any city or town that was destroyed. I want Them ready by Next week on Wednesday 25 At 1200 Hours and The Leaders in NATO are about to host a meeting with us Including Russia about this situation.

US Military General 1: Understood Madame President

US Military Colonel: Let's just hope they could uncover some viable information about this new Enemy.

Jenna: That's why I'm ordering the Commander in Fort Anchorhead to do so, but we need more answers.

After that one of the Officers was looking at the Drones and when she heard the name Drones Legion pop into her head.

US Military Female Colonel: Madame President I think I might know what they are but not actually but two people know about them

Jenna: Who would they may be.


Fort Anchorhead

At Fort Anchorhead in the United States the Soldiers we're training for Rail-Gun Infantry Weaponry to use against the drones and then Alfonso was sitting down on top of his Tank waiting for Orders and what he was worried about Rena Nouzen and Joanna Milizé because they Took the Prototypes out on the battlefield and He went to go see them.

Daniel: Milizé, Nouzen are you ok

Adeline: Oh yeah I'm fine

Rena: Same

Daniel: *Sits next to Joanna* Doesn't look like it Milizé you been like ever since the last battle

Adeline: Alfonso listen I don't what to talk about it seriously I just don't

Daniel: Listen you guys said the Legion are here but it's true are those the Drones you guys been talking about

Adeline and Rena: Yes

Daniel: So Everything you two told us was true

Adeline: Yes its true

Rena: That was the Enemy we face

Daniel: Ok I See then.... Well at least you're fine after defeating those drones and plus those bastards armored were invulnerable to regular Fire Arms. And Anti-Tank Weapons are very effective against them meaning Tanks, Anti-Tank Missiles Launcher's, Mines, Including The Rail-Gun Tanks, And The Rorsch MK-4 Rail-Guns are Good Against them

Adeline: I know that but Using That MK-4 Rail-Gun in Full Auto mode was impressive too and it's really deadly as well

Daniel: Well there are rumors that every infantry Soldier is going to using one and Then They're going increase the Bullet capacity and increase other fire arms Bullet penetration too and Plus Tank Armor I'm Afraid might increase for Survivability too

Adeline: That's a tall ordered

Adeline Looks at her watch and sees the time meaning she has to take two weeks off duty

Adeline: Oh I have to go home

Daniel: Oh Yeah I heard you're about to be off duty for two weeks

Adeline: Yeah but Too soon too, so what about you

Daniel: Well I got Orders that I'm about to be off duty and combat on Wednesday next week. Because I'm about to lead an Expedition Unit to go on the other side of the GATE and see what we can find

Adeline: I see

Adeline and Rena were going too explain more until

US Male Marine Officer 455: Sargent Nouzen and Lieutenant Milizé The Commander wants to have a talk with you immediately

Adeline: Oh no I have a bad feeling about this

And Then After after that the two were escorted to the General's office because of this it has to do what happened in New York 2 months ago and upon arriving at the Commanders office the officer knock on the door and the Commander answer it and told him to let them in and Then

Adeline: You Want to see Us Sir

Fort Anchorhead Commander: Indeed. You two Did well besides, the way the battle reports I have received, was well beyond than I expected, but the Units you two took to use during the battle was Crazy, besides those units we're supposed to be prototypes but when they got delivered here for Field testing, we been gathering some information on these units there has been over 25 people for passed out when they use those units and plus, you two Mange to use them perfectly, besides you two Managed to destroy 3 To 4 groups on those Drones you call Legion,

Rena: Well sir if it wasn't for me We wouldn't be able to react in time to stop them from causing chaos to this world.

Fort Anchorhead Commander: But you managed to stop them, so you two did well, and we're going to be getting answers from you Two.

Adeline: What type of Answers sir?

Fort Anchorhead Commander: The Legion, The World you two are from, And This Nation that is Called the Republic of San Magnolia, and The President will be happy to know everything.

After he Said that of all the people that the two met have been telling rumors about these situations but no one believes them but today what they saw was real, The Legion are real and what's on the Other side of the GATE was A War Going on and that war has been brought to Earth.

Two Weeks Later The United Military had to block off Times Square For good because of this tragic invasion that happened two months ago the people that enjoy the time and Time Square will never have the chance to shop again or get whatever they needed since the military blocked It off by setting up a large armored dome around it that can prevent every shot like the Tank drones because of their 120mm Main Guns as long as it's there if be able to withstand any strike from any artillery fire and then the United States president order up a Military Expeditionary Force to investigate on the Other side.

After that The Two Rena Nouzen and Adeline Milizé we're sent Washington DC and to explain about the drones and where exactly did they came from and they explained the That the Drones Came from The Giad Empire, a Nation that was responsible for the creation of the Legion Drones and the nation was a technologically superior power to the east of the Republic of San Magnolia that unleashed the Legion, The world's first autonomous combat system, against all neighboring countries in Republic Year 358.

By what they mean about the year of 358 by what they said is meaning a stellar year telling them that this all began in the stellar year of 2139 which is a few years further from the year of 2060 many of these nations have never created the first autonomous drones before meaning they never discovered Drone Technology except for two Nations.

The Giadian Empire created the Legion by combining an AI invented by the United Kingdom of Roa Gracia and mechanical technology invented by the Alliance of Wald. In SY 2139, the Empire declared war on its neighboring countries and sent the Legion to invade them, and also they Told the President that drones mysteriously went rogue and turned against their creators and then started an all-out War against humanity meaning this is a War Between Human And Machine.

But what the people in The Situation Room hearing this in the White House they started noticing but when they mean about all our work against humanity meaning these drones will stop at nothing until humanity is eradicated meaning when they get done with the Forces on the other side of the GATE their world is next.

But that's not all they also told them about the designs the characteristics of the drones that were captured during the Battle Of New York City.

(For Example: Everything about the Legion are from the Wikipedia or The 86 Eighty-Six Fandom Website. So Most of it is copy from it so y'all can learn what they are.)

Ameise: Scout Type

Their main feature is their enhanced sensors and high mobility. Equipped with dual 7.62mm Anti-Personnel Machine Guns.

As one of the most common types of Legion, it uses specialized sensors to perform scouting and reconnaissance for larger, less perceptive Legion units such as the Löwe. The Ameise also provides forward observation for the Legion's Skorpion artillery units, pinpointing targets for barrages. Additionally, it is also used as an anti-personnel unit.

The Ameise is a comparatively smaller sized and lighter ground unit that usually supports the other heavy offensive units. It weighs around 10 tons and has a compact streamlined body for high mobility. The Ameise employs a hexapedal walker system. Two 7.62mm anti-personnel machine guns are attached on either sides of the body for close combat.

Grauwolf: Dragoon Type.

Equipped with high-frequency blades and 76mm guided anti-tank rockets. Despite being larger than the Ameise, they are far more mobile, being fast enough to run on vertical walls, but at the cost of having next to no armor.

And also said it specialized for close combat. Its name is German for gray wolf. The two high frequency blades allow it to tear apart even heavily armored enemies with ease. The 76mm rockets in it's back-mounted launcher are also capable of piercing armor. However, the need for high mobility to close in with the enemy required the sacrifice of the Grauwolf's armor.

The Grauwolf's appearance is akin to an arthropod with a shark head. A 76 mm rocket launcher is mounted on its back which can continuously launch 9 guided anti-tank rockets at a time without reloading. It is possible due to the compartmentalized launching system attached; in inactive state the compartments are locked inside the holders that is in the shape of a hexagonal prism. The three compartments are equipped with three missiles each. In active state, these compartments will protrude from the holder and launch the missiles. These missiles can be used in both direct and in-direct firing. In in-direct firing mode, the missiles fly up to a certain altitude then drop down nearly vertically towards the target.

Requiring high maneuverability, it employs a hexapedal walker system, with three legs protruding from the proximal function-base on either sides of the belly. The legs are three-parts segmented with the middle section being the longest and largest segment. The forelegs each are equipped with high-frequency blades that are extended vertically upwards from the joint between the middle segment and lower segment of the legs.

The main drawback of the Grauwolf is in order to save weight and enhance mobility, the unit has very little armor, and can be disabled by even the 12.7mm machine guns of the M1A4 Juggernaut. The armor platings of the Grauwolf seems to be a last minute addition, as they can be discarded in order for the Grauwolf to maneuver in tight spaces.

Löwe: Tank Type.

This unit is equipped with heavy armor on the front and sides, a 120 mm main cannon and a 12.7 mm coaxial machine gun. Much like conventional tanks, their top, bottom and rear armor are weaker and can be penetrated by the Juggernaut's 57mm cannon.

As stated It is equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore cannon that is more than twice the size of the 57 mm cannon on the M1A4 Juggernaut, and is heavily armored. It specializes in decimation of targets that leverages its enormous size, and excels in bombardment warfare with overwhelming firepower that crushes everything in its path. It also works as an efficient anti-personnel unit. The Löwe, however, has low sensor capabilities, so it needs to be fed information beforehand by the Scout-type Ameise when it is about to engage a target.

This model owes its name to its fierce nature on the battlefield. The Löwe is a 50 tons class tank which appears as an arthropod carrying a turret.

Its main armament is a 120 mm high-velocity smoothbore cannon which is approximately slightly longer than its turret body. A scope is attached to the top of the gun barrel and a pair of ranging sights is attached on the top of the turret. However, since this Legion model is said to have low sensor capacity, the sensory equipment are purportedly used to calibrate target distance with the information fed from Ameise before firing. This also means that the Löwe is most likely not equipped with any thermal imaging systems and high-end night vision sights. Its secondary armament is a coaxial 12.7 mm machine gun for close range combat against light armored targets such as infantry.

The turret is attached to the turret ring in the hull. On the sides of the glacis plate are the functional bases to which the legs are jointed. It has octapedal maneuverability with three-segmented legs.

The armor on the Löwe is very durable. The 57mm cannon on the Juggernaut can only penetrate the top and the back end of the turret using APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot) projectiles.

A notable drawback of the Löwe is its poor gun elevation, it also lacks a pintle mounted machine gun like most other MBTs, this leaves the Löwe very vulnerable to enemies positioned on higher grounds, like Main Battle Tanks, meaning the Löwe is Vulnerable to Urban Combat.

Self-Propelled Mine: Antipersonnel Type.

This Legion unit "clings" to humans or human-made weapon systems before self-destructing. Its tactics are simple though often inefficient. It is roughly the same size as a human and can therefore be equipped with antipersonnel rifles.

The Self-Propelled Mine is one of the smallest and most numerous units deployed by the Legion, standing at 1.8m tall and weighing slightly more than an average human and consists of 4 major parts:

A masked spherical head containing 1x visual sensor and 1x Speaker
Abdomen containing 1x Control Module, and 1x Warhead
2x Arm capable of 280° rotation with claws
2x Leg capable of 360° rotation
When the Self-Propelled Mine is not attempting to ambush it's enemy it is capable of travelling at 50km/h while using all 4 limbs, however due to it's lack of armor it can be easily dispatched with antipersonnel rifles. And like any other type of Legion excluding the Ameise it has low sensor capabilities and is blinded if it's single visual sensor is obstructed.

But for this type of Unit Machine Guns, Assault Rifles and another types are going to need to be rely on to prevent them from Kill US Infantry and use on tanks and APCs or IFVs To kill them all On sight, and not to get tricked by their voices.

After That The President Thank them about this Situation and Giving everything they know about the Legion and With this information The United States and it's Allies will have A Good Time to react To any situation like this but fear that they won't react in time if a New Different Legion Drone appears on the Battlefields on the other side.

And then Each Of The Soldiers we're Equipped with Rorsch MK-4 Rail-Guns and Improve XM5 Assault Rifles and XM250 LMGs that can deal excellent bullet penetration the Two small Armor unit's and other Armored Vehicle's we're getting prepared.


5 × M1E3 Abrams X Main Battle Tanks

5 × M10 Booker Light Tanks

5 × EMKV90-TOR Rail Gun Tanks

6 × M2A4E1 Bradleys

3 × C-Ram Trucks

7 × JLTVs

5 × M88A3 Recovery Vehicles

3 × M270A2 MLRs and M1299 Howitzers

1 × M63T45V2 Colossus Vehicle.

This Are the Vehicles that setting to be use to go on the other side of the GATE to investigate the Land this was only a Recon Mission

And Military Soldiers Wearing Military Uniforms and has Exoskeleton suits as Well.

And Now it was Time for this Group to Head to the other side of This World and conducted reconnaissance, Gather Intel and find any salvage Juggernauts for Research and Retrofit.

But the Time Comes after Reconnaissance in another world, The War Against The Legion We Begin.

To Be Continued........

And Don't Forget to look Out for Errors, Just Let me Know.
