Chapter 81-90

  Chapter 81 Boiled Cabbage

  The guys walked out of the Great Hall of the People, got on the shuttle bus back to the Ershang Bureau Guest House, and went back to the guest house. Because there will be a competition between the red case masters the next morning, everyone needs to recharge their batteries and discuss countermeasures after returning. The logistics staff also need to re-check the materials, and report if anything is missing.

  After all, everyone saw Wang Yunquan's situation today. He didn't pay attention to the logistics and ingredients, and in the end he could only borrow ingredients from others in a panic. But if he could borrow it, that would be fine. What if he couldn't?

  Besides, the freshness and deliciousness of the ingredients also affects the taste of the final product. In this level of competition, a slight difference in taste may mean a difference of 0.1 points, and a difference of 0.1 points can make a difference in ranking.

  Therefore, all logistics companies have begun to take action, re-checking their own food, and immediately reporting if it is inappropriate and replacing it. It is also necessary to say something, and naturally the logistics of the province will help arrange it.

  Only Wang Yunquan had no choice but to check the burden by himself.

  Gu Shunhua knew about this situation, so he mentioned it to Niu Deshui. Niu Deshui thought about it for a while and then mentioned it to the logistics director of the catering company: "We are locals in Beijing, so we should also fulfill our friendship as landlords. Wang Yunquan's cold meat is a headache this time." One, if we don't help others, if we tell others, they will think that we are jealous of others who can put on small shoes for others!"

  When he said this, the logistics director also thought it made sense, and immediately informed Wang Yunquan that he could help him prepare ingredients.

  If Wang Yunquan had anything else to say, he was naturally grateful. He knew that it was Gu Shunhua who helped him with it. Niu Deshui thought: "Thanks to you for coming to Beijing this time. You really made me understand that friendship comes first." , second in the competition."

  You know, on this Lengxun, everyone's scores are tightly squeezed. Gu Shunhua is only 0.1 points behind Wang Yunquan. If Gu Shunhua doesn't help, it's not certain what will happen in the end.

  Niu Deshui saw him like this and said: "Although I am not a chef, I have been working hard for so many years. To learn cooking skills, you must first learn to be a good person. A chef without cooking ethics will not be able to go far. Besides, , we also hope that everyone can perform at their best, so that we can open our eyes to see the unique skills from all over the motherland."

  Niu Deshui's words made Wang Yunquan sigh with emotion: "That's right. My original intention of coming here this time is to make everyone pay attention to Hunan cuisine. Don't let our old craftsmanship be lost like this. Our Hunan cuisine is also one of the eight major cuisines. One, but there were originally more than 2,000 dishes, and now there are only more than 400 on the menu. It's really not okay to keep going like this!"

  Gu Shunhua heard this and said hurriedly: "Master Wang, don't worry. Since you won the first place this time and Hunan cuisine has shown its face, how can Hunan not pay attention to it? If you become famous this time, it will be different in the future!"

  Wang Yunquan nodded repeatedly: "I'm looking forward to it too."

  While he was talking like this, Gu Shunhua also took the opportunity to ask Wang Yunquan about the traditions of Hunan cuisine. Wang Yunquan was not hiding anything, he taught everything he knew, and Gu Shunhua naturally benefited a lot.

  When it comes to practicing basic skills, Wang Yunquan said: "Speaking of it, we caught up with ten years and were delayed, but we still practiced it. At that time, everyone was out making troubles, and there were a few who were willing to hone their skills. I was also let go. I arrived at a factory cafeteria. There were not many serious cooks in the cafeteria. I was more honest and kept doing it. How far had I practiced? It only took three minutes from slaughtering a chicken to serving it. I cut it on the silk After cutting the meat, there will be no knife marks on the silk. I worked at that time, twelve pigs a day, and had to deal with it in one morning. It was just like this, and the longer I worked, the more I developed my skills."

  Gu Shunhua felt ashamed when he heard these words: "Compared to Master Wang, I really rely on my skill. I will have to practice more in the future."

  Wang Yunquan: "No, no, no, you have already mastered your craftsmanship. You have really mastered it. All you owe is time. When time comes, you will be even better. Speaking of which, I am thirty-four years old this year, which is exactly the same. You are ten years older, and in another ten years, your achievements will naturally be extraordinary!"

  Gu Shunhua: "Master Wang is so complimentary. I still have a lot to learn. The most important thing is to be practical."

  Talking like this, and mentioning their previous experiences, naturally everyone has their own emotions. Although there is a ten-year age difference, we have all experienced the same years, been delayed, and been tempered, so we have a lot of resonance.

  In the evening, just after dinner, I heard that the "Beijing Evening News" came out. There was a report about today's cooking appreciation meeting, and it was a large headline.

  Everyone hurriedly took it over and looked at it, and found that today's Beijing Evening News had a special extra issue.

  You must know that the Beijing Evening News usually publishes 24 pages every four, and 32 pages on Wednesdays and Fridays. But today is Saturday, and it also publishes 32 pages. The extra content is actually about this cooking appreciation. Will do.

  Judging from the interview reports, many of them were naturally written in advance, with temporary adjustments made based on today's individual circumstances and a few pictures taken.

  Gu Shunhua took it over and looked at it. In the middle photo, there was Wang Yunquan and himself. Wang Yunquan was the first place in Lengxun. He was in the spotlight this time. And because he was one of the few female chefs who entered the finals and won second place, Naturally, it is also specially reported.

  When Gu Shunhua was introduced, he even introduced Gu Shunhua's family background. This surprised Gu Shunhua. She looked carefully and found that the reporter actually went to interview the neighbors in the courtyard!

  She was really surprised. She thought to herself that this reporter was really amazing. From announcing the rankings to interviewing neighbors, he then urgently wrote a manuscript, printed it out and sent it to her!

  What a race against time! Simply!

  She continued reading and even interviewed an old lady. The old lady said: "We Shunhua can do it since we were children. Now that we have joined Qinxing, we will definitely become a master in the future. We are all proud of her!"

  Gu Shunhua almost laughed out loud when he looked at this, thinking that this tone of voice must be that of Grandma Tong.

  She read the report about Wang Yunquan again, and found that Wang Yunquan occupied less space. Maybe it was because he was from out of town and it was not easy to get material.

  However, there is a photo about Wang Yunquan. The photo shows Wang Yunquan's back carrying a load outside the Great Hall of the People. Apparently, the reporter at the time took the photo casually. The focus was not on Wang Yunquan at all. Later, it was discovered that Wang Yunquan won the first place and was an upset, so he took this photo The photo was taken out.

  The article mentioned Wang Yunquan's profile. He was a special first-class chef. How outstanding he was. It also mentioned his hardships. Of course, he also expressed doubts and the Hunan Commerce Bureau's confusion. A special first-class chef went to the Great Hall of the People alone to fight?

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, thinking that the Beijing Evening News reporter could really say that, in this way, I don't believe that Hunan can still sit still, and it will be embarrassing to the city of Beijing!

  I continued browsing for a while, and saw the news about Qian Xiangli, the chef of my roommate Bai An. She won the second place in the pastry. The pastry she made was called "Three Stars Gaozhao", maybe because they competed in the afternoon. It was too hasty and did not explain in detail what this "three-star high photo" was about. Gu Shunhua was inevitably curious.

  While watching, Qian Xiangli came back, and Gu Shunhua hurriedly poured her a cup of tea: "You came back so late, please take a rest."

  Qian Xiangli said with a smile: "My results in the competition are pretty good."

  Gu Shunhua: "Yes, I saw it. Secondly, congratulations!"

  The two of them were naturally happy at that moment. As they were talking, they asked Qian Xiangli that the three-star Gaozhao was actually made of persimmon pulp. The ripe persimmon pulp and egg and chestnut flour were beaten together, kneaded into dough, and rolled into a crust. Then crush the almonds and walnuts and make a filling with rock sugar. After wrapping, rub a little oil and bake slowly over low heat. After baking, the taste will naturally be good.

  Gu Shunhua sighed: "It tastes delicious as soon as I hear it. This is the perfect time for frozen persimmons in Beijing. It makes me greedy."

  Beijing's frozen persimmons are said to be "drinking honey" as the saying goes. When eating, you can bite open a small mouth and suck out the clear and sweet persimmon pulp, which is as sweet as honey.

  Of course, there are also those who are particular about it. You can take a small spoon and eat it bit by bit.

  Qian Xiangli smiled: "I'll make more when we get back and send it to you. It's not convenient for us to eat whatever we want!"

  These words made Gu Shunhua yearn for it: "I'll give you some of the good things I made later, so we can share what we have."

  Because the competition would continue the next day, Gu Shunhua and Qian Xiangli took a hot water bottle to the waiter and asked for boiled water. They took a bath with cold water and went to bed early.

  The next day, we went to the Great Hall of the People as usual, but today everyone was obviously more orderly than yesterday. When we stepped into the North Hall again, we no longer felt as nervous as before, and our steps became calmer.

  Gu Shunhua was even more relaxed.

  With the results of the first dish as a foundation, her pressure was much lessened, and today she was able to cook it with ease, just like boiled cabbage.

  In fact, this boiled cabbage dish originated from Sichuan cuisine. It is said that it was created by the famous Sichuan chef Huang Jinglin when he was in the imperial kitchen of the Qing Palace. Gu Shunhua focused on restoring the tradition in this boiled cabbage dish, using the most common home-cooked dishes in Beijing. Made with cabbage hearts, cooked with chicken, duck and ribs, and finally garnished with chicken and minced pork.

  The most important thing about this dish is chicken soup.

  When stewing chicken soup, the most important thing is to make it clear and not greasy at all. You must know that this is boiled cabbage. If it is greasy, it is cabbage in chicken soup.

  Boiled cabbage looks like boiled cabbage at first glance. It seems tasteless, but it tastes fragrant and delicious.

  Whether the chicken soup tastes good or not determines the success or failure of the boiled cabbage. Fortunately, Gu Shunhua also worked hard on the chicken soup. The ingredients prepared by Niu Deshui are first-class, fresh and good. As for the hens, they even went to Mentougou specially to prepare them. I am looking for an old hen running around in the mountains.

  When making soup, not only the old hen, but also the old duck, scallops, ribs, ham, etc. are also added. Finally, the chicken breast chopped into floss is also added.

  While the other chefs were busy processing the ingredients on the spot, frying and stir-frying, Gu Shunhua slowly simmered the chicken soup. When others had finished most of the work, she was still simmering the chicken soup.

  This chicken stew is not an ordinary thing to pay attention to. It is difficult for ordinary people to master the heat. This is why this dish is so amazing but is rarely available in ordinary restaurants.

  Gu Shunhua used low heat to let the clear soup roll slightly, but not to roll or bubble. He carefully controlled the heat, put the minced chicken into the chicken soup, and gently pushed it in one direction to fish it out.

  After several times of purification, there are no impurities in the chicken soup. It can be said to be as clear as water. This is the "boiled water" in boiled cabbage.

  This process is naturally slow. An hour and a half later, when other people's dishes were out of the pot, her chicken soup was almost ready.

  Everyone around her was sweating for her. After everyone finished their work, they watched her busy there.

  Lu Wenqiao finished his work and looked back at Gu Shunhua.

  Seeing her still slowly simmering chicken soup, I couldn't help but frown.

  If he didn't take Gu Shunhua seriously before, now, this person can hold his eyelids up, and he deserves a serious look.

  As for hot dishes, what he cooked today was the original golden lionfish created by his family friend Yuan's family, which was rated as the No. 1 dish in Hebei twenty years ago.

  He was naturally confident that it was real skill. He hoped to defeat Gu Shunhua and Wang Yunquan with his own ability. After so many years of hard work, he did not believe that he could lose to others easily.

  So he hoped that Gu Shunhua would finish it in time without making any mistakes.

  At this time, Gu Shunhua didn't notice Lu Wenqiao looking at her. She only had half an hour, and time was urgent.

  She started to cook the cabbage. Of course, the cabbage was not really boiled in water. It was quickly blanched first, drained in cold water, and then poured with boiling chicken soup over and over again.

  The water-like chicken soup is still simmering, making a very subtle sound. The white steam rising in the air is filled with the delicate fragrance of chicken soup, and the delicious and hot chicken soup is poured on the delicate cabbage hearts.

  The sizzling chicken soup is drenched with cabbage, and the originally crisp and tender cabbage heart is drenched and hot.

  This sounds simple to say, but the techniques and the control of the heat are not simple at a glance by the chefs present.

  Everyone watched with concern. Even Lu Wenqiao didn't move and stood aside to watch Gu Shunhua's technique.

  I have to admit that her skills are really good, at least according to her qualifications, this skill is far beyond her.

  As everyone watched, Gu Shunhua's cabbage heart was finally boiled. She placed the cabbage in a smooth porcelain basin, then poured clear water-like chicken soup on it, and then added chicken mince.

  In the remaining ten minutes, she wrote an introduction to the dish, and finally successfully presented her dish.

  So everyone saw that in a basin of clear water, tender to yellow cabbage hearts were floating. The cabbage hearts were arranged in the shape of petals, floating gently in the water. There was no trace of oil in the water, but there was a faint smell of oil. Comes with rich and mellow flavor.

  At this time, everyone was actually relieved. They were going to present three dishes this time, and now they have finished two. It can be said that more than half of the long march has passed.

  Gu Shunhua was also relieved. Her cold meat platter could be said to be an unexpected success. As for the boiled cabbage, she might not be the best, but at least she had no faults and performed to her highest level. This was enough. .

  The last one was a peach blossom. Even if her performance was mediocre, she roughly calculated that her score among many chefs was probably in the middle or upper reaches.

  As for Peach Blossom Pan, she is the most prepared and confident.

  At this time, everyone took a break and had a simple lunch. The logistics staff also came forward to serve everyone tea and water, and asked if they needed anything.

  At that moment, everyone naturally asked about Wang Yunquan, and some reporters came to interview him and asked him what he cooked today.

  Wang Yunquan makes hibiscus fish steak. He said that Chairman Mao once made this dish when he went to Hunan and was received by the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. At that time, Chairman Mao said it was delicious and asked about the name of the dish. He said it was called bread fish steak. At that time, Chairman Mao met Later, he said that the egg liquid on the fish steak was better than hibiscus, so the dish was renamed "hibiscus fish steak".

  Everyone was talking about it, and some secretly asked about Lu Wenqiao's dish. They couldn't help but sigh when they found out that it was the golden lion fish.

  This golden lionfish dish is not something that ordinary people can cook. It was created by a generation of cooking masters who learned from the techniques of catching and frying fish. They used carp as the main ingredient and used superb knife skills to slice and then cut it, and processed more than 200 pieces. The shredded meat is then fried in a pan. The fried shredded meat is fluffy and intertwined, golden and translucent. It just covers the fish, like a golden lion, hence the name.

  If you dare to make this dish and make it successfully, it will be considered a success.

  Gu Shunhua listened, and although he was a little disdainful of Lu Wenqiao's cooking ethics, he had to say that he was disappointed in his craftsmanship.

  While they were talking here, the results came out one after another. Because of the previous results of Leng Xun, Gu Shunhua felt much less pressure. Listening carefully, there was a master from Liaoning who got 9:5, and a master from Fujian who had good results. The results of the two masters are also very good. Wang Yunquan scored 9.4 points, which is also quite good among the top few.

  Gu Shunhua scored a full nine points, not very good, but very satisfied.

  Lu Wenqiao, on the other hand, scored nine points and three points this time. He finally surpassed Gu Shunhua in terms of skill, but he was obviously not as good as Wang Yunquan.

  As a result, Wang Yunquan's total score for the two times was as high as 19 points. Gu Shunhua's score was 18.5 points, while Lu Wenqiao's score suddenly became 18.7 points. Although he was 0.3 points behind Wang Yunquan, he was still 0.2 points higher than Gu Shunhua.

  Gu Shunhua didn't feel much about Lu Wenqiao overtaking her. She was already very happy to get this score, so she could enjoy it secretly.

  Lu Wenqiao was obviously a little shocked.

  After he got a higher score than Gu Shunhua, he should be happy, but he could no longer compete with Wang Yunquan. He finally saw that this unattractive Wang Yunquan, as a special chef, did have some skills. Next As for the last dish, he was not confident that he could compete with Wang Yunquan.

  As for Gu Shunhua, the hot dish this time was indeed not as good as the cold meat, and it only scored nine points. He expected it, but he felt it was unexpected.

  Because Gu Shunhua is a female student after all, and he has only been in Qinxing for a long time. He was able to get such a score in a cooking appreciation competition with many experts, which shows that he does have some skills.

  Moreover, in addition to Gu Shunhua and Wang Yunquan, he also had to look at the situation of major chefs across the country. Although the contestants from Liaoning and Fujian were slightly behind him, they were still catching up.

  In this competition, Beijing is the home court. Beijing chefs have the right time, place, and people, and enjoy better resources. In this case, as a Beijing special second-level chef, if he cannot win first place, he will lose. .

  Now, he only had one last chance to serve.

  Lu Wenqiao pursed his lips, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, walked to the rest area and sat down first. He wanted to think carefully about what he should do for the last dish of the afternoon and how to make it the best.

  Niu Deshui began to comfort Gu Shunhua: "I think you are good enough. As for the last dish, you can make it whatever you want. Even if you make it mediocre later, as long as you make it, it will be great." Based on the origin of that dish, the score cannot be lower. Even if it is a score of eight or so, I estimate that it will not be among the top ten best chefs, but the outstanding chefs behind it all have your name!"

  Gu Shunhua also felt the same way: "Uncle Niu, I will be satisfied if I can get an excellent chef!"

  Niu Deshui: "You have really made our Yuhuatai proud this time. Just wait, I will apply for you to apply for Beijing's senior professional title assessment qualification. Special application so that you can advance early!"

  Gu Shunhua didn't understand: "Can I apply for this specially?"

  Niu Deshui: "Why not? As long as you have a letter of recommendation! You are currently at Level 2. When you go back to take the assessment, you will be directly promoted to the next level!"

  Of course Gu Shunhua was happy when he heard that. It would be really different if he could become a first-class chef. He could lead the way and his salary would increase by twenty yuan a month!


  According to the arrangements of the conference, after the adaptation period of the first day, Chef Hongchen will cook two dishes today. There will be no competition tomorrow. The key is the conference awards and other activities.

  Time was urgent, and everyone was working hard. After a short break at noon, it was still the competition between the red case chefs.

  Gu Shunhua's last act was peach blossom.

  If for the first dish, Gu Shunhua was thinking about performance and pressure, for the second dish, Gu Shunhua was thinking about technique and how to make it well, then for the third dish, Gu Shunhua was concentrating wholeheartedly on the dish. On.

  The success of the first two dishes gave her enough space to enjoy the cooking process itself.

  She stood in the central hall of the Great Hall of the People, cooking for reporters from all over the country and China's most professional expert judges, asking them to appreciate her craftsmanship.

  Under her hand, there is a peach blossom pan, a peach blossom pan that is extremely beautiful just by its name, a peach blossom pan that integrates Chinese classical culture and art.

  Peach Blossom Pan is not only a dish, but also a performing art.

  It was a coincidence that the requirement for the third dish was to be performative. The expert judging panel also stepped down from the rostrum and walked in front of many chefs. With notebooks in hand, they carefully observed and recorded how everyone cooked, and also There are reporters following, ready to capture footage at any time.

  Gu Shunhua has practiced the peach blossom dish many times and is proficient enough. Because she is proficient enough, she can forget the skills of cooking itself and devote herself to it.

  Perhaps she was so involved that when she looked up and saw two reporters and three expert judges gathered in front of her, she was a little surprised.

  But it didn't affect her at all. At this time, the results actually didn't matter much. She came to this competition and already won more honors than she expected. As for the last peach blossom, that was the reward she gave herself. .

  A colorful dish, a dish that is full of color, flavor, and every ingredient used is full of Chinese classical poetry and painting.

  The most delicious giant tiger prawns are taken out and dipped in the red and delicious scalding sauce. It is the juice made from the freshest pineapple and tomatoes. The sizzling juice is splashed on the rice cooker, the aroma bursts out, and the peach blossoms bloom. Splashing, full of sound and color, the sour and sweet fragrance overflowed, and the reporters around them all pressed their shutters.

  More judges gathered around and asked each other about this dish. Among them, Mr. Pu, who was wearing wide-rimmed glasses, sighed: "This is peach blossoms. The wind is blowing snow all over the mountains, but there are no peach blossoms. This is a royal meal for the palace." The dishes are full of peach blossoms!"

  When Mr. Pu said this, many judges were attracted to watch the beauty. Some reporters tried to come forward to interview Gu Shunhua.

  The dish of peach blossom pan was quickly presented in front of many judges. Everyone tasted this delicious peach blossom pan and was full of praise. Mr. Pu even said: "The original flavor is the same as the one made by the imperial dining room back then." !"

  This sentence can be regarded as an explosion, and everyone stepped forward to taste it.

  Hearing this, Gu Shunhua smiled and said, "It's worth it to be praised by sir."

  Mr. Pu then asked Gu Shunhua where he learned this dish. Gu Shunhua naturally talked about his family heritage. When Mr. Pu heard this, he suddenly asked: "Could it be Mr. Gu Zengxiang?"

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "Yes, this is my grandfather."

  Mr. Pu was overjoyed: "I even ate the dishes cooked by Mr. Gu back then!"

  Mr. Pu is Pu Yi's younger brother. His identity is extraordinary. The reporters around him also want to interview him. Now that they heard them talking about it, they dug up the news and gathered around him.

  Seeing this, Mr. Pu knew that this was not the time to talk much, so he asked Gu Shunhua what other dishes he had cooked. When Gu Shunhua talked about the boiled cabbage just now, Mr. Pu praised him again and again: "This dish is well done. Excellent! Fresh and elegant, soft and smooth, it has the style of Mr. Gu back in the day! I give this one full marks!"

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he was very grateful: "Mr. Pu, my father and I inherited my grandfather's mantle and are determined to carry forward the royal cuisine. This year, we can receive your words from Mr. Pu, which is a great encouragement to us. Thank you very much!"

  While he was talking like this, more reporters came around to interview Gu Shunhua. There was not much to say on the scene. Pujie and several judges went to taste other dishes first, but before leaving, he left his address and sincerely invited Gu Shunhua. Be sure to visit him when you have time.

  Several reporters pointed their microphones at Gu Shunhua and asked Gu Shunhua questions, and several of them were foreign reporters. Gu Shunhua did not expect that she would encounter such a scene, but at this time, she could only bite the bullet and say that she would just answer whatever questions others asked. What did he say? He introduced his grandfather, his father's insistence on Yushan over the years, and his intention to carry forward Yushan.

  Who knew that the reporter would continue to ask some sharp questions, such as what he thought of such and such a master. Gu Shunhua also had a headache. He didn't know what to say. Fortunately, the venue was about to be cleared at this time, and the conference had to proceed to the next step. This was the end. Cleaned up.

  All cooking utensils and supplies were put away by the logistics and service staff, the conference was rearranged, and the chefs also took a break.

  During the break, naturally everyone was a little judgmental.

  Gu Shunhua listened. For the last dish, Wang Yunquan cooked chestnut braised chicken. He actually deboned a whole chicken in three minutes and served it to the table. It can be said that he was miraculous, as if he had changed his mind. It was like a magic trick. Many reporters gathered around Wang Yunquan to watch it.

  Gu Shunhua was naturally amazed when he heard this. It was a pity that he was so focused on cooking just now that he didn't notice it. But in just a few minutes, in the blink of an eye, the good chicken over there turned into diced chicken! It's hard for most people to see clearly!

  While we were talking like this, the venue had been rearranged and everyone was taking their seats one after another. At this time, two important leaders from the State Council came. Both leaders gave speeches and encouraged everyone.

  Everyone's morale was inevitably high, but they were also looking forward to the results of the last dish. Finally, the scores of the dishes were compiled and announced.

  When it came time to announce the results, the atmosphere became tense. After all, this was already the most critical time.

  Lu Wenqiao happened to be sitting in front of Gu Shunhua. He turned around and glanced at Gu Shunhua.

  Gu Shunhua didn't feel anything at all. She only felt faintly about Lu Wenqiao's concern.

  In fact, she really didn't care about her last result. What Mr. Pu said just now was enough.

  The results are read one by one, and each dish is recited with some comments, and finally the results are said.

  The contestants from Liaoning and Fujian still performed well, but among the traditional eight major cuisines, several cuisines performed only averagely. It seems that this cooking appreciation meeting really broke the rules and was eclectic.

  Everyone's results came out one after another. Lu Wenqiao scored 9.3 points, which was a very high score. When his results came out, several players in the Beijing area also applauded him.

  Lu Wenqiao straightened his back and looked ahead. After listening to many people's scores, he felt that this score was pretty good. One of the players from Liaoning and Fujian should have a total score higher than his. In this way, the one who needs attention now is Wang Yunquan.

  If he can come back with the last dish, he will be the runner-up and second place.

  If not, then he would have to settle for third place.

  Lu Wenqiao lowered his eyes and took a deep breath. He thought that during this cooking appreciation meeting, he really understood that there are people outside the world, and he still needs to practice more.

  At this time, when it was time to announce Wang Yunquan's results, Lu Wenqiao listened with heart in his heart. With his heart beating like a drum, he finally heard the score, which was nine point six.

  Nine past six.

  Bitterness came, and frustration brushed through Lu Wenqiao's heart like a steel brush.

  He also thought about using the last dish to get back the score, but in fact it was just to let others throw him away again!

  There were three dishes, but none of his dishes surpassed Wang Yunquan's!

  As soon as this result was announced, the whole audience was excited. Wang Yunquan's scores were 9.6, 9.4 and 9.6 respectively. His total score was 28.6!

  Almost everyone can predict that Wang Yunquan will be the champion this time, and he deserves the first place!

  Just now, many people saw Wang Yunquan perform magic tricks. From hen to table in three minutes, it was amazing. Everyone felt that Wang Yunquan deserved his first place!

  Gu Shunhua was naturally happy for Wang Yunquan. He was really happy for him. The first place and the championship were really worth his efforts!

  Just as she was thinking about it, she heard her own peach blossoms. She listened carefully and was stunned when she heard the score.

  She actually scored nine point six!

  Nine points and six points, the same magic trick as Wang Yunquan's miraculous skill actually has the same score!

  She couldn't believe it and looked at the rostrum in confusion, while everyone around her was saying congratulations to her. The chefs around her had even started to take the lead in applauding.

  She finally had a real feeling. She couldn't tell how she felt in her heart. She had calmed down and felt that she could do anything. Who knew that she unexpectedly got such a high score!

  Amidst the thunderous applause, she stood up slightly, smiled and nodded to everyone to express her gratitude, and then sat down again.

  When I sat down, my eyes were actually a little moist.

  Fame and applause are about to come to her like a tide. After today, she will get a lot, some things that she can't even imagine, and they will all be in her pocket.

  But these are actually not that important.

  The most important thing for her is that she will gain enough confidence on the road of cooking, and this confidence will always support her and make her work diligently and never stop.

  The author has something to say:

  In fact, it takes three minutes from live chicken to chicken on the table... I'm not making it up, it's been said in many introductions... If I made it up like this, everyone would definitely laugh at me for not knowing how to count, and I would cry with laughter.jpg

  Chapter 82 Fame

  All the competitions were over, and the leaders of the State Council personally announced the results. In this appreciation meeting, a total of ten best chefs, five best pastry chefs, twelve outstanding chefs, and three outstanding pastry chefs were selected. In addition, there were five awards for cold meat platter making and 47 awards for technical performance.

  Wang Yunquan was the champion and deserved the first place. A special first-class chef from Liaoning broke the rules and won the runner-up. Gu Shunhua unexpectedly won the third runner-up.

  As for Lu Wenqiao, he only won fourth place. The other chefs of Quanjude Fengzeyuan, Yue Tiantao and Yan Chuan, were all in the top ten, ranking sixth and eighth respectively. It is worth mentioning that the female chef Qian Xiangli Won the runner-up title of Bai An Master for the first time.

  In addition, Gu Shunhua's cold meat platter won the Outstanding Production Award, and her Peach Blossom Pan also won the Technical Performance Award.

  It can be said that Gu Shunhua won a complete victory in this competition and won three medals.

  The results were announced that day, and the awards began. The national anthem was played, and Gu Shunhua and several other winning contestants came to the stage to receive their awards. When she walked up to the podium with the national anthem, Gu Shunhua felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She had listened to the national anthem countless times. When she was young and ignorant, she wore a red scarf, raised her head high and looked at the five-star red flag flying. She was far away from her girlhood. Walking in Inner Mongolia, she carried the red flag at the foot of the harsh and barren Yin Mountains, singing the national anthem to encourage herself while clearing wasteland. Now, she heard the national anthem again.

  The national anthem is played for her. This is her honor and her pride.

  After taking the stage, the leading comrade who presented her with the award had gray hair, glasses, and a blue tunic suit. The old man smiled cordially and said: "You are the only female chef in the Red Case who has been on the podium. Women Comrades can hold up half the sky, come on!"

  Gu Shunhua's eyes were hot, and tears almost fell.

  She didn't know what to say, so she nodded vigorously.

  The trophy was delivered to her hands. This was the first time she held the trophy, the big golden trophy. She grasped the lower end of the trophy. In fact, the cold metal felt a little cold in her hands, but her heart was hot and her whole body was full of heat. Surrounded by a surging and passionate emotion.

  She held the trophy and looked forward with tearful eyes. The golden central hall of the Great Hall of the People was filled with applause.

  Amid the passionate national anthem and warm applause, she held the trophy and bowed to express her gratitude to everyone.

  The two days of intense competition came to an end, and Gu Shunhua gained a lot.

  Next, Gu Shunhua received the Cold Meat Platter Excellence Award and the Technical Performance Award. These two individual medals were not gold, but had a pattern design similar to cloisonné, which was simple and beautiful.

  In the end, Gu Shunhua was holding three trophies, barely able to pretend. The chef friend next to her smiled and helped her get them: "You really stole the show this time!"

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help but laugh.

  Several chefs came over to see the trophy. They were filled with admiration and envy. Everyone gathered around her to congratulate her.

  Wang Yunquan won the championship and was so happy that he couldn't help but say: "I just heard from the leaders of the organization that the leaders of our catering company in Hunan Province arrived at noon today. They came here specially overnight and sent a message to me to ask if I need anything."

  When he said this, everyone laughed, thinking that the competition was over here, so you guys would be more attentive.

  Gu Shunhua listened and said: "That's good, it's taken seriously right away. In the future, the province will definitely pay attention to the development of Hunan cuisine. In the future, when you participate in competitions, you no longer have to borrow money out of your own pocket to carry the burden!"

  Wang Yunquan nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I think so too. It's better to be late than never. This experience for me is really worth it, worth it!"

  Seeing him like this, Gu Shunhua really admired and sighed.

  Frankly speaking, the leaders don't pay attention to it, and the province doesn't take it seriously. It's so difficult to borrow 500 yuan to carry the burden to participate in the competition. If it were you, would you be able to do it?

  Everyone admires his spirit, but when it's his turn to borrow five hundred in one breath, it's really hard to live. We are all mortals with families and children. Not everyone can do it, at least I certainly can't do it.

  The leaders of the Beijing Catering Company came over soon. They were overjoyed and congratulated this one and that one. Niu Deshui also came over. Seeing that the general manager was happy, he quickly took the opportunity to say: "Manager Huang, Shunhua has made a big mistake this time." Doesn't the limelight bring glory to our Beijing catering industry?"

  Manager Huang: "That's natural!"

  Niu Deshui laughed and said: "Is there some reward for this? How can it be justified if I don't get something big!"

  Manager Huang also laughed when he heard this: "Yeah, I knew you were waiting for me here. If you want to mention anything, just say it!"

  Niu Deshui: "She has such a good ranking and is fighting for us. Those who deserve rewards must be rewarded. I don't need to say anything else, but you see, she is only a second-level chef. Cooking Appreciation Conference The national leaders praised her for getting such a good ranking. Look at how much praise Mr. Pu gave her. As a result, we in Beijing gave her the title of second-level chef. This shows that we are not good at all. No Bole!"

  The general manager smiled and said: "That's right. He's only a second-level chef. It's really inappropriate. This second-level chef is no worse than some special-level chefs!"

  He said this casually, but the speaker had no intention of speaking and the listener had intentions. Lu Wenqiao's expression changed next to him.

  Lu Wenqiao actually gave up hope of overtaking Wang Yunquan after his second result came out. He accepted his fate. Wang Yunquan's skills were indeed superb.

  When the results of the last dish came out, he was completely disappointed. The frustration pierced his heart. He completely recognized himself. At least he was not as good as he thought. There are people outside the world, and Wang Yunquan was temporarily unable to compare with him. of.

  And with the dark horse from Liaoning who came out halfway, he could only get third place and the bronze medal.

  He was originally thinking that a bronze medal was not as good as a gold or silver medal, but just as he was thinking about it, he heard Gu Shunhua's score.

  When he heard Gu Shunhua's score, his mind was buzzing. He couldn't calculate the total score for a long time. After finally calculating it, he found that the opponent was 0.1 points higher than him.

  Gu Shunhua unexpectedly overtook him with his last burst of peach blossoms!

  Outdone myself!

  Although it was only 0.1 points, it was still a lead.

  At this time, Lu Wenqiao realized that he was not even guaranteed the medal, and the top three places were not guaranteed.

  He saw that the first three were medals and certificates, but there were only certificates and no medals at the back.

  At this time, Lu Wenqiao was still in a state of confusion and self-doubt. He began to wonder what happened to him after years of struggle, and he was defeated by Gu Shunhua in such an inexplicable game.

  And just when frustration and pain were lingering in his heart, he happened to hear the general manager say this.

  He was startled and suddenly remembered that he happened to be a special-level person and Gu Shunhua was an ordinary level-2 person. Didn't this just mean him?

  He was silent for a long time, gritted his teeth, hugged the certificate, and turned to leave.

  Yan Chuan, who was next to him, saw that he was about to walk out of the hall, so he quickly called out to him: "I still have to take a photo with the leader, a group photo!"

  However, he didn't even look back and just left.

  When the general manager saw this, he realized that he had just said the wrong thing: "Hurry up and call him over. This is the Great Hall of the People, not the backbone of his family. This is not the time to lose your temper. We will take a group photo later. That is the National .Leadership of the Ministry of Affairs!"

  What else could I do now? I quickly found someone to call and stop them. But at this moment, the person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce had already started to call everyone over, saying that they wanted to take a group photo. The first row were comrades from the State Council, and the second row were the chefs. , followed by comrades from the Ministry of Commerce, organizational staff and logistics-related staff.

  Because Gu Shunhua was third, he was placed in the middle of the second row together with Wang Yunquan and the Liaoning master. Everyone hugged their trophies and laughed, and then there was a "click" and everyone left a historical scene together.


  The day's activities are over. After the evening rest, there will be a tea party and experience and technology sharing exchange meeting the next day. However, the competition is over, and everyone is relaxed anyway.

  But just after the photo shoot was finished, and before leaving the Great Hall of the People, many people crowded over, and many reporters wanted to interview. After several days of fermentation, especially the exaggeration and reports of the major media, this youth cooking appreciation meeting It can be said that it attracted the attention of both China and foreign countries. In addition to more than 20 news organizations in the capital, there were also more than a dozen reporters based in Beijing. All microphones were pointed at the big guy.

  Wang Yunquan was the champion, so he naturally received a lot of attention, and because Gu Shunhua was the only female chef, it attracted even more attention. Many reporters began to ask questions, and some foreigners asked in half-baked Chinese with some English mixed in.

  Gu Shunhua was a little overwhelmed. After all, he was a small person and had never seen such a big scene. But at this time, he had to say a few words. Anyway, he would continue to use the clichés he had prepared before. As for asking detailed and sensitive questions, such as about the Eighth National Congress Regarding the cuisine, what do you think about the fact that some of the eight major cuisines failed to win the award this time? What do you think about the Liaoning contestant's upset? They also asked Gu Shunhua how he overcame all obstacles as a second-level chef.

  Naturally, Gu Shunhua didn't answer any of these questions. When asked urgently, he just said that I only know how to cook and don't know anything else.

  Fortunately, the logistics department of the catering company came and helped everyone get rid of the reporters. Finally, we got on the shuttle bus amid the crowds and returned to the Second Commercial Bureau Guest House smoothly.

  In the guest house, Qian Xiangli also came back. She was so excited that she was so happy that she was really lucky. Two people living in the same dormitory actually won the first runner-up and the second runner-up. Everyone put the trophies together. Why? It depends on how you like it.

  Later, I simply asked the logistics comrades with cameras to help take a group photo, two bright smiling faces, followed by several dazzling trophies!

  During dinner that night, I saw several newspapers. Even the People's Daily mentioned the cooking appreciation event, and even published the final group photo. Everyone was looking for me.

  "Shunhua stands out the most in the second row! She is tall!"

  "Yan Chuan, what's your expression? It's not serious at all!"

  Everyone was chatting and laughing, and it was very lively. Some of the winners were wondering what the trophies looked like, so they went to the winning comrades' room to have a look. They also left each other's mailing addresses, saying that they could contact each other more in the future for more discussions.

  "We are all diligent and come from all over the world. From now on, we will learn from each other and make progress together!"

  Everyone was in a lively atmosphere, but Lu Wenqiao never showed up, so no one asked, and he didn't participate in the group photo anyway.

  When the show was over, Gu Shunhua heard some complaints from the general manager of the catering company, saying that Lu Wenqiao didn't have a collectivist spirit, but he just said that there was nothing he could do about it, and people wouldn't listen to him anyway.

  I was so excited that day that I almost didn't sleep well, but I still got up early the next day. The next day was an experience exchange meeting, where the leading comrades held a tea party with everyone and had cordial negotiations.

  After sitting down, the leader first summarized the results of this cooking appreciation meeting, and then said: "I specifically said that this time our ratings will be anonymous, we will break the rules, and we will not mention any cuisines, but we will let a hundred flowers bloom and compete. Yan, you have to be fair and clean, and you have to be eclectic and unconstrained. In fact, judging from the results, this result is also very surprising."

  Everyone felt a little emotional after listening to it. Indeed, this competition broke the rules and the results were surprising. Some well-known cuisines were not included in the list. It is estimated that there will be many changes in the catering industry.

  The leader also praised everyone's innovation and highlighted a few dishes. He also specifically mentioned Gu Shunhua's "Peach Blossom Pan", saying that it was a palace royal dish in the past. We must criticize the dross of feudalism, but we should criticize some of the essence of the past. He also wanted to absorb it, hoping that Gu Shunhua would carry forward the past and open up the future, and innovate on the basis of inheriting the tradition in dishes. Gu Shunhua was flattered and naturally nodded repeatedly.

  Finally, the leading comrades also asked everyone in detail about their lives and what difficulties they had. They said that they are a young generation who need to carry out technological innovation and have the spirit of reform and opening up, etc.

  After the tea party, everyone had internal technical exchanges. Different provinces and cities learned from each other's experiences in different cuisines. After these few days of competition, everyone was familiar with each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively. People who admired and praised asked for advice, and left their mailing addresses and contact information.

  Lu Wenqiao rarely opened his mouth, and asked Wang Yunquan a question: "Master Wang, how did you master the skill of serving a live chicken in three minutes?"

  Everyone was a little surprised when he opened his mouth. You must know that Lu Wenqiao has always been conceited and his eyes are higher than his own. There are times when he seeks advice from others.

  Wang Yunquan smiled in a simple way: "There is no special trick, just keep doing it like this, keep doing it, and you will get it."

  Lu Wenqiao raised his eyebrows. He obviously felt that Wang Yunquan was hiding something.

  Wang Yunquan continued: "I talked to Shunhua before and mentioned that at that time I had to deal with twelve pigs in one morning. No one helped me. I had to do it all by myself. I had to dig out the bones and elbows, the front legs and back legs. The tenderloins all have to be peeled, shredded and sliced. This is all my morning work. Anyway, I do it every day. If I do it too much, it will be cooked. When a chicken comes over, I can tell it with my eyes closed. It's done, it's cooked, it's quick!"

  When he said this, Lu Wenqiao was startled for a moment, and then his eyes filled with admiration: "Master Wang is right, the more you practice, the more you will become familiar with it."

  Gu Shunhua was surprised to see him like this. People who have their eyes set high above their heads sometimes know how to lower their heads. She has seen it!

  After the day's activities, everyone took a group photo in the lobby of the Great Hall of the People. Finally, everyone dispersed. Their luggage was packed in the morning and delivered by car. As soon as they left the Great Hall of the People, everyone went to pick up their own bags. luggage.

  Before Gu Shunhua could get her luggage, she was surrounded by people. This was a reporter who had not been interviewed yesterday. She wanted to continue the interview. After answering a few questions, Gu Shunhua was thinking about what to do. She couldn't be interviewed one by one. ah.

  At this time, Ren Jingnian pushed aside the crowd and came over, took away the things in her hand, and then took her hand and walked out.

  As for the reporters who were interviewing them, he said sorry and blocked them all.

  After walking out of the encirclement, Gu Shunhua realized that his parents were here, his younger brother was here, Wang Xinrui, Lei Yongquan, Chang Hui were all here, and there were also several people in the courtyard. Everyone was waiting there!

  She was also surprised: "You are all here!"

  Everyone laughed: "Yes, I came to pick you up. You are in the limelight today. We heard it on the radio outside. I guess you can still make the news. You will definitely be the headline today."

  The guys had already hired several trucks. After picking up Gu Shunhua, they got on the trucks and went home!

  The few reporters who followed outside saw this and quickly took pictures. So the next day, a certain overseas newspaper reported that "the female chef who won the youth cooking competition went home on a trolley."


  After returning home, as soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw Mr. Pan holding a firecracker on a bamboo pole and shouted: "Our hero is back!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, firecrackers crackled and everyone in the courtyard shouted together: "Welcome home."

  This formation shocked Gu Shunhua, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. It was so grand!

  Just like that, she was surrounded by people entering the house, and the small room was completely surrounded. Everyone asked curiously about the situation in the Great Hall of the People, the accommodation situation, and who they had met.

  "We saw your photo in the newspaper. Next to you is Mr. Pu. He is the younger brother of the former emperor. That's amazing!"

  "I heard that the country's leading officials have come to see you. This is a great insight!"

  There was even an old lady who asked directly: "Why should I give you an official position?"

  But it made everyone laugh.

  Gu Shunhua actually had a lot to say and learned too much in her heart, so she picked up the important ones and told them all, and took out the trophy for everyone to see.

  Everyone clicked their tongues when they saw it. Aunt Huo held the golden trophy and asked: "This, is this made of gold? I've made a fortune, gold!"

  Gu Shunhua smiled: "This is not gold. How can it be real gold? How much gold does it cost? It should be just a layer of gold plating on the outside."

  But even so, everyone was still curious. They gathered around to look at it. There were words engraved on the side of the trophy. Those who knew how to read it read out loud: "Excellent Chef Award, Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China."

  Listening to this, everyone was filled with admiration: "You are really promising, you are really promising, Shunhua is really promising now!"

  When everyone dispersed one after another, only her family and classmates were left. Naturally, several classmates were happy for her and asked about her future plans.

  Lei Yongquan: "Actually, private restaurants are opening one after another. Based on your ability, Shunhua, you are still restricted in state-owned restaurants. It would be better to go out and work on your own, do something big, and maybe you can achieve something."

  Gu Shunhua did have this idea once. Now some private restaurants have opened. These are usually listed in state-owned restaurants.

  But she thought for a while and said: "Yuhuatai treated me well, gave me the opportunity to further my education, and worked hard for this competition. I can't just burn bridges now that I have gained fame, so I still want to repay Yuhuatai. I have been working hard at Yuhuatai for several years. Besides, although I won the award this time, I must admit that I am also lucky. If I really talk about my actual skills, I may not be able to compare with others. During this time, I spared I have been working hard to prepare for this competition, and I have realized that I still have to improve my skills. Yuhuatai can give me the space and platform to grow, with less pressure and more energy to hone myself."

  Now she has learned more about production operations and business management, and she sees problems more clearly than before, and she is slowly getting better at it. If you are a private restaurant, you have to worry about customers and profits. Once you worry about this, you lose the opportunity to calm down and temper yourself.

  Now I work in a state-owned restaurant and I get a fixed salary. Relatively speaking, I have less pressure and plenty of time. I can also focus more on improving my skills.

  She also reflected on her own business of making Qingjiang Pork. Although it was good, she made money, and laid the foundation for her future work, but overall she was still short-sighted.

  She is only twenty-five years old after the new year. She has a long time ahead, and now is the time to lay the foundation. She cannot think about flying without laying a solid foundation. More importantly, she should stabilize herself.

  In the beginning, there was nothing I could do. Life was really hard and stressful, and I had to earn money to survive. But now Ren Jingnian went to college and had a salary. He also had some money, and even bought a courtyard house in the suburbs. At this time, You don't have to worry so much about making money.

  Of course, you should still make the clear sauce pork, but that is no longer the point. To put it bluntly, it is to slow down the pace and work more steadily.

  Gu Shunhua's words made Lei Yongquan agree: "Shunhua, you have always been more practical than us in doing things, step by step, we have to learn from you on this."

  Wang Xinrui: "Seeing Shunhua like this makes my heart itch. I wish I could graduate from TV University and start a vigorous career!"

  When she said this, everyone laughed. Chang Hui looked at her belly, which was already up.

  She said with some envy: "How many months are you old? When will you give birth?"

  Wang Xinrui: "It will be after the new year. The due date is in the summer. I will probably suffer by then. My employer said that I am going to TV University and I am pregnant. I can study with pay then and send me an application report."

  When she said this, everyone was naturally happy: "You happen to be pregnant and studying. Maybe you will graduate from TV University and the child will be born. Then it will be double happiness!"

  Everyone laughed, and when they said this, they naturally asked about Chang Hui's movements: "When are you planning to have a baby?"

  Chang Hui smiled and said: "There is no news yet, so let's just let it happen."

  Lei Yongquan also said: "We are still in school anyway, so we are not in a hurry. We also want Chang Hui to concentrate on preparing for the college entrance examination."

  When he said this, everyone encouraged Chang Hui: "It would be great to be admitted to university and study with pay!"

  After talking for a while, after everyone had dispersed, only the family members were left. They closed the door and looked around the trophy. The two children were very curious and asked questions. Chen Cuiyue couldn't help but smile. Mouth.

  Gu Quanfu also had a rare smile today. Although he didn't say much, it could be seen that he felt comfortable and relieved.

  From Gu Shunhua's memory, it seems that his father has not been so completely relaxed and happy since more than ten years ago.

  Gu Yuehua was so happy that he jumped up and down, hugging Manman and throwing it to the roof. He threw it again and again, making the child scream and laugh loudly.

  Chen Cuiyue quickly stopped from the side: "Don't break the child! There is nothing heavy or light under your hands!"

  Gu Yuehua smiled: "My sister is really glorious now. Yesterday, my classmate was talking about a cooking competition in the newspaper. She said that she was greedy after seeing the names of the dishes. I said that my sister also participated, and she also After winning the award, I pointed to the newspaper and showed it to them, and they were all envious!"

  The whole family was so happy that they went to order roasted mutton to eat that night. The roasted mutton was hot, and they also ordered lasagna. They also bought a large vat of wine. The whole family ate and drank to their heart's content. In the end, even Gu Shunhua couldn't help it. Had a little drink.


  After washing for a while, the two of them went to bed. The child had fallen asleep by this time. Gu Shunhua leaned on Ren Jingnian's shoulder, which was strong and broad. Because it had been washed, it seemed to smell good, with some scent of soap remaining.

  At this time, the briquettes in the white stove were burning, and the north wind was blowing outside. I had won so much glory in such a splendid place as the Great Hall of the People. When I returned home, I lay quietly in my little nest, leaning against the man. In her arms, listening to his heartbeat, she only felt safe.

  Life is in your own hands, and men are so reliable, no matter how attractive the two children next to you are.

  She couldn't help laughing, smiled, stuck out her tongue, and deliberately licked his arm.

  When she licked him like this, his body froze slightly.

  After that, he turned over, put his arms around her waist and held her close to him, and said in her ear: "I thought you were busy these days, and now you are so tired that you just want to sleep."

  Gu Shunhua hummed softly: "Why don't I know how considerate you are?"

  Ren Jingnian's voice was very low, and the heat lingered in his ears, but his tone was a little innocent: "Am I not considerate?"

  Gu Shunhua pursed his lips and smiled.

  Ren Jingnian lowered his head and kissed her ear.

  During this period, both of them were too busy. Even if Ren Jingnian had some needs, he deliberately suppressed them. One was because of limited family conditions, and the other was afraid that she would be tired. Now that she had come back victorious and teased him like this, of course he couldn't stand it. , and I don't want to endure it anymore.

  Chapter 83 Rice Field Crab

  Everyone in the courtyard felt that Gu Shunhua was famous. Everyone saw a photo of her with the leaders of the State Council in the Beijing Evening News, and they all thought that she would be "promising" in the future. The senior brothers and colleagues in Yuhuatai were also surprised when they saw her. It's such a boast, saying that now she has not only brought glory to Yuhuatai, but also to Beijing cuisine!

  "You're even better than that Lu Wenqiao this time! He's the second best, and you're actually better than him. Now this kid can no longer be arrogant."

  Faced with this, Gu Shunhua was very calm. She just smiled and didn't say much. She continued to do whatever she was supposed to do in the back room. She still did some small and trivial tasks in a down-to-earth manner without relying on manpower.

  After a few days, when everyone saw her like this, they slowly adapted to it, and life became peaceful.

  Gu Shunhua deliberately lowered the importance of this matter, actually to calm himself down.

  It is not difficult to endure loneliness when times are tough, but it is the most difficult thing to be able to stick to one's duty when times are prosperous.

  A little honor goes to your head, and you feel how capable you really are, and you are confused and lost in fame. That is a person who cannot hold onto fame and wealth at all. Such a person will eventually fall into a big mess.

  So she became more and more down-to-earth and did her job well.

  But soon, she discovered that it was actually quite difficult. The tree wanted to be quiet but the wind was still blowing. After all, she had gained a reputation. Catering companies would use her for publicity and ask her to write articles and publish them in newspapers. Occasionally, reporters would want to interview her. Of course, Some people also invited her to go to a church meeting. At this time, her status was very different from before. The amount of money for a church meeting was naturally considerable. Anyone who dared to ask her was no longer an ordinary person.

  At the beginning, she just looked at Niu Shui Shui Zi and tried her best. Later, she became a little tired. These chores really took up a lot of her time and made her tired of dealing with them. After all, she still wanted to be down-to-earth. While honing my skills in the background, I also want to successfully complete the TV University course. During the TV University course, I also want to learn more about Western economics and management.

  There is also her clear sauce pork. Although she is not as interested as she was at the beginning, she must finish it.

  Her state was naturally noticed by Ren Jingnian. Regarding this matter, Ren Jingnian encouraged her to speak openly.

  Sometimes people still have to learn to say no, reject things that are not helpful to them, abandon those trivial favors brought by fame, get rid of complexity, and free themselves from trivial matters.

  After hearing what he said, Gu Shunhua finally made up his mind, so that day, he had a showdown with Niu Deshui.

  She said that she was not suitable to attend some meetings of the catering company. As for the commendations and interviews, they also took up her time: "Perhaps in the eyes of the company leaders, I am just a flag that can be used to show off. I have a golden brand, but I still want to continue to be a decent chef in the kitchen. My skills are actually not that high. The honors I have received are a bit too much for me, and I am not qualified."

  "At this stage, all I can do is to calm down and work on the stove. Because of this incident, our Yuhuatai business has been good recently, and many of them are for those dishes, so I will do my best. Do it, I really can't care about anything else."

  Gu Shunhua's words made Niu Deshui unable to react for a long time.

  Later, he finally understood and figured out what she meant: "I reflect that you are right to have this idea. You are just too practical in your work."

  Gu Shunhua: "Isn't there a story called Shang Zhongyong? I relied on some skills and luck to obtain these honors, but if I am running around for these false reputations now, or even making money at this juncture, then my craftsmanship will be compromised. There is no improvement, if you stay there or even regress, it will hurt Zhongyong if you look back."

  Niu Deshui laughed when he heard this, shook his head and sighed: "Okay, okay, you are right, you have convinced me, I will help you block this matter!"

  Gu Shunhua smiled: "But I can still write articles. Writing about the cultural traditions of traditional Chinese food is also self-reflection."

  Naturally, Niu Deshui had nothing to say, so he just let her go: "I'm giving you the opportunity to take the professional title exam. You should really practice hard in the back room. When you look back, we can pass it in one go and become a first-class chef." Got it!"

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "Okay, I'll prepare carefully!"


  Before the cooking competition, Gu Shunhua was tense in all aspects. She was under a lot of pressure at that time. Now that the cooking competition has passed, she found that studying TV University courses, going to work and preparing for professional qualification exams all felt like nothing. .

  And thanks to Ren Jing's patient and meticulous "feeding" some time ago, she is now on track in all aspects of learning. For example, she can already understand new courses while watching them on TV, and she won't be confused at all. Sometimes there are group discussions in the class, and she finds that she is still the "relatively clear" one and can help her classmates learn about blind spots in science.

  She suddenly became an outstanding student in the class.

  Studying at TV University became easier. She began to understand the content of the first-level chef assessment in Beijing. Gu Quanfu had never passed this exam. The system in the past was different from now. This kind of comprehensive assessment had not been established at the beginning. mechanism.

  She asked the master who had recently passed the exam at Yuhuatai for advice, and then she learned that the exam was divided into two parts, the theoretical assessment and the practical operation.

  "In this line of work, we are definitely not afraid of practical operations. We are just afraid of the theoretical assessment. You only need to say you can cook. They have to ask you about this and that. The key is that the theoretical assessment also has oral and written tests, and you have to write! I got through it with a lot of effort!"

  Gu Shunhua inquired in detail and found that the exam was quite difficult.

  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, but fortunately, this professional title exam will be after the new year, so there is no need to be too anxious, just prepare slowly.

  But at this time, another thing happened that Gu Shunhua did not expect.

  After she became famous, if she could strike while the iron was hot, attend a church meeting, be interviewed by a newspaper, and then set up a front on the Jade Flower Terrace, she would naturally gain both fame and fortune and make a fortune. But she didn't do that. Things just rested, and it was nothing more than an increase in business at Yuhuatai.

  But people in this whirlpool really can't escape. Somehow someone inquired and found out that Gu Shunhua also made his own Qing Sauce Pork. As a result, the Qing Sauce Pork was really popular.

  In the past, although the old customers also rushed to buy, it was because everyone had tasted it, and it was the result of Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian's hard work last year.

  But things are different now. Many people are flocking here, wanting to buy, rushing to buy, or even relying on connections to buy.

  Not to mention anything else, Guanglei Yongquan's mother had several visits. Lei Yongquan came to see her several times and said that she had to leave a few kilograms of clear sauce meat no matter what!

  Gu Shunhua was doing his job, and he couldn't do anything to temporarily increase the price, so that the Qingjiang Pork was really the hind leg meat and it was settled before it was even gone.

  Gu Duo'er was very happy at first, but later she couldn't stand it anymore: "I'm scared if I keep selling like this. Where can I get my hind legs trimmed?"

  Gu Shunhua thought for a while and asked her to hide for a while: "Anyway, we will sell what can be sold. If it can't be sold, there is nothing we can do. We can't sell it if we don't have raw materials."

  Gu Duoer thought so, anyway, those who took the order must give it to others, and those who didn't take the order simply stopped selling it and simply disappeared behind closed doors.

  As for those who came to the door because of their relationship, they had no choice but to ignore them. They could only pay two kilograms each as a favor.

  That Sunday, Yuhuatai shipped a batch of small crabs from Dashiqiao City, Yingkou, Liaoning Province. These small crabs were really not big, one or two taels for the small ones, and no more than two taels for the big ones.

  At first, Gu Shunhua didn't take it seriously when he saw it. He thought it was too small, but later he tasted one and realized that it was really delicious. Even though it was only two taels of small crabs, it had a fat top. When he opened it, he found that it was really delicious. The bright and flowing orange crab roe, who would have thought that such a small crab could have such plump crab roe!

  When you take a bite, the taste is really good. Different from the taste of hairy crab and swimming crab, this small crab seems to be more delicious and fresh, which is satisfying on the tip of the tongue.

  Gu Shunhua asked about it, and then he learned that small crabs are the latest technology that has been studied in Yingkou area. They are crabs in the rice fields. The rice flowers are fragrant and the rice leaves are falling. The small crabs are nourished in this way. They are naturally delicious and delicious, so It's called rice field crab.

  Gu Shunhua liked it very much, so he brought a basket. After returning, he gave some to his parents, Mr. Pan and Grandma Tong. He also saw that Gu Duo'er was busy in Baiziwan, so it happened to be the weekend, so he took some more to give to Gu Duo'er. Give some to Su Yinghong to try too.

  When they passed by, Su Yinghong and her lover Li Guirong happened to be there, and both of them were helping.

  Gu Shunhua quickly turned on the fire, cleaned the crabs, and steamed them: "You all will have a try later, this tastes good!"

  Everyone was naturally happy when they heard it.

  Gu Shunhua saw that Li Guirongying next to him was very busy and a very honest young man, and said: "You have been working hard recently. I am too busy and can't take care of a lot of work."

  Su Yinghong: "Sister, if you are not polite to me, then I will ignore you! Who among us will follow the other!"

  Gu Shunhua also laughed. The two children liked Su Yinghong quite a lot, so he let them play with Su Yinghong first and let Ren Jingnian and Li Guirong work together, while he and Gu Duoer went over to sort out all the accounts.

  Although Gu Duo'er has a carefree personality, he is quite meticulous in his work and remembers the accounts clearly.

  While checking the account, Gu Shunhua said casually: "Guirong, Yinghong's son-in-law, has come over to help a lot recently. I will have to calculate a salary for him later."

  Guduo'er: "It doesn't matter what you say, I will never mistreat others. To be honest, they did help a lot. Yinghong, this son-in-law, is an honest person!"

  Gu Shunhua laughed and continued to look at the accounts. He really couldn't sell a lot of clear sauce pork this winter, so he was making and selling it in such enthusiasm. With the pre-orders, there were already almost a thousand kilograms of clear sauce pork in the running water. .

  When I first saw this number, I was a little surprised.

  Since the two of them started a business together, they have opened a passbook and put their public money in it. Now they checked the passbook and checked the bills, and it turned out that there were more than 10,000 yuan!

  Gu Duo'er: "Sister Shunhua, don't worry. I haven't dared to touch the deposit I received. I'm also afraid that the delivery won't be smooth and if something goes wrong, the money is here. We can check it slowly. As for the clearing As for the kilograms of sauced meat, if we make more than three hundred kilograms after the new year, we will almost be able to hand over everything."

  Gu Shunhua breathed a sigh of relief: "There are still more than three hundred kilograms, so we need to pay more attention. After we successfully deliver the goods, we can rest!"

  Gu Duo'er: "Yes, Mr. Lu has been watching over me lately, so I'm not afraid of anything."

  Gu Shunhua calculated the money again. It was almost a thousand kilograms of clear sauce meat. This was not a small amount. One kilogram was calculated as a profit of fifteen yuan. When all the money was collected, it would be fifteen thousand.

  Gu Shunhua's heart beat faster.

  In fact, if she wants to make money now, there are many ways to do it. Where is the reputation, she can earn it in any way. However, she doesn't make any money, thinking that she can not care about money.

  Now I find that, in fact, I always like money.

  Fifteen thousand!

  Gu Shunhua: "If we pay Yinghong and her lover later, we can probably earn more than 14,000."

  Gu Duo'er: "That's not true! I feel happy just thinking about this!"

  There are more than fourteen thousand. According to the previously agreed division, Gu Shunhua can divide almost ten thousand.

  She originally had more than one thousand yuan, so this was more than eleven thousand yuan.

  Gu Shunhua's heart suddenly trembled. Could she consider buying a courtyard house in the city?

  Gu Duo'er: "I can divide it into four thousand. I can't believe it when I think of this. Sister Shunhua, I have to calculate the accounts several times at night! So you said that I should take a good look at the remaining few hundred kilograms. I'm sure Ah, I wish I could hug him to sleep!"

  Gu Shunhua also laughed when he heard what she said: "I'm making money now!"

  Gu Duoer sighed: "Sister Shunhua, I don't dare to think about it now. Sometimes I think that this is money we earn, but sometimes I think that it doesn't seem to be money. Why do you think money is falling so fast? It feels wrong to drill into my hand!"

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help but laugh: "It's like a dream, right?"

  Gu Duo'er: "It's also because you have gained a reputation. When you become famous, you bring me great glory!"

  Gu Shunhua: "Let's work hard, good days are ahead."

  While the two were talking like this, Su Yinghong came in with her child. She wondered: "Sister Shunhua, do you think it's strange? Just now I took my child to play with grass outside, but when I looked up, I saw Sister Xiumei. Standing far away, thinking about it but hesitating, I asked her what was wrong, but she was fine, she quickly said it was okay, then turned around and ran away in a hurry."

  Su Yinghong: "I don't understand. Why is she running away? She is outside our courtyard wall, next to the door. She obviously came to see you, but she didn't come in. I don't know what happened!"

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he quickly asked: "She didn't say anything?"

  Su Yinghong: "Yeah, I see the circles under my eyes are still red, it seems like something happened."

  As soon as she said this, Gu Shunhua remembered what Ren Jingnian said before.

  Now Miao Xiumei is getting married. The last time she came here, she was fussy and didn't say why. But from the looks of it, something happened.

  After hearing this, Gu Shunhua felt uneasy after all and put down what he was doing: "Then let me go over and take a look. It's not far away anyway. What if something happens? Her behavior always makes people uneasy."

  Ren Jingnian was sorting out the used pottery pots next to him. When he heard this, he put down the pottery pots and said, "I'll go with you."

  Gu Shunhua: "No, I can go there alone."

  Ren Jingnian: "If anything happens, let's go."

  He couldn't help but tell Gu Shunhua to let her go, so he told Su Yinghong and Gu Duo'er to watch the child while he and Ren Jingnian rode over.

  In fact, they just roughly knew where Miao Xiumei's man lived. Now that they had gone over, they had to ask around. When they walked over, they happened to meet one who looked familiar. He turned out to be a fellow from the Baiziwan Production Brigade, so they asked him in detail.

  When the fellow heard this, he said, "She is making a fuss today!"

  Ren Jingnian: "Is it making a fuss?"

  The fellow said: "No, she's not getting married now. Her partner is a driver, and he lives in a dormitory near our village. She recently got married and planned to build a big shed. She found a shed builder from our village, so I know As a result, people from our village today said that something happened to her!"

  Gu Shunhua asked in a tight voice: "Something happened?"

  The fellow sighed: "I don't know the specifics. It is said that his parents' family came to make trouble. They wanted to smash the table and chairs, and they are making a fuss now. But we are outsiders, so we don't know what happened, but you are not Do you know me? Our team all likes your watermelon jam and has benefited a lot from you. If anything happens, just say hello."

  Gu Shunhua understood it as soon as he heard it.

  Miao Xiumei's mother-in-law's family was not good enough, so they expected to sell her for a bride price. Miao Xiumei had mentioned this problem before, but now Miao Xiumei was quietly getting married and divorced, and was marrying a driver.

  The driver was a good match. In the eyes of her family, she had "found a good family." If they knew the news, they would blackmail the driver severely and ask for a betrothal gift.

  Not daring to delay at the moment, he inquired about the address carefully and rushed there. In fact, their factory dormitory was not far from the courtyard, and it only took ten minutes to ride a bicycle. Now Gu Shunhua asked Ren Jingnian to ride quickly, and he saw it when he turned a corner.

  A lot of people had gathered outside the dormitory, all watching the fun. On the ground were a smashed greenhouse, a chair with its legs broken off, and a torn-off red hi character that had been blown away by the cold wind and stuck to the corner of the wall. The dead grass was mixed together.

  And in the crowd, a woman's cursing voice was heard: "Everyone is judging and judging, this is the girl we pooped out, and now she is married, and we don't even say anything." Hey, you can't see anyone in your eyes or something, we are my mother's family, you don't even mention it? This is still a driver, a good job for the Eighth Member, and a good company, right? No, I will get trouble from your company Go, I don't believe it, your company can be so unreasonable!"

  Someone nearby tried to persuade her, but she became even more enthusiastic: "I have to have a good talk with your factory leaders, why did you just marry our daughter off like this? You didn't even say hello!"

  She yelled in the wind with a hoarse voice, as if her throat was about to be torn: "I'm telling you today, you are human trafficking and deceiving our girls. I will sue your leaders!"

  Gu Shunhua squeezed through the crowd and saw that the woman was wearing a blue coarse cloth gown and looked to be in her fifties. She was making a fuss there with disheveled hair. There were several girls next to her, about the same age as Miao Xiumei, wearing shabby clothes. They were all standing there in colorful cotton-padded jackets. They were probably her sisters.

  Next to him, there was a thin man, wearing an old blue tunic suit and a marching hat, standing there helplessly.

  While everyone was talking about it, an old lady and the driver "Kuan'er" Tang Tiehui came out together. Judging from their appearance, they should be mother and son.

  The old lady was wearing a blue cloth gown with a large lapel, her hair was neatly combed, and her wife's net bag was on the back. She looked very responsible.

  She sighed worriedly: "Old sisters, the two children like each other. Xiumei is a good child, and my Tiehui is also a real child. Xiumei has never mentioned you before, and I don't know. It's our family's negligence. It's really rude. Now let's do whatever you say. If anything happens, let's not make trouble. Let's sit down and discuss it. Do you think that's okay?"

  However, Miao Xiumei's mother said sarcastically: "Hey, look, who is your old sister, who kidnapped our daughter and had sex with my old sister? Damn you!"

  After he spat out his words, he slapped the old lady in the face, which made her so embarrassed that her hands were trembling with anger.

  Tang Tiehui, who was next to him, was also angry when he saw his mother being bullied: "What are you doing if you have something to say? Haven't you made enough trouble? Why are you blaming my mother!"

  As soon as Tang Tiehui passed by, Miao Xiumei's father rushed over: "What are you doing? What are you doing, beating people, right?"

  Miao Xiumei's mother began to scream in a high voice: "Oh my god, I can't survive. If my aunt doesn't help the family and brings wild men outside to beat my parents, I can't survive this life!"

  She shouted like this, and Tang Tiehui was so big that he froze there and couldn't move for a long time. However, Miao Xiumei's father kicked her hard twice.

  You know, he is surrounded by his colleagues and friends, and he cannot afford to lose this person!

  From beginning to end, Miao Xiumei next to her didn't say a word. She trembled with trembling lips and body, crying until she was out of breath.

  Gu Shunhua looked at this scene and frowned. After all, it was a family matter. This was really hard to deal with. This was the way society was. Everyone's relatives were all colleagues and they cared about reputation. Even if Miao Xiumei's parents were unreasonable, they would still yell back. He got up and said that Miao Xiumei was unfilial and ignored her parents. In the end, the factory still had to do ideological work with Miao Xiumei.

  I can help with other things, but I really can't do this. I can't yell at other people's parents.

  At this time, Miao Xiumei saw Gu Shunhua. When she saw Gu Shunhua, she cried even harder, and even her hands and feet were trembling.

  Gu Shunhua couldn't bear it and hurriedly stepped forward to support Miao Xiumei.

  Miao Xiumei cried and covered her face: "My life is miserable, I don't have that blessing! I shouldn't get married, I should live a miserable life in this life! Shunhua, why do you think my life is so miserable? I There's never a good day!"

  Next to her, Miao Xiumei's mother saw Gu Shunhua, put her hands on her hips and asked, "Who are you, your husband's family?"

  Gu Shunhua: "Auntie, Sister Xiumei and I are friends. I heard something happened here, so I came over to ask."

  When she said this, Miao Xiumei's mother looked Gu Shunhua up and down, and then said sarcastically: "Friends, what kind of friends, don't help sell my daughter!"

  Ren Jingnian, who had been silent next to him, saw this and stepped forward: "This is a new society. There is no such thing as selling a daughter, and marriage is free. Comrade Miao has to decide whether it is a sale or abduction. Calculate."

  With that said, Ren Jingnian asked Miao Xiumei directly: "Comrade Miao, are you under any kind of coercion when you plan to get married?"

  Miao Xiumei quickly shook her head with tears in her eyes: "No, no, I, I volunteered."

  Miao Xiumei's mother yelled at the top of her lungs: "You volunteered? Do you have the nerve to say volunteering? You don't care about shameless things, parents. Are you here to find a man for yourself? Let's go, the child's father, Let's not say anything else, just go find their leaders!"

  When Miao Xiumei saw it, she was naturally panicked: "Don't make trouble, I beg you, please stop making trouble, I want to marry him, it has nothing to do with him! If it doesn't work, I won't marry, so don't Go find his leader!"

  Who would have thought that after she pulled her like this, her father next to her gave her a slap: "You little bitch, you raise such a big kid, but you are raising a loser!"

  He wanted to fight again, but Ren Jingnian stepped forward and grabbed his hand. He tried to struggle, but couldn't break free.

  Miao Xiumei's father shouted until his face turned red and his neck thickened: "What are you doing? This is my daughter. I'm going to teach my daughter a lesson and it's up to you to control her?"

  Ren Jingnian: "If you beat someone like this in broad daylight, why can't you control it? Even if it's your daughter, you can beat her at will?"

  Miao Xiumei's mother next to her started to make a fuss. Gu Shunhua hurried over to help Miao Xiumei up, only to see that half of her face was swollen.

  When there was such a commotion, the leaders of Tang Tiehui and Miao Xiumei's units also came. After the leaders came, Miao Xiumei's parents started to complain, with runny noses and tears. What else could the leaders do? Ask them to talk to them aside. .

  Miao Xiumei covered her face and cried. Next to her, Tang Tiehui, mother and son, also looked sad and at a loss. After all, this was considered a lifestyle issue, and the unit leaders must take care of it, so nothing might happen to it. Seeing this, Gu Shunhua led Miao Xiumei into the new dormitory next to her, took a look, washed her face with cold water and used a towel to wipe her face with a cold compress to prevent it from getting really swollen.

  Miao Xiumei was still crying at first, but then she finally calmed down and murmured: "They want three hundred yuan as a gift. Isn't this going to cost me my life? Tiehui's family had saved some money before, but it will be used for the wedding." , I've almost gone in now, even if I sell my life, I can't sell it for 300 yuan!"

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he asked for three hundred. How dare he open his mouth!

  Miao Xiumei sighed: "They just wanted to ask for the gift money. They said they would give us three hundred yuan and then leave it alone. We can do whatever we want, but we really can't get it. We have been making trouble for several days just because of this!"

  Gu Shunhua: "Then what are you going to do next?"

  Miao Xiumei had tears on her face and shook her head blankly: "I don't know either. Tie Hui said he would find a way to borrow it, but who can he borrow it from? Who can have such a sum of money! You also know my conditions. , after all, he has been divorced once. He is a very good person, he has never disliked me, and is willing to marry me. Now I can't let him bear such a huge debt for me. "

  Miao Xiumei choked up and suppressed her voice: "I was actually thinking that I have been missing from my mother since I was a child. I have been living under the hands of my stepmother. Later, when I went to the countryside, I encountered those bad things again. Thanks to your brother , it's only been a few days since Ansheng's birthday, and now I'm encountering this incident again, I-"

  She sighed: "If it doesn't work out, I will accept my fate. My life is miserable and I can't do anything about it. At worst, I won't get married. If I live alone for the rest of my life, they will have no hope!"

  Chapter 84 Don't Borrow Money

  While they were talking, Tang Tiehui's mother and son came in, and the factory leaders also came. The factory leaders were helpless. What else could they do? Although they were stepmothers, they were actually their biological fathers, and they were also the ones who raised Miao Xiumei. Naturally, they could only make peace with each other. It means that Miao Xiumei should have a good talk with her parents, and she sighed and educated: "No matter what, they are the parents who raised Xiumei. What happened to the stepmother? Did you eat from other people's food when you were a child? That's the same." Are you your real dad?"

  For a while, he educated Tang Tiehui again: "You, you, if you don't agree with your father-in-law and mother-in-law, you can get married. It's really yours! No matter what happens, you have to get over this face-saving situation!"

  Miao Xiumei listened with despair on her face. She cried and mentioned the past events about herself and her family to the leader: "It's my fault. My parents are like this. They must be in charge of my marriage. I just want to forget it. It doesn't matter." This is the same as Tie Huiti."

  But the leader waved his hand: "Every family has its own difficulties, let alone those things where you worked more when you were a child. Which family's children don't work? In difficult times, whose children can have enough to eat? You don't have a biological mother, No matter what your stepmother does, they will organize your family! No matter what, they raised you and it is your hometown, how can you really not care about it? They are making trouble, we can't kick them out, let the news spread like this What words?"

  The leader sighed, his job is really difficult. Speaking of being a daughter, no matter what you do, if you completely break up with your parents, it will be shameful to spread the word. If the trouble is going to happen, they are the parents, so they will take advantage of it first. .

  At that moment, he persuaded Miao Xiumei: "We must take care of the three hundred betrothal gifts. This is impossible. Marriage is free. How can we ask for so much? Isn't this blackmail? Just do whatever you want. So. We also have to communicate with your parents. We can't let them make such a fuss. But having said that, I have to criticize you. You are wrong in the first place. If you don't mention the marriage, you are not waiting to let others know. Do you want to seize a clue? Are you doing this?"

  Seeing them like this, Gu Shunhua quickly found an excuse and left first.

  After going out, she thought about what happened just now and felt indescribably awkward.

  From the first time Miao Xiumei came to him but hesitated to speak, Ren Jingnian said that she was afraid that she had something to ask for, so she went outside her door today without saying anything, showed her face, and then ran away.

  To be honest, she showed her face and was seen by Yinghong. She also knew that Yinghong saw it and Yinghong would definitely tell her, but she still left without saying a word. She was really speechless.

  I was worried after all, wondering what happened, so I came over to take a look, but this is what happened.

  Just now Miao Xiumei expressed her grievances, cried about money, asked who could lend her such a huge amount of money, and said that she would never marry again in her life if it was impossible.

  Her life was miserable, she accepted her fate, she had no choice but to do it. For the three hundred yuan, it seemed that she was going to reach a dead end.

  There was a sentence that was not spoken, but all the meanings seemed to point to the same place.

  At this time, what was most appropriate and common sense was actually that I angrily accused Miao Xiumei's parents, and then said, as for that, I will not marry for the three hundred yuan, I will lend it to you first, I have it.

  It's just that at this moment, Gu Shunhua didn't say that she couldn't be this hero.

  If it's Su Yinghong Guduoer, or Wang Xinrui Changhui, she has no problem, she can do it. Either they are sisters who have shared weal and woe together, life and death friends, money is nothing, or they have grown up together and know the roots of each other.

  But Miao Xiumei was not very happy after all.

  In fact, ever since Miao Xiumei moved out of her house, she and her brother had failed, and the two of them had been awkward in their interactions, so their relationship had faded a lot.

  And recalling that she came to her twice but didn't say anything made her feel that Miao Xiumei had already laid the groundwork for this.

  This feeling of suddenly realizing that I had been targeted for a long time was very uncomfortable.

  Ren Jingnian next to him suddenly asked: "Did she ask you to borrow money?"

  Gu Shunhua shook his head: "That's not true. I didn't say anything."

  Ren Jingnian said nothing.

  Gu Shunhua always felt like he wanted to say something, so he said, "You should tell me what you think!"

  Ren Jingnian: "You tell me your story first."

  Gu Shunhua: "I can't explain the feeling. I don't know if I am being stingy and unwilling to let go, or if I feel that my relationship with her is not worthy enough. Although she didn't say it, I think she really meant it today. She borrowed money, but she didn't open her mouth, and then the factory leader and her husband's family came over and put the matter aside."

  Ren Jingnian: "So you don't have to worry too much about Comrade Miao."

  Gu Shunhua: "What do you mean?"

  Ren Jingnian: "I think Comrade Miao is stronger and more independent than you think."

  Gu Shunhua looked at him.

  Ren Jingnian simply stopped riding and got off the bike, pushing him away. Gu Shunhua understood what he meant, so he got off the bike and the two of them walked forward side by side.

  Ren Jingnian: "Shunhua, you also know my personality. I always look at things rationally. I don't look at the appearances, I only look at the results and facts."

  Gu Shunhua sighed: "Just say it directly and don't beat around the bush with me."

  Ren Jingnian: "I haven't had much contact with Comrade Miao. Let's go over what happened. When Comrade Miao was in crisis when he went to the countryside, he found your brother and successfully solved the problem of being forced to marry a fellow comrade through a fake marriage. I believe that your brother was not the only educated youth who went to the countryside at that time, but Comrade Miao chose your brother. After returning to the city, through your brother, he settled the household registration in Dashilan, and quickly gained the recognition of all the people in the courtyard, so Dad Mom still remembers her as a good wife, and asked you, my sister-in-law, to provide her with a place to stay when she was in the most difficult time. At the same time, the family also helped her find a job through connections. Although it was a temporary job, at least she had a job. An income. We all know this job. If you work hard and endure it for a while, without making any big mistakes, you will definitely be able to make it official. And when they divorce as agreed in advance, she will get you as her sister-in-law. With your help, I moved into your house, and soon I was pursued by a driver comrade, one of the eight members, and we got married in less than half a year."

  Gu Shunhua said nothing.

  Ren Jingnian: "We have met Comrade Tang and Comrade Tang's mother. They are indeed good people and genuine people. If her family hadn't come to make trouble, she would have successfully married and lived a good life. Everyone will praise her as a good daughter-in-law, and she will have a very good life. I don't believe that such a woman is a weakling without any opinion, nor do I believe that everything is the result of following the crowd. I even think that this is vision. and choice."

  Gu Shunhua couldn't say a word.

  She lowered her head and walked on the dirt road. The weeds and dead leaves on both sides were blown by the wind and swept over her leather shoes. She just looked down.

  After a while, she suddenly said: "To be honest, except for my brother, no one can do this kind of thing to solve other people's household registration through fake marriage. It's true that my brother is the only one who doesn't do good things." She has to repay her. When they got married, my brother definitely had no thoughts about her and just wanted to help her. As for feelings, after eight years of being together, she must have some feelings."

  She sighed: "After eight years of fake marriage, the incident between my brother and Feng Shuyuan made her disappointed and sad, but she did get the protection of a man when she went to the countryside, a registered residence in the city, and a job opportunity."

  Ren Jingnian said: "Disappointed? But has your brother made a promise to her? Or has he expressed or hinted at his feelings for her beyond a fake couple?"

  Gu Shunhua thought for a while: "How do I know this? But she was busy with work outside, and my brother didn't say anything, and he didn't care about her. We got along with her quite coldly. I didn't know how to respond at the time. That's why she was talking about my brother... In other words, because of Feng Shuyuan's incident, my brother actually deliberately stayed away from her."

  Ren Jingnian: "Your brother must have your brother's problems, but even if your brother is blind and cannot recognize Feng Shuyuan, and a good guy takes care of things for himself, that means he has always been blind and a good guy. When Comrade Miao first met your brother, I know that your brother is a blind and good man. When Comrade Miao came to find your brother, your brother must have told her about Feng Shuyuan."

  Gu Shunhua was already a little confused at this time. She had always felt that her brother was sorry for Miao Xiumei, but now she suddenly felt something was wrong.

  If this is a real marriage, then her brother must be sorry for her, and she deserves what she gets, but now this marriage was fake from the beginning.

  So in such a fake marriage, what Miao Xiumei got was shelter from wind and rain when she went to the countryside, a household registration in Dashilan, Beijing, and a job. At the cost of being sad and disappointed, she also helped the family with some housework and helped herself. I did a little work on clearing the sauced meat.

  But he also provided her with a house to live in! If she does some work for him, he won't owe her a favor!

  Gu Shunhua took a deep breath: "What is this! Did I think bad things about people? Did she want to borrow money from me today? Did I wrong her?"

  She was also shocked by the sudden subversion of her inherent impression of a person.

  Ren Jingnian: "All this is just speculation on our part, but there is a way to verify it. Let's just sit back and watch this matter. Borrowing money is impossible. Our relationship with her is already awkward. It's really not possible." For the sake of borrowing money, if she borrows it, it will also have an impact on her future marriage. So we will not borrow it. Looking back, you will know how she handles this matter."

  Gu Shunhua: "I definitely didn't borrow the money, and my money didn't come from the strong wind. How could I lend money to my ex-sister-in-law and let her use it as a bride price... This doesn't make any sense, let alone a fake ex-sister-in-law."

  As he walked forward with these words, Ren Jingnian saw that Gu Shunhua was still a little bit shocked and said, "You don't have to think too much. In fact, even if she really has these intentions, she may not be a treacherous and evil person. We were Living in the Corps, everyone had high ideological awareness and high spirits, but life was not easy. Comrade Miao came from a family like that, and encountered many things when he went to the countryside, and the environment was stressful, so in order to protect himself, a person No matter how hard she tries, she can still understand that the ant is still trying to survive, so of course she has her own way of survival."

  Gu Shunhua gritted his teeth and said, "The more I think about it now, the more I feel that she did some of the things in the past on purpose! Maybe they were all pretense!"

  People are like this. Once you see a person is bad, she seems to be suspicious of everything she does. For example, if she buys good things for herself, she will quickly say that she does not deserve to eat them. When she says that, she feels that she must eat them and not give them to anyone. You have to give it to her!

  Or when everyone was eating, she would have to get up to work without eating, and she would have to clean the aisles of the entire courtyard.

  The whole world saw it and felt that she was pitiful because she was hardworking and her status was low. She didn't dare to eat anything delicious.

  Even when she finally left the courtyard, she never took the initiative to explain her matter to the neighbors, and it was still unclear!

  But the problem is, if you don't mention those bullshit emotional things like "who is hurt, who has a crush on who, who loves her and not me", her family would have helped her a lot. However, when she later talked to the driver, it wasn't nearly as good. Disconnected from my own family.

  If it were Wang Xinrui and Chang Hui, or if it were Gu Duo'er Su Yinghong, they would definitely not forget it. No matter what, they had helped me, and everything I had was obtained from them! That is the grace of the spring!

  She felt hurt and sad, so she forgot all the help others had given her before. The help, household registration and job she received when she went to the countryside were nothing. Because she was sad, she had been let down, and she wanted to start her life again, so she was estranged from her family!

  Gu Shunhua gritted his teeth: "It's really interesting!"

  Ren Jingnian looked at her and said warmly: "She is indeed a very pitiful person. You are kind-hearted, especially when you see a woman who is also experiencing that kind of experience, you naturally want to help her. And I believe that she is in your home." Her diligence and guilt at the time were not fake, she was truly guilty. It is difficult for us to guard against and distinguish such people."

  Gu Shunhua looked up to the sky and sighed: "I completely understand."

  So even if my brother wanted to turn back later, he explained clearly that there was still no follow-up between the two of them. That was because there was a driver there. At that time, the brother's job was not as good as that of the driver.

  Moreover, in the past, she was able to stand upright as a driver's family, but in her own family, she lacked confidence after all.

  Ren Jingnian raised his hand and held Gu Shunhua's, and his slightly cold fingertips touched the warmth in his hand.

  "We are kind and upright, and we just have a clear conscience. As for how others are doing, I believe everyone has their own last resort, and Comrade Miao is indeed a pitiful person."

  Gu Shunhua: "Okay, you don't need to comfort me. Anyway, my brother is a big man. He is just trying to get the name of a third marriage. It's not like he was cheated. Besides, people probably see what he has in mind. I didn't like anything else, so I found a driver. Now I'm very happy. It's nothing if it doesn't work. Thinking about their family coming to my house and shouting for us to pay for the gift money, and asking the lion to open his mouth, I still I feel bad!"

  Ren Jingnian: "Just think about it. In fact, we definitely couldn't bear it when she was beaten. We can help stop it. We would do the same to strangers. But no matter how much, that's it. We have to believe her. She's actually more capable than we give her credit for."

  Gu Shunhua burst out laughing suddenly, and she sighed with a smile: "His uncle, what's the matter? Who did my brother recruit? One by one, he is being used by others all day long. Taken advantage of!"

  Ren Jingnian also smiled when he thought of this: "Brother, he--"

  He thought about the wording: "Maybe it's because the eldest brother wrote 'I am honest' on his forehead."

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help but laugh when he heard this: "My mother was still thinking about my brother and Comrade Miao getting married and having children. Now her hope was dashed. But I thought that if my brother and Comrade Miao really got married at that time, Her parents came to visit her, and my mother's face was like that, so she didn't know what was going on!"

  After all, we are all ordinary people who live in daily necessities. No one has to be broad-minded to accept it. No one's money comes from strong winds!

  Ren Jingnian: "My eldest brother is going abroad for a year or two this time, and he won't be able to come back for a while. There may not be anything going on with the marriage when he comes back. If my mother wants to have a grandchild, she can only think about Yuehua."

  Gu Shunhua: "Come on, Yuehua is even more uncertain!"

  After returning, Gu Duo'er and Su Yinghong naturally asked what was going on. Gu Shunhua probably told her, and Gu Duo'er naturally scolded her family for being nothing. Su Yinghong felt a little emotional because of her own affairs, gritted her teeth and said: "This kind of family Good luck to you, my dear! She has tricked her husband's family by crying so hard!"

  Gu Shunhua looked at the indignant expressions of the two of them, and suddenly felt that you two looked so cute. She couldn't help but laugh: "I like you two more and more!"

  This made Guduoer a little confused: "What's wrong with you? What kind of blow did you receive?"

  Su Yinghong was also confused: "Sister, are you okay?"

  Gu Shunhua: "It's nothing, nothing. Anyway, I don't care about other people's affairs. Eat our crabs quickly. The tops are fat and they are fresh. Eat the crabs quickly!!"

  At that moment, Gu Shunhua hurriedly opened the pot. In fact, it had already been steamed before because it was delayed due to Miao Xiumei's affairs. Fortunately, it was simmered in the iron pot and it was still hot now.

  So she quickly asked everyone to wash their hands, and she washed a piece of ginger herself. After peeling it, it clinked on the chopping board and chopped it. She placed a few small bowls, poured a little Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar into each bowl, sprinkled in the minced ginger, and then Pour a little soy sauce and sesame oil and enjoy!

  Everyone gathered around to eat the crabs. The small crabs were so small that they were not big enough to hold in their hands. But when they opened the lid, they immediately sighed with satisfaction: "It's so full of yellow! I don't have much to choose from!"

  Look at the crab roe, it's orange and swollen. The crab is almost all yellow.

  Gu Shunhua: "Eat quickly!"

  So everyone took a bite, it was fresh and fragrant, and they couldn't help but say: "This is so delicious! I didn't expect it to be so good when I was little!"

  At this time, the ordinary crabs are gone, and even if there are some, they are not full enough. I didn't expect that the crabs in the northeast are so good, and they are so fat!

  Su Yinghong said with satisfaction: "Following our sister Shunhua, I am really satisfied! Last time we also said that there were crabs in the canteen, but we could only eat one crab leg."

  Guduoer chuckled: "What are you thinking? The crab legs in your canteen are pretty enough, but ordinary people can't eat them!"

  Li Guirong hurriedly comforted Su Yinghong: "Next autumn, let's find a way to get some."

  Gu Shunhua saw that Li Guirong was quite considerate towards Su Yinghong, and she was also happy: "No need, I will come up with ideas next year, and everyone will continue to eat crabs then!"

  After making money and having a good job, Gu Shunhua became more generous.

  Su Yinghong was so moved: "Sister, if nothing else, I will make this clear sauce pork when I have time. I have to fight for the crabs!"

  Gu Duoer laughed so hard from the side: "If you want to be a crab, I have to give you a salary. Shunhua will give you a salary increase and give you more money! I will definitely not lose you!"


  Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua were busy for most of the day. In the evening, they went back with their two children. Su Yinghong and his wife stopped by and joined them.

  While waiting for the bus, Su Yinghong saw something not far away: "Isn't that Sister Xiumei?"

  Gu Shunhua also saw it, and she and Ren Jingnian looked at each other.

  Both sides understood what the other meant, and it really came to pass.

  In fact, after Gu Shunhua calmed down, he also hoped that his guess was wrong. Miao Xiumei was indeed a pitiful person. Because he was a pitiful person, he subconsciously hoped that the other person would be good and worthy of help.

  But now that Miao Xiumei suddenly appeared here, obviously waiting for her on purpose, her last hope had actually been dashed.

  Miao Xiumei obviously couldn't wait to find her, but for her, there might be nothing she could do. After all, she only came here every Sunday. She had been laying the groundwork for so long, and she couldn't delay it any longer.

  It was impossible for her to really go to Dashilar or her hotel to find her, so even if she was in a hurry now, she could only catch herself and remind herself before she left.

  Gu Shunhua then said to Su Yinghong: "It's probably something. I'll go over and talk to her. You guys wait for a while. If a car comes, you leave first."

  Su Yinghong: "Yeah, okay."

  Now Gu Shunhua walked over.

  Miao Xiumei's face was no longer swollen, but her eyelids were peach-colored from crying. When she saw Gu Shunhua, she said sheepishly: "Shunhua, you came to my place today and it made you laugh. You and Jingnian helped." I, I haven't said thank you yet, I didn't expect you to leave, there were many people at the time, and I didn't pay attention to you."

  Gu Shunhua sighed: "It's okay. Something happened to you. How can I blame you for this? Sister Xiumei, don't take it seriously."

  Logically speaking, Gu Shunhua should ask what happened at this time, but she didn't say anything. She just wanted to wait for Miao Xiumei to speak.

  In fact, in the final analysis, there is still one ten thousandth of hope at this time.

  So Miao Xiumei was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "Shunhua, they came to make a fuss today. My mother-in-law is also very annoyed with me. She probably thinks that I have burdened them. I just want to Come on, if it really doesn't work, I'll forget about it."

  Gu Shunhua: "Sister Xiumei, you are free to marry. If you feel it is inappropriate and the marriage cannot proceed, there is nothing you can do about it."

  Miao Xiumei was obviously a little surprised when Gu Shunhua said this.

  She bit her lip, looked at Gu Shunhua, and then lowered her eyes: "Shunhua, it's funny to say it. Originally, because I was married and it was difficult to get married for the third time, I thought about not looking for anything. Besides, I, I still feel in my heart--"

  She barely suppressed her sobs and continued: "Who knew he was very kind to me? At that time, it was also because of Comrade Feng's incident that I felt really uncomfortable, so I -"

  It would have been okay before, but now Gu Shunhua feels uncomfortable when he hears "third marriage", and his brother even had a third marriage for nothing.

  But you got married for the third time just to avoid disaster. My brother imitated Lei Feng and did good deeds and got married for the third time. Who can you ask to explain?

  But she didn't say anything and continued to listen to Miao Xiumei.

  Miao Xiumei added: "If it weren't for Comrade Feng, I might not have this problem. I am always thinking about your brother in my heart... Shunhua, I will just tell you what's on my mind. In my life, I am really a It's a joke, no matter how hard you try, it's no use. I escaped the difficult task of going to the countryside, but unexpectedly, I ended up in trouble because of these 300 yuan."

  Gu Shunhua: "Sister Xiumei, the three hundred yuan from your parents is really too much! Because of these three hundred yuan, a good marriage was ruined. Hey, it's quite uncomfortable to say it! But there is no way, this is not the case Don't you have any money?"

  Miao Xiumei looked at Gu Shunhua in surprise.

  Gu Shunhua looked at her doubtfully: "Ah, Sister Xiumei, what's wrong?"

  Miao Xiumei looked away, hesitated, and bit her lip.

  Gu Shunhua looked at her.

  She knew that Miao Xiumei was struggling.

  She had been playing a long game to catch the big fish, but now, she was obviously impatient.

  Miao Xiumei's lips trembled for a while, and finally she shed tears. She covered her face and said: "I told my partner to find a way to borrow it. After borrowing it, I will make a note and we will never have anything to do with it again. It's just like this." The relationship was established, and the other party agreed, and the negotiation was pretty good, so he didn't ask for three hundred, maybe two hundred...but, it's not that easy to borrow!"

  Gu Shunhua sneered in his heart.

  She couldn't open her mouth, but the meaning of her words couldn't be more obvious.

  At this time, all she needed was to blurt out, "It's not just three hundred, I have it."

  I do have these 300 yuan, and I earn more than 10,000 yuan. How can I miss this 300 yuan?

  But even if I don't want to borrow it, it's impossible to borrow it.

  It is her freedom whether to borrow or not, rather than others forcing her to use the situation, and it is even more annoying for someone to borrow something like this, staring at her behind her back!

  So Gu Shunhua also sighed: "Three hundred yuan is really difficult. Where can I borrow it? Sister Xiumei, this is really difficult to handle. I am also worried for you."

  Miao Xiumei lowered her head and said nothing.

  Seeing this, Gu Shunhua said: "Sister Xiumei, the bus over there is probably coming soon, and there are children who have to be taken care of, so I'll leave first. If you have anything to do in the future, you can just talk. I don't want money, but I want people." Yes, you don't have to be polite to whomever we follow."

  She turned around and left immediately. She really wanted to leave.

  When Miao Xiumei saw it, she became anxious and called out: "Shunhua--"

  Gu Shunhua stopped and turned around, with a sincere look on his face: "Sister Xiumei, what's wrong? Is there anything else?"

  Miao Xiumei hesitated for a while, then finally blushed and said, "You also made a lot of money from Qingjiang Rou, right? You don't have any money either, right?"

  Gu Shunhua: "I made some money, what's wrong?"

  Miao Xiumei smiled bitterly and sighed: "If only I had your ability, I would be able to make money, so I wouldn't be so angry. To put it bluntly, I still have no ability. People are really different."

  Gu Shunhua: "Sister Xiumei, you are right. People still have to look at whether they have the ability and how capable they are to accomplish great things. These days, who can be the parent of whom?"

  When Miao Xiumei heard this, she felt something. What Gu Shunhua said was a hidden secret.

  It was impossible for her to lend herself money.

  She finally asked: "Shunhua, what do you mean?"

  Gu Shunhua smiled and sighed: "Sister Xiumei, you are a smart person, but smart people don't say stupid things."

  Miao Xiumei: "Shunhua, why am I confused?"

  Gu Shunhua said sternly: "First, Sister Xiumei, you asked my brother to help you with the third marriage. It was not you who helped me, and my brother didn't touch you, so your third marriage was your fault. The question is, this is the price you need to pay. It has nothing to do with my brother. It is difficult for you to find a partner for your third marriage. You can say this, but it is really not suitable to tell me. Why don't you think about my good things? Brother who is married for the third time? Thirdly, who do you want to choose? If you have long legs, it will be useless for my brother to explain to you, so don't mention Feng Shuyuan. After all, Feng Shuyuan is really not the reason for you to choose who as your partner. Thirdly, I wish you the best. You are happy, go all the way, and don't fall."

  Miao Xiumei was stunned. She stared at Gu Shunhua stiffly and murmured: "Shunhua, what did I do wrong? You, why do you talk like this?"

  Gu Shunhua added with a smile: "There is mud under your feet. If you fall, you will be covered in mud! So, be careful, walk well, and don't fall! If you fall, there will be no one to help you."

  When Miao Xiumei heard this, she looked at Gu Shunhua in disbelief, shocked and shaken.

  Gu Shunhua ignored her and came directly to the bus stop.

  At this time, a car happened to come over, and Mali'er got in the car with the children and the big guys and left.

  Chapter 85 Visiting Mr. Pu

  After getting on the bus, Gu Shunhua was naturally in a mood that had not calmed down at all. Su Yinghong next to her saw it and wondered: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

  Gu Shunhua: "It's nothing, just stingy."

  Su Yinghong: "Huh?"

  Seeing Su Yinghong's behavior, Gu Shunhua thought that she often came to Baiziwan, so she should not be fooled by others, so he said, "She probably wants to borrow money from me, three hundred."

  Su Yinghong was even more surprised: "Three hundred? That's easy to say. Three hundred is too much. Why? Want to give it to her in-laws as a betrothal gift? That's not the case. How can I ask you to lend money to her in-laws' family as a betrothal gift?"

  Gu Shunhua: "She didn't open her mouth directly."

  As she said that, she talked about the matter, including the fact that it was a fake marriage before: "Anyway, I feel unhappy, and I really don't lack the money now. If she just opens her mouth, I think she is pitiful, and she should I really borrowed it, why not help if I can. But now, no matter how you think about it, it's awkward. What it means is that it was my brother who caused her second marriage, and my family owes her family!"

  Su Yinghong was shocked when she heard this: "Brother Zhenhua helped her get married, and he continued to hide it from everyone in order to get her a household registration! She got a household registration and got a good job. She patted her butt and ran away, and she ran away. Are you still asking me to borrow money from you, sister?"

  Li Guirong, who was standing next to him, frowned and said, "There is a lame man in our factory. He is over thirty years old. He was looking at the warehouse in the factory. He had previously found a girl from the suburbs, a twenty-year-old young girl. Just like that, the lame man still feels that What a loss. What does that suburban girl want? She just wants to have a registered residence in a working-class city."

  These days, the urban household registration is very valuable, but in the end, I help people for nothing and find jobs for them, and finally it ends up like this.

  Su Yinghong: "Don't say it's just a fake marriage. Even if you get married, you have to avoid it. How can you ask the aunt of the first in-law's family to pay the bride price to the next one's in-law's family? This is not decent!"

  Gu Shunhua: "Let's watch and see how she gets through this.

  Su Yinghong: "What should I do with Brother Zhenhua? Everyone thinks he is married and divorced for the second time, but he is not! I thought they got divorced because they couldn't deal with each other. They have been arguing for a long time just to help! Brother Zhenhua confiscated her money, right?"

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help but laugh: "Collect money? They even asked me to borrow money!"

  Su Yinghong gritted her teeth: "Grandma, what is this? I told you earlier! I told you who would pay attention to her!"

  Gu Shunhua: "I was very angry just now, mainly because I still had hope in my heart, thinking that maybe it wouldn't happen, maybe I thought the worst of people, but in the end she really meant that, she came all the way, and she said what she said When I got married for the second time, she said that I should have this money, making it seem like I owed her! But now I have figured it out, this person is like this, and I can't do it!"

  Su Yinghong: "But this matter must be explained clearly to everyone, otherwise everyone will think that Brother Zhenhua and her can't get along. At that time, my mother seemed to be still nagging people, saying, look at the Gu family, what's wrong with her? My little daughter-in-law, my little daughter-in-law was secretly wiping her tears and crying under the wall outside the courtyard that day!"

  Gu Shunhua: "This is just a confused account. Go back and find a way to make it clear to your old neighbors and let go of the relationship. We'll just stay away from each other from now on."

  Su Yinghong: "This is easy to handle. I'll mention it to my mother, and we don't have to worry about the rest!"

  When she said this, Gu Shunhua was slightly startled, and then almost laughed out loud.

  Su Yinghong said sternly: "I see that my mother is not good at anything else. If she spreads this kind of thing, I will definitely spread it to you in three alleys in a long time, and she will have to add fuel to the fire for a while! Let's get this matter straight first to save time. The affair between her and the driver became dirty and she relied on Brother Zhenhua."

  Gu Shunhua smiled: "Okay, then it will all depend on your mother. Just control yourself and don't go too far. Even if they want to borrow money from us, I will give them a try. That's all. , we just need to tell everyone the facts clearly, and we can't ruin their reputation."

  Su Yinghong: "Don't worry, I know what's appropriate!"

  Speaking of which, Su Yinghong is now married and living a good life. No one mentions the things she did in the circle in the past. Qiao Xiuya seems to be a little more angry, unlike before when she looked after Gu Shunhua and she was not happy with her. Of course, she still has to save face. Hold on, I still don't pay much attention to you when I meet.

  On the contrary, he treats his daughter with a sense of "coaxing", wanting to hold her back and please her at the same time.

  As expected, Su Yinghong lived up to her trust and "inadvertently" revealed the news to her mother, adding a warning: "Mom, you can't talk nonsense everywhere, let alone ruin other people's reputations, or they won't find fault with me later!"

  Her mother, Qiao Xiuya, nodded repeatedly, but turned around. She couldn't help it. She didn't dare to blatantly make it up, but she also told people "gossip" everywhere, saying that the boss was a big fool for helping people like this. This was what Lei Feng did. What a good thing!

  Soon everyone in the nearby alleys knew about it. When word spread about it, everyone had only one sentence: "This Zhenhua is too honest. He can be said to have let the man named Miao get a big advantage!"

  As for Chen Cuiyue and Gu Quanfu, they were naturally surprised at first, but when Gu Quanfu heard Gu Shunhua mention it, he just frowned: "They are also poor people, forget it, anyway, let's be careful and don't deal with each other in the future. Let's not bring it up. If others take advantage, we won't suffer much loss."

  Chen Cuiyue was shocked at first, and then became angry, especially when she heard that Miao Xiumei actually wanted to borrow three hundred yuan from Gu Shunhua: "Three hundred yuan, who is her mother's family? She actually borrowed three hundred yuan! She can open her mouth." !"

  Chen Cuiyue's salary is low, only thirty yuan a month. Three hundred yuan is almost enough for her to work for a year. She cares about money, so she doesn't feel angry after hearing this.

  To put it bluntly, if I liked Miao Xiumei before, it was because "I used to think that she was my son's wife" and she was so "hard-working and simple", but now I heard that she actually wanted to lend her daughter three hundred yuan. Like suddenly burst like a soap bubble.

  Originally, Miao Xiumei had lived in her home for less than two months, how could she have such deep feelings.

  Gu Shunhua, Ren Jingnian, did not go to Baiziwan for the next week, but Gu Duoer told them about this matter vividly.

  Only then did I know that Miao Xiumei was crying and knelt on the ground, kowtowing step by step, saying that she wanted to repay her kindness, and that her life was not easy, she wanted to get married, begged her stepmother to let her go, and even rolled up her sleeves in the cold weather Come, take the knife and put it on your wrist, saying that you want to repay your kindness with blood.

  Of course, as soon as his arm turned red, he was stopped by the women's director.

  Things were done well, but once the problem was solved, the people in the factory criticized her parents. Later, her parents had a quarrel. The factory director still got married, but she and the driver still got married. , is not affected.

  Of course her mother-in-law was not very happy, but she didn't say anything in the end, and the matter just passed.

  After Gu Shunhua lost his initial irritation, he was able to think about the matter calmly.

  In fact, these days, everyone is working hard for their hukou, but everyone is working hard for themselves. Some of them are suffering from nephritis in order to return to the city. But she is good, and she climbs up by stepping on others to settle for her brother. She was a second-married woman, and she secretly went out to cry, as if she was a baby cabbage.

  But the problem is, who in the family bullied her, and no one asked her to be so hardworking and uncomplaining. At that time, she couldn't persuade her to do it. Her parents also said to take a break. It was just that her brother was thinking about others and she felt uncomfortable, but that was still She knew about the fake marriage with her brother before, so what would happen to her if she was sorry! She insisted on rushing to work, which made everyone feel embarrassed, so she turned around and ran out of the alley to let everyone see her cry.

  It's just that, it's over, it's over. Anyway, let everyone know what happened. Anyway, bridges will return to bridges and roads will return.

  On the contrary, it was Chen Cuiyue who urged Gu Shunhua to write to Gu Zhenhua: "Although your brother is abroad now, what if something happens one day and your brother gets entangled with her again! You still have to persuade your brother to prevent your brother from being exposed to these things. Shameless hookup!"

  Chen Cuiyue was scared because of what happened to Feng Shuyuan before. She was completely scared.

  Gu Shunhua thought so and wrote a letter. Of course, it was not easy to say anything wrong with Miao Xiumei. She was afraid that her brother would be disgusted, so she just mentioned the matter tactfully and briefly summarized what Miao Xiumei had said to him. She felt that Miao Xiumei wanted to borrow money from her, but she didn't really want to borrow money, so she ignored it.

  Almost a month later, her brother replied. It was a long letter. The ink was different in color before and after. It was obvious that it was written in several times. There must be some struggle in it.

  Perhaps the form of writing letters can make people more relaxed than talking face to face. My brother, who has always been taciturn, actually wrote a long letter, describing how Miao Xiumei came to him to beg him in the first place, saying that he actually didn't want to. After all, Registering a marriage has a big impact on people, but she was very pitiful. She knelt in front of him and hugged his legs. He couldn't bear it, so he agreed.

  He wrote about his eight years in the countryside, from "purely helping" at the beginning to getting along with him and developing some feelings.

  He explained that Gu Shunhua thought Miao Xiumei didn't take the more than one hundred yuan after the divorce was registered, but in fact she did. When he saw it later, she wanted to return it to him, but of course he didn't take it.

  He also explained some other things that he would not normally speak.

  Finally, he said: "The night before going abroad, I thought about it and rode my bicycle to Baiziwan. I didn't expect that the man was in her room so late. I heard what she said to the comrade driver. After saying a few words, he turned around and came back."

  Gu Zhenhua didn't say what those words were. Gu Shunhua pinched the letter, but his nose felt sore.

  Growth comes at a price, and so does the brother who is kind enough to do things for him. He suffered two blows in succession, and was brutally exposed to the truth of the naked fruit in front of him. He went to see those things that he once thought were good things. So brutally broken.

  She continued to read. At the end of the letter, her brother still said in a very calm tone: "But Shunhua, whether it is Feng Shuyuan or her, I have nothing to be angry about now. Feng Shuyuan encountered something bad back then. At that time, She is very young, and although I don't understand much about it, I know that many women are ruined for life if they encounter this kind of thing. I hope to make her feel better as much as possible. And she, she is actually a poor person, and I help her get through it. There is one less tragedy in the world, at least she did not become the woman who jumped into the river, and I actually had nothing to lose, but learned more lessons from her."

  "I have read a lot of books recently, learned a lot, and seen a lot. I have reflected on some of the things that happened before. The road in life is so long, and I still have a lot to do, but the two of them have already passed by me. "

  Gu Shunhua held the letter and read it for a long time.

  My brother is a silent person and is not good at expressing himself.

  This may be the only time in his life that he reveals his true feelings like this.


  The weather has gotten colder recently, and it happened to snow again. Studying in the Beijing library used to be a pain, but the classrooms at TV University were even colder, so cold that my hands were stiff.

  There was no other way, so Gu Shunhua could only study at home after finishing his classes at TV University. After finishing his classes, he would leave for work at Yuhuatai at about four o'clock in the afternoon.

  But in this case, the briquettes at home seemed nervous.

  The walls of the houses built in the past were as thick as half a meter, but I certainly didn't want to build them that thickly, so when it snowed outside in the winter, the house was as cold as an ice cellar.

  Gu Shunhua always huddled in bed to study. Even so, it was a bit unbearable.

  It's just that briquettes are really in short supply, so how can I use them?

  Ren Jingnian had approached the mine before, and now he made a call to the mine. It's not that the mine didn't actively handle the matter. In fact, if he wanted to transport it, he had to have a chance and it had to be by the way. No matter how urgent it is to transport it to him, it is impossible to open a separate carriage.

  Fortunately, this time, there is finally news, saying that coordination has been carried out, and it can be shipped in the next two days, and it is not two tons, but three tons, three tons of coal.

  Now overjoyed, Ren Jingnian told Gu Shunhua the news, and Gu Shunhua was so happy: "I studied at home at noon, and I can't control my hands anymore!"

  Ren Jingnian: "I know, so I have been coordinating this matter. This year, Beijing's coal is not from Inner Mongolia. They have no route to transport it here. This time, I also found someone to coordinate the railway carriages."

  But anyway, it's finally there.

  Gu Shunhua had to worry about the ton of coal last year, and it took a lot of effort. Naturally, he didn't need it this time. Ren Jingnian found Mr. Pan, and together they contacted the truck manpower and directly delivered the three tons of coal to their yard in Baiziwan. , and then make briquettes in the yard of Baiziwan. After they are ready, they are transported here one after another.

  Because of the large quantity, each family can get one hundred yuan this time. That's it, there is still some left. Ren Jingnian gave some to the teacher and some to Baiziwan Village. Everyone was extremely grateful.

  Coal is so rare in winter. Without it, you'd be freezing!

  Because of the large quantity this time, everyone was embarrassed to ask for such a cheap price. After all, coal was free. However, Ren Jingnian was very insistent on this matter and had no intention of charging more. This made everyone feel bad and felt. Extremely grateful: "Jingnian and Shunhua are both open and cheerful in their work. They have been so helpful to us!"

  Gu Shunhua knew that Ren Jingnian had his own considerations, and now he was somewhat famous. Ren Jingnian was a retired soldier with second-class merit. He had been a hero against floods, and now he was a college student. After graduation, he became a national cadre. In this case, Ren Jingnian Be more careful when doing things to avoid tarnishing your reputation.

  Besides, it's not easy for everyone to get cold in the winter. Now that I can help everyone, I feel better. And this time I got so many briquettes, of course I have the most at home. I can use them as I like, and I am no longer afraid of the cold.

  Now when Gu Shunhua comes home from school, he first opens the seal of the white stove and lets the fire burn vigorously. Then he makes himself some mutton soup noodles or something, and then bakes the steamed bun slices and sweet potatoes so that his children can eat them after school. In order to bake steamed buns and roast sweet potatoes, she also practiced a trick written in the book.

  Cut off the bottom and lid of an iron can to make a tin tube, clean it and use it every day.

  Semi-seal the stove with a stove lid, leaving only a small gap exposed for hot steam to come out. Cover the iron pipe over the stove gap, place the steamed bun slices in the air on the iron pipe, and then use a small iron pot to cover the iron pipe.

  This iron pot

  With this arrangement, the hot steam in the stove comes out, goes up from the iron tube, passes through the steamed bun slices, and gathers above the iron pot, forming a high-temperature area in the covered iron pot. The steamed bun slices are in the middle, and they are naturally baked. It's crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and evenly distributed from top to bottom.

  It's not like ordinary toasted steamed bun slices, where the inside is burnt and the outside is not yet ready.

  Baked in this way, the children love to eat it, and she also likes to eat it. If she dips the tip of her chopsticks in some fermented bean curd and smears it on top, she has no choice.

  After eating and drinking, she sat warmly on the bed, studying with a book. Occasionally she heard the sound of sparrows outside, and looked out the window. There were foraging sparrows perched on the dead branches, chirping there, and she I feel like this life is so comfortable.

  That day, at around four o'clock, she changed her clothes, put on cotton monkey clothes, and prepared to go to Yuhuatai to go to work. Recently, her father simply didn't go home after work at noon. It was too cold and freezing on the road was not enough, so he found a place to sleep for a while in Yuhuatai. It was quite comfortable, so she went to work by herself every day recently.

  Who would have thought that as soon as she arrived at the unit, she heard several chefs discussing her. When he saw her, he was happy: "Shunhua, look, you are in the newspaper again!"

  Gu Shunhua took it over and took a look. It turned out that it was a newspaper interview with Mr. Pu about his views on contemporary diet. In it, Mr. Pu specifically mentioned his own peach blossoms and praised them.

  "Shun Hua, this is really a serious royal family. The younger brother of the past emperor, as people say, you are considered to be a real person!"

  Gu Shunhua read the newspaper carefully and remembered what Mr. Pu said at the previous meeting. It was noisy and it was not convenient to talk too much, but he obviously wanted to talk to him more and invited himself to visit him.

  Now the old man mentioned himself again in the interview and praised him lavishly. It stands to reason that he shouldn't pretend to be stupid if he knows about it. It would be better to pay him a visit and express his gratitude.

  But after all, they are on a different level. Now they are also officials of the state. With that status, I visited him rashly and felt that I was clinging to him.

  After returning that day, Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian mentioned this matter, but Ren Jingnian felt: "Since this old gentleman mentioned it publicly in the interview, he means to appreciate you. If you want to visit and express your gratitude, This is normal. We act stupid and pretend we don't know, but on the contrary, we are being unreasonable and appear to have no one in our eyes."

  After such discussion, he asked Gu Quanfu again, and Gu Quanfu also thought it was okay. Gu Shunhua immediately took a piece of clear sauce meat and weighed it. It weighed about three kilograms. He also prepared some other snacks, which were all from the previous royal meals. There will be snacks inside.

  On Sunday, accompanied by Ren Jingnian, we went to Mr. Pu's yard.

  Mr. Pu's residence is located near the Huguo Temple. The gatehouse facing the street has experienced many vicissitudes of life, and the red painted door is somewhat mottled. Compared with the bustle of the shops opposite, this place is really deserted.

  Before coming, Gu Shunhua also did some research and found out that this was the property of Mr. Zaifeng, Prince Qingchun. Later, Premier Zhou made the decision and gave it to Mr. Pu as a legacy and used it as his residence.

  When Gu Shunhua knocked on the door, the person who opened the door was an old lady wearing a blue sweater. She was not tall, had a round face, curly hair, and a kind and peaceful look on her face.

  Gu Shunhua politely explained his purpose, and the old lady smiled: "I know, come in quickly."

  As soon as you enter, you will see the doorway. After walking for a while, you will see the screen wall. On the screen wall is the scenery of Fangshan. When you go around the screen wall and turn left, you will see a regular square courtyard.

  There are several crabapples and lilacs planted in the yard. Although the leaves are bare because they have fallen, it makes the yard quiet and elegant.

  Mr. Pu came over.

  Mr. Pu recognized her as soon as he saw her, and invited them in enthusiastically. He invited them to the guest room in the south room, and Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian presented the gifts they had prepared.

  Mr. Pu was overjoyed, but said: "This is too expensive, but I can't accept it."

  Gu Shunhua: "It's not bad. We made some and sold them. The capital has been repaid a long time ago, and we have made some money. These are extra. I actually took the liberty of coming to visit today. I feel very uneasy. If If Mr. Pu refuses to accept it, he feels disgusted with it."

  When Gu Shunhua said this, Mr. Pu accepted it. He was obviously very happy. After sitting down, he asked about Gu Shunhua's situation and greeted Gu Quanfu, Gu Shunhua's father: "I have eaten your grandfather's food back then. It tastes like that." I still remember that sometimes, it doesn't have to be a rare dish, just boiled cabbage, and it tastes pretty good."

  Gu Shunhua naturally took the opportunity to ask some questions about the royal meal, which had been accumulated in his heart for a long time. You must know that all the things your father heard about the imperial cuisine were also told by his grandfather. However, it is inevitable that mistakes will be made by word of mouth. Moreover, there are some things that your grandfather does not necessarily know because he works in the imperial kitchen and does not wait on them. exact.

  Mr. Pu also enthusiastically told her how the emperor ate food: "There is a table in front of you. It is so big, with dragons painted on it. There must be at least a dozen or twenty of the favorite dishes on this table." A few, you have to have pickles when you eat, right? There is a small table next to it, with pickles on it. There is a big table further away, with soups and bird's nests on it, and some vegetables. In fact, it is Lively and exciting. There is another table for porridge and rice. There must be more than a dozen kinds of porridge and rice. There are four tables in total."

  Gu Shunhua asked about the types of ingredients again. Sure enough, the ingredients were all ordinary home-cooked ingredients, and there was actually another layer of truth behind it. If the ingredients were too rare, the emperor would become addicted to them. Where to find them, so he cooked them for the emperor. You have to seek stability in the imperial dining room, just in case the emperor suddenly wants to eat but can't find it in the imperial dining room. It's not worth the punishment. This is also the way to survive in the imperial dining room.

  Mr. Pu sighed again: "Actually, it can't be compared with now. Now I can eat whatever I want. But in the past, in the palace, in order to be able to eat hot dishes, all the dishes were prepared in advance and put on the stove. It has been simmering for a long time. You said that if it simmers for a long time, will the taste of the dish be good? What is delicious about it? The emperor likes to go to the queen and concubines to visit the concubines and give them a meal. That's like ordering it fresh, and the emperor will also mix in some ready-made dishes!"

  This was something Gu Shunhua didn't expect, and he was a little bit dumbfounded for a moment. It felt uncomfortable to think that the emperor should act like this.

  Mr. Pu also mentioned boiled cabbage, peach blossom pan and pork with clear sauce, and also mentioned a few delicious dishes that he could remember. Gu Shunhua naturally wrote them down one by one, and asked some other questions. The old gentleman was patient and asked them all. He spoke to her very kindly and without any airs.

  While talking, he didn't know how to talk about his former relatives. Gu Shunhua's heart moved and he mentioned Grandma Tong. Mr. Pu calculated the seniority: "This should be my cousin."

  Of course, they are separated by several floors, but in the end they come with the same last name.

  Then he asked her how she was doing now, and said for a moment: "When I have time later, I will go over and see her."

  After talking for a while, Gu Shunhua saw that it was getting late and did not dare to delay too much, so he was about to leave. At this time, the old lady just came over. Speaking of which, Mr. Pu wanted to stay for dinner, which was naturally not easy to disturb. Yes, hurriedly and Ren Jingnian stood up to say goodbye.

  Seeing this, Mr. Pu gave Gu Shunhua a piece of his own calligraphy as a gift, and Gu Shunhua was naturally grateful.

  After leaving the courtyard, Gu Shunhua remembered: "Mr. Pu is really kind. He said a lot today. I turned around and put it down quickly to avoid forgetting."

  Ren Jingnian: "I heard that he is a famous calligrapher. The calligraphy I gave you today is quite rare. We will frame it later."

  The two of them walked along the street. There were quite a few former residences of celebrities on this street, so they visited Cai E's former residence and finally went to Mei Lanfang's former residence in the east.

  Gu Shunhua sighed: "This street is really full of cultural atmosphere. This place is not far from Shichahai Park, just over one kilometer."

  It is also more than one kilometer away from Beihai, and it is at most three kilometers away from the Forbidden City, within ten minutes by bicycle.

  Ren Jingnian pinched her fingers and smiled: "Let me guess what you are thinking."

  Gu Shunhua glared at him softly: "I'm just thinking about it."

  In fact, it's not a wild idea. After all, the Qingjiang Meat business this time has gone well, and there are several thousand yuan in the bankbook. If all the goods can be successfully paid after the year, it will be a deposit of about 10,000 yuan.

  With ten thousand yuan, she was indeed qualified to look at a courtyard house in a good location in old Beijing.

  Of course, it was too good to even think about it. I heard that someone bought a courtyard next to the Forbidden City last year for more than 20,000 yuan. More than 20,000 yuan was beyond her reach, but she estimated that this area might be cheaper.

  Ren Jingnian said: "Since you mentioned it before, I have actually been paying attention to this news, but even if you have money, others may not sell it."

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "Yes."

  The main reason is that just after liberation, people from outside all ran to Beijing. At that time, household registration was not carried out. Everyone who came in was counted as a person in Beijing. Later, these people had no house to live in, so the government allocated houses to them.

  How to divide it? In fact, it means to collect some of the houses with courtyard houses in the past.

  For example, if your family has a total of four people, then four rooms will be reserved for you, and the rest will be collected and distributed among the others. In this way, the courtyard becomes a large courtyard where everyone lives together.

  In the Tangshan earthquake a few years ago, everyone started to build earthquake-proof shelters. Once the earthquake-proof shelters were built and the space was occupied, it seemed like they belonged to them. So everyone started to build houses, and whoever didn't built one would end up building one. Unfortunately, the shared compound became more and more crowded and became what it is now.

  In this way, there are definitely not many courtyard houses in existence, and even if there are, it depends on the property rights. There are private properties and public properties. For example, the courtyard where Gu Shunhua's family lives now is public property and is a house owned by the Beijing Housing Management Office.

  Ren Jingnian nodded: "So it doesn't mean that if we want to buy someone else, we just want to sell. If we want to sell, the location and price may not be suitable for us, so we can only wait and see. Now that we are doing business, we can continue to save money. , maybe when we meet the right seller, we can save more money and afford a better one."

  Gu Shunhua: "Anyway, we can learn more about this situation."

  Speaking of the yard over Baizi Bay, I also met Qiao Zong. There were several elderly people who happened to go abroad to find their sons. However, the price was affordable, so they couldn't touch it.

  But that day, after they came back, Gu Shunhua and Grandma Tong mentioned this quarrel. Grandma Tong sighed and said that she was going back to meet them. However, after meeting and reminiscing about old times, they found that they had met before. Of course, this That's something to talk about later.

  The author has something to say: Mr. Pu said "that thing with a dragon painted on it" and "that thing with a bird's nest"... I wrote these words after watching the interview video of this old man.

  It's not word for word, it may have been slightly modified and processed, but that's probably the meaning.

  The name of the video is "Pu Jie tells the real imperial meal of the Qing Dynasty". If you are interested, you can watch this old gentleman.

  After reading it, my mind echoed with "that dragon thing", "that bird's nest thing", "that dragon thing", "that bird's nest thing", "that dragon thing", "that bird's nest thing"...

  I see that everyone is still arguing about this in this chapter. Let me elaborate on it.

  If the eldest brother had not met Miao Xiumei:

  The eldest brother has a residence in the Second Ring Road of Beijing, parents and a job. He was deceived by green tea. He had a limit and would not use his parents' money to subsidize it, so he was at best. He was deceived for several years, cuckolded, and beaten. After that, Back home, he was still the same man with a Beijing work registered permanent residence. When he was in his thirties, he could look for another job. In that era, it was easy for him to find a job in the suburbs, because the registered permanent residence was an attribute attached to people in that era. Many people spend their entire lives unable to change their attributes.

  What would have happened if Miao had not met a big brother or someone like him:

  Branch 1: Being raped directly, committing suicide by jumping into a river/marrying the captain and becoming a rural woman for the rest of her life.

  Branch 2: She was directly raped. After giving birth to a child in the countryside, she left her husband and son and returned to the city. However, she could only go back to Yanshan. Her parents and younger brothers were eyeing her, and she had no place to stay (ten levels harder than when Gu Shunhua first returned to the city).

  Branch 3: Don't be attacked, try your best to protect yourself, return to the city alone, but when you return to Yanshan, there is only one big company in Yanshan, Yanshan Petrochemical. Everything is a closed area surrounding Yanshan Petrochemical. There are many successors to her brothers and sisters, and she will definitely not be able to succeed. , have no job and are married to an older man as a gift, or have a job, but they are both in the same work unit and can never get rid of their parents and are always pestered by their parents and younger brothers (I specifically mentioned where Yanshan Petrochemical is, in the 21st century, Yanshan The slogan of the students is to get out of Yanshan. The housing prices in Yanshan are the lowest in Beijing, bar none. I have a friend in Yanshan who said that even if she buys the worst house in the city, she cannot let her children study in Yanshan because the price of Yanshan is the lowest. The education system is different from that outside. Once you study, you can't get out!)

  Branch 4: Find another victim like the Gu family. She is taking this path now. The driver Tang Tiehui is another Gu Zhenhua.

  To be honest, Miao is actually not qualified to talk about relationships. She knew from the beginning that her eldest brother had Bai Yueguang. She knew this and asked for help. Even if she had some feelings after a fake marriage, those feelings were the kindness of others. "Fake" The derivative of "marriage" (in that age, how can a young man and woman live together for eight years without any feelings?), in fact, she forced it.

  Unless you throw all the household registration information that people gave you on the ground, no matter how much you love me or ignore me, I will make you unable to reach high. You can't pick up a bowl to eat meat and put down your chopsticks to talk about whether you love me or not.

  If I were to write a heroine, she would ask for help from a man she had never met before. Relying on his kindness and kindness, she would get out of trouble through a fake marriage and get a work registration (again, what does it mean to have a household registration in Beijing in 1980?) Looking back I was suffering from a cold, and I was sad because "you have always been thinking about others, and I am the second choice", and then left in a rage and never saw each other again. I guess if you pick up the negative points, you can build a house, and it will have to be a villa.

  Chapter 86 New Year's Day Party

  Jackdaws froze to death during the twelfth lunar month and the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. This is an old saying in Beijing. It means that the coldest days on the seventh and eighth day of the twelfth lunar month are the same as before. But nowadays, people have to work and study, so who has that free time? , you have to stay close to it if it's cold.

  It was coming to the end of the semester, and Gu Shunhua TV University was about to take exams. The exams at TV University were very tight, because there was no threshold for admission, so the exams were tight. Fortunately, Gu Shunhua usually studied hard, and she looked at what the class teacher had sent to everyone. Last year's test paper didn't seem too difficult and I had no problem passing it on my own.

  Of course, she didn't dare to relax, she still had to study hard, and Niu Deshui had already applied for the professional title exam, saying that it was specially approved by the Beijing Municipal Food Bureau, and she could take the Beijing chef technical vocational grade exam next spring.

  Gu Shunhua naturally did not dare to slack off, and quickly searched for relevant topics to do. Most of them were practical, so there was no need to worry about them. For example, should you use cold or hot water when stewing beef? What should not be eaten with tofu? How should pork be defrosted? No matter what method he uses, there will definitely be no problem with these Gu Shunhua, but there are also some tricky ones that ordinary people rarely encounter, so they still have to be careful.

  As for the practical exam, Gu Shunhua inquired about it and said that this exam also depends on luck and whether the examiner is tricky that year. Anyway, if you are lucky, you will pass it first time, but if you are not lucky, you will fail.

  Gu Shunhua inquired about it, but she felt confident that she should do her best anyway, and if it didn't work, she would continue training. She was still young anyway.

  Ren Jingnian has recently begun to prepare for the exam. In addition to preparing for the exam, he has also joined the research project team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Naturally, he is very busy. When he returns home, he has to stay up late reading and studying. Sometimes the two of them stay up until midnight together. point.

  In the winter, coal was in short supply and the electricity supply was tight. There were power outages from time to time, and even candles were in short supply. Gu Shunhua used a customer's relationship to find a way to get a lot of cheap candles. Ren Jingnian also made his own iron sheet oil lamp. This finally solves the lighting problem.

  Fortunately, there are enough briquettes. Having enough briquettes means warmth. The house will be hot and the children and adults will not wake up from the cold at night. This is enough.

  It was like this until the end of the year, when Gu Shunhua took several exams one after another. After finishing the exam, she checked the answers with her classmates. Most of the questions she answered were correct, and only a few open questions were ambiguous and not necessarily certain. No matter how many points you can get, at least you got the answer right.

  By this time, Gu Shunhua's heart was about to fly.

  When she entered the TV University, she was worried. After all, it was said that you need 300 points in the college entrance examination to enter. She might not be able to get those scores. But now, she has confidence in her heart. After half a year of study, she has proved that as long as she works hard, she can achieve success. There is nothing that cannot be done!

  I'm so happy, but it's a pity that I have to take final exams these days, live on campus, and don't go home much. Otherwise, I would have to cut a few kilograms of meat and have a satisfying meal. The whole family is happy.

  Wang Xinrui happened to come to see her. Speaking of this matter, Wang Xinrui also did well in the exam: "Not as good as you, but I guess a score of more than 70 should be no problem."

  Gu Shunhua was a little excited: "That's good, you're still pregnant!"

  Being pregnant, working, and attending TV University, Wang Xinrui's hardships were much more than her own.

  Wang Xinrui couldn't help but laugh: "Actually, I think I'm pretty good too. I didn't expect that we would all become cultural people now!"

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help laughing when he said this, and in the end the two sisters started laughing at each other.

  This look is really stupid, but happy, whatever!

  On Sunday, Ren Jingnian finally went home. Speaking of this, Ren Jingnian was also happy for Gu Shunhua. He held her face in love and said: "When you finish attending this TV University, you can continue your studies later. We have If you have the conditions, continue your studies! When the time comes, I will help you study!"

  Seeing him like that, Gu Shunhua couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, your hands are so cold, so icy!"

  Anyway, the child was not at home and there was no one around at this time. Ren Jingnian put his hand through the seam of her clothes and said deliberately: "Is it so cold?"

  Gu Shunhua blushed and glared at him.

  Ren Jingnian took the opportunity to hug her, lowered his head and kissed her.

  Gu Shunhua quickly looked out the window. It was broad daylight. Fortunately, there were only jumping birds outside the window and no one was there.

  Gu Shunhua complained softly: "I also said that I wanted to celebrate and eat something delicious, but it turned out that you were lucky and never came back!"

  Ren Jingnian then explained that he had been so busy these days, not only the final exams and the projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but also the school was going to hold a New Year's Day party recently, and he would also have to participate in a program if he was selected. Naturally, he didn't want to. He had that free time, but he couldn't refuse it. He was the squad leader, so he could lead by example, so he had no choice but to find time to rehearse.

  "It's Friday night. You should go over there then and see if you can take some time off at the hotel."

  Gu Shunhua thought for a while and said, "That's okay. I'll take the kids with me then and let's see it together."

  While talking like this, Gu Shunhua remembered what Chang Hui had reminded him before. Chang Hui said that there were female classmates in the school who admired Ren Jingnian.

  In fact, she didn't take these things to heart. After going through so much, it was more about trust.

  However, she still felt that it was necessary for her to get in touch with his classmates more, and at the same time, let her children go to their school more often. Xunxun, maybe he would set lofty aspirations since childhood.

  Ren Jingnian: "You said you wanted to eat something delicious just now?"

  Gu Shunhua: "Forget it, there is nothing rare."

  Nowadays, life is much better than before. There is no need for food and nothing to be greedy for.

  Ren Jingnian said: "I heard from some teachers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences that a Huaiyang restaurant called Zhixingzhai opened near Xisi. The taste is quite good. They say it is more authentic than the soup dumplings in Huai'an, Yangzhou. I I think you usually eat a lot of northern cuisine, so you might want to try this."

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he asked, "What's your name?"

  Ren Jingnian: "I heard it's called Zhixingzhai. It's been an old shop for many years. It disappeared before, but now it's reopened."

  Gu Shunhua became interested: "I know this store, okay, let's go eat this today, the children are playing outside, call them back and take them out to try it, and go to your school on Wednesday to watch the New Year's Day party!"


  This shop located in Xisi is called Zhixingzhai. It is actually quite old. A few years ago, it was said that the master chef had to stop because of something wrong. Unexpectedly, it has reopened now.

  Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua took their children there, but they had to queue up. While waiting in line, they listened and realized that the experience of the great master Lu Linyuan was also legendary.

  Not long ago, he was sentenced and sent directly to the desert of Xinjiang to be imprisoned. However, he refused to admit defeat and ran away during a group activity. Then he ran out of the desert carrying two large watermelons on his back. , fled all the way to Baoding. After seeing the news, he did not dare to come back and stayed in Baoding.

  Recently, previous cases have been re-tried one after another, and he took the lead. After the re-trial, the verdict was overturned. Only then did he come back and make a report. When the superiors looked at it, they approved it and gave the Zhixingzhai flag again. Pull it up and let him continue to be his chef.

  After hearing this, Gu Shunhua whispered to Ren Jingnian: "My dad and Mr. Wang are said to know each other. I'll mention it to him later. I'll probably be happy to hear about it."

  Ren Jingnian nodded.

  As soon as they were queued up, they ordered two drawers of soup dumplings, side dishes of five-spice dried radish, dried pickled vegetables and braised winter bamboo shoots, and finally the Wensi tofu soup.

  The five-spice dried radish came first, and I tasted it. It was soft, tender, crisp, salty and delicious. It was different from the shredded pickles that old Beijingers often eat.

  The soup dumplings arrived soon. The steamer baskets were much larger than they thought. There were six buns in each steamer basket. Different from the common steamed buns, the soup dumplings looked soft and floppy.

  The two children usually make bread, but now they are curious when they see this.

  Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian took hot towels and wiped the hands of the two children before preparing to eat.

  Each person put one in front of his own plate, blew on it until it was no longer so hot, then gently bit the skin, and then slowly sucked the soup. When enough of the soup inside was absorbed, he ate the buns.

  The soup is delicious. If you take a sip gently, you will feel the rich and fragrant juice rush to the tip of your tongue instantly. The fragrant fragrance will flow into your stomach with the warmth and touch every part of your body.

  The two children also waited for a long time before they dared to take a sip. After taking a sip, they said happily: "It tastes really good!"

  Gu Shunhua looked at her two children. It had only been a year since she took the children to Beijing. In one year, they had grown a lot. In the past, people thought they were only two years old at first glance, but now they have grown taller. Said he was over four years old.

  In fact, he was only four years old after the New Year.

  Children are like this. If they are not well raised, they will not grow long, but as long as they are given a little nourishment, they will actually grow very quickly.

  Ren Jingnian told his children about the New Year's Day party. How could the two children not look forward to it? They knew that on New Year's Day, they could watch performances and perform. They all liked it and were looking forward to going.

  While eating like this, the family talked. When the project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was mentioned, Ren Jingnian smiled and said: "Thanks to the fact that I accompanied you to study foreign business management before, my English has been practiced, and I can't read some foreign materials." Problem. Although there are some proper nouns in computers that I don't understand, at least I have more experience in grammar and long sentence reading, which is quite helpful. I have read a lot of articles in this area recently and went to the project team. At least it will not A layman."

  Gu Shunhua: "That's great. In fact, everyone nowadays is not very good at English. You are particularly good at it. Besides, you have worked in the petroleum system before. You will definitely improve faster than others in this project!"

  If it weren't for this, no matter how talented he was, he wouldn't have been recruited into the project team after only half a year of study.

  Ren Jingnian: "After I went there, I learned about the situation and felt that computers should be studied hard. In the past decade or so, our country has had a shortage of talents in this area, young researchers have been out of work, and the field has been developing slowly. Until the first two years In 2016, we only admitted a group of master's degree students, some of whom were trained at home, while others were sent to foreign universities or scientific research institutions for further study. Although I was a few years late, the timing was already very good. I worked hard and strived to become a graduate student within one year. In two years, you will achieve something in your studies, catch up with the good times, and be one of the first pioneers of the country, contributing to the country."

  Gu Shunhua felt a little ups and downs in his heart as he listened.

  She thought of Ren Jingnian's experience written in that book, and she vaguely felt that although Ren Jingnian was destined to achieve something in computers, his development might have been somewhat different from that in that book.

  In terms of economic management, it cannot produce economic benefits quickly, and the return on investment is not that fast, and even the return on investment is not high.

  But what the heck!

  Gu Shunhua felt that anyway, she had money now, almost ten thousand yuan, and she could earn more money in the future.

  So after thinking about it, she said: "Then you have to study hard in this area. We are far behind foreign countries in this area. Foreign countries also block our country's technology. We can only rely on our own strength to catch up with Western capitalism." The country!"

  Ren Jingnian raised his eyes to look at her, and then chuckled: "I understand, but I occasionally know about this situation, and I also thought that I might be able to go abroad to learn and experience abroad in the future."

  Gu Shunhua: "Going abroad?"

  Ren Jingnian: "Of course not now, and I don't want to go alone. If I go, I will definitely apply to take you and your child with me. It is best if you can also study there. Then we will study together. Anyway, we We won't be separated."

  Gu Shunhua: "This is good, but this kind of opportunity should be very rare. There are too few places for government-sponsored international students now, so we can only wait until later."

  Ren Jingnian: "Well, you have to wait until I graduate from college. Anyway, there is no rush. Let's wait for the opportunity slowly."

  At this time, they had almost finished eating, and the two of them were waiting for the child to get up and leave. Who knew that when they were leaving, a few people happened to walk towards them, and one of them looked very familiar.

  It turned out to be Lu Wenqiao.

  Speaking of which, it was not unusual for people from Qinxing to meet in a restaurant, but even this coincidence made people unhappy.

  Lu Wenqiao was a little surprised. He looked at Gu Shunhua briefly and then looked away.

  Gu Shunhua pretended not to see him and took his children and Ren Jingnian out.

  After leaving Zhixingzhai, Ren Jingnian smiled and asked, "Who is this? Enemies are on a narrow road?"

  Gu Shunhua: "The Lu Wenqiao I told you about has a salary of 2,580,000 yuan. Just ignore him when you encounter him."

  Ren Jingnian was a little surprised, because Gu Shunhua had mentioned this Lu Wenqiao before. He had always thought that this "master master" must be in his thirties, but he didn't expect him to be so young.

  Gu Shunhua: "Anyway, he defeated the enemy with one hand. No matter what special chef he is, he still loses!"

  Ren Jingnian raised his eyebrows but said nothing more.

  However, he felt that he still had to pay attention to this Lu Wenqiao.

  Why do you think that when that man looked at Gu Shunhua, his eyes were not quite the same.


  Gu Shunhua had originally said to invite classmate Ren Jingnian to his home for a meal, but seeing that they were all nervous about their studies, he decided to forget it, but since they were thinking about it, he couldn't bear to let them down.

  Just before New Year's Day, a batch of rabbits entered the Yuhuatai.

  Old Beijingers don't call rabbits "Rabbit" because the consonants of "Rabbit" and "Rabbit" are similar. People usually call them "Wild Cats", just like eggs, instead of calling them "Eggs", they usually call them "Chickens" or "Ginkgos".

  In Chinese banquets, rabbits are not on the table and cannot be served in serious banquets. Rabbit meat has no oil. Unlike pork, which can be refined into oil, it is not expensive. After autumn, farmers from the suburbs to the city carry burdens to sell "wild cats". It's only four or five cents a pound.

  But after winter, there were fewer of them. It was difficult for farmers with iron sand guns to catch anything, but they did happen occasionally. This time it was a farmer carrying a load, and there were about a dozen of them hanging on the load. It was said that the villagers went into the mountains to catch them.

  The old farmer was so cold that the tip of his nose was red. He asked for Niu De Shui without saying a word. After he asked for it, it was actually not suitable for a banquet, so he gave everyone a bento: "We still have pig head meat, let everyone share it." Come and see what you want, it's all calculated on a per pound basis, this is your subsidy before the New Year."

  Most of the chefs still wanted pig head meat, but no one wanted rabbits. Seeing this, Gu Shunhua simply went out and ordered three of them, and also prepaid all the remaining portions.

  After bringing it back, I took good care of it, carefully took out the iron sand from the rabbit, marinated it in a large vat of wine for a long time, and then put it in the sauce vat.

  It was marinated until New Year's Day, and it was already very tasty. I grilled it and put it away just in time for their classmates to eat on New Year's Day.

  Gu Shunhua took leave that day and stayed at home for a long time. In the evening, Ren Jingnian came over to pick up Gu Shunhua and his two children. When he came back, he was surprised to see Gu Shunhua: "I didn't even recognize him."

  Gu Shunhua smiled and said, "Isn't it pretty?"

  Ren Jingnian said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, it's pretty good-looking. I'm even scared. What if I take her to school and a young male student sees her!"

  Gu Shunhua glared at him: "Come on, get ready to go!"

  But to be honest, she did dress up well today, her hair was newly done, and Gu Duoer's craftsmanship is absolutely nothing to say. She put on cream, a little light makeup, and lipstick. Anyway, she felt pretty beautiful. .

  The clothes on my body are all good. Now that my economic conditions are better, of course I will not wrong myself. The sweater was bought from Wangfujing. It is made of good material and has a fashionable style. A white lapel shirt is exposed around the neck, and a cotton coat is put on it.

  In this way, after entering their auditorium, you can take off your cotton coat, revealing only the white shirt collar and sweater underneath, which looks refreshing and fashionable.

  As for the two children, they were all dressed up with care. The children are cute and soft, and they wear pink colors. They look cute no matter how they look.

  Ren Jingnian smiled and said: "Compared with you, I look stupid."

  Duoduo turned around beautifully: "Duoduo can give daddy Duoduo's sweater to wear!"

  Manman directly exposed it from the side: "Dad, she lied to you, she can't bear it!"

  Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua both laughed. They led their children to the University of Science and Technology of China. When they got there, they found that the tree-lined avenue that had lost all its leaves had been hung with small colorful lights, twinkling. It looks like a dreamlike world.

  Duoduo and Manman ran over happily, looked around, and screamed with joy.

  While playing, he walked forward and soon arrived at their auditorium. It was almost full by this time. Gu Shunhua first saw a female classmate of Ren Jingnian, named He Lina, who seemed to be the deputy monitor.

  She handed the bag of roasted rabbit meat to He Lina: "I brought it for you. This is roasted rabbit in sauce. If you have beer, it's best to eat it with it."

  When He Lina heard this, her eyes lit up: "We have wine, is that okay?"

  Gu Shunhua: "That's good, it's more suitable!"

  He Lina was so happy that she kept thanking her: "Sister-in-law, you are our biological sister. We are all so hungry. Recently, the food in the cafeteria is not good, and your watermelon sauce is gone. These days are so difficult, I haven't had it for a long time." Got some meat!"

  As soon as she said this, several classmates nearby heard the movement, and their eyes all lit up, like hungry wolves.

  Gu Shunhua wanted to laugh, but he held it back and whispered, "I will share it with you later."

  At this time, the show had almost started, but He Lina carried the bag, bent over, and ran out secretly. She had to hide the roasted rabbit first!

  At this time, the New Year's Day party program was being performed. Gu Shunhua watched the program and had to admit that college students were talented. The programs they rehearsed were thoughtful, reflective of the past, and longing for a better future. Moreover, each of them was very talented. He is versatile and admirable.

  Gu Shunhua whispered to Duoduo and Manman: "Look carefully, these are good programs, we all need to learn from them."

  He Lina had come back at this time, so she sat beside Gu Shunhua and talked to Gu Shunhua.

  He Lina smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, Team Leader Ren is the best. You will know later. Team Leader Ren plays an important role in our show. Without him, our drama will be eclipsed."

  Gu Shunhua was a little surprised. She didn't know that he had this talent. In the past, he could only be a host, standing upright in a Chinese tunic suit and signing up for the program. Now he can act in a play.

  At this time, another girl from their class came over: "Sister-in-law, just wait, you will be the class president soon. The role of class president Ren is the soul of the whole drama!"

  Gu Shunhua was looking forward to it. These shows were indeed performed well. I wonder what role Ren Jingnian will play. I guess he will have to wear a Chinese tunic suit? Or a military uniform, or even a suit?

  He is tall, and his posture is tall enough for someone who has served in the military. He must be good-looking.

  At this time, their class's drama finally began. The drama's name was "Red Room, White Room, Black Room". It tells the story of Li Hongxing, an educated youth who returned to the city from Shanghai, who abandoned the peasant girl Ge Fujiko, but the unknowing Ge Fujiko took him with her. The son went to the city to seek a husband. A group of rent-a-house highway workers headed by He Shuifu had fun with Ge Tengzi, a rural woman. However, they were later moved by Ge Tengzi's sincerity and decided to "kidnap" Li Hongxing to attend the wedding and marry Ge Tengzi.

  Gu Shunhua had heard someone mention this play and heard that it was quite popular. He immediately became energetic and couldn't help but think, what is Ren Jingnian playing, Li Hongxing? Or the chivalrous and righteous He Shuifu?

  Both children also looked expectantly.

  Soon, various characters came on stage. Gu Shunhua looked at it and saw that Li Hongxing was not the one, He Shuifu was not the one, and even Ning Heng was not the one. She was a little confused and couldn't help but ask He Lina: "What on earth is Ren Jingnian playing?"

  Duoduo and Manman were also curious: "Auntie, where is our father?"

  He Lina almost couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Don't you recognize it? He plays a house, and he is that house!"


  Gu Shunhua looked over carefully and discovered that the background of the play turned out to be a big red house, and this big red house would move with the characters. Since it could move, there must be someone supporting it.

  He turned out to play house!

  Several girls nearby explained with a sullen smile: "We originally wanted him to play the role of He Shuifu. He is very suitable for playing the role of He Shuifu. He is tall and good-looking! But he insisted on playing the role of Old Man Ai. Old Man Ai is the old man who rents out the house. The image shouldn't be too high, and in the end we finally discovered that he can play the red house!"

  Gu Shunhua thought about it and decided that the title was "Red Room·White Room·Black Room". He played the red room, so he was the soul.

  At that moment, she couldn't help but laugh, and she said to the two children: "Do you recognize it? Your father is the Red House. This play is called the Red House, so your father is the most important actor. Look, These actor uncles and aunts are always on and off the field, but your dad is always on the field! Your dad is the most conspicuous one in the audience!"

  The two children were suddenly enlightened, and they were very happy after that. At this moment, the plot reached its climax. Other audience members applauded, and the two children also applauded, shouting in a sweet voice: "Come on, Daddy's house! Daddy's house is beautiful!"

  The female classmates next to me all laughed.

  The author has something to say: "Red Room, White Room, Black Room" is a Shanghai drama in the 1980s. At the end of the story, the road workers failed to kidnap Li Hongxing and get married. In fact, Ge Fujiko already knew everything, but she still cooperated Along with the highway workers, she held her own wedding.

  It was made into a movie in 1989, starring Gong Li as Ge Tengzi. If you are interested, you can watch it.

  Chapter 87 Fengzao Wine

  After the party, Ren Jingnian and other actors quickly took off their makeup and came out. Because it was New Year's Day, there was no one to care about it. Ren Jingnian took Gu Shunhua's two children to the dormitory together, and several girls also sneaked in. In the dormitory.

  When I entered the dormitory, I found that it had been tidied up and the tables had been moved away, leaving an open space in the middle. Everyone took out the snacks they bought and put the sauced rabbit meat in an enamel jar so that everyone could tear it into pieces and eat it.

  He Lina also opened a bottle of wine and everyone tasted some.

  While eating the sauced rabbit meat and drinking wine, everyone was amazed: "This sauced rabbit meat is absolutely amazing!"

  The rabbit meat has turned golden red, and the taste is rich at first glance. Tear off a piece and put it in your mouth. It is crispy and beautiful. Take another sip of wine and it is really incomparable.

  Everyone was eating soy rabbit meat and chatting enthusiastically. They specially took out the newspapers they collected: "Look, sister-in-law, we have kept all your newspapers. This is the glory of our dormitory!"

  Gu Shunhua was surprised. He simply didn't expect them to be so interested. He was also moved at the moment: "I will make cakes for you during the Chinese New Year! I will take care of the watermelon jam later!"

  Everyone immediately started making noises, saying that Gu Shunhua was open and bright.

  They were laughing and joking, and finally sang a song and asked Duoduo and Manman to perform for everyone.

  Forget it if it's full, he doesn't like performing shows in the first place, but he's very enthusiastic about it. She used to be introverted, shy, and not very talkative, but since she went to nursery, she has gradually become more cheerful and loves to talk and laugh. , and now Ren Jingnian encouraged her, she performed several short songs for everyone in front of everyone. Her milky childish voice made everyone laugh and applaud vigorously!

  The girls in He Lina also gave her a long piece of bright red silk and braided her in complicated patterns, which made Duoduo extremely beautiful.

  A few girls were so ingenious that they dressed up Duoduo like a doll.


  The group of people all had a good time, but Ren Jingnian still wanted to go back to Dashilan, so he took them away in time for the last train.

  Just in time to catch the last bus, there was almost no one on the bus, so a family of four could occupy a good seat. However, after getting on the bus, the two children became sleepy and soon fell asleep with their heads tilted, so Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua each held one.

  Ren Jingnian held Manman in his arms: "Is it cold?"

  Gu Shunhua: "It's okay."

  Ren Jingnian smiled: "I'm just afraid that she's too pretty and the clothes aren't thick."

  Gu Shunhua was a little unhappy: "No way, my clothes are quite warm."

  Ren Jingnian still lifted up his large cotton coat, covering Manman and Duoduo, as well as Gu Shunhua's legs. Then he raised his hands, put his arms around her waist and pressed her close to him: "It's okay, we'll be home in a minute. ."

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he felt that it sounded familiar. When was it? It must have been that time in Inner Mongolia. She was pregnant and had stomachache at night. He was worried, afraid that something would happen, so he drove down the mountain to the regiment headquarters at night to give her a visit. She looked.

  The doctor checked but didn't say anything, so the two of them hurried home again late at night.

  On the way, she only felt scared, and the car was bumpy, and she was worried about what would happen if she had a miscarriage.

  At that time, there was only one sister-in-law in the mine who had a stomachache and had a miscarriage.

  She was very scared at the time, so Ren Jingnian drove the car and told her that she would be home in a while.

  Maybe it wasn't real, just comfort, but she was comforted.

  She leaned slightly against him. He was really warm in the military coat he wore. The worsted breeches coat was issued only once by the Inner Mongolia Corps at that time, but it was never issued again, so he always cherished it. I wouldn't want to wear it when doing dirty or tiring work in the cold or going to the mines.

  Next to the heavy fabric, she felt ironed and solid.

  She looked out the window. Under the night, the illuminated signboard of the non-staple food store was particularly conspicuous. The incandescent lamp illuminated the surrounding area brightly. An old-fashioned sprinkler truck in front was working slowly, sprinkling thin water mist on the road, adding more color to this winter night. Added a bit of desertedness.

  Gu Shunhua listened to the sound of sprinkling water, but thought of Ren Jingnian's school's New Year's Day program, and asked with a smile: "Why do you want to act like a house? You don't know that the children can't see you. Then you were so disappointed when they found out that you were a house. Fortunately, I'm smart, so I quickly praised you, and the child became happy."

  Ren Jingnian: "I feel that apart from me, I will never find such a suitable person to own a house!"

  When Gu Shunhua heard that he was not telling the truth, he softly said, "You know how to lie to me!"

  Ren Jingnian suppressed his smile, pondered for a moment, and then said: "They asked me to play He Shuifu, who is the protagonist. I feel that I am not young. I have a family and a career. I don't deserve to be in the limelight. Besides, I don't have any." So much time was spent rehearsing, so I refused. I wanted to be lazy and chose a job like this, playing a house."

  Gu Shunhua said, "Are you afraid that I will think too much?"

  Ren Jingnian: "No."

  Gu Shunhua snorted: "Come on, young master. I know what you are thinking. You are afraid of being too public. If something happens later, I will make trouble with you later."

  Ren Jingnian: "...I do have concerns in this regard."

  Gu Shunhua: "Am I such a narrow-minded person? As for being jealous blindly?"

  Ren Jingnian: "Aren't you?"

  Gu Shunhua: "Of course I'm not!"

  Ren Jingnian: "When we first met--"

  He was only halfway through speaking when Gu Shunhua immediately raised his hand to cover his mouth: "Don't say it, don't say it!"

  Ren Jingnian's mouth was covered by her and he just smiled and looked at her, but he really didn't say anything.

  Gu Shunhua let go and blushed a little, all because he was young and ignorant.

  Ren Jingnian grabbed her hand: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I really don't want to cause any trouble."

  Gu Shunhua hummed: "There must be someone in your school who likes you, right?"

  Ren Jingnian did not deny it: "A few days ago in the library, a female classmate put a note in the book I was reading. It was nothing, just a poem."

  Gu Shunhua: "Then what?"

  Ren Jingnian: "I took it out and put it aside, then got up and left."

  Gu Shunhua: "Let me tell you, you didn't mention it to me at the time!"

  Ren Jingnian: "You can't do it. I'm just adding trouble to you in vain. I will pay more attention to prevent this kind of thing from happening. Now I just want to learn computer knowledge and improve myself. I have you at home, I have children, and I have a mess of thoughts. I certainly didn't."

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he remembered what Chang Hui said before. Chang Hui said that she should be careful.

  She listened, but later got busy and forgot about it.

  In fact, I still feel in my heart that he can't do it, so it won't happen.

  Listening to his words now, he has indeed lived up to the subconscious trust in his heart.

  Then she smiled.

  Leaning against him, she held his hand and clasped her fingers lightly. She whispered, "You did a good job today. I'll make something delicious for you tomorrow."


  At the end of the year, Gu Shunhua TV University's courses were temporarily suspended, and she didn't mention it, but she still took the initiative to continue working normally. After all, the company had given her a lot of convenience, and she also wanted to contribute as much as possible to the hotel within her ability. .

  Although she is now a third-level chef, she has gained a reputation. Many people who come to Yuhuatai come to Yuhuatai because of her reputation, and some even ask specifically: "Do you have any firewood here?"

  Naturally, there is no firewood. It is inconvenient to make and impossible to supply at ordinary times, but Niu De Shui has the idea of ​​​​Niu De Shui.

  "This year we are going to hold a Fengzao Wine Festival."

  Fengzao wine? Everyone was stunned.

  If we ignore the old rules of the past, when the stove is closed at the end of the year, we have to set up a feast for the stove, invite the regular customers who always take care of the whole year, serve the best dishes, and everyone has a meal.

  It was an unwritten rule in Qinxing that in the first year the customers came over to have Fengzao Wine, and in the third year they would definitely take care of the business, so there was no reason to go elsewhere.

  However, since liberation, many old restaurants have been returned to the state, and a few are public-private partnerships. Most of them eat from a big pot and don't have the energy to do this, so they have slacked off. How can they still remember this old tradition?

  Now that Niu Deshui thought of this move, it was also new, and it cheered everyone up.

  "But we have to prepare the Fengzao Wine earlier, so we don't have to wait until the 34th day of the twelfth lunar month."

  When he said this, everyone was wondering, should we do it in advance? Can this be done in advance? Because generally closing the stove means closing the business later, can a state-owned unit close the stove in advance?

  But Niu Deshui was very determined: "Yes, let's do it in advance. Let's do it on the 15th day of the twelfth lunar month. This is a good day. I have already coordinated this with the catering company."

  Although everyone was confused, they were very happy when they thought that hosting Fengzao Wine meant they could get off work early, and everyone got busy in full swing.

  Niu Deshui had made an agreement with Gu Shunhua in advance to build a temporary stove, use a piece of firewood to stew pig head meat, stew about four or five pig heads, and hold a stove-closing banquet.

  Of course, Gu Shunhua had nothing to say. It was only four or five pig heads, and the father and daughter were busy enough to make it in almost a day.

  So Niu De Shui was very proud. In the old saying, he posted hero posts widely. He invited the leaders of the catering company, the prominent people in Qinxing, as well as some of the regular customers and big companies, and put them up to serve as Fengzao Wine for everyone under his command. The chef took out all the work of packing the boxes.

  "Come on with all your strength, you have to show off your skills today!"

  When he said this, everyone was willing to show off their special skills.

  There is another reason for working so hard. Ever since Gu Shunhua became popular, Mr. Xu has still wanted to attract the Gu family's father and daughter to have sex from time to time, but the Gu family's father and daughter only occasionally pick up. Those who can't attract the Gu family's father and daughter feel that The reputation of Zhan Yuhuatai is also good, so everyone followed suit and made a lot of extra money, and their pockets gradually bulged.

  So this time, everyone is willing to work hard for Yuhuatai's Fengzao Wine.

  Gu Shunhua didn't want to work too hard on anything other than roasting the pork head this time. She felt that other chefs should also be able to shine. After all, everyone has their own skills.

  However, Niu Deshui and Gu Shunhua discussed it and decided that in addition to roasting pig head meat, they still had to come up with a unique skill to open everyone's eyes.

  Gu Shunhua thought for a while, discussed it with Gu Quanfu, and finally decided to let Gu Quanfu go out and make a copper pot egg on Fengzao wine.

  Upon hearing this, Niu Deshui said: "Okay, let's perform in front of the public, and I'm sure the whole house will be filled with excitement!"

  So on that day, Gu Shunhua got up at three or four o'clock, carried the black clay pot to the Jade Flower Terrace, and began to stew pig head meat. This required several pieces of meat to be stewed at once, which was naturally not an easy task.

  Fortunately, everyone in Qinxing was helpful and could occasionally look after the stove. By the time of the lunch banquet, the stew was finally ready.

  The stewed pork head was oily, fragrant, and crumbly. It was delivered directly to the restaurant and cut into pieces in front of everyone, one by one on the table, which naturally made a group of people cheer.

  Gu Shunhua looked over and saw that people from all walks of life were indeed here today. From the catering company to the flags and tripods that could be raised in Qinxing, no one was missing. He was also confused at the moment.

  I thought that Niu Deshui's temper was not usually like this. He was quite arrogant when he was proud, and there was someone in his eyes. Why did he stay down today, be polite, and invite all the big guys?

  She even saw Manager Fuju Huang, who had always been at odds with Niu Deshui, and the general manager of Donghua Hotel, who had recently made a new enemy. Of course, even Lu Wenqiao came.

  She felt puzzled in her heart, but she didn't say what she should do.

  At this time, it was almost time for dinner to begin, and Niu Deshui ceremoniously invited Gu Quanfu over to perform the unique skill of making eggs in a copper pot in front of everyone.

  In fact, this copper pot egg comes from Henan cuisine. Six or seven eggs are peeled off and placed in a bowl in public. They are beaten in the same direction with bamboo chopsticks until the egg slurry is fermented and the foam in the egg slurry appears. Just make it as high as cotton, then put the copper pot on the stove and heat it up, add oil, sauté the onions, ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add diced water chestnuts, diced ham, shrimps, dried shrimps and cooking wine to stir-fry.

  The next step is to look at the craftsmanship. Pour the egg slurry into the copper pot, hang the red-hot copper pot with a fire hook and pass it over the fire. After the frothy egg slurry is overheated, it will quickly solidify under the high temperature. Get excited.

  Originally, the egg paste has been beaten, but now it is baked like this, and it has become a golden mountain.

  Halfway through Gu Quanfu's performance, everyone has already noticed that this skill is coming. Many of you here are knowledgeable. They have heard of this dish and know that it is difficult to control the heat. If it is overcooked, the egg yolk will condense and it will not look good. , if you don't get enough heat to bake it, the egg liquid will still be raw.

  Most of them watched with concern.

  So everyone saw Gu Quanfu taking the tongs. After a few moments, the small golden mountain made a sizzling sound, and the delicious aroma of baked eggs floated in the air.

  They were assigned to each table, and when everyone tasted it, they immediately praised it again and again, and they all said over and over again: "It's absolutely amazing!"

  We are all experts, and the praise at this time is not false. I really admire you.

  For a while, everyone said everything, saying that a tiger father has no dog sons. This father is really powerful, otherwise he can teach a disciple like Gu Shunhua.

  After Gu Quanfu finished cooking the dish in front of everyone, he cupped his fists and thanked everyone.

  Everyone burst into applause.

  Gu Shunhua knew that this dish was difficult to make, and everyone present today was an expert, so he was worried about making any mistakes. Now that he saw that it was done smoothly and won a lot of praise, he felt relieved.

  Seeing this situation, she wanted to go back to the kitchen. Who knew that at this time, Niu Deshui suddenly asked everyone to invite the master chef of the kitchen: "I have something important to announce today. Everyone, come and sit down."

  When he came like this, not to mention the guests present, even the big guys at Yuhuatai were a little confused, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

  When everyone was seated, Niu Deshui poured a glass of wine and raised it high: "Dear leaders of the catering company, fellow colleagues who work diligently, and regular customers who have supported us over the years, I wish you all the best as we approach the New Year. , I would like to thank you all for your continued care, and I would like to propose a toast to you all!"

  When he came out, everyone was shocked. You have to know who Niu Deshui is. He is usually arrogant and has no one in his eyes. Today is a good thing. He entertained her so carefully and even made a toast.

  Manager Huang next to him was even more puzzled: "Which song is this?"

  Niu Deshui toasted the glass of wine and then said: "Everyone, next year when we open the Yuhuatai, I won't be here. I have to retire and live my leisurely life."

  When he said this, everyone in Yuhuatai was shocked. Everyone thought about how old Niu Deshui was. He calculated that he was about fifty or sixty. Normally, at this age, he could still work, so why did he have to retire?

  Everyone present was also surprised, and someone asked, Niu Deshui: "I have been ill recently, and I will feel exhausted if I continue to do this, so I thought of quitting early."

  Everyone was naturally surprised and confused for a moment. Manager Huang was the first to say: "Old guy, are you okay? If you have anything to do, just tell me!"

  Niu Deshui smiled: "It's okay, it's just that my health is not good, I have to take care of it, it's a chronic disease, don't worry, no one will die, no one will die, hahaha."

  Seeing what he said, everyone felt a little relieved.

  Niu Deshui continued: "When I retreat like this, there are so many things that I can't let go of. What to do with the Jade Flower Terrace? What to do with the masters under me? The catering company will definitely have to send new ones, but I I'm still worried. I've been working all my life and now I'm worried about leaving. So today, I'm treating you all to a meal and toasting you with a glass of wine. I hope everyone will be fine in the future. For the sake of my awesome reputation. Come on, take care of me anyway, and be patient when encountering bad things!"

  With that said, Niu Deshui drank the wine in the glass happily.

  The banquet was over, and many people's eyes were red until the end of the drink. For so many years in Qinxing, it was hard to look up or down. In these years, Niu Deshui has also been called the number one person.

  Now that he has suddenly withdrawn, who can feel uncomfortable? Even Manager Huang from Fudeju cried: "I feel empty in my heart, why did you withdraw? Why did you withdraw! I'm still thinking When will we fight you for 300 rounds? We have to fight to win or lose!"

  But no matter how reluctant they were, everyone dispersed.

  After the party ended, the cups and plates on the Jade Flower Terrace were in a mess, and the depression after the excitement seemed particularly desolate.

  Many master chefs in Yuhuatai had red eyes, and some waiters even cried. Gu Shunhua also felt uncomfortable.

  In her heart, the Jade Flower Terrace was the Jade Flower Terrace with Niu Deshui. It had been like this since she came in. Suddenly, Niu Deshui retired. She didn't know if the Jade Flower Terrace would still be the original Jade Flower Terrace without Niu Deshui.

  Niu Deshui walked over with a smile and said goodbye to everyone one by one. When they arrived in front of Gu Quanfu, they didn't say anything. They patted each other on the shoulders and said "old buddy."

  An old buddy is not a buddy between a boss and a clerk, but an old buddy who has known each other for many years and understands each other without having to talk too much.

  Niu Deshui gave everyone instructions one by one, and finally walked up to Gu Shunhua: "Shunhua, I have sent you the application report. After the year, you will have to take the chef technical vocational examination. This is a special opportunity for you to apply. You will definitely apply by then. You have to pass the exam. If you pass it, you will be a first-level chef, and you will be even more amazing in the future!"

  Gu Shunhua's tears were about to fall.

  Only then did she remember that Niu Deshui was very anxious to report to herself. She had been mentioning this to the catering company since the cooking competition. At that time, she thought she was not in a hurry.

  Now I understand that he is retiring, and he wants to help him settle this matter in the end. He is afraid that after he retires, the new manager may not be okay.

  Gu Shunhua's voice was choked with sobs: "Uncle Niu, I know, I will work hard to start, and I will definitely pass the exam. When I pass the exam, I will come over to see you with my first-class chef qualification certificate and show off to you!"

  Niu Deshui chuckled: "Why are you crying? Look at you, this is worth crying for. I just retired and it's not like I'm leaving. After I retire, I will raise a bird and carry the cage with me every morning. I have to go for a walk, I have to sing some songs, some funny tunes, and go to the Temple of Heaven Park to practice Tai Chi. How can I live this life as comfortably as I want!"

  Gu Shunhua also laughed: "It was such a comfortable life, I feel envious when I hear it!"

  Niu Deshui: "No, just hang on. It will take some years before you can retire. Life after retirement is a good one!"

  As soon as he said this, everyone laughed again.

  Indeed, if you don't have any serious health problems, you won't have to worry about anything when you retire, and you will just lift the bird cage every day!


  After Fengzaojiu, Niu Deshui started to go through the retirement procedures. Gu Shunhua was worried after all. Gu Quanfu also went to talk to Niu Deshui in depth and found out that he had stomach cancer.

  When he first heard the word cancer, Gu Shunhua was startled. He didn't care about anything else at the moment and hurriedly brought his things to see him. But who knew that Niu Deshui was playing with the birds in his small courtyard? When he saw her, he was stunned. happy.

  He really didn't care. He said that he had lived a good enough life. He also said that he had inquired and found that treatment might not necessarily cure him. If he got this disease, it was up to God. If God took it away, there was nothing he could do. He might as well be happy. Live your own life.

  "I saw those people who were treated well. The state paid for it, but they worked hard, and in the end all their hair fell out, and they were so miserable that they lost their dignity. Now that I have retired, I am so happy and happy. Okay, I'm happy anyway, and I'll earn a few more days by myself!"

  Having said that, Gu Shunhua was still so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry, but Niu Deshui comforted her.

  Niu Deshui: "Shun Hua, in my life, I have seen what I should see and eaten what I should eat. I have no regrets. You are still young. Work hard. You will be the most famous female chef in China in the future. Let me Guys, take a look, what comes out of Yuhuatai is just different!"

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "Thank you, Uncle Niu, thank you! I know, I will definitely remember it."

  Everyone in Yuhuatai also gradually found out. Those who celebrated the Chinese New Year must actually feel uncomfortable, but what could they do? When they went over to see it, they were relieved by the awesomeness, so everyone quickly felt relieved. It was okay. Go and see more, but don't feel sad when you go. Crying will affect Manager Niu's mood, so you have to go there laughing and laughing. Manager Niu will be happy and can live a few more days.

  Of course, some people have begun to introduce traditional Chinese medicine, saying how powerful it is and how it can "cure all kinds of diseases." But of course that's a story for another day.

  What happened to Niu Deshui made Gu Quanfu feel bad. Although he didn't say it, he was obviously depressed. He didn't have to go to work anyway, so he walked to the Temple of Heaven Park alone every morning and took a leisurely stroll, holding hands behind his back.

  Of course, Gu Shunhua felt confused and at a loss as to what to do, but thinking about the "Chef Technical Vocational Examination" that Niu Deshui fought hard for himself before retiring, he still felt that he should cheer up and prepare for the exam.

  Try to pass it in one breath, and after passing it, you will be a first-level chef. In the future, no matter what kind of general manager comes, there is no need to panic at that level.

  Ren Jingnian's school exams have been completed, and the project team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been temporarily suspended. He borrowed about seven or eight books, and reads at home when he has nothing to do. One of them reads computer science, and the other studies cooking culture knowledge. The house The toilet looks particularly clean.

  The old neighbors in the courtyard have already had a New Year atmosphere and are starting to prepare to buy New Year supplies. The atmosphere in Dashilan is more lively than usual, and there are people bustling with it.

  Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua are usually busy, but now they have some free time. They can put their studying at night and take their children out for a walk during the day. They buy crispy candied haws to eat and a beautiful windmill made of thin wooden strips and It was made of sorghum stalks and wrapped in colored paper. It was very beautiful. The two children ran back and forth in the alley holding it, and the colorful windmill turned gurglingly.

  All the Qingjiang Pork saved up before has been delivered, and the buyers are satisfied and asked about next year's news. However, Gu Shunhua is not very energetic. She really can't make enough money. Now she has probably tens of thousands of yuan. , Guduo'er has also saved four thousand, so he doesn't have to worry about money anymore. Besides, it's hard to find pig hind legs, especially during the Chinese New Year. There is a shortage of pork no matter what, so I won't join in the fun and just tell the buyer to wait until spring comes.

  After handing over the Qingjiang Pork, it was a worry. Guduoer had nothing else to do for the time being, so he started to buy everywhere. He went to Wangfujing to buy, to Dashilan to buy, and also found a way to get some tickets. I bought countless good things for Mr. Pan. In the words of Dazayuan, "Mr. Pan is really blessed!"

  Gu Duo'er has been walking with wind in her eyes these days. She made money and made Master Pan happy, so she was happy too.

  She is now planning to dig a hole in her house when the freeze thaws in spring and prepare to build a facade for a hair salon.

  Gu Shunhua counted the money in his hand and became more interested in buying a courtyard house. However, the number of people they knew was limited, and they were all from Qinxing. The only people Ren Jingnian knew were students. Where could they find such a house? kind of seller.

  Gu Shunhua thought of the Lei family. The only people she knew who were on the stage were the Lei family. It happened to be the Chinese New Year, so she asked to go and walk around.

  Unexpectedly, before she left here, Lei Yongquan came, carrying a large bag with almost ten kilograms of donkey meat: "I also got it from other places. It is said that it was sent from Baoding. It is quite fresh. You guys can eat it later, we won't be able to finish it if we leave it alone."

  Ren Jingnian hadn't seen Lei Yongquan for a long time, and the two chatted for a while, saying that Chang Hui was living in the dormitory and was focused on getting into college.

  "Look at how energetic she is. She can definitely pass the exam!" Lei Yongquan said with a smile.

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he felt reassured: "Auntie and Chang Hui have different temperaments, but they are both good people. It's up to you to mediate between them. If you want to live a good life, it all depends on you."

  Lei Yongquan: "I know, I think about many things more clearly now than before. I have to take responsibility for what is mine."

  Seeing him like this, Gu Shunhua was much more down-to-earth than before, less youthful and more stable as an adult. Naturally, he was happy for Chang Hui, thinking about her was not in vain.

  After sending Lei Yongquan away, Gu Shunhua took a look at the donkey meat and found that it was indeed quite fresh.

  In fact, although Yuhuatai closed the stove early this year, there is really no shortage of things that should be distributed, including pork, various rice noodles, sauces and vinegars, and there is also a share from the catering company. In short, it is still a prosperous life, and I will definitely be able to Have a good year.

  But now that I see so much donkey meat, I am naturally happy from the bottom of my heart.

  There is no way, I have been poor and suffered in the past, and the traces of material deprivation have still left in my heart. I am happier to see food than to see unity!

  Because he was thinking about Niu Deshui, Gu Shunhua cut off a piece and gave it to Niu Deshui, knowing that he would not be short of it, but what she gave was her heart.

  The other party took care of her this time, and now that she is retired, she cannot let people think that she is gone.

  Chapter 88 Xue Ye is very cool

  Of course Niu Deshui was happy. He looked at the donkey meat and started to brag: "There is a saying that dragon meat is in the sky and donkey meat is on the ground. This donkey meat is the best. Do you know where it is? Donkey meat is cooked on fire in Weixian County. It has just been cooked and eaten while it is hot. It will burn your teeth when you eat it. The roasted skin must be freshly baked. The outside of the skin is so crispy that it falls apart. The donkey meat inside is so stewed that it becomes rotten. When you take a bite, the meat juices will splash out. , the aroma is so fragrant that people are numb! That place is also famous for its fire-roasted stick head. The fire is hard, but chewing it slowly can bring out the sweetness. It is sweet and fragrant. I used to have a bowl of Sanyuan milk every morning. , tore up the head of the stick and soaked it in, the milky smell..."

  Niu Deshui's words were so intoxicating that Gu Shunhua became greedy: "I have to stew it quickly when I get back, otherwise I'll be so greedy that I can't sleep at night!"

  Who would have thought that Niu De Shui's daughter said from the side: "Sister, the doctor told my dad to eat less before, but he just didn't listen. He has a terrible appetite and eats all kinds of things. I've been controlling him these past two days!" "

  This sentence can be regarded as bringing Niu Deshui back to his original form. He said helplessly to Gu Shunhua: "Look, what kind of life am I living like this! Why don't you let me eat if I have something to eat?"

  When leaving, Niu Deshui's daughter gave it to her. Gu Shunhua naturally took the opportunity to ask about the treatment. Niu Deshui's daughter said: "My dad asked the knowledgeable people and said that this kind of disease can't be cured in China, but it will be cured for future generations." He might not have died of the disease, but he would have been cured first. If he went abroad, he might still be cured. My father refused treatment. He said that only God would take care of his life, and he would not die. The hospital also said that he had a hard life. He is just waiting to see if the Lord of Hell dares to come and collect him."

  Gu Shunhua: "I heard that this kind of disease doesn't necessarily lead to the disease. The key is to look at the spirit. Uncle Niu is in such good spirits, he might be able to get through it!"

  He had gastric cancer and still had such a good appetite and high energy. Gu Shunhua felt that he might be able to get through it.

  Niu Deshui's daughter: "Yes, the doctor also said that if your energy and energy are good, the disease will develop slowly. Who knows what will happen in the future. Anyway, I am having fun every day now!"


  Gu Shunhua was thinking about this on the way back. In fact, it had happened a long time ago. No matter how sad it was, the excitement was over.

  She was thinking more about seeing him more. Anyway, she was very happy in the end, and that was indeed enough.

  Because of this, I started to think about donkey meat.

  First, beat the eggs, sprinkle with flour, and stir evenly. Then wrap the donkey meat in the egg batter and fry it. Take it out when it looks a little golden on the outside.

  After taking it out, I selected various seasonings, wrapped them all in gauze and put them into the water. Then I chopped onions and ginger and threw them in. Cook them over high heat until they started to boil, so that the flavor of the seasonings could be fully absorbed. Once soaked in water, turn to fire and simmer slowly.

  It has to be simmered over slow fire, without fear of simmering it for a long time or using too much heat, so that the flavor can be absorbed. After stewing for a full hour, when the pot is opened, the aroma of hot donkey meat fills the small room.

  Gu Shunhua used chopsticks to fish out a piece from the steaming pot, put it in a bowl, let it cool and took a small bite. It was already smooth, tender and soft, and all the mellow aroma of donkey meat was in it.

  She sighed with satisfaction, thinking that donkey meat was really good. It was more tender than beef and pork. Just smelling it made people salivate!

  She took some first and gave it to Grandma Tong and Master Pan to taste. She also left a few kilograms for her parents. She thought about eating the rest during the Chinese New Year.

  This kind of donkey meat can be cooled and sliced, dipped in watermelon sauce or minced garlic, or eaten with freshly baked sesame sesame pancakes. Anyway, the best meat has been stewed and can be left there anytime. eat.

  After everyone tasted it, they naturally found nothing bad. At this time, Ren Jingnian took his children to buy various new year's goods.

  To buy New Year's goods, you have to take the non-staple food book. You can buy as much as you save in the non-staple food book. But Gu Shunhua doesn't have to worry about this. He is guarding the restaurant. If he still lacks this, he can naturally buy whatever he wants. There is no shortage of money at home. , it will definitely be a happy and satisfying New Year!

  Gu Shunhua bought a new sweater for himself, and the two children also bought a small black leather jacket. The inside of the small leather jacket was suede, which was very warm in winter. But there was no hat, so they had to wear a cotton hat.

  As for Ren Jingnian, he also bought a new suit. His big clothes were all issued by the army in the past. In fact, they are still good to wear now. However, Gu Shunhua still bought him a woolen coat, which was black and very thick. , wearing it makes you look taller and taller.

  I bought a lot of them one after another, carrying them home in pockets, and placing them all in the corner of the hut.

  After buying New Year's goods, it was already the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, so the whole family went to the bathhouse to take a bath.

  We went to Qinghua Pool, which is located on Hufang Road, two kilometers away from Dashilar. It was a bit far, but Qinghua Pool was nice. It was Chinese New Year, so I had to tidy up after all.

  Qinghua Pool is a bathhouse that has been around for more than seventy years, and everyone recognizes it.

  At this time, the bathhouse was late and there were no berths. Fortunately, Ren Jingnian already knew the entrance inside and made a reservation early. After going there, he first received the pre-ordered bamboo basket, and then Ren Jingnian took a full Man, Gu Shunhua and Duoduo went to the men's and women's baths respectively.

  After a good bath, I also ordered a massage and scraping service, had my hair done, and had my feet trimmed. Ren Jingnian also took Manman to a head massage. Anyway, I really enjoyed it for a while.

  After tidying up, Gu Shunhua went out and saw Ren Jingnian waiting for him and Duoduo with Manman.

  It was cold, and Man's face was flushed after just taking a shower, so she brought him ice cream and applied it to him: "Wait until the wind blows when you get back, then rub it carefully."

  She and Duoduo had already applied it. After they finished applying it, they asked Ren Jingnian: "How about you apply some too?"

  Ren Jingnian said hurriedly: "I won't wipe it off."

  Duoduo tilted his head and looked at Ren Jingnian curiously. He flattened his head and looked more energetic, but the child felt: "The new father is different from the previous father."

  The two adults laughed as they talked childishly, and Gu Shunhua laughed: "You only have one father, so you have to divide it into the old and the new!"

  After taking a shower, I felt refreshed. When I returned home, Gu Yuehua happened to be back and he was also on vacation.

  After half a year of studying, I have seen a lot, and I have some ideas of my own. Unlike before, I didn't do things lightly or seriously. The two children were very happy when they saw him. They shouted to their uncle and rushed over. Gu Yuehua picked them up and used them as a swing to play.

  Naturally, Chen Cuiyue asked Gu Yuehua about finding a partner as usual. Gu Yuehua had a headache when he heard it: "There are only five girls in the class and I have never interacted with them at all. How can it be so easy to find a partner?"

  Chen Cuiyue began to sigh, and asked someone to help introduce her: "At least we have to talk."

  At noon, the family had a reunion dinner. The dinner table was rarely lively. Now that Gu Yuehua and Ren Jingnian have gone to college, and Gu Shunhua has also gone to TV University, everyone inevitably talks about school and the current "going abroad craze". Many people want to learn English. As long as the government-sponsored international students pass the exam, the country will support them to study abroad. What a great opportunity.

  Gu Yuehua: "I wrote to my brother and asked specifically. He said that the toilets abroad are cleaner than our kitchens, and the floors are smooth and shiny! Capitalist countries are just different from us!"

  Upon hearing this, Chen Cuiyue said: "So it is a capitalist country. The capitalist country robbed our good things in China to have the good life today! They robbed so many things in the Old Summer Palace at that time!"

  Everyone laughed after hearing this, nodded repeatedly, and said yes, so everyone wants to go abroad and learn from foreign countries. This is called learning from foreigners and developing skills to control foreigners!


  In the afternoon, snowflakes started to fall from the sky, covering the courtyard with a light layer of white. The weathered gray walls and gray tiles loomed, giving it a somewhat mysterious feeling.

  Children dressed like balls ran out to play in the snow, leaving a series of small footprints.

  Gu Yuehua went out to play with friends. Chen Cuiyue and Gu Quanfu were playing at home, drinking tea and warming their hands. Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua were also reading and studying at home.

  In the evening, everyone just ate something. The two children played too much during the day and went to bed early.

  Gu Shunhua swept the snow off the window sill with a broom and closed the doors and windows tightly: "It hasn't snowed yet this year, but I hope there will be a big one. The auspicious snow will herald a good harvest."

  Turning around, Ren Jingnian took out half a bottle of wine: "Would you like some?"

  Gu Shunhua's eyes lit up: "Where did it come from?"

  Ren Jingnian: "You don't care where it comes from, just whether you want to drink it or not."

  Gu Shunhua smiled: "Of course!"

  When I turned around to look at the child sleeping on the bed, I couldn't help but laugh. I felt as excited as when I was a child eating snacks behind an adult's back.

  Previously, Gu Shunhua made a curtain in order not to disturb the child when he was studying. When the child fell asleep, they pulled the curtain, so at least the light would not affect the child.

  Now it was naturally zipped up. After zipping up, the couple had a good time, drinking half a bottle of wine at each other.

  At this time, snowflakes happened to be floating outside, and scattered stars passed through the window, like cold and beautiful reed flowers.

  Gu Shunhua took out a ceramic basin, took out various foods from it, cut them with a knife, cut the stewed donkey meat into plates, cut the meat with clear sauce, dry-fried small yellow croaker, and simply prepared a Qianlong cabbage.

  Anyway, if you live a prosperous life, you can eat delicious food. Don't be reluctant to part with it. Gu Shunhua has now realized that what you eat and enjoy is yours, so don't worry about it!

  The wine is Changyu wine, which is much taller than ordinary beer bottles. It is long and thin. When poured into a white porcelain cup, it has a bright red color, which reminds people of the peach blossoms in March and the beautiful red silk at the wedding.

  After Gu Shunhua drank a few glasses of wine, she became extremely drunk. She murmured, "I obviously drank wine, but why do I feel like I'm drunk?"

  Ren Jingnian sighed: "Do you think you can't get drunk after drinking wine?"

  He took the wine glass in her hand and said, "I won't let you drink more. If you insist on drinking more, look, you must be drunk."

  Gu Shunhua muttered, but Ren Jingnian had already picked her up: "Okay, let's go to bed."

  Outside the window, snowflakes were still falling, and the woman who was pouring dirt shrank her neck. When she came back, she hurriedly closed the door. The white stove in the room was always burning brightly, making people comfortable and warm.

  The body that had just taken a bath smelled soft and fragrant.

  That night, Gu Shunhua hugged his man, dripping with joy.

  At night after a year of hard work, the wine is delicious, the meat is delicious, and the man seems to be very attractive.



  I actually went to Lei's house years ago.

  Naturally, it should be after the New Year, but usually there is a three-day holiday during the New Year. Even if you have the time, others may not have the time. Besides, there will definitely be a lot of contact between Lei's family after the New Year.

  On that day, Qian Xiangli came over and gave her some three-star Gaozhao cakes, as well as some other things she made herself.

  Since the cooking appreciation meeting, the two of them have been in constant contact. Gu Shunhua has also given her some food. Now that Gu Shunhua got this, she is very happy. She kept some for herself and picked out some to take with Ren Jingnian. Go to Lei's house and go back to Xie Lei's donkey meat.

  It's the New Year, and the Lei family's house has been decorated. There are orchids on the table. The orchids are grown in purple sand pots with clear water. There are five-color stones in the clear water, which is really eye-catching.

  Gu Shunhua looked at it, thinking that he had seen a flower seller outside a few days ago and bought some later. Inside was the rain flower stone that Ren Jingnian got.

  Lei Yongquan's mother was very happy when she saw the snacks brought by Gu Shunhua. She said that these were award-winning snacks. She said she wanted to try them a few days ago, but she hadn't thought about it yet.

  While talking like this, he asked the child: "Why didn't you bring the child?"

  Gu Shunhua smiled and said that he was afraid that they would make a noise. Lei Yongquan's mother said: "It's noisy. The children are noisy, but the house seems lively! Bring them next time. Those two children are really my favorite. I liked it as soon as I saw it."

  Lei Yongquan's mother said this, and Gu Shunhua naturally agreed. From what Lei Yongquan's mother meant, it didn't sound like she was being polite, so she thought she would bring it if she came next time.

  While she was talking, Chang Hui came over. She looked a little thin and her complexion was not good. She was holding a small red lacquered tea tray in her hand. There was a steaming tea cup in the tea tray. Lei Yongquan's mother smiled and said: "Try it. Dahongpao is generally not available outside."

  Gu Shunhua had heard about Dahongpao's reputation and was curious, so he picked it up and took a sip.

  Lei Yongquan's mother explained: "Of course the best Dahongpao tree in Wuyi Mountain is the mother tree Dahongpao, but its annual output is less than three kilograms, and they are all for foreign guests and leaders. Even our family thinks the same. It's precious, and I don't dare to drink it casually. Now this one is a purebred Dahongpao, cultivated from the mother tree Dahongpao, but even this one is difficult to buy in the market outside."

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "I remember reading a book, which mentioned that in the Qing Dynasty, a gift list for Emperor Qianlong said, Biluochun twenty kilograms, Longjing thirty kilograms, and Dahongpao eight taels. At that time, I thought, this Dahongpao What must it be like, you are eager to provide it to the emperor with only eight taels, it must be a rare thing!"

  Lei Yongquan's mother laughed: "You have read a lot and have a lot of experience. You even know this. Otherwise, I like talking to you. Listening to you say this, I have gained experience and feel that this tea tastes even more delicious!"

  When talking like this, Chang Hui also sat down to accompany her. Naturally, she mentioned Chang Hui's current college entrance examination. Lei Yongquan's mother said: "I don't know what to say about her. Tell me about her stubbornness and insistence on entering college. But even if you get into college and graduate, if you don't rely on connections, you won't be assigned anywhere, and it might not be as good as the job you have now!"

  When Chang Hui heard this, her face turned pale and she was obviously a little depressed.

  Gu Shunhua said: "Auntie, what you said makes sense, but Chang Hui's willingness to take the college entrance examination shows that she wants to make progress and have a common language with Yongquan. She wants to live a good life and make herself better. Excellent. Although she has entered the university library now, when others mention it, they will always say whose daughter-in-law it is, and secretly they will inevitably feel that she was stuffed in because of relatives. If Chang Hui is admitted to the university, others will When it comes to the daughter-in-law of the Lei family, not everyone has to give a thumbs up, she is indeed the daughter-in-law of the old Lei family, she went to college with just one exam!"

  These words made Lei Yongquan's mother laugh: "I'm really looking forward to this. If she can really pass the exam, she will make me happy too, right?"

  Gu Shunhua looked at Chang Hui: "Chang Hui, I really envy you. You have a mother-in-law like Auntie. She is actually a bitch. She treats you like a daughter and hopes that you and Yongquan will be well."

  When he said this, he gave Chang Hui a secret wink.

  Chang Hui understood, moved her lips, and finally said: "I know what Mom is thinking, and I really want to bring glory to our family after I get into college, so that others won't look down upon me."

  When Lei Yongquan's mother heard this, she was immediately satisfied: "I can see that Chang Hui is actually a kind child and a down-to-earth person. He came through hardships with Yongquan, but he is stupid. I now I don't have anything else to think about, I just hope that she will get into college as soon as possible, have a baby later, and the couple will live a good life!"

  After talking for a while, guests from the Lei family came. At this time, there are always guests from the Lei family. Lei Yongquan's mother confessed her crime and went to the west room living room to entertain the guests. Gu Shunhua also went there with Chang Hui. Chang Hui and Lei Yongquan's bedroom.

  Gu Shunhua: "Let me say hello to you. I think that although your mother-in-law talks about being tough, she really treats you as her daughter-in-law. In fact, she hopes that you will be well. Even if her ideas may not be what you like, that's because That's the kind of person she is. Although you may not listen to her, you can definitely be sweeter, just coax her and it'll be fine!"

  Chang Hui smiled bitterly: "I really don't know how. I know what you asked me to say just now, and I forced it out."

  Gu Shunhua: "Then I will teach you a few words, and you can recite them to her. I can see that as long as you give in and say a few nice words, Auntie will have no other opinions. Auntie cares about etiquette. People, sometimes, she just lacks that one sentence. When you say it, people will be happy, and there will be people who turn a blind eye and accept it."

  Chang Hui: "...that's okay."

  Gu Shunhua taught her a few words casually, and then told her: "You really can't say these things, then I will tell you the last trick. If you are fine, remember to call mom. Call mom when you come in, call mom when you go out, and call mom when you are eating. Call mom before going to bed, and call mom eight times a day!"

  Chang Hui stared when she heard this: "Is this okay..."

  Gu Shunhua: "Why not? Just think of yourself as the radio, and when you see your mother-in-law, you will automatically play 'Mom, Mom, Mom\', and don't think about anything else."

  Chang Hui simply laughed: "I'll try it!"

  But Chang Hui smiled and suddenly started coughing.

  Gu Shunhua looked at Chang Hui and felt more and more that she looked wrong: "What's wrong with you? When you came in with tea just now, I felt that your face was pale. Are you tired from taking exams recently?"

  However, Chang Hui was silent when Gu Shunhua asked.

  Seeing her hesitating, Gu Shunhua felt suspicious and suddenly became afraid.

  Niu Deshui's sudden illness was like a bolt from the blue. Chang Hui couldn't help but not think too much about it.

  The voice was a little strange for a moment: "Chang Hui, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

  Chang Hui shook her head and said harshly: "It's nothing, actually it's me, I -"

  Gu Shunhua: "What's wrong?"

  Chang Hui sighed and finally said: "Shunhua, I had an abortion."


  Gu Shunhua naturally never expected it.

  Chang Hui said: "Shunhua, I also found out a few days ago. It was more than two months ago when the hospital found out. I blame myself. I have been under a lot of pressure recently and I didn't pay attention to my period. It's almost three months since I found out. , I don't know what to do. I've done some calculations and found out that the baby's due date happens to be around the time of the college entrance examination. The doctor said it should be after the college entrance examination, but that's not necessarily the case. None of this can be said for sure, and I can't give birth right away. The Lei family is definitely not willing to take the college entrance examination. I want to take the college entrance examination so much, I must take the college entrance examination!"

  Speaking of this, she had tears in her eyes: "If I give birth to a child like this, my hope of taking the college entrance examination will be even slimmer. Once I give birth to a child, I will definitely have to take care of the child, so this is my last chance. I I aborted the child."

  Gu Shunhua was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses. She looked out the window and saw no one outside. Then she frowned and said, "Who else knows about this? Does Auntie know? Does Yongquan know?"

  Chang Hui: "Yongquan knew it. We talked about it. He knew what I was thinking, so he took me to the hospital to have it done. After it was done, he took leave from school and came to take care of me for a few days. My mother-in-law... I don't know. ."

  Gu Shunhua was silent for a while, and then sighed: "I can only say that you and this child have no fate. Since it is gone, then it is gone. But in this case, you will put too much pressure on yourself."

  Chang Hui was afraid that she would not be able to withstand the blow if she failed to pass the college entrance examination at the expense of a child.

  Chang Hui: "Despite everything, I must pass the exam."

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "Yes."

  After a while, she said again: "You must hide this matter. Don't let Lei's family know about it. If your aunt finds out about this matter, your relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will never get better in this life."

  Chang Hui: "I understand."

  Gu Shunhua: "Your complexion is so bad, you need to make up for it. Didn't Auntie say anything?"

  Chang Hui: "I just said that I caught a cold a year ago and was extremely busy and stayed up late. I didn't say anything and asked her to take good care of herself."

  Gu Shunhua: "Then you go back and drink some chicken soup, fish soup or something to replenish your body."

  Chang Hui: "This is difficult to do. It's the Chinese New Year and there are many guests. It's impossible to stew this for nothing. If you want to drink this, you have to find a reason."

  After hearing this, Gu Shunhua thought for a while and said: "Ask Yongquan to find a way to get old hens, the kind of old hens raised in Huairou Mountain, and send them to my hotel. I will take the time to stew them on the stove for you. When the time comes, You go over there and I'll give you a thermos and you can take it back to school to drink. There is a direct bus from our hotel to your school. Although there are a few stops, you don't have to reverse the bus, so it's not particularly troublesome."

  Chang Hui: "How can this be done? You are so busy at work, how can I let you worry about me anymore! Besides, people in the work unit have no objections."

  Gu Shunhua: "That's not a problem. It doesn't cost anything to make a soup. There are people in our unit who will bring the ingredients and sit on the stove in the unit, so it won't be a problem."

  She said for a moment: "Chang Hui, don't be polite to me. I have seen through many things now. You can't live without health. In fact, going to college, earning money and having a job are not as important as health. What happened to you this time must be You have to take good care of your body. If you don't take good care of yourself, what if it affects your future fertility?"

  Chang Hui lowered her head and her eyes were a little moist: "Shunhua, I'll thank you first, and I'll talk to Yongquan later."

  After talking to Chang Hui for a while, Lei Yongquan and Ren Jingnian came into the house. Lei Yongquan was in a good mood and laughed: "Shunhua, there is great news!"

  Gu Shunhua: "What good news? Are you going to give me beef or pork this time?"

  Lei Yongquan: "I heard that you had a good life as a child and saved a lot of money?"

  Gu Shunhua smiled and said, "Young Master, please stop teasing us."

  Lei Yongquan said: "I have a friend who knows a family that wants to sell a courtyard house. The location is pretty good, just around Xinjiekou. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

  Chapter 89 Badaowan Hutong

  Ren Jingnian: "I looked at the map and thought the location was good. It's not far from the Cotton Alley we went to a few days ago?"

  Gu Shunhua was a little confused for a moment: "How much is it? Is the other party willing to sell it? What's the situation?"

  She had indeed been thinking about this and wanted to find one, but of course it was not easy to find. She thought she would have to try slowly, but she didn't expect to meet one now.

  Lei Yongquan told her that the other person was from a scholarly family and had some ancestral property. The courtyard was built by his ancestors. His father had made some contributions to the country, and his superiors had written a letter. No one has touched the courtyard, even in the past few years. However, the old father had already died of illness, and now only one son is left at home.

  This son went to the mountains and countryside before. By chance, he was recommended to the Department of Physics of the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers College of South China Normal University. In the past two years, he was admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China as a graduate student. Now the Ministry of Education has started sending people to study abroad, and he was sent by the school to participate I took the exam to study abroad and passed it. Although I was studying abroad on a government-sponsored basis, I still wanted to bring more money with me. The yard at home was of no use, so I just wanted to sell it.

  Lei Yongquan: "I guess the other party actually has the idea of ​​​​staying there in case of changes in the future. It would be safer to exchange everything into US dollars! This family is a pure intellectual family. The old father has made a lifelong contribution to the country. , I don't want to be a son anymore and want to sell him and go abroad."

  Lei Yongquan knew some of the situation, so he was inevitably a little sad.

  Gu Shunhua felt good after listening to it. The yard used by the scholarly family sounded like it could also absorb the cultural atmosphere of the family.

  Ren Jingnian had no objection to seeing Gu Shunhua, so he agreed to make an appointment to go over there tomorrow.

  On the way back, Gu Shunhua was naturally a little excited, but he was worried that the price would be too high.

  "We have only earned 10,000 yuan from selling Qingjiang Pork for so long. If the other party asks for a high price, we will definitely not be able to pay it. It won't happen in a short while."

  Ren Jingnian consoled him, "If it's too expensive, we'll definitely give it up. Anyway, that place is relatively remote, several kilometers away from Anmen."

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he thought to himself that you just said that the location was good. This was just to comfort me.

  She sighed: "What are you talking about? That courtyard is nice. It's not far from Huguo Temple. It's a good location anyway. It should be quite comfortable to live there. Moreover, the courtyard built by the ancestors of the Scholarly Family must have been built with great care. That's it."

  Ren Jingnian: "Even if we miss this, there will be opportunities later. We will definitely be able to save more money. If we want to buy it, we can still buy it again."

  Gu Shunhua naturally understood what Ren Jingnian said, but he was still full of imagination about the courtyard house Lei Yongquan said. He really wished he could go there and see it now.

  While talking, Ren Jingnian mentioned Chang Hui: "It feels like her complexion is wrong. Is she sick?"

  Gu Shunhua never expected him to be so sharp, but thinking about it, he had always been like this.

  But this kind of matter involves the privacy of a good friend, and she doesn't want to mention it to Ren Jingnian. It's not that she can't trust her husband, but it's a woman's business after all, and it's also Chang Hui's privacy.

  She thought for a while and said, "It must be that studying and working have been hard recently. It's not easy to say that."

  Ren Jingnian: "Oh, that may be so."

  Gu Shunhua knew that Ren Jingnian probably had suspicions, but he stopped asking, and she stopped mentioning it. Anyway, just don't go into details. As for how he guessed, it didn't matter to him.


  The next day, Lei Yongquan rode over and took Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian to Xinjiekou. The specific location of the house for sale was in Badaowan Hutong.

  Hutongs in Beijing are generally straight, going all the way to the end, but in Xinjiekou, the alley to the north of the former public alley is winding, so this alley is called Badaowan Hutong.

  After walking in, most of the alleys were ordinary houses, and there were not many large houses with gates. The gates were either Ruyi gates or wall gates. I walked around like this, carefully identifying the house numbers, and finally arrived at a place.

  Lei Yongquan pointed to one place and said: "This is it."

  Ren Jingnian stopped the car and Gu Shunhua took a look. The courtyard was built with a Ruyi Gate. The blue brick patterns on the lintel were exquisitely carved and rich in layers. The Ruyi flower decorations at the intersection of the lintel and the brick wall were even more lifelike.

  Although the red door looks a bit old, it can be seen that it is made of high-quality wood, and it must have been made with care.

  Just looking at this Ruyi Gate, Gu Shunhua already felt a little fonder. This kind of Ruyi Gate is usually used in small and medium-sized courtyards. His ancestors were definitely not officials, but their family background was generally quite sophisticated, which was in line with the aura of a scholarly family.

  While several people were talking, Lei Yongquan had already knocked on the door, and soon someone shouted: "Come on, come on."

  The visitor was wearing a blue tunic suit, a crew cut, and glasses. He looked like a cultured person at first glance.

  Lei Yongquan greeted the other party and said who introduced him. Comrade Su knew as soon as he heard that he was here to see the house.

  Lei Yongquan introduced Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian, and they exchanged surnames.

  This comrade's surname is Su, and everyone calls him Comrade Su.

  Comrade Su led them inside. After entering, they had to pass through a porch. When they walked through the porch, they saw the screen wall. The carvings on the screen wall were quite old.

  Comrade Su then introduced: "This house has been built for fifty or sixty years. It was built by my grandfather at that time. It was to provide a new house for my grandfather to get married, so it was built with great care."

  Coming from the right side of the screen wall, there is a small moon gate. After walking around the moon gate, you can see a square courtyard in front of you. It is not too big, but it is well arranged.

  Comrade Su said: "Later, my father got married and stopped living here. He has been renting it out. Before liberation, this house was rented to the personal doctor of the Kuomintang military commander. He was very particular about people. Now I have been studying outside, and this house is rented to I married a university professor who is also an Indonesian overseas Chinese. I have made an agreement with this Indonesian overseas Chinese that he will move out after the sale."

  Gu Shunhua looked at the yard. The main house facing north and south was made of round tube tiles. A sycamore was planted on the left and a catalpa tree was planted on the right. This was rare. Generally, locust trees were planted in the yard, and lilacs were planted. Haitang, looking so elegant.

  Comrade Su explained: "The plane trees and catalpa trees actually have allusions to each other, which means that the sycamore trees and catalpa trees shine together, which is good luck. Look at the window here, there are day lilies growing there, and there are also day lilies growing next to the house in the north. I planted toon, but the toon was cut down a few years ago, and the toon and day lily are flourishing side by side. Together, the toon and day lily are flourishing, and the toon and day lily are flourishing."

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help but marvel as he listened, thinking that he didn't know there was such a thing.

  Comrade Su continued: "If you are more particular, you can also plant orchids and osmanthus trees, which is orchid, osmanthus and osmanthus. Look here again, our tiles are all good. It is impossible to build a house now like in the past. In fact, they all use good materials."

  Gu Shunhua took a closer look. The house with a front porch was made of blue bricks and gray tiles, and the carvings were meticulous. A great deal of effort must have been put into it back then.

  Comrade Su led everyone through the door again. The door had the customary four screen doors, which were oily green. After walking in, the decoration was naturally a bit old, but the furniture could be seen to be in good condition.

  In the past year or two, many educated youths have returned from Beijing, and there is a sudden demand for marriages. I am so nervous about wood, but there is a lot of wood furniture in this house, and it looks antique.

  Comrade Su began to introduce them: "Look, the corridors here are hollow under the corridors. Each room in the north house is built with brick kangs. The brick kangs in each house are connected from the bottom. The ones in the north house are all hollow. A coal pond for burning coal was built in the east. In winter, when the coal pond in the east is burned, every house will be warm. That is not the white stove used by ordinary people today!"

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he felt that this was really interesting. It meant that when the outside was lit, the whole house would be warm, and he was not afraid of being poisoned by gas. But after thinking about it, he said, "This must be a waste of coal. It will burn from the outside to the inside in one go. Then How vigorous the burning must be! How much coal must be used to burn it every day!"

  Comrade Su glanced at Gu Shunhua with some disdain: "Don't you understand this? Even wealthy people cannot burn this kind of coal pond every day. Once it is burned to remove the moisture, you will not feel cold for ten and a half months." , If you burn it a few times in the winter, you can get through it. If you burn it every day, why don't you get angry?"

  Gu Shunhua suddenly realized.

  Comrade Su introduced the furniture again: "My set of furniture is made of rosewood. If you ask around, you will know that it is a rare wood. If I hadn't been going abroad now, I wouldn't be willing to sell it."


  Although Gu Shunhua didn't understand, when he heard this, he immediately remembered that it seemed to be mentioned in the book that this kind of wood would be very, very expensive in the future!

  That is to say, now, those ten years have just passed, and this kind of thing has not yet become popular. When it becomes popular, there will be nowhere to buy it.

  She tentatively said: "If you buy this courtyard house, you also have to buy this furniture, right?"

  Comrade Su: "Of course, otherwise if the house is sold, I won't have anywhere to put my furniture!"

  Gu Shunhua was a little frightened. It was estimated that the price would go up, so he looked at Ren Jingnian.

  Ren Jingnian has already looked at this house front and back, and it is indeed a pretty good house.

  If this kind of courtyard is too big, it will inevitably be empty for the whole family to live in, and it will be troublesome to clean. But if it is too small, it will still be too cramped. The current size is just right.

  The house was also well built, comparable to Lei's courtyard house. If they could live in it, the family would definitely be happy. He could even imagine the children doing their homework in the shade under the trees in the yard in the summer.

  And once a yard is associated with a better life in the future, the yard will become more pleasing to the eye.

  Of course he could see what Gu Shunhua meant. She wanted it. She liked it so much when she saw this courtyard house, but she was just afraid that she couldn't afford it.

  He then asked Comrade Su about the price. Comrade Su gestured with his fingers and said, "If I want to sell it, I will definitely sell it with the furniture. I'm anxious now. If I want to sell it, the flat price is 20,000."

  Twenty thousand?

  Gu Shunhua took a deep breath: "That's a bit expensive. We're afraid we won't be able to afford it."

  Hearing this, Comrade Su hurriedly said: "Our furniture is all good furniture. It is too cheap and we will not be sorry to our ancestors if we sell it at a low price."

  Ren Jingnian: "Okay, let's think about it again. After all, this is a big deal."

  So a few people came out. After coming out, they inevitably looked at the surrounding environment. To be honest, the environment was just average. It was incomparable to the street where Mr. Pu was before. It was so winding and not smooth to walk on.

  Lei Yongquan said: "This area, despite its twists and turns, is quite popular with literati. It is said that it has the meaning of winding paths leading to seclusion. The former residence of Mr. Lu Xun was here."

  Gu Shunhua became more energetic after hearing this, and asked about it. He asked someone to find out, and found out that it was at No. 11 Badaowan, so he went over to take a look.

  When I got to the door, I saw an old man and asked them about it. It was cold and the old man was sitting on a horse with his sleeves in his sleeves basking in the sun. When he heard them asking, he became interested and stood up to tell them.

  It is said that in the Qing Dynasty, this area was under the control of Zhenghongqi. It should have been the official clothing warehouse, where the fine clothes in the palace were kept. Some decent princes once lived here, but Mr. Lu Xun bought this land. This place has fallen into decline.

  He also told them about the situation in the courtyard. The courtyard was not too big, but square, and there were lilac trees planted in it as usual. The No. 11 courtyard that once belonged to Mr. Lu Xun was now home to dozens of families, turning it into a large courtyard.

  After looking at it, I couldn't say much. I wasn't completely satisfied with the environment, but it was enough. After all, their money was limited and they couldn't buy anything good at the same time.

  But the price is too expensive, at 20,000 yuan, they will definitely have no chance.

  Seeing that they were a little frustrated, Lei Yongquan advised them: "Don't worry too much. His 20,000 yuan must be an imaginary number. He is anxious to sell it and go abroad. This must be waiting for someone to cut it."

  Gu Shunhua smiled bitterly: "We only have 10,000 yuan on hand now. Maybe we can make a little difference. If we cut it off, we can't cut it in half. People won't scold us yet."

  Lei Yongquan: "Maybe we can make up some more? I'll find a way to lend you some and negotiate the price later?"

  Gu Shunhua: "This is quite difficult. Now everyone's salary is only a few dozen yuan, and everyone we know is at this level. Where can I get so many. As for borrowing from you, our friendship, I'm talking about hundreds, a thousand , if you have it, just lend it to me, and I won't be polite to you, but no matter how much it is, even if it's several thousand dollars, you can't take it out!"

  Lei Yongquan thought about it and said, "Then let me ask about it. Maybe it will be cheaper if we don't need those furniture. I will try to find a way to ask who can still buy those furniture."

  In fact, Gu Shunhua had given up hope, but he was unwilling to brush off Lei Yongquan's kindness: "Yongquan, then you can help and take the trouble. But if the other party is stubborn and won't let go, forget it, don't waste time."

  On the way back, the sky became overcast and looked like it was snowing. Gu Shunhua felt depressed and sighed a little: "We still can't reach it now. We really thought too much about buying a courtyard house!"

  Ren Jingnian looked at her dejected look and consoled her: "As for it, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. I read in the newspaper that since last year, the country has begun to implement a pilot program for full-price sales of commercial housing. I chose Guangzhou, Xi'an and several cities in Liuzhou are conducting pilot projects. In the future, houses may be regarded as commodities and can be bought and sold freely. We will have many opportunities."

  Gu Shunhua: "Well, you are right. We will buy better ones when we make money in the future."

  I happened to go into Dashilan and saw a painting shed. The painting shed is usually set up within a few days of the twelfth lunar month. All kinds of New Year paintings are sold inside, which is naturally free of charge.

  So the two of them went over to have a look, and chose Yang Liuqing's "More than Years After Years", "Picture of Picking Lotus" and "Love of Science". They thought that apart from wedding photos, there were no extra decorations in the house. The only New Year picture was from last year. They are no longer fresh after being smoked, so buying three New Year pictures and hanging them at home will make them look fresh.

  When she went back into the alley, Guduoer happened to be taking measurements there. She was already thinking about how big a door she would open.

  Seeing them, he asked: "Shunhua, I was just about to tell you about Qingjiang Pork. There are many people who want to buy our Qingjiao Pork. I was wondering if we could catch up with another one after the Spring Festival. Approved?"

  Gu Shunhua perked up as soon as he heard this: "Do it, of course we have to do it, we're going to have a big batch!"

  Gu Duo'er was surprised: "Didn't you say before that making money was not important? Why did you suddenly change?"

  Gu Shunhua then came closer: "Now and then, I thought I had enough money before, but now I realize it's not enough. There's a long way to go!"

  Guduoer: "What's wrong?"

  Ren Jingnian had no choice but to mention it to Gu Duo'er. When Gu Duo'er heard this, he said, "If it doesn't work, you can lend me the few thousand yuan I have."

  Guduoer also has four thousand on hand.

  Gu Shunhua: "How can this be possible? I borrowed so much money and still have nowhere to pay it back, so basically we still have to make money quickly."

  Ren Jingnian: "I don't have anything else to do except going to class now. I'll worry about the Qingjiang Pork later. I hope we can earn more by relying on the Qingjiang Pork and live in a courtyard as soon as possible."

  Gu Duo'er: "That's good, let's take a look anyway. If you are really anxious, just use the money I have here to worry about it first. You originally earned this money with me. I'm still afraid of you when I'm guarding a master like you." You can't default on your debt!"

  In the next two days, Gu Shunhua stopped thinking about the courtyard. The Chinese New Year was coming, and the children no longer went to daycare. The whole family just celebrated the Chinese New Year happily.

  Looking back on the past year, my eldest brother went abroad. When he comes back, he will definitely be trained as a key technical backbone. He has a bright future. My younger brother Yuehua was admitted to university. After he came out, he became a national cadre. He went to Yuhuatai to develop. He did well, and he became famous after participating in the cooking competition. He did well in the business of soy sauce meat and watermelon sauce. From now on, his money will be smooth, and Ren Jingnian will be admitted to university.

  It can be said that this year is a year of harvest, so a mere courtyard house is nothing. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it!

  That day when I was putting up New Year pictures, I heard Grandpa Sun calling from the entrance of the alley. He said that the post office had sent an order with her package, and it was from Hunan.

  Gu Shunhua was also puzzled when he heard it, a package from Hunan?

  Immediately, he asked Ren Jingnian to ride his bicycle to the post office to pick it up. When he got it back, he put a large and heavy package there, weighing dozens of kilograms. After looking at the list, he saw that it was from Wang Yunquan.

  Gu Shunhua laughed: "When he left, he insisted on leaving my address and sending me delicious food later, but he didn't expect it to come!"

  There was also a letter in the package. The letter first said hello and then talked about his return to Hunan. The provincial leaders began to pay attention to the development of Hunan cuisine, saying that they wanted to restore and develop traditional Hunan cuisine techniques. He was remembered by the Changsha Municipal People's Government. It was such a great achievement that it was featured on the front page of Hunan Daily.

  Now his salary has been increased and he has hired many apprentices. The province has allocated special funds to help him develop Hunan cuisine. It can be said that he has just begun to develop his ambitions.

  Gu Shunhua looked at this and was naturally happy for him.

  Thinking back to Wang Yunquan, who was misunderstood as a vegetable farmer in front of the Ershang Bureau Guest House, things are really different now!

  When I opened the package again, I was shocked. It was quite a lot!

  There were six or seven salted ducks, about ten pounds of bacon, dried day lilies, and some that she couldn't recognize. No wonder it was so heavy.

  She was also amazed: "He actually sent so many!"

  Immediately I packed up, put away what should be put away, and hung up what should be hung. I warmed up a salted duck with soy sauce and ate it today to taste it.

  As for the others, there was a large package of blackened soft strips with something like sesame and chili peppers on them. She couldn't tell what they were, so she took them over and showed them to her father.

  Gu Quanfu looked at it carefully and recognized it: "This is eggplant glutinous rice wine."

  Eggplant sauce?

  Gu Shunhua suddenly remembered: "I read a book, written by Mr. Wang Zengqi, which mentioned eggplant press. It said that it is made by cutting eggplants into thin strips, drying them and fermenting them in a vat!"

  Gu Quanfu nodded: "Yes, that's how it should be done. You can add chili peppers to stir-fry them until fragrant. Stir-fry the dried tofu and add a little more oil. This kind of air-dried eggplant absorbs oil very well and has a bit of toughness. When stir-fried, tasty."

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he immediately swallowed his saliva.

  Fry it now!

  Gu Yuehua happened to be at home at this time. Seeing so many delicious foods, he was so greedy that he drooled: "Sister, you don't know how difficult life is in school. Meal tickets are rationed, which is not enough to eat. Fortunately, some female classmates can't eat." After that, you can sell it to us, but you have to rob it."

  Gu Shunhua: "You deserve it. Who told you not to go home? The house is short of food for you?"

  Gu Yuehua sighed: "Look at my mother when I get home, nagging me all day long!"

  Gu Shunhua: "Those kind-hearted female classmates who sold you meal tickets, why can't you develop and develop?"

  However, Gu Yuehua became embarrassed and scratched his head: "Let's see and then talk!"

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he felt that there was probably someone he liked, but he just had the intention, so he didn't mention it right away to avoid embarrassment.

  While talking so casually, Gu Yuehua also helped with the cooking, and it was almost ready in no time. He steamed the salted duck with soy sauce, stir-fried the eggplant in a saucepan, and cooked several other local dishes. The family had a reunion dinner.

  Beijing is famous for its roast duck, but Hunan people naturally have different ways of eating the same duck. The skin of this duck is red and the meat is red, which is completely different from the golden color of Beijing roast duck. At first glance, I am confused as to why it has such a strong color. But after tasting it, it tasted better.

  The meat is very juicy, with a spicy aroma and a sweet aftertaste, and the thin parts of the meat are even brighter in color, making it more chewy to eat.

  Of course, this was definitely not suitable for children, so I cut bacon for the children and used the bacon to stir-fry cabbage. It tasted really good and the children liked it very much.

  As for the stir-fried eggplant in a saucepan, the family tasted it and found it to be quite tasty. The tough and soft eggplant cubes soaked up the oil and tasted delicious. For those who are short of oil and water, it is really a delicious meal.

  While eating, Chen Cuiyue couldn't help but mention Gu Zhenhua: "I don't know what happened to him abroad. He is alone, and others are celebrating the New Year in a lively way. How uncomfortable it is for him to be alone!"

  Gu Yuehua smiled: "Mom, people spend Christmas and New Year's Day abroad, but it's not our New Year."

  Chen Cuiyue was shocked: "How can they not celebrate the Chinese New Year? What's wrong with these foreigners? They cannot celebrate the Chinese New Year? Then they don't eat dumplings?"

  Gu Shunhua: "Mom, it doesn't mean that everyone in the world eats dumplings during the Chinese New Year. We eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year, but what about southerners who don't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year?"

  Chen Cuiyue became even more puzzled: "If you don't eat dumplings, what is called celebrating the New Year? How can you, a good Chinese person, not eat dumplings during the New Year?"

  Gu Shunhua: "Let's eat something else, glutinous rice balls. Anyway, southerners don't eat dumplings. It's us in the north who think it's natural to eat dumplings during the New Year!"

  Chen Cuiyue was obviously a little confused, and Gu Shunhua added: "As for my brother, mom, you don't have to worry. Although we are abroad, there are workers and leaders who are going with us, as well as embassies abroad, so we must celebrate the New Year together. "

  Chen Cuiyue was a little relieved now, but she remembered Gu Zhenhua's marriage again: "I really didn't expect that Xiumei's child. She seemed quite honest at the time and was very kind to your brother. Who knows how long we have been apart now? Within a few months, I found a family to get married, and I can even ask you to borrow money, who would have thought!"

  Gu Shunhua heard his mother mention it: "Our family has nothing to do with her now. Whether she lives a good or bad life in the future will be her own path. Anyway, just don't come to us again."

  Chen Cuiyue sighed and began to urge Gu Yuehua.

  In the evening, Gu Shunhua Ren Jingnian returned to his room. Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, he heard a knock on the door outside. When he opened it, he saw that it was Grandma Tong.

  Gu Shunhua hurriedly invited him in: "Grandma Tong, have you eaten?"

  Grandma Tong smiled: "Eat."

  Gu Shunhua brought some eggplant glutinous rice wine: "My friend sent me some food today, but forget about the others. They are either hard or spicy, and I don't dare to give them to you. Grandma Tong, you can try them later and call them eggplant glutinous rice wine." "

  Grandma Tong: "That's great. I'll try this flavor."

  Now Grandma Tong sat down and teased the child. Ren Jingnian saw Grandma Tong coming over and knew that something was probably going on, so he went to Gu Yuehua's house.

  While Grandma Tong was talking, she asked, "Shunhua, I heard from Gu Duoer that you want to buy a yard when you go out today?"

  Gu Shunhua: "I have this idea, but it's not suitable, so forget it. Don't worry, we'll talk about it later."

  Grandma Tong: "How much is the difference?"

  Gu Shunhua: "If it's just a little bit, I won't consider it."

  Grandma Tong: "I sold that bowl for six thousand yuan, didn't I? If it's enough, you can take it and use it first."

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he was shocked and said hurriedly: "That's definitely not possible, Grandma Tong, that's the money you paid for selling the bowls. How can I use it casually? It's a lot of money! This is definitely not appropriate!"

  Grandma Tong sighed: "Otherwise, I won't let you use my money in vain. You can just return it to me after you earn it, and then give me interest."

  Gu Shunhua: "That's not possible. I may not be able to pay you back. Then Grandma Tong, your debt will be in vain!"

  But Grandma Tong said: "I've already asked. This money doesn't earn much interest in the bank. If I can give it to you, you can give me some interest later. I can make some money at least, so I won't be left empty handed. In fact, I sold it I regret thinking about that bowl, but if I sell it, I can't get it back, so I can only think of using the money from selling the bowl, otherwise what's the point of leaving it alone like this!"

  Gu Shunhua was somewhat moved. She was now famous and skilled. After the new year, she would make another batch of clear sauce pork and sell it casually. She could make money by selling it with her eyes closed. In the summer, she would make another batch of watermelon sauce. She would be more diligent and run around. , she felt that she could earn back the money.

  And seeing what that means, the world will change in the future. You can borrow money to buy a house, and you can pay back the money you borrow from the bank slowly.

  But for a moment, thinking of so much money, she still hesitated and didn't dare to do it. She was afraid that if she didn't do it well, she would cheat Grandma Tong, and she would definitely be blamed for her death!

  After Grandma Tong left, she mentioned this matter to Ren Jingnian, and Ren Jingnian also said: "Forget it, the old man can keep the money for retirement. We will use it. If she has any urgent need, we won't pay for it for a while." It's not appropriate either."

  Gu Shunhua felt the same way, so he thought about talking to Grandma Tong later.

  The author has something to say: No. 11 Badaowan was bought by Lu Xun in 1919 for 4,000. It is a courtyard with three entrances. At that time, Zhou Zuoren also lived together as a family. It was also in this courtyard that their brothers turned against each other.

  Chapter 90 Buying a courtyard house

  During the Chinese New Year, it is natural to have a lively time. We eat dumplings and set off firecrackers. We are willing to put meat in the dumplings. Although the pork and cabbage dumplings are homemade, they taste delicious. We eat dumplings dipped in vinegar and listen to the sound of firecrackers and the laughter of children outside. There is an atmosphere during the Chinese New Year.

  The Chinese New Year went smoothly. Most employee families only took three days off during the Chinese New Year, and it was almost time to go back to work, but Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian could relax for a few more days.

  Ren Jingnian's school opened on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, and Gu Shunhua's state-owned restaurant opened on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. Anyway, while others were busy going to work, they could continue to relax for a few days.

  In the past few days, someone from the suburbs happened to come over early to sell chickens. Gu Shunhua bought two, and one of them stewed soup. He called Chang Hui over, drank together, and said: "Yongquan's family has a lot of supplements, let Yongquan think of a way." Get some donkey-hide gelatin, and I'll go to Tongrentang later and make it into donkey-hide gelatin cake, so you can eat more. I heard that it's very effective in replenishing blood after childbirth."

  Chang Hui drank two large bowls, and her eyes were a little moist: "I just need to drink some of this. In fact, Yongquan also secretly got me some milk powder in the past few days. Although it is for children, I drink it." It should be fine, I'm slowly making up for it."

  Gu Shunhua: "Yongquan is quite reliable at critical moments."

  Chang Hui nodded: "Well, I thought, he had never experienced anything before. Even though it was very difficult in Inner Mongolia, he still came over with a smile. He was also frightened when he saw me having an abortion that day. He hugged me and cried "

  Gu Shunhua: "Keep this matter a secret until you go to college and have a child as soon as possible. Even if your mother-in-law finds out in the future, it won't be a big deal."

  Chang Hui: "I think so too."

  Chang Hui said again: "By the way, about the house, it seems that the other party came to Yongquan again later and said that the price can be negotiated. In fact, you can talk about it again. If it doesn't work, let Yongquan help you think of something. That's great. If we can buy this house, you will live a comfortable life in the future."

  Gu Shunhua: "The main reason is that the difference is too much. The difference is so much that I can't even reach it. How can you have the nerve to borrow so much money from others? You are afraid that you won't be able to pay it back! We have been poor for so long before, so we only have a little money." Make some money, I really don't have the guts to borrow too much at once."

  If you borrow money from a bank like you did later, the risk is your own and you are willing to risk it. But if you borrow money from an elderly person, if anything happens, you are cheating your own family.

  Chang Hui didn't say anything after hearing this. Who knew that the next day, Lei Yongquan came over and actually took two boxes of Dong'e donkey-hide gelatin: "See how you make this, make donkey-hide gelatin cake, and let Chang Hui eat some later." , and let her replenish her body."

  Gu Shunhua was just talking, but he didn't expect Lei Yongquan to get it in a blink of an eye.

  Lei Yongquan: "Shunhua, thank you for thinking about her so much. In fact, this is also my fault. Her abortion this time was very harmful to her body."

  Seeing Lei Yongquan like this, Gu Shunhua didn't want to say anything at first, but he couldn't help it and sighed: "Yongquan, to be honest, you are a man. As a man, you cannot feel the pain of a woman, such as the pain of pregnancy." The pain of childbirth and abortion are real harm to the body and must be borne by flesh and blood. In addition to this, women also have to face getting along with their parents-in-law and the social pressure. Even if we don't care about the constraints placed on women's moral reputation in all aspects, this society is like this, the environment is like this, and we can't escape it."

  Lei Yongquan listened, gritted his teeth, and nodded: "You are right."

  Gu Shunhua: "Be more considerate to Chang Hui. She also has her problems, but it's really not easy for her."

  Lei Yongquan's eyes were already a little moist: "This time she cried and said that she didn't want to be looked down upon by others, and she didn't want to be unable to hold her head up for the rest of her life. She said that it was just this one chance for her and she missed it. It would probably be even harder. She didn't prepare for the second one. times of courage."

  He took a deep breath and forced back the wetness: "I think it's my fault that I didn't make her feel safe enough and put her in a state of panic. She had to do something to prove herself. , there's nothing we can do about it, she wants to have an abortion, and I admit it."

  Gu Shunhua: "Take good care of her and help her in front of auntie. If you go to college in the future, you can have more children if you want. But don't let auntie know about this."

  Lei Yongquan nodded: "I know, I can see it now. Chang Hui is my biological daughter-in-law. I must love her, but my mother is also my biological mother. They are both my relatives, but they have nothing to do with each other. I We can only mediate from the middle."

  When Gu Shunhua heard these words, he felt emotional in his heart, thinking that Lei Yongquan, who was so unconventional, was now slowly becoming more reliable.

  Lei Yongquan said again: "There is one more thing. Do you still want your courtyard house? I asked around and found out that he has been looking for someone to buy it for the past few days, but he is celebrating the New Year. Where can I find a suitable one for a while? He is 20 years old. I plan to go abroad later, so I am anxious and want to lower the price."

  Gu Shunhua: "How low do you think it can be?"

  Lei Yongquan: "I talked with him and negotiated the price hard. The other party meant 17,000, but I wanted to give him more and get it directly to 13,000 or 14,000."

  Gu Shunhua's heart moved, and she quickly calculated that it was about 10,000, but in fact, including the previous money from selling watermelon jam, it was just over 10,000, maybe 10,000.

  If he could really cut down to 13,000 or 14,000, then he would only be two to three thousand short.

  Finding a way to borrow two to three thousand yuan to buy a house will not be very stressful.

  Work harder on your own and make a batch of clear sauce meat after the new year. With your previous reputation, it should be easy to get more than two thousand back.

  She hurriedly asked: "Then do you think it's possible? If it's 17,000, it's still too far off. I really don't dare to take action. But if it's 13,000 or 14,000, we can work hard, think of a way, and risk it all." Borrowed money."

  Lei Yongquan became excited when he heard this: "Then you think of a way quickly. I may be able to help you get about one thousand yuan by then. If you try to get three thousand yuan, I will work harder to talk to you here, and we will talk about it for at least one thousand yuan." Less than 10,000!"

  Gu Shunhua nodded quickly: "Okay, okay!"

  Lei Yongquan became more interested: "Your house is not too far away from us. Then we can go to your house to play, eat together, play cards and so on."

  Gu Shunhua: "Yeah!"

  At this time, Ren Jingnian came back. He had just taken his children outside to watch the opening of a store and put up lanterns. Now that he came back, he talked to Lei Yongquan and found out that he could bargain, and he became interested.

  After talking for a while, Lei Yongquan hurried over to help negotiate the price. Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian discussed it. If Lei Yongquan could borrow a thousand yuan, he could find a way to make up the money. If you borrow one thousand or two thousand from Grandma Tong or Gu Duoer, you can almost buy this house.

  Lei Yongquan is very wealthy, so one thousand yuan won't affect him too much. Gu Duo'er or Grandma Tong have it, and it shouldn't be a problem to borrow one thousand yuan for half a year.

  Ren Jingnian naturally had no objection. If he could buy this house, it wouldn't be a big deal to bear the debt temporarily. And although there was pressure, it wouldn't be too great. As long as there were no major changes later, he should be able to pay it off.

  Gu Shunhua thought for a while, then went to see Grandma Tong and talked about the price negotiation there. He mentioned that he might borrow one thousand to three thousand at that time.

  But Grandma Tong directly took out a passbook, which contained three thousand: "Just take it and use it first. Don't think too much. To be honest, my bowl is gone, and I feel empty. Looking at the money, I don't know how to use it." Whatever you think is good, these are all external things."

  When it came to this, Gu Shunhua didn't refuse anymore. He agreed to give some interest to Grandma Tong when the time came, so he took the bankbook.

  After coming back, when she mentioned this to Ren Jingnian, she sighed: "It was a pity that I sold that bowl. I don't know where the bowl was sold. It would be great if I could get it back."

  Ren Jingnian: "Then let's ask Mr. Pan later. Grandma Tong has helped us a lot. If there is a chance in the future and we have extra money, we might as well spend more money to help her recover it."

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "I think so too."


  Before going to work, Gu Shunhua gathered all the ingredients and quickly made donkey hide gelatin cake.

  In fact, Tongrentang sells donkey-hide gelatin, and after buying it, you can cook it for a small processing fee. However, this donkey-hide gelatin cake is not from Tongrentang, but from Dong'e. If you go there with other brands, you always feel bad, so you might as well make it yourself.

  Besides, if you cook it yourself, you can control the heat and ingredients more easily, and you have a sense of proportion.

  To boil donkey-hide gelatin, you need to fry various dry foods first. Cut the dates into thin slices and fry them. Cut the walnuts into small pieces and fry them. Black sesame seeds also need to be dry-fryed. Let's not talk about anything else here, just the jujubes. After they are fried, they are fried until they are dry and crispy, and the edges are slightly mushy, exuding a sweet aroma with a pasty taste. Just smelling it will make people drool.

  After all the ingredients are fried, we start to boil the donkey-hide gelatin. The donkey-hide gelatin is soaked in rice wine for two days in advance. At this time, it is placed in a pot and heated slowly to melt. After melting, the donkey-hide gelatin melts in the pot. It is dark and thick, so you have to slowly stir it in one direction with a small spoon, and be careful not to burn the pot when stirring.

  When it's almost cooked, add the various ingredients and continue cooking.

  After it boils out, it becomes a rich gelatinous consistency. It is placed on the chopping board, slowly flattened into cakes, allowed to dry for a while, and then cut into pieces.

  Gu Shunhua made a pound of donkey-hide gelatin in one go. After it was done, he directly carried it over and gave it to Chang Hui: "Remember to eat two pieces every day."

  Chang Hui was naturally grateful when she saw it, and asked about the house again: "I just hope that your house will be settled soon. It will be great to have your own courtyard house, a single family, and no parents-in-law!"

  Gu Shunhua: "Who knows what's going on? I think the maintenance of the courtyard is also expensive. Just burning coal in winter requires a lot. I don't know if we will be so lucky to live there. Let's see."

  What Gu Shunhua didn't expect was that Lei Yongquan actually got the deal, for a price of more than thirteen thousand, including the furniture.

  Lei Yongquan was very excited: "This is already good. He was also forced to rush. The procedures for going abroad have been completed. If he doesn't sell it, it will be a few years later. What will happen in the future may not be like this. Thirteen thousand Five, this is a step I gave in!"

  Gu Shunhua was naturally overjoyed after hearing this. Grandma Tong lent him three thousand yuan. He barely had ten thousand yuan on hand, which meant that he had an extra five hundred yuan!

  Not daring to delay, he quickly found Ren Jingnian. The two of them went to the courtyard together and sat down to have a formal chat with the other party.

  Who knew that when I passed by, I actually met a man who was moving things.

  When I first saw that person, I was surprised. He turned out to be Peng Siyun, a teacher from China University of Science and Technology and an Indonesian overseas Chinese.

  He has placed several large boxes beside him, and is still sorting out some small items.

  Peng Siyun was also surprised when he saw Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian: "You guys?"

  Ren Jingnian hurriedly explained the situation, and Peng Siyun felt somewhat embarrassed.

  He is a person who rents a house. Because the landlord wants to go abroad and says that the house is for sale urgently, he has no choice but to move out and find a new place to live. Who would have thought that now he meets a buyer who is a student of his own school!

  Peng Siyun's face flushed a little, but he still said hurriedly: "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be you. It was a coincidence."

  Seeing this, Ren Jingnian said: "Professor Peng, if we successfully buy this house, you don't have to rush to move. There is no need to worry about this."

  Peng Siyun: "That won't work. We originally agreed to move."

  Just as he was talking, he looked at the pile of scattered daily necessities next to him, feeling a little helpless after all.

  Gu Shunhua also said hurriedly: "Professor Peng, you can wait a few days. Even if we buy it, we can't move here right away. We will mention this to the landlord when we negotiate the price."

  Peng Siyun was very grateful after hearing this: "Okay, okay, thank you."

  For a while, the two people went to the main room to talk to Comrade Su. But now, Comrade Su regretted it again, meaning that he insisted on fifteen thousand. Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua looked at each other. If it was fifteen thousand, they would definitely give up. . That would require borrowing four thousand yuan, which is indeed a lot. Although making clear sauce pork can make money, who knows what will happen next, there is nothing certain.

  Lei Yongquan also insisted: "It was said that we would only come here after 13,000, how come this!"

  Comrade Su suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "Thirteen thousand, how is that possible! Do you know that the courtyard in the alley next door to ours was occupied by the police station. Recently, the policy was implemented and they could not vacate it. The police station also compensated them with ten thousand. As for Qi, their house is similar to mine, and it doesn't have any furniture!"

  Seeing this, Gu Shunhua hurriedly tried to smooth things over: "It really can't be done. We don't want the furniture anymore. If we don't want the furniture, you are in a hurry to sell it. We are not rich in money and we are not as generous as the police station. Just give in. Thirty-three thousand is fine." Bar?"

  Comrade Su's face darkened: "At this juncture, who am I going to sell those furniture to?"

  It's really hard to sell. The furniture is bulky and takes up a lot of space. These days, ordinary people's houses are not rich. Who can buy such bulky furniture? Most people are short of furniture, which is made of ordinary wood. It costs tens of dollars to buy it.

  But if he wants to sell it, it must not be sold for tens of dollars. It is not worth it. It must be sold for a few hundred dollars. But if you sell an old piece of furniture for a few hundred dollars, how many people know the goods? Even some people who know the goods and have a house and money don't dare to buy it casually. It may be a matter of style. Anyway, if you want to find a seller, you may be able to find a seller slowly, but if you are anxious, this is really difficult to sell.

  Besides, when he goes abroad, he needs to take preparatory courses first, so he has to do it as soon as possible. He also has to find a way to pass the language barrier. He won't have time to wait for a while.

  After studying for a few years, if it's suitable, he might find a way to stay there and never come back. With such delay, he doesn't know what will happen in the end.

  Who knows about domestic policies, maybe the house will no longer belong to him when he comes back. He doesn't really believe in these current policies, but he still wants to sell the house as soon as possible and go abroad, and leave as soon as possible while he has the opportunity.

  He hesitated for a while and finally said: "I'll think about it again."

  In this regard, Ren Jingnian did not hesitate too much, and several people left.

  After walking out, Lei Yongquan meant that he was in urgent need of money, so he should agree, but Gu Shunhua felt: "I'm lucky to get it, but I'm going to lose my life. It's okay. If you can't buy it, you can't buy it. I'm spending too much money now. We feel a lot of pressure and can't live safely when we look back."

  Ren Jingnian: "Well, let it go. If it's higher than 14,000, we did borrow a lot of money. The pressure is too great. We can look at other things later."

  Who would have thought that when they reached the corner of the alley, they heard hurried footsteps behind them: "Tell me how much you can pay the most!"


  The price negotiation was much smoother this time. The other party finally made concessions. In the end, the courtyard and the complete set of furniture were sold for 14,000, which was considered a good price for Gu Shunhua.

  Lei Yongquan originally negotiated for 13,600, but now he has raised the price to 14,000. Comrade Su also breathed a sigh of relief and felt that it was okay, at least he felt a little more comfortable.

  Because Comrade Su had almost finished the formalities for going abroad and the time was very urgent, so he hurriedly went through the transfer process.

  When going through the transfer process, Comrade Su sighed: "It's not like I said that the furniture in my house is all good furniture, but it's a pity. It's hard to find a buyer for selling the whole set, and I don't have time to sell it in pieces! If I have the time, I can sell it in pieces." Wait two years and take your time, and you will definitely be able to sell it for a lot of money!"

  Then he said: "I'm really a prodigal. I'm really a prodigal. I'm selling my family property, but there's nothing I can do!"

  Gu Shunhua listened and remained silent.

  Over the past thirty years, too many changes have taken place in this ancient city. In the changing trend of the times, some people are confused and some are wandering, which is normal.

  Everyone's circumstances are different and their choices are different. Comrade Su chose to sell his house and go abroad. He had his reasons for his choice.

  But there may not be any hesitation behind his choice. In fact, his dissatisfaction with the price of the house and his current sigh are all his inner struggles.

  What he says now is probably some comfort to himself.

  He deposited all the money into a passbook and gave it to Comrade Su, and then accompanied him to the bank to withdraw money and deposit it. After confirming that it was correct, Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua went to the Xicheng Real Estate Management Bureau with him to make changes to the property. , and quickly obtained a brand new real estate certificate.

  The moment she got the real estate certificate, Gu Shunhua was so excited that her hands trembled with excitement. She couldn't help but squeeze Ren Jingnian's hand gently. Ren Jingnian understood her excitement and held her hand.

  But Comrade Su felt a little disappointed.

  He was anxious to sell the house before, but now that he has sold it and got so much money, he feels that he has no strength.

  The three of them walked to the courtyard, where Gu Duoer and Gu Yuehua were already waiting. Gu Yuehua had no classes today, so he came here specifically to see if there was anything he needed help with.

  So everyone went in, and Comrade Su began to explain to everyone. He took out a key board with keys hanging on it, told which one this belonged to, and which one belonged to that one, and explained everything again.

  As for the tenant Peng Siyun's problem: "You can figure it out for yourself. It was you who asked him to leave in a hurry. Originally, I meant for him to move out as soon as possible, so that everything is settled."

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "We will solve this."

  Comrade Su actually had nothing to say, but he obviously didn't want to leave, so he gave some other instructions, and finally said: "I'm leaving. I'm going abroad. If you have any questions, ask me quickly. I'll wait." I'm abroad, so you don't have to ask if you want to buy it."

  Gu Shunhua: "Excuse me, there's no problem."

  Comrade Su nodded again and swallowed dryly: "Okay."

  He walked out, stopped again, and then said: "The furniture in the main room is all good furniture, made of rosewood and yellow pear wood. They are all good things. Don't throw them away. Don't waste them."

  Gu Shunhua: "Don't worry, we will definitely take good care of you."

  She paused, hesitated, and then said: "If you return to China in the future and want to come over for a visit, there is no problem. We are always welcome."

  Comrade Su smiled bitterly: "Thank you, but no need, I won't come back, never come back."

  He looked at the house again and said, "This house is a good house, and the furniture is also good. But every time I come back here, I don't feel better, and I never want to live in this house again."

  After saying that, he lowered his head, turned around and left.

  Gu Shunhua looked at Comrade Su's back and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  In the vast road of life, some people go north and some go south. The figures intersect and everyone runs in their own direction. Who can know who is thinking, who can know who is right or wrong.


  After buying the courtyard, Gu Yuehua and Gu Duo'er were more excited than Gu Shunhua. They helped clean it together, while Peng Siyun's place was almost cleaned up and planned to leave.

  Before leaving, he chatted with Ren Jingnian for a few words, which meant that the furniture was indeed very valuable. He smoked a cigarette and said calmly: "That is to say, the ten years have just passed and everyone has not woken up yet. The previous paragraph The warehouse of the textile factory is full of good things that I have copied from before, and they are all sold at cheap prices. Unfortunately, I don't have room to put them when I buy them, otherwise I would try to get one."

  He glanced at Ren Jingnian and said, "In a few years, when Ansheng has lived a long life, he will understand, and the price will probably go up."

  Ren Jingnian listened and nodded: "Buy gold in troubled times, and hide antiques in prosperous times. After reform and opening up, people will have to start paying attention to it when their lives become a little richer. These furniture should be good furniture. Let's pay attention to it in the future."

  After Peng Siyun left, Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua also started cleaning together. During the cleaning process, they began to write down some of the furniture in the house so that they could take inventory later.

  While counting like this, Mr. Pan came over and took a look at it. He was an expert after all. After looking at it, he was also surprised: "This is really good, I picked it up!"

  Gu Shunhua hurriedly asked in detail, and then he realized that the short table with drawers and chairs and stools placed next to the kang were made of Hainan yellow rosewood, which was very valuable!

  Mr. Pan said: "You need to have another look at this with an expert to see what year it is from. Anyway, this material is quite worth it."

  When I thought of that seller, I couldn't help but shake my head. The predecessors planted trees, but the descendants did not enjoy the shade, but cut down the trees. What happened?

  Then he looked at the standing cabinet next to him and took a closer look: "This is called the Dark Eight Immortals standing cabinet. It's made of red sandalwood. It's also expensive. Tsk tsk tsk! It's worth it. It's really worth it. This ancestor must be richer. He still has to read There is ink in the belly of the book."

  Gu Shunhua listened and quickly asked Mr. Pan to look at the cabinet next to him: "You should also take a look at this."

  Mr. Pan put his hands behind his back and looked around the cabinet carefully: "This one is nothing surprising. It is made of ordinary willow wood, but it is deliberately made to look like sandalwood and painted to imitate it."

  Gu Shunhua: "That's ordinary."

  Mr. Pan nodded: "I estimate that there used to be a real sandalwood cabinet in this place, but the descendants were short of money, so they stole it out in various ways, sold the Zhenger Ba Jing red sandalwood furniture, and left such a fake To fool people to support the scene."

  Gu Shunhua was speechless, thinking that there was still such a way.

  At present, Master Pan has made more than seven or eight pieces of furniture, most of which are just ordinary wood, but there are indeed six or seven items that are good things and the materials are good.

  Mr. Pan looked appreciative: "Okay, okay, this is considered a purchase!"

  The author has something to say: I changed it a bit and bought it for 14,000 yuan.
