Chapter 121-130

  Chapter 121 The dusty case

  When Ren Jingnian heard the news, he was not surprised. After asking around, he found out that it was Xinfeng Electronic Computer Company, the same company that Chen Lu joined.

  Regarding this news, there is nothing that needs to be paid attention to. The only thing that needs to be confirmed is "what kind of program is the supporting program for their Chinese card". After all, even if it is modified from Japanese Chinese card, it still needs to go through the Chinese character encoding. One level.

  When we were discussing this issue, He Lina was also there. She frowned and said, "I just happened to go the other way a few days ago. I am a researcher at the China Institute of Technology, which happens to be from the Institute of Computer Science. After they accept the installation, I will Go and find out."

  Ren Jingnian nodded: "Okay."

  However, when they undertook this project, it took a long time from receiving the computer to acceptance and installation, to officially distributing it for use, so it would be a month or two before He Lina could see the computer with Hanka installed.

  Ren Jingnian had dealt with people from the Computer Institute of the Institute of Science and Technology before, but just because they knew each other, it was not appropriate to go there to explore this. If there was something, it would not be appropriate, so He Lina would go to explore the way. If there was something, it would be feasible. question, it would be more appropriate for him to come forward.

  As for this matter, Gu Shunhua didn't take it too seriously when she heard it mentioned. After all, it was none of her business who made the money. There were so many people who made a fortune this year, and others couldn't be jealous of it.

  But who would have known that that day when I took my children to the courtyard to see my grandma and grandpa, I heard a group of people talking about it just after entering the alley, and some even gathered around Gu Shunhua to ask what was going on with Chen Lu.

  It turned out that Chen Lu actually bought a Toyota car and drove directly back to the alley. On the day she returned to the alley, there were just gongs and drums to clear the way. Feng Xianer shouted at everyone to get out of the way and said not to touch the children, so the old neighbors They all ducked and gave way.

  This was the first time a car entered the old alley, and all the children came out to watch.

  The car drove majestically into the alley, the loudspeaker blared several times, and everyone stood cautiously close to the wall, all eyes paying attention to the car.

  Chen Yaotang and Feng Xian'er have not lived here for several years. Ever since Chen Lu went to jail, she has not been seen around here at all. Now it is good, she suddenly came back, sitting in the car, looking at the roadside through the window glass old neighborhood.

  The car has a low floor, so you can sit low in the car and look at the people on both sides. It really feels like you are working hard but I am sitting back and enjoying the pleasure.

  Looking at the envious eyes of the adults and the surprised look of the children, Chen Yaotang laughed proudly: "It's worth it, I'm worth it, it's worth it in this life!"

  Feng Xian'er even smiled from ear to ear: "This is our homecoming, and we too will have this day. Those who looked down on us at the beginning, let them see, we got into a car, what about a car, how could they ever do that!" My sister and husband must have never sat on it, and Gu Shunhua has never sat on it either, they are a bunch of country bumpkins!"

  Chen Lu listened to this and smiled: "Our good days are still to come, so just wait and see!"

  With that said, Chen Lu honked the car horn hard again, just to make the horn sound and to shock the neighbors to come and see how prosperous she, Chen Lu, was today!

  With everyone watching, Chen Lu stopped the car, then took a bag of candy and threw it to Feng Xianer: "Mom, share it with everyone."

  Feng Xian'er was usually stingy, but now she was all about face and glory. She generously held the bag of chocolate candies and divided them one by one among children and adults. While dividing them, she said with a smile: "Eat whatever you want, eat whatever you like, our family There are plenty of them!"

  Everyone didn't stretch out their hands to hit the smiling person, not to mention eating their chocolate candies, so they talked in a friendly manner. Some asked how they got rich, and Feng Xianer shouted at the top of her lungs: "We, Chen Lu, have the ability. We never went to school." We are also capable!"

  The whole family showed off quite well. At the end of the day, they even came over to the Gu family, carrying a bag of biscuits and saying, "I came to see my sister and brother-in-law."

  However, no one in the courtyard could tell. They said they were here to take a look, but in fact they were just here to show off how much that bag of biscuits cost.

  Chen Cuiyue actually didn't want to pay much attention to them. She had already seen it and she wanted to carve the word "get rich" on her forehead! What a shame!

  But Feng Xianer was still smiling. The more Chen Cuiyue wanted to ignore her, the happier she became. To put it bluntly, she was just jealous!

  She then smiled and said, "Sister, we have had a hard life these years. Fortunately, we are over it now. Speaking of which, we are where we are today thanks to your Shunhua family for allowing Chen Lu to suffer a lot. Without that much suffering, how could I have worked hard and made a fortune! You see, our Chen Lu said she would buy me a courtyard house next year, and she said she would have to hire two people to take care of it!"

  Chen Cuiyue laughed when she heard this: "Xian'er, we haven't been in contact with each other for several years. Before it's too late, don't talk about guns and sticks. You can make money how you like. I will definitely not touch you. Don't worry. !"

  When Feng Xianer heard this, she naturally didn't like it and sneered: "Sister, you look like this. You have been so virtuous for thousands of years. In this life, I think you will be unlucky. You don't know what it's like to ride in a car! "

  After saying that, he twisted his butt and left.

  Feng Xianer had just left, and the courtyard was also in a state of chaos. How could it be possible? How could a person who had never graduated from junior high school and spent a year in jail make a lot of money like this? What was going on? What was wrong with the world!

  "There are so many people making dirty money now. It's getting more and more chaotic. People like this are also making money for her!" The old man shook his head and sighed. People's hearts are not the same as before, and the world has changed.

  Amid this commotion, Gu Shunhua took her children back to the courtyard to see her grandma and grandpa. The hind leg meat she purchased arrived one after another. Now she planned to go to Baiziwan to have a look, but today the school classroom seemed to be occupied by other professional qualification examinations. The child was on vacation, but Sister Lu was also busy. No one was watching, so she thought of bringing her to the courtyard for her parents to watch.

  As soon as we passed by, we naturally met several neighbors who gathered around and asked Chen Lu what was going on.

  "I heard they were opening some kind of company, but we don't know. What kind of company are they opening to make money like this? It must not be a serious way, right?"

  "I also heard from Chen Lu and others in the courtyard that Feng Xian'er was bragging that her Chen Lu's company had robbed some business. Originally, it was for Jing Nian, but they thought Jing Nian was incompetent, so she I made it for Chen Lu's family, is this true or false?"

  "That's definitely not the case. Who is Jing Nian? He has been in the newspaper. There is no way he will be compared to her!"

  Gu Shunhua listened calmly: "Jingnian went to university and is now doing research. The Chinese input method he studied has been reported by newspapers, and he is still studying Hanka. That is his real skill. Since there are With his ability, I won't have to worry about making money in the future. Besides, our family is not too short of money now. I would be very happy if he can do scientific research and contribute to the country. As for other things, of course he will be happy to have me, and we will be happy without him. If you don't envy others, when it comes to knowledge, there are few people who make money, so they have to sit on the bench."

  As for Chen Lu, she said with a smile: "Speaking of other people, it's hard for us to comment. These days, those who are treacherous or have connections are getting rich. If others get rich, they will get rich. As long as they don't stand in our way, We have nothing to say."

  Grandma Tong next to her smiled: "Isn't it just to make a few stinky money? What's the point? Some people, you can tell at a glance that they make dragon robes out of linen bags - if it weren't for this material, it could still fly into the sky?"

  Everyone thought so and agreed.

  "If you don't have knowledge, you just rely on your connections. How can your connections last long?"

  "Do you still remember Mr. Lu from the west alley a few years ago? At that time, he could get things for free and everyone recognized him. He really made 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan. However, things are getting better now. He has no other options. A few days ago, I I saw him drinking tea, and I saw that he was drinking high-grade tea! His nostrils were pointed upward at that time, but he is still like that now!"

  "That's the truth. At some point, people have to rely on their true abilities. Luck will not last long!"

  After saying this, Gu Shunhua entered the house with his two children. Gu Quanfu and Chen Cuiyue naturally asked, and Gu Shunhua smiled: "Jingnian has his own backbone. If he really wants to fight for this money, he will definitely be able to fight for it. I just feel that there is no money at the moment." It's more important."

  Chen Cuiyue heard this and said: "Let me just say, no matter who Chen Lu is, she can still compete with Jingnian for business. Daqing is a business that Jingnian doesn't want. If it's cheaper for her, let her be cheaper!"

  Gu Shunhua: "Computer acceptance is a technical job. Most people really don't understand it. Chen Lu doesn't know how she understands it, but she understands it. That is indeed her ability. We can't say anything to others. You can't make money in this world. It's all over, you can't keep it all in your pocket."

  Gu Quanfu said: "Don't worry about what's going on with other people. That's their business and we can't control it. I don't want to make that kind of money. I want to get down to earth and study technology. This is right. No matter how the world changes, I have my own craftsmanship." , is better than anything else, the hotel managers have been changed one after another, but there is only one master chef who is the backbone!"

  Gu Shunhua: "That's right, so let's not be in a hurry and take our time."

  Chen Cuiyue hadn't seen her child for a long time, so she brought chicken cakes for her child to eat and asked her about her recent studies.

  The two children have grown a lot taller. Standing there, they no longer feel like little babies. It is inevitable to feel a little emotional, saying that time flies so fast and they have grown up in a blink of an eye.

  While talking like this, Chen Cuiyue mentioned something: "It's quite strange to say that yesterday the Public Security Bureau suddenly came to your brother and said that there was something that he wanted your brother to cooperate with the investigation. I was also shocked. I don't know why. When I came to our house, your brother was doing his job and was not the one who committed the crime. So I asked him. What he meant was that when your brother went to the countryside, someone in their country disappeared. Now he said that he was killed. He was strangled to death, so he found your brother."

  Gu Shunhua was confused when he heard this: "What does it have to do with my brother?"

  Chen Cuiyue: "Who knows? I was also shocked. I said I was just cooperating with the investigation. Let's just investigate anyway. I also said I would go to your brother's place today and ask what's going on."

  Gu Shunhua felt that this matter was not trivial: "I'd better go and ask what's going on."

  At the moment, she didn't care about the Qingjiang Pork anymore. She let her two children play in the courtyard while she hurried to Gu Zhenhua Factory.

  Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the factory and asked someone from the factory, he was told that police officers from the Public Security Bureau were here today, and he followed him away. He didn't know exactly what happened.

  From what his coworkers said, they seemed to be quite curious and wanted to find out more from Gu Shunhua.

  Gu Shunhua's heart suddenly became confused, and she remembered what happened in that book.

  Maybe Chen Lu made money, or maybe many things followed the general trajectory of that book. She couldn't help but wonder why there was no such person as her brother in that book.

  Even though it was different from the development in the book, why was it not mentioned at all? It seemed like his brother was fabricated out of thin air.

  Thinking of this, I felt a chill running down my back.

  The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she felt. She hurriedly walked out of the factory and rode her car, wanting to find Zhang Zhaoyun quickly and ask her if she knew. Who would have thought that just after leaving their factory, Gu Zhenhua and Zhang Zhaoyun came over.

  Suddenly he felt relieved and hurried over to say hello. As soon as he said hello, he realized that Gu Zhenhua was obviously not in the right mood.

  Zhang Zhaoyun glanced at Gu Shunhua: "Let's go to his office first and tell you slowly."

  Walking into the factory again, along the way, the workers who met Gu Zhenhua occasionally looked over cautiously. It seemed that the news about Gu Zhenhua being taken away by the police had spread, and now it was a surprise to see him back.

  Seeing this, Gu Zhenhua simply went around greeting people with a smile on his face, so that people could know that he was fine and avoid spreading the word wrongly.

  A group of three people entered the office. Zhang Zhaoyun poured hot water and made tea. Gu Shunhua warmed his hands with the hot tea cup before hearing Gu Zhenhua mention it.

  It turns out that the Public Security Bureau did find him today. It was the Public Security Bureau from the countryside who came to Beijing. The Beijing Public Security Bureau brought people to find him again, saying that they wanted him to help investigate the strangulation of the team leader who jumped in line. thing.

  When they left, first a woman in the brigade committed suicide by jumping into the river, and then the brigade leader disappeared, so they were delayed and could not come back.

  Later, they finally came back and didn't care about the previous things. Who knew that after they came back, they found that the captain had died a long time ago. He was strangled to death and thrown into the firewood nest. It was also because the firewood was taken out for use in the winter when they came back. discovered.

  But the brigade was busy last year, so the Public Security Bureau checked and found nothing, so we just let it go.

  This year, we didn't want to catch up and crack down hard, so we dug through all the past cases and found this one, which we wanted to investigate again. We felt that Gu Zhenhua and the team leader had a quarrel, which was quite suspicious, so we came to investigate and take a confession.

  When Gu Zhenhua said this, Gu Shunhua frowned immediately.

  She knew that at this juncture, she was going to be severely punished. If she couldn't explain clearly, she might fall in, and it would be over, all over.

  Zhang Zhaoyun, however, was quite calm: "It's okay. I went with him. Their local public security bureau must want to find the real culprit as soon as possible. After all, they are under great pressure and want to solve the case."

  She naturally had something else to say when she said this, and Gu Shunhua understood what she meant.

  Zhang Zhaoyun continued: "Fortunately, the Beijing Public Security Bureau has seen the scene. They asked about your brother, but they didn't take it seriously. Look behind you. If it's really your brother's fault, I'll turn around and ask my dad." Help me ask, he also knows people in this field, and see if he can talk to me."

  Gu Zhenhua: "I didn't do this. It has nothing to do with me. I asked all the questions that should be asked today, and the police comrades didn't say anything."

  Gu Shunhua: "You have to be careful in everything anyway. You have to worry about my sister-in-law, but you can't be careless. If you get involved, you won't be able to explain clearly."

  Zhang Zhaoyun nodded: "Well, it's not a big deal. It doesn't matter, so we can't be wronged!"

  Gu Shunhua felt a little relieved after hearing this, but he couldn't help but think that the trajectory of his life was very different from before. What if it was Miao Xiumei who was with his brother now, or maybe he didn't come back due to some strange circumstances and stayed in the countryside? what happens?

  She was too busy thinking about it.

  Life is full of countless forks, and every time they choose a path, countless possibilities are eliminated accordingly. They finally managed their lives to the point where they are now, and nothing she imagined will happen.

  When the company's affairs were mentioned again, Gu Zhenhua said: "It's nothing. I'll just make it clear later. Everyone is just curious about this kind of thing. Seeing that I'm fine, I won't spread any nonsense anymore."

  Zhang Zhaoyun nodded: "Let's go back to the cafeteria to eat. If you talk about it everywhere, it will be spread to you in a blink of an eye. Don't let it get a bad reputation. I heard that you will be fired soon!"

  Gu Zhenhua: "Yeah, I know."

  Gu Shunhua was completely relieved, thinking that his restaurant was still busy, so he was about to go back. Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhaoyun suddenly mentioned: "By the way, Shunhua, that plate you mentioned before, my dad actually heard about it and said it looked like this." It's the same as the one you mentioned, but I don't know if it's the one, so I can look back."

  Gu Shunhua suddenly became energetic: "Really? Where is it?"

  Zhang Zhaoyun then spoke in detail: "He is also a friend of my father's indirect acquaintance. He also got it by accident. His family is quite wealthy and he doesn't pay much attention to this plate. He just keeps it casually."

  Gu Shunhua: "That's great. They don't care. If we pay a price later, it will be easy to buy it."

  This kind of thing is afraid that the other party will hold it in their hands and they will not be willing to sell it. Even if you are willing to pay for it, it will be difficult to buy it back. Money can't buy your heart.

  Zhang Zhaoyun: "Well, I'll ask for details first anyway, see if I can make an appointment, and go over first to see what's going on."

  Gu Shunhua: "Okay, then I'll wait for your good news!"


  Gu Shunhua came out of the factory and hurried to Baiziwan. She wanted to start making clear sauce pork as soon as possible.

  In fact, there is no shortage of manpower in Shunhua Hotel now, but she still tries her best to make it by herself. If she wants to cook it carefully, she must make it authentic and gain a reputation.

  She simply didn't sell this batch of clear sauce pork, and gave it away in the restaurant. When regular customers come, or if they spend a certain amount, they will give a cold cutting plate as a gift, which can also drive business.

  In the next few days, she went to TV University in the morning, went to a restaurant at noon, and made pork with clear sauce in the afternoon.

  Baiziwan is a bit far from the hotel. Ren Jingnian means to buy another house to store these dry goods. It can be a little more remote and the house is dilapidated, but it is best to be close so that she does not have to run back and forth.

  Gu Shunhua thinks it's okay. Now his family has a deposit of two to three hundred thousand, and the house is cheap. If he finds a suitable one, he might as well buy one, and the value will increase in the future.

  But you have to see if there is something suitable for this. It will definitely not be available this year.

  After a few days of busy work, she finally took a breath after the Qingjiang Pork was almost done. Mr. Lu had always lived here and could help with some light work and look after her, which made her feel relieved.

  While the two were working, Mr. Lu also mentioned Miao Xiumei during the chat: "She was suddenly arrested by the Public Security Bureau!"

  Gu Shunhua was shocked: "Capture him?"

  Mr. Lu: "I don't know either. I just heard what people said that day. Who knows whether it is true or false."

  But the more Gu Shunhua thought about it, the more something was wrong. At this time, the Qingjiang Pork was almost ready, so she quickly went to Captain Lu to ask what was going on.

  After asking, I found out that in fact, they were not arrested, but just brought for interrogation. They said they suspected that Miao Xiumei was related to the case. They had interrogated her several times and almost took her back. Later, Miao Xiumei complained that she was wronged, and the factory also acted. Bao, tell me how nice she is, the factory director came forward in person, Miao Xiumei wrote a handwritten guarantee, and that was it.

  Gu Shunhua: "Then...did she really do this?"

  She was a little confused. Miao Xiumei didn't seem to be the one to do such a thing, so she could just take advantage of it.

  But the problem is, a grown man like his brother was only called over for questioning once. Why did the Public Security Bureau still hold on to Miao Xiumei?

  Captain Lu: "It shouldn't be the case. How can a woman with little strength do it? I think the people from the Public Security Bureau have no place to investigate. They can only ask everywhere to make sure they don't let go of any doubts!"

  Gu Shunhua nodded and said nothing more.

  But the next day, she hurried over to Gu Zhenhua and asked about the situation in detail.

  It turned out that Gu Zhenhua was also questioned again by the Public Security Bureau. Fortunately, the other party found nothing suspicious and withdrew.

  But at this time, Gu Shunhua felt that something was wrong, so he asked the captain in detail.

  Gu Zhenhua actually didn't want to recall this, but when his sister asked, he just said it.

  The dead captain was actually the one who wanted to marry Miao Xiumei. Later, they got married. The captain also harassed Miao Xiumei from time to time. For this reason, Gu Zhenhua and the captain had several conflicts, and once they almost got into a fight. , which is why the Public Security Bureau is now very suspicious of Gu Zhenhua and Miao Xiumei.

  It happened that when the captain disappeared, they were also about to return to the city and leave, both front and rear, which made people even more suspicious.

  Gu Zhenhua: "Who would have thought? It's such a coincidence!"

  Gu Shunhua: "Where is the one who jumped into the river? Could it be related to this matter?"

  Gu Zhenhua: "The one who jumped into the river is pretty good-looking. She is an older single woman. I heard that she was not in a good mental state before jumping into the river. Everyone said that she was dumped by her partner and was cheated by others. She was the one who disappeared after the captain disappeared. He jumped off the building, so it's hard to say that it must have anything to do with it."

  Gu Shunhua listened and had no choice but to say: "It has nothing to do with us anyway. If you want to investigate, just investigate. If there is anything, let's tell it honestly. Even if we have a fight with the captain, it will be nothing."

  Gu Zhenhua: "I know that your sister-in-law is also worried about this matter these days and has consulted a lawyer. She will definitely not suffer any loss."

  Gu Shunhua: "Well, that's good."

  Naturally, I no longer have to worry about the dishes at this time, I just focus on this matter first, this is the big deal!

  In the next few days, Gu Shunhua paid attention from time to time. After several rounds of interrogation by the Public Security Bureau, Gu Zhenhua naturally answered honestly and told the truth. In the end, the interrogation could not reveal anything. In addition, there was another former classmate who could be a witness, proving that he did not go there at that time. After passing the firewood pile at the east end of the village, this incident was over, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Gu Shunhua still had doubts in his heart, so he went to inquire about the situation at Miao Xiumei's side. It was said that they were fine and nothing happened.

  In fact, Gu Shunhua still felt that something was not right. She had a vague feeling that although it was a book of nonsense, that book should have a base. Based on the base of the base, some of the plots were real and some of the nonsense. It was made up, so some truth is revealed in the inconsistent preface and postscript.

  There must be a reason why my brother didn't appear in that book.

  But now, she felt that everything had changed, and this reason might never appear again.

  At this time, Zhang Zhaoyun's father inquired about it and said that the owner of the porcelain bowl was an old man. It happened that this old man was approached by someone, and he was begging for nothing to buy the bowl. The price given was not bad, so the old man planned to Sold this bowl.

  Gu Shunhua became a little anxious when he heard this.

  Zhang Zhaoyun added: "It's also a coincidence. Although this old gentleman is old, he is very busy at work. No, he was sent out by his employer for a business trip and went abroad for inspection. He is not in Beijing for the time being, so the other party can't buy it if he wants to. "

  Gu Shunhua was still worried: "Why would anyone insist on buying that bowl? What if the old man is not in the country and the family sells it?"

  Zhang Zhaoyun: "That's not the case. There are all juniors down there. Juniors don't dare to do this kind of thing."

  Gu Shunhua thought for a while: "Sister-in-law, please help me scan for the news. As soon as this old gentleman comes back, we will kill him immediately. We must buy it as soon as possible."

  Since someone is begging for nothing, I don't know where the other person comes from, but since they want it so much, it will be difficult for them to take out the food once they get it. When the time comes, it will be even harder for me to buy it. Disaster.

  Zhang Zhaoyun naturally said to pay attention: "As soon as the old gentleman returns to China, I will find you quickly and we will go over and talk together."


  Ren Jingnian has been concentrating on his own research on Hanka.

  With Yan Chongli's help, things are much better after all. When two people encounter something, they can discuss it together and open up ideas and inspire each other.

  The technical difficulties Ren Jingnian encountered before were finally overcome through repeated hardware debugging with Yan Chongli. They successfully wrote the font library of the smart font input method into the EPROM chip, made an electronic circuit sample, and burned it. Made the firmware.

  After the first Chinese card was successfully made, they inserted the Chinese card into the computer and turned the computer back on. Something magical happened. Flashing Chinese symbols appeared in the flashing DOS system!

  At this moment, even Yan Chongli, who had always been quiet and introverted, couldn't help but hold Ren Jingnian's hand excitedly: "It's successful, it's successful, it's really successful!"

  Ren Jingnian stared at the Chinese characters flashing on the screen. The first Chinese character he entered was "华", the Chinese character "华", the Chinese character "华" (华), and the Chinese character "华" (华).

  Now, on this computer, there is no need to copy and install complicated programs, nor will it slow down the performance of the computer. It only needs to insert such a small Chinese card into the expansion slot, and the computer will be Chinese-language. Chinese characters appeared in the DOS world!

  Maybe he had been waiting for this moment for too long and had paid too much, but he turned out to be extra calm.

  He put his hands on the homemade keyboard, typed in English letters, and watched the Chinese characters pop up one by one in the flash of the cursor.

  He smiled: "It can still be improved... I have an idea. Let's sit down and talk about it slowly."

  Yan Chongli: "Without delay, you still want to continue to improve. I think the current Hanka is good enough to shock the entire market! This is our own research, our own intellectual property, and this is the Chinese's own technology. Don't rely on anyone else!"

  He was very excited when he talked about this. This was a side of him that he rarely showed when he was always quiet.

  Ren Jingnian: "Look, we can try again and improve the algorithm. It won't take much effort. What do you think of my plan!"

  Yan Chongli looked over and saw that Ren Jingnian had already sorted out a thick pile of materials. He took it over and flipped through it casually at first, but then he became moved and read page after page seriously.

  Chapter 122: Wolves are bloodthirsty, people are greedy for profit

  This winter seems to be colder than usual. It is said that there was a snowstorm in the north. All in all, life was not easy. There were even rumors of an earthquake in Beijing, which made people panic. But fortunately, nothing happened in the end. Entering the twelfth lunar month in such a busy manner.

  Gu Shunhua inspected the market situation and came up with an idea. State-owned restaurants would be closed at the end of the year and would not be open at all during the New Year. This was also a traditional habit of the Chinese people. After all, after a busy year, they had to take a break.

  But in fact, there is also a demand for banquets during the Spring Festival. Most people may have a big meal at home, but there are also some people who are particular about eating out and having a good meal, which cannot be arranged at home.

  Gu Shunhua talked about this idea with the big guys in the restaurant. Master Hu was a little hesitant, but a few senior brothers thought he could give it a try, so Gu Shunhua thought about it and simply drew up a menu, which listed the rice set meals that could be ordered. When customers are having a meal, we should properly investigate whether the customer is interested and give a small snack as a gift regardless of whether the customer intends to do so.

  After such an investigation, within three or four days, more than twenty customers expressed interest.

  Gu Shunhua suddenly became excited. With more than twenty customers, she could take care of it.

  Since she wants to do something, she must do it well. Her idea is to build a good reputation and give back to old customers. Dafan is not trying to make money, but just wants to gain a reputation and build a reputation for herself, so that when others think of Dafan, they will first think of her. The royal family is coming.

  Several senior brothers thought it was okay. Seeing this scene, Master Hu also became enthusiastic.

  So everyone started to come up with ideas. Everyone had two specialties. Gu Shunhua had peach blossoms and a stick of pork head. These were the prizes she had won in previous competitions, and now they were perfect as a gimmick.

  Gu Shunhua's business here is in full swing and the business is booming. At this time, the business in Yuhuatai is getting worse and worse. There is no way, the talents are withering, the manager is not that caring, and everyone is just dawdling.

  Several familiar masters at Yuhuatai saw this and were inevitably a little jealous. Some of them began to ask people to ask if they could come and join Gu Shunhua. Raise the Buddha.

  Because of this, it is inevitable that some people will feel unhappy, some shaking their heads and sighing, and some making irresponsible remarks.

  As soon as Gu Shunhua came up with the menu for the Chinese New Year, everyone in Qin Xingli soon knew about it, and people with good connections came to persuade him about the troubles during the Chinese New Year.

  Even when Master Chen Wenbing met Gu Shunhua that day, he persuaded him: "Our Chinese New Year tradition in Beijing is to cook at home. How can we have dinner outside? Who has nothing to do during the Chinese New Year? You, the restaurant is doing well now, so work hard." , don't mess with these things."

  Gu Shunhua naturally knew that Chen Wenbing had good intentions, but she saw clearly that she didn't know how much the meal would earn, but it would definitely not be a loss. Besides, the chefs under her were in high spirits. At this time, she couldn't remove the ladder. She had to Take down this big meal.

  The old master has been working for a long time, so his ideas are naturally different from his own, and there is nothing he can do about it.


  Ren Jingnian's Hanka finally succeeded.

  In the past, he was always calm and calm, even when Yan Chongli was excited, he could stay calm, but now, he finally became excited.

  He announced loudly: "I want to mass-produce, I want to make more Hanka, and we want to put it on the market as soon as possible! This Hanka will definitely give China a completely new look at computers!"

  He has put in too much effort, and he is confident enough in his products. He believes that in time, his Chinese card will be inserted into every computer in China, and wherever his smart font input method goes, it will make English The world instantly turned into Chinese characters.

  Everything can be so magical.

  When Gu Shunhua heard the news, she was overjoyed and almost cried. She knew that it was not easy for Ren Jingnian, and she also knew how much torture he had suffered. He was five pounds lighter than two months ago! The bones on the face are all protruding!

  But fortunately, it was successful, successful!

  However, Ren Jingnian didn't want to spread this news yet. He immediately contacted the Nanyuan factory that he had cooperated with before and commissioned them to mass produce circuit boards.

  Everything was going well, but what I didn't expect was that the qualification rate of the circuit boards produced was very low. More than 20 of the 100 boards failed to work at all after being plugged in with chips. They were either open circuits or short circuits.

  This naturally makes Ren Jingnian very helpless. If there is only one piece, he can use tools to check and repair it. But with so many, mass production is impossible to use. How can he check for bugs piece by piece and then fix them? It is too labor-intensive. .

  Fortunately, at this time, a friend introduced him to a manufacturer in Hong Kong, and he entrusted Hong Kong with processing. This time, he made a hundred pieces for inspection and acceptance, and every piece was good!

  When Yan Chongli heard the news, he also sighed: "The production technology in the mainland still needs to be improved. There is no way. We have been delayed for these years, and all aspects have to catch up slowly."

  Ren Jingnian no longer cares about so much. He wants to produce more circuit boards as soon as possible and make his Hanka as soon as possible.

  He also gave Hanka a name, Huajing Hanka.

  The Hong Kong factory produces in large quantities. Ren Jingnian commissioned the production of a thousand yuan in one go. The production cost of each Hanka is more than a thousand yuan. In this case, the cost is one million.

  But now that Ren Jingnian is not short of money, he can produce one thousand yuan for one million yuan in one go. He feels that it is worth it!

  In fact, at this time, through He Lina's promotion and reports from Xinhua News Agency and other media, Ren Jingnian's reputation had spread far and wide. Some people even called him "Contemporary Bi Sheng", saying that he was as great an invention as movable type printing. .

  Ren Jingnian has become famous, and Huajing Computer Company is already making money. At this time, if we take the opportunity to launch the Huajing Han Card, it will definitely cause a sensation in the industry!

  However, after Ren Jingnian got this batch of thousand-yuan Hanka, he was not in a hurry to put it on the market. He was waiting for an excellent opportunity.

  At this point, even He Lina, who has extensive experience in running the market, can't help but admire Ren Jingnian's ability to hold on at critical moments.

  The opportunity Ren Jingnian is waiting for is the upcoming China Computer Technology Exchange Conference. At that conference, he needs to introduce his experience in Chinese coding and his views on the development of computer Chinese characters.

  At such an exchange meeting, reporters from all media will be present, including reporters from foreign companies.

  At that time, he will introduce his Huajing Hanka to the mass media.


  After the Hanka research, Yan Chongli went back to school and invested in the school's project research. Ren Jingnian paid the previous 30,000 yuan consulting fee as agreed, and agreed with the school to donate another 10,000 yuan to the school, hoping that the school would use it. To reward outstanding faculty and staff.

  Having said that, of course the school understood what Ren Jingnian meant, so out of the ten thousand yuan, about three thousand yuan was given to Yan Chongli as a special bonus.

  Ren Jingnian heard that he was a little relieved. Yan Chongli was a person who cared about reputation very much. He didn't want to cause gossip. It would definitely not be possible to give money directly. In this way, although some money was lost in the process, in the end, he thanked Yan Chongli. Let Yan Chongli get some benefits.

  As for the money lost by the school, just think of it as gratitude to his alma mater. After all, he also grew up on the platform of his alma mater. If he has the ability, he also wants to contribute more to his alma mater.

  As for Yan Chongli, after losing all this money, he should have enough money to pay for a house.

  But who knew that a few days later, Ren Jingnian heard from his classmates that the school's fund-raising housing site was too small, there were not many houses, and the number of places was limited, so Yan Chongli did not catch up.

  According to rumors among classmates, Yan Chongli was originally on the list. Later, an administrative teacher went to the principal to make a fuss. After making a fuss, the principal was afraid of his life, so he changed the number of places. After the change, Yan Chongli No more qualified.

  When Ren Jingnian heard this, he went over to ask Yan Chongli. Yan Chongli was obviously a little disappointed. No matter how indifferent to fame and fortune, he still hoped to catch this opportunity, but he still chuckled and said: "If you don't have it, you won't have it. This is also based on seniority. There's no place for me, it's probably because I'm not up to par."

  Ren Jingnian: "There should be opportunities in the future, and unit benefits will come in waves."

  Yan Chongli: "Well, just wait."

  When Ren Jingnian mentioned this matter to Gu Shunhua, Gu Shunhua sighed again and again: "With such a big interest at stake, others will definitely be fighting over it. People like Professor Yan will definitely not actively fight for themselves, so this matter is also Pick the soft persimmons and pinch them."

  He then said: "But it doesn't matter. This is not the only time for the school's fund-raising housing or other welfare housing. There will be more in the future. With Professor Yan's qualifications, you can get it."

  In fact, Yan Chongli had overseas connections, and he would become rich in a few years. Although he didn't care about this, he would be living a good life by then, and he would have accumulated a lot of good things from literati in his study.

  Ren Jingnian nodded: "Yes, wait a minute, we should have this."

  As the times develop, he believes that the treatment of intellectuals will gradually improve.


  It was the twelfth lunar month, and it was Laba porridge in a blink of an eye. On this day, Yushan people cooked Laba porridge and distributed it to customers for free. Of course, some people around came to have a porridge. Regarding this, Gu Shunhua just let everyone do it.

  After all, those who make money do business in a friendly way and make money. If you do this, you can leave a good impression on everyone and enjoy the holidays together.

  After drinking Laba porridge, Gu Shunhua held a brief meeting with the chefs of Yushan Family. It was about the big meal. This was the first year to cook the big meal, so everyone was watching, so naturally he didn't dare to slack off.

  From the reservation and supply of ingredients, to the manpower on duty during the New Year, and the menu situation, everything was reviewed in detail.

  Gu Shunhua worked in Japan for two years and developed a cautious style of doing things. She had to carefully confirm some small things that everyone seemed to be insignificant. Fortunately, several senior brothers and even Master Hu were used to it. They knew that Gu Shunhua Just be serious.

  Gu Shunhua took one last look at the banquet reservation status. Currently, thirty-six tables are being prepared. All thirty-six tables have been booked, and some people even asked if they could add more seats.

  The customers were not worried, which made Gu Shunhua feel that everyone must be satisfied with this feast.

  She was having a meeting when the waiter outside came to see her and said that a reporter came to see her. He was from a foreign country, had yellow hair and was tall. He said that the newspaper was "too wet".

  Too wet the newspaper?

  Everyone was puzzled when they heard this, so Gu Shunhua went over to meet him. The other party shook hands enthusiastically, and then introduced himself, saying that he was a reporter from the British Times. He had heard of the name for a long time. He came this time and wanted to do an exclusive interview with Gu Shunhua.

  Gu Shunhua listened and naturally had no objection. She now hopes that someone will come to interview her and become famous. She just wants to make her famous abroad.

  Originally, the reporter came here just to confirm the time, but it was better to choose a different date, so he simply did the interview on the same day.

  It has to be said that different levels of economic development lead to different thinking. Chinese people are still concerned about the issue of having enough to eat. They are already concerned about the status of women in this male-dominated industry and whether they have to pay more hardships. As a female chef, trouble.

  Gu Shunhua spoke freely and talked about his past.

  When talking about the eight years of going to the countryside in Inner Mongolia, the other party suddenly asked a sharp question: "Do you feel that going to the countryside has delayed your youth? Do you resent this?"

  Gu Shunhua listened and smiled: "No, on the contrary, without eight years of experience, I would not be where I am today. The life in the countryside has tempered my will and broadened my horizons. This is the biggest challenge in my life." wealth."

  The other party obviously didn't expect it, but he still nodded and quickly recorded it.

  Sensitive questions occasionally come up, but fortunately Gu Shunhua has been mentally prepared. When she was in Japan, she had already learned how to face the media and how to tactfully answer some questions that were not easy to answer.

  Finally, Gu Shunhua also told them about China's long cultural history, about the cooks in the Song Dynasty, the cooks in the Ming Dynasty, and stories about food culture. The reporter was obviously very interested. It happened that Gu Shunhua had a brick rubbing of a portrait of a cook in the Song Dynasty next to him. I shared the picture with the other person, who was busy taking pictures from various angles.

  The interview was finally over. The reporter obviously admired Gu Shunhua and repeatedly said that he would publish it as soon as possible.

  After seeing off the reporters, Gu Shunhua went to Baizi Bay again. Now she sent a waiter to keep an eye on it and help her look through it every day. However, this matter was so important that she would still come over from time to time to check on the progress.

  She has made clear sauce pork more than once, and it is not difficult in her hands. However, she is always worried that something will happen to Miao Xiumei, and she does not let her use her reputation to sell clear sauce pork, in case she knows the news. What kind of destruction is there, but fortunately, it seems that the other party is not that bad.

  From what I heard from the villagers in Baiziwan, it seems that she has been rated as the advanced one in the factory and has been allocated a building and will move into it.

  This is true, after a few days of not seeing each other with admiration, the days get better and better.

  But she also breathed a sigh of relief. Let's get over it. She didn't bother to worry about anything else. Now she just hoped that her rice would be a hit and the clear sauce pork would be ready, so that the clear sauce pork would continue to drive the restaurant's business. , maybe we can open a branch in two years.


  In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, when Beijing already had a New Year atmosphere, the China Computer Technology Exchange Conference was held.

  This time Ren Jingnian was going to go on stage to give a report, so early in the morning, Gu Shunhua helped him prepare, and even dug some cream for him: "You put it on and moisturize it, otherwise it will dry out easily."

  It was really easy to do it on a cold day with the wind blowing. Besides, he was much thinner than before, and his face looked thin and stern. Gu Shunhua felt that he should be more kind and soft.

  Ren Jingnian had already put on a suit and tie, and had his hair neatly arranged. Now that he heard this, he didn't even understand what it meant.

  Gu Shunhua: "Okay, don't move."

  As soon as she said that, he really didn't move.

  Gu Shunhua raised his hand and wiped his face directly.

  She is quite skilled. In the past, if the child didn't want to wipe it on, she would just put it on and then rub it in a few times. Now, it's just like before, just wipe it on, rub the eyebrows and beard, and it's done.

  Poor Ren Jingnian didn't realize what was going on. He had already been smeared with cream, which still had a faint scent.

  Gu Shunhua looked at him and patted his face: "Why are you so dumb? Please cheer up."

  Ren Jingnian raised his eyebrows, dumbfounded: "I'm not used to applying this."

  Gu Shunhua: "I've wiped it off anyway. I think it's good to wipe it off."

  Ren Jingnian touched his face helplessly. He admitted that it was moisturized, but he still felt strange. He thought that he would have to be careful in the future to prevent her from catching him off guard.

  I didn't expect to be treated like a child accidentally.

  Today's computer exchange meeting is a big event. Gu Shunhua happened to have nothing to do today, so he might as well go there.

  Outside the exchange meeting, He Lina and Yan Chongli came and met Peng Siyun and the others. While everyone was talking, they saw Chen Lu and Yue Chuanxin getting out of a Toyota car over there.

  On a cold day, Chen Lu had permed her hair, wore a large fur scarf, and wore a Hong Kong-style goatskin jacket, red bell-bottom pants, and a down jacket, with her arms open.

  After she came down, she and Yue Chuanxin walked inside. When they saw Ren Jingnian and the others, they smiled and said hello.

  Yue Chuanxin and Peng Siyun knew Ren Jingnian, and they were both in the same industry anyway, so they came forward to shake hands, and asked what Ren Jingnian was busy with recently: "I saw Miss He running around for training, but Mr. Ren was nowhere to be seen. "

  Ren Jingnian said quietly: "We who are engaged in technology have nothing to do, so we just study more technology at home."

  Yue Chuanxin laughed: "Mr. Ren is a contemporary Bi Sheng, we can't compare to him."

  Next to him, Peng Siyun was a little disdainful of Yue Chuanxin. He was very interested in the opportunity of the Institute of Technology. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway and was robbed by Yue Chuanxin, so he just greeted him coldly.

  Yue Chuanxin looked at the big guys and said: "Today we have a big event to announce. The big guys will support us and give us more opinions. You are all the masters in the industry. We still have to learn more in front of you. point."

  Everyone was naturally polite, but Ren Jingnian glanced at Chen Lu.

  Chen Lu noticed Ren Jingnian looking at her, raised her eyebrows, lifted up her long curly hair, smiled meaningfully, then turned around and walked towards the hall.

  She left, but left a scent behind.

  Everyone frowned slightly.

  Entering the hall, many people had already arrived. While going to the toilet, Gu Shunhua and Ren Jingnian whispered a few words: "What did the gentleman from Xinfeng say today? Do you feel what it means?" ?"

  Ren Jingnian: "It's probably Chen Lu's idea. She looks very proud today."

  Gu Shunhua: "I always feel that they have bad intentions."

  Ren Jingnian smiled: "My smart font input method is patented. Later, He Lina went to the researcher to check the situation of the computer Hanka there, or -"

  He looked at the guests in the hall: "Maybe today, we will know. I have consulted the relevant legal personnel. If she dares to embezzle, I will take up legal weapons."

  At this time, the meeting was about to begin, and He Lina was opening her purse and taking out computer-related accessories in order to wait for the next speech.

  Gu Shunhua: "You go to the front first. I see that He Lina has a lot of things with her. I'll go over and help."

  Ren Jingnian: "Okay."


  Gu Shunhua went to He Lina's side and helped her tidy up. He Lina whispered: "Mr. Ren's speech will have to wait a while, but we have to carry his laptop over in advance and take these cards over."

  When He Lina talked about Ka, her voice was very soft. She didn't say Hanka. She specifically said Ka. She didn't want people to hear it. Before Ren Jingnian officially announced the news, the matter was considered a "commercial secret."

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "Yes."

  The computer I mentioned is Compaq's Paqi. It is a strange computer. It is very small, about the size of a child's backpack, and weighs about seven or eight pounds. However, its functions are said to be the same as those of an ordinary computer. .

  Because it is small, the price is naturally very expensive, up to more than 30,000 yuan. Ren Jingnian bought it from Hong Kong through special channels.

  This kind of technical seminar naturally starts with a speech by the leader, and then major companies display their latest research results, or express their understanding of cutting-edge technologies at home and abroad. Ren Jingnian, because he is the heavyweight finale, ranked relatively low. .

  After everyone gave speeches, it was Yue Chuanxin and Chen Lu's turn. They both came up and started to tell everyone how their Chinese printers realized the arrangement of Chinese characters and how they converted from Japanese Han cards to Chinese Han cards. Card.

  After hearing this, the people below all became energetic and pricked up their ears.

  Hanka is a big problem at present. If this problem can be solved, the problem of Chinese translation will be easily solved. Of course, there are some people here who have been gnawing at the hard nut of Hanka. Now that they heard that others have solved it first, they all listen seriously.

  Gu Shunhua and He Lina were behind, but they looked at each other, both confused.

  He Lina didn't quite believe it, because she knew that Ren Jingnian had put in so much effort and invited Yan Chongli to help solve technical problems. Only then could the clouds finally come to light. Did Xinfeng Company do anything? They developed As for power, who are the technicians? How could they create Hanka out of thin air?

  Of course, she subconsciously didn't feel good about Chen Lu, and felt that he didn't look like a serious person.

  Gu Shunhua felt more and more that they had probably stolen Ren Jingnian's input method, otherwise the Chinese encoding problem would not be solved.

  She was thinking that at this time, the computer technology research experts below were naturally not vegetarians. They asked questions one by one, and all kinds of questions were quite sharp.

  You got the Japanese Hanka circuit diagram from a Japanese company. What about the technology patent? Is this considered your own technology? Do you have to pay the Japanese to sell Hanka? The program list in your Hanka firmware is Japanese. What you provide is still developed by yourself. Japanese Kanji and Chinese Kanji are very different. How do you solve this difference? What kind of work have you done here?

  People are questioning it because they feel that developing Hanka is not that simple. It is not impossible to imitate directly by standing on the shoulders of the Japanese. But obviously they are cooperating with the Japanese themselves, and their current Chinese transformation is also done by the Japanese to expand their products. Authorized by the market, so who are they making wedding dresses for?

  Chen Lu saw that everyone was starting to question, so she talked about the work involved. They modified the circuit diagram of Japanese Hanka and increased the capacity of the Chinese character library chip. As for the wiring diagram, it was modeled after Japan's Hanka, and they were completely copied. That's it.

  Chen Lu said with a smile: "Everyone, the most important thing now is that we are doing secondary development based on Japan's Hanka. Although we do not have our own patent, we have negotiated the best price with the Japanese company and can Our Chinese cards are sold on a large scale in the Chinese market. Our company has experience in Chinese character typesetting and printing. We are also working hard to make our own contribution in the localization of electronic computers. Science knows no borders. We don't want to hold anyone accountable. No matter how profitable it is, I just hope more Chinese people can use computers with our own Chinese characters!"

  These words were quite impassioned. For a while, some people were deep in thought, some frowned, and some applauded.

  No matter what happens, the Hanka will be great!

  Someone else began to ask about the Chinese version and effect of the Chinese card. Chen Lu suddenly became energetic and began to demonstrate to everyone in public. After some fiddling, Yue Chuanxin finally succeeded in operating it and turned on the phone. Chen Lu began to skillfully demonstrate to everyone how to type. Chinese character.

  When she introduced these, she even used English.

  At this time, everyone noticed that her English was very good, her pronunciation was standard, her words were correct and her accent was perfect. It was almost broadcast-level English.

  These days, how many people want to study in the United States, and people who are good at English will naturally win people's favor.

  Chen Lu won a great victory and came off the stage to warm applause.

  Gu Shunhua had been staring at the keyboard in Chen Lu's hand and the movements of typing on the keyboard. She was almost certain that she was using Ren Jingnian's smart font input method!

  Sure enough, she is really good!

  I just don't know where she got the program package from, and which science and technology committee computer copied it from?

  Because he was going to be on stage, Ren Jingnian was sitting in front, and Peng Siyun was also beside him. At this time, many people around him were already looking at Ren Jingnian intentionally or unintentionally.

  Anyone who knows anything will naturally understand this and can see through it at a glance.

  As a result, a quiet and strange atmosphere pervaded the seminar. No one mentioned it or even communicated with eyes, but everyone seemed to have thought of a possibility.

  Subconsciously I was startled by my own thoughts, and then I couldn't help but think, why not?

  If no one criticizes the first person to do something, everyone will look around and follow suit silently.

  If the first person does it, everyone will criticize it fiercely, then if the second person does it, everyone will sigh helplessly, the third person will do it, the fourth person will do it... By the time the tenth person does it, no one will be able to speak.

  Or, if everyone swarms together, divides and eats it, and the law does not punish everyone, what else can be done?

  Yan Chongli from behind frowned when he saw this scene, with worry in his eyes.

  At this time, it was finally Ren Jingnian's turn.

  After coming on the field, he looked around at everyone, his eyes calm but sharp.

  Naturally, he had a clear view of everyone's thoughts, which reminded him of several wolves he met in Inner Mongolia many years ago.

  He had a gun in his hand, but there was only one bullet in the gun at that time. He held the gun tightly and pointed it at the wolves. Wolves are human beings and they knew it was a gun. Lying in the snow next to them, What lay there was the corpse of their partner, bleeding gurglingly.

  At that time, he held his breath, and so did the wolves. They stared at him, waiting for him to make the first move, and for their partners to rush forward first.

  As long as one wolf dares to charge over, the other wolves will also charge over.

  The bullet in Ren Jingnian's hand can only kill one wolf. After he kills a wolf, he will definitely be buried in the belly of the wolf!

  In the ice and snow, it is a battle of will and patience.

  Finally, the six wolves retreated together, looking back as they ran, and finally disappeared into the vast sea of ​​snow.

  Ren Jingnian looked at his colleagues and experts in the seats below. He knew that this was a human society, but human society was also full of wolves.

  Wolves are bloodthirsty, and people are greedy for profit. In such a competitive market, chasing profits has become a human instinct.

  The wolf cannot be expected to be humane, so he can only pick up the gun in his hand.

  The author has something to say: First of all, let me state that some external technical exchange plots are based on similar real-life cases and are not created by the author, so these cases do not indicate any tendency of the author.

  Secondly, we have to say that Chen Lu was convicted of spying a few years ago, when Ren Jingnian had just entered college. Now he is a graduate student. Four years later, the world has changed a lot. What needs special attention is that China and Japan established diplomatic relations in 1972, which was already in the honeymoon period in the early 1980s, while China and the United States only established diplomatic relations in 1979.

  In the early 1980s, you may have thought it unbelievable, but that was the honeymoon period between China and Japan.

  There is a paper called "Research on Cultural Exchanges in the "Honeymoon Period" of Sino-Japanese Relations (1978-1989)" If you are interested, you can read it.

  In the 1980s, two-thirds of China's foreign economic aid came from Japan. The Beijing Subway, Beijing Capital Airport, Shanghai Airport and dozens of large domestic ports were all built with Japanese loans. Of course, Japan's economy was at its best at that time and they were not short of money. They invested low-interest loans in China. Naturally, they had their own interests to consider. Anyway, one was short of money and the other was worried about having nowhere to spend it. At that time, Japan did not Come out with those moths that hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. At that time, various Japanese cartoons including Astro Boy and Saint Seiya must have been seen by everyone, as well as various TV series that were once smash hits, all came in at that time.

  Chapter 123 Breaking out of the cocoon

  Computer screen projection was required at the exchange meeting. The curtains were closed and the big lights were not turned on. Only the small electric light in the corner was turned on, making the light a little dim.

  In the blue light shining through the screen, people can see Ren Jingnian standing on the display stand.

  The man wearing an imported suit is thin and tall, but stands upright. His lip line is tight, and his expression is serious and quiet.

  When people in the audience thought of the so-called Hanka from Xinfeng Technology Company just now, and then looked at Ren Jingnian, they inevitably felt a little embarrassed and nervous. This made everyone subconsciously read out the words when they saw Ren Jingnian on the stage. There is a "smell of gunpowder". It is obviously a simple technical exchange meeting, but now it has the atmosphere of fighting against each other.

  The atmosphere on the court suddenly became heavy.

  Gu Shunhua has nothing to worry about. This matter has not happened in a day or two. She believes that Ren Jingnian has been mentally prepared and will consider countermeasures.

  On the contrary, He Lina and Yan Chongli both frowned, obviously feeling that this matter was not easy to deal with today.

  Just when almost everyone felt depressed, Ren Jingnian smiled.

  With just a casual smile, the lines on his originally thin face softened, and the tension in the entire seminar instantly eased.

  Ren Jingnian spoke, but the first sentence did not mention Hanka. He just smiled and said: "I have been too busy recently and have lost a lot of weight. It may be difficult for everyone to see. But fortunately, my wife put some cream on me before coming here." This will improve the foreign minister."

  This is a more serious technical seminar, and Xinfeng Technology was doing Hanka earlier. I thought it would be a slap in the face, but who would have thought of this? Besides, it is such a homely and a bit "tacky" thing, everyone was surprised for a moment. , couldn't help laughing after the accident.

  There was also a person in the front who said directly: "In the winter, you really need to apply some oil. My family uses Noodles!"

  The other one said: "Yes, you are really particular. I always use Vaseline, which is pretty good. It won't crack my hands after applying it."

  These days, no matter how big the experts are, their lives are similar and they are not rich. For example, many researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are crowded into temporary houses built in carports. How can their lives be better? Vaseline has indeed It's good stuff.

  In this relaxed atmosphere, Ren Jingnian spoke again. He talked about Xinfeng Technology Company's Hanka just now and expressed Xinfeng Technology Company's admiration and appreciation, and he said it very sincerely.

  When everyone heard this, they were a little confused. They thought that they should just pinch them, but they didn't expect to praise them? For a while, everyone had a lot of speculations in their minds, wondering what kind of medicine Ren Jingnian was selling in his gourd. Could it be that he wanted to simply cooperate with Xinfeng Technology Company?

  In that case, if Xinfeng Technology eats meat, he will also drink soup?

  Chen Lu and Yue Chuanxin also looked at each other. They came today to announce the news that they had successfully developed Hanka. In fact, they had carefully calculated it in advance. You must know that the Chinese New Year is coming soon. They have now announced that they will also negotiate cooperation with Nanyuan's factory and let them Make yourself a Hanka now.

  If possible, just don't stop during the Chinese New Year. In this case, announce the news now and advertise during the Chinese New Year to create a wave of momentum to whet everyone's appetite. When next spring, there will be ready-made products that can be sold.

  As for Ren Jingnian, he knew that he had used his smart font input method, but so what, the Chinese New Year was coming soon and everyone was going on holiday, how could he still figure out what was going on? How can he go out of his way to find evidence? When he starts selling it himself next year, he finally gets his own Hanka. He can do whatever he likes, he just uses it and he makes money.

  In the Hanka market, they became the first to shout and made the first money. Even if Ren Jingnian could do it immediately after the year, or learn to imitate his own, it would still take two or three months. In this case, He could only run behind him.

  Thinking of this, Chen Lu smiled. She flipped her hair around her ears, crossed her legs, and looked at Ren Jingnian on the stage.

  She once loved this man and lived her whole life just for this man, but now she has seen through it. She wants to change her own life, and she also wants to change Ren Jingnian's. Since I can't get your person, then I'll take it away. Your wealth.

  A man, without the wealth attributes attached to him, is actually, to put it bluntly, just a man, so what is it worth for her to think about!

  Who knew that at this moment, she heard Ren Jingnian on the stage smiling and saying in a casual and relaxed tone: "What a coincidence, we have recently developed a Hanka. This Hanka is built on the key points of our country." The Chinese character information processing system project, a scientific and technological research project, was built using the patent of the smart font input method. Our predecessors overcame difficulties in the ruins of old China. We stood on the shoulders of our predecessors and finally developed this system. Hanka."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Lu was suddenly surprised and looked at Ren Jingnian in disbelief.

  Ordinarily it shouldn't be. How could he start making Hanka at this time? Shouldn't his timeline for making Hanka be later?

  Yue Chuanxin's expression also changed a bit. If Ren Jingnian also made it, then there would suddenly be competitors in the market, and it was not certain who would be able to compete with him in the future!

  However, he quickly thought that his Hanka was modified from the Japanese Hanka. In that case, it would be more technologically advanced after all. How could anything Ren Jingnian built himself compare to the Japanese.

  Unless he--

  He then remembered the news he had heard a few days ago. It was said that Ren Jingnian had contacts with Hong Kong people. Could it be that he was borrowing the skills of Hong Kong people to make Hanka?

  Hong Kong's technology is much better than that of mainland China.

  Chen Lu next to her obviously thought the same thing. She remembered that Ren Jingnian seemed to have asked Hong Kong technicians for help in order to create Hanka. Then his origin of Hanka may not be right, and even if it is right, it may not be as good as Japanese, it depends on who will win next.

  She went through it quickly in her mind, thinking that when she got back, she would immediately turn on the power and ask Nanyuan Factory to mass-produce circuit boards. They would make Hanka and put it on the market as soon as possible! At this time, time is money. Whoever goes to market first and whoever pushes things to consumers first will win - this is what Ren Jingnian himself said back then.

  On the stage, Ren Jingnian glanced at the people in the audience, and he naturally saw everyone's reactions. Some were admiring, some were curious, some were regretful, and of course there were those who were gloating about the good show. All living beings, In the face of such extreme interests, that is the most straightforward and natural reaction.

  Ren Jingnian smiled and introduced his Hanka to everyone, what kind of thinking he had, and what improvements he had made to his smart input method. Everyone listened very carefully to these words, after all, these are for the future. Important reference.

  When he introduced it like this, Gu Shunhua and He Lina lifted the Compaq portable computer to the front, connected the power cord, and placed it on the display stand, waiting for Ren Jingnian to demonstrate it.

  At this time, everyone naturally looked up. Everyone wanted to see what kind of Hanka Ren Jingnian made. The Hanka demonstrated by Xinfeng Technology just now was okay, but it was based on Japan. chip technology.

  If Ren Jingnian didn't learn from Japan, could he have done something decent?

  Everyone here actually has a question mark in their mind. After all, everyone knows what is going on in China in the past few years.

  So everyone stared at Ren Jingnian, watching his operations.

  Ren Jingnian, however, took his time and connected the projector, then pressed the power button. The Compaq logo first flashed on the black screen, and then he entered the DOS system. The eye-catching bright blue screen allowed the seminar to be reflected It was painted with a touch of blue, and everyone stared at the blue.

  Ren Jingnian put his hands on the keyboard and typed.

  With the slight sound of the keyboard, people saw that the white word "中" appeared on the blue screen.

  That is a Chinese middle school, a well-behaved middle school.

  Ren Jingnian smiled and looked at everyone: "This is a new portable computer released by Compaq this year. I didn't make any changes. I just added such a Hanka to the computer. No need to copy the program. No need to Taking up hard disk and memory space, you only need to plug in such a Hanko card."

  After hearing this, the people below were naturally filled with admiration. In any case, Ren Jingnian did it. If what he said is true, it means that he single-handedly developed the Chinese character Hanka!

  And there are no foreigners involved!

  But someone soon asked a question on the court. It was a young doctor from a well-known university. The other person raised his glasses and asked: "Mr. Ren, what is the difference between your Hanka and the Hanka from Xinfeng Technology just now?" , what is your evaluation of the Hanka from Xinfeng Technology just now? Who do you think is better and who is worse?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at that person and couldn't help but frown for a moment, thinking to themselves why such and such a university was so stupid that they asked such a question directly. Isn't this just rubbing off the flames?


  This question is really what everyone wants to know. How could it be such a coincidence today that two companies made Hanka at one time, and they both looked similar. It is such an embarrassing thing, and who doesn't want to see who is competing with whom.

  So everyone looked at Ren Jingnian.

  Ren Jingnian said with a smile: "I admire Xinfeng Technology Company's behavior of creating Hanka very much, because I admire everyone who uses their own ability and technology to do R&D and knowledge down-to-earth, and I also admire everyone who contributes to the informatization of our country. People who have made contributions to the industry. As for the specific technical information, I don't know it, and it's not easy to make an evaluation. After all, I am standing here to show my Hanka, not to belittle others."

  When the young student heard these words, he blushed a little and nodded awkwardly: "Mr. Ren said that."

  Ren Jingnian continued: "Huajing Hanka transplants an improved version of the smart font input method into Hanka. Now, I will demonstrate Huajing Hanka to everyone to see what our Hanka can do. "

  After saying this, he pressed the crtl+shift keys, and everyone saw it.

  Ren Jingnian said: "Huajing Chinese Card has a built-in powerful character library and phrase library. Whenever a Chinese character appears, we will recommend and display the inherent combination of this character."

  At this time, he typed the word "中" again. When the word "中" appeared, everyone didn't think anything, but soon, the seminar was filled with exclamations.

  As the word "中" appeared on the blue screen, a line of numbers appeared at the bottom of the blue DOS screen. It was exactly 1: China 2 Chinese 3 Middle 4 Center 5 Neutral.

  Some people couldn't help but ask: "What is this?"

  Some people squinted their eyes to watch it attentively. This effect had never been seen before. You must know that Chinese characters entered the computer world only in the past few months. Many people have never even seen Chinese characters displayed on a blue DOS screen. !

  But now, not only the familiar square Chinese characters appear on the screen, but also this kind of phrase, which is amazing!

  Everyone almost held their breath and just stared at the screen. Everyone watched Ren Jingnian select 2 from the numeric keys, and then the word "China" belonging to the 2 option appeared on the blue screen.

  The bright white cursor font just magically appeared!

  As soon as this effect came out, the experts present were all refreshed. Some people didn't understand what it meant, but some people already understood it.

  It's simply amazing!

  A senior researcher at the Academy of Sciences said excitedly: "This is really good, this is really good, just type out the words! It can still be like this, I didn't expect that it can be like this!"

  Another deputy director of the computer department of the university said: "Jingnian, please enter a few more words. Enter a big one!"

  So Ren Jingnian entered the word "大", and as the word "大" appeared,

  After that, several other curious people also asked Ren Jingnian to input. According to everyone's suggestions, when Ren Jingnian input a line of Chinese, the deputy director almost cried with excitement: "Okay, okay, this is good. ah!"

  An old professor from a prestigious university had just been holding his glasses and staring at the screen, frowning attentively. Now, he suddenly clenched his fists and said loudly: "Let those in the West see, our Chinese character input efficiency is as good as ours." Their tone is a phrase, and their words are typed letter by letter. Can they compare? This is the charm of square characters, this is the wisdom of the Chinese people, they can never even think of comparing! They want to trample our six thousand years of civilization under their feet Come on, they're still a little tender!"

  The old man's voice was old and hoarse, but this time it was so loud that everyone was almost startled, but soon everyone became excited.

  I can understand that the old professor suddenly lost his temper. This matter weighs on the minds of many people. The development of China's computer industry has been restricted by Chineseization. Now, it has almost been completely solved, and in such a perfect and magical way!

  It was as if the river that had been blocked for many years was beginning to flow smoothly, and everyone felt happy in their hearts!

  At this time, Chen Lu suddenly stood up: "I would like to ask the next gentleman, did you really make this Hanka yourself, relying entirely on your own skills?"

  When she said this, everyone in the room looked at her.

  Chen Lu smiled and repeated: "Mr. Ren, I want to know if you really did this yourself. After all, this matter is related to the long-term development of China's computer localization industry in the future."

  Ren Jingnian: "As I said, I referred to the research results of the Chinese Character Information Processing System Engineering. Everyone should be very familiar with this project. It was arranged by our beloved Premier Zhou in 1974 and was organized by the Fourth Machinery Department and A project jointly initiated by the Ministry of Machinery and the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Xinhua News Agency, this project has contributed to our current research on Chinese characterization, allowing us to break through many obstacles and display our Chinese characters in the technological blockade of the West. on the computer screen."

  Next to him, Yue Chuanxin finally couldn't help but interject: "Mr. Ren, your Hanka was developed for you by Hong Kong people, right? I heard that you have contacted Hong Kong in recent days?"

  Ren Jingnian raised his eyebrows, looked at Yue Chuanxin with some surprise, and then said with a smile: "It turns out that Mr. Yue and Ms. Chen are so concerned about my movements. They are both aware of my several contacts with Hong Kong."

  Yue Chuanxin's face suddenly turned red, and he admitted that he was impulsive.

  But he really couldn't stand Ren Jingnian's hypocrisy.

  How could such a perfect design and such exquisite technology be developed by himself? It must have been developed by someone from Hong Kong. I don't know what's fishy in it!

  It turned out that he was lucky enough to take all the credit and give himself some gold!

  There was a dull laugh from the crowd, and there was a bit of contempt in the laughter.

  Maybe everyone has some greed in their hearts and some small thoughts that cannot be said out loud, but when Ren Jingnian presented such a perfect Chinese character solution in front of them, what could anyone say, only Admiration, total admiration!

  Such a person deserves the respect of everyone no matter what. Even if one day everyone meets each other in the mall, he is still a person whom people admire from the bottom of their hearts.

  Xinfeng Company just pieced together the input methods of Japanese and Ren Jingnian. What qualifications does it have to question Ren Jingnian?

  Gu Shunhua had been silent. This time she finally stood up and looked at Chen Lu and Yue Chuanxin with a smile: "I don't know what Mr. Chen and Mr. Yue are thinking about. Why must it be made in Hong Kong? Why can't it be made by mainlanders? ? Can't you have a little bit of self-confidence?"

  The old professor next to him slapped the table: "Confidence, that's right! We have to have some backbone, have self-respect, develop it ourselves, use our own skills, and be strong-willed, so that no matter what happens, we can stand firm!"

  Ren Jingnian said with a smile: "I contacted people from Hong Kong several times, but that was not to ask Hong Kong people to help me with technical development, but to entrust their factories to mass-produce circuit boards for me."

  Mass production of circuit boards?

  These words made everyone pause.

  Chen Lu looked at Ren Jingnian in disbelief.

  Ren Jingnian was still smiling, and his smile was light and gentle: "Currently, all the 1,000 Hanka cards in my hand have been manufactured, passed the quality inspection, and are ready to be put on the market at any time."

  After that, he said in a tone that he had eaten today: "You can consider buying one piece to try first. I will give you a 20% discount."

  The audience was stunned for a moment, and then many people started discussing loudly.

  It can be said that this news almost blew up the entire seminar site. Those who understand will naturally understand what this means. It means that Ren Jingnian's Huajing Hanka has completed the entire process from research and development to launch, which means that it is so magical. The input method is only a few thousand dollars away from ordinary scientific researchers.

  Within reach!

  I don't know how many people gathered around and asked Ren Jingnian in detail. Ren Jingnian simply continued to tell everyone about the performance of this input method, the powerful functions of Huajing Hanka, and even turned on the host of a computer. box, inserted the Huajing Han card into the slot of the motherboard, and then turned on the computer. Then everyone saw that the computer that could only display English could immediately display Chinese, and Ren Jingnian's smart input method could be used. , and it can also pop out phrases that everyone needs!

  What's even more amazing is that the performance of the entire computer has not changed at all, and is not hindered by this additional powerful function!

  This is turning decay into magic, which is something no one can imagine!

  On the side, Yue Chuanxin sat there blankly, without saying a word for a long time. He also made Hanka, but at this time, all the limelight seemed to be stolen by Ren Jingnian, and he was ignored by everyone.

  The other two partners of Xinfeng Company also had ugly expressions on their faces, and they couldn't help but glare at Chen Lu.

  They have always been dissatisfied with Chen Lu.

  Chen Lu sneered: "Why are you so anxious? Sooner or later he will suffer!"

  The two partners looked at each other funny, holding back their anger. Now in front of so many people, they didn't want to say anything!

  Yue Chuanxin gritted his teeth: "Let's talk about it when we get back."

  In another corner, Peng Siyun looked at the scene on the field and said nothing for a long time. In the end, he just lightly smoked the cigarette in his hand.

  Gu Shunhua and He Lina were ready to pack things at this time. He Lina packed up the Compaq computer. Gu Shunhua looked at Ren Jingnian on the display stand from a distance. He was wearing a suit and tie, among so many gray-haired old professors and Surrounded by research experts, he talked freely and confidently.

  She thought of Ren Jingnian's efforts for Huajing Hanka and the difficulties along the way.

  It's not that he didn't hesitate. She clearly remembered that day when she returned home, he just sat on the pony and looked at the dead leaves outside the window. Only he knew his struggle and confusion at that time.

  She suddenly realized that such a period of history is like a long tunnel. If you stand at the exit of the tunnel and look at the light, you can easily know the answer. But when you are in the tunnel and cannot see the exit in front of the twists and turns, naturally It is easy to be confused by the current darkness and lose the sense of direction.

  At this time, only the toughest will and a strong mind can allow a person to keep going.

  The road Ren Jingnian took was a more difficult one than Chen Lu and her Xinfeng Computer Company. Such a road was destined to be explored bit by bit in suffering. When the difficulties were overcome, the At the other end of the tunnel, the light will suddenly appear in front of you.

  In this technical seminar, Ren Jingnian became the absolute protagonist. Even after he stepped down, many reporters still gathered around to consult Huajing Hanka, the next development model of the Chinese character input method, and his views on Technical perspective.

  Ren Jingnian printed business cards. At this meeting, he handed business cards to countless people, and they were noticed by countless people. He knew that he had won a lot of praise, and he also knew that his company would enter a new era.

  When the butterfly of technology emerges from its cocoon, this winter will have the most beautiful color.

  The author has something to say: The first generation of leaders of New China actually did a lot of basic project research, which laid a good foundation for the future.

  Including the transformation of the male protagonist's textile machine into a carding machine in my previous book "The 1980s: Remarried the Old Man Next Door", it was also based on a mechanical research project in the 1950s.

  Chapter 124 Buying a Bowl

  He became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

  The news that Ren Jingnian created the Huajing Hanka appeared in the Beijing Evening News almost on the same day. The next day, the news spread throughout the computer industry and printing industry, and even the entire academic world. "China Science and Technology "Newspaper", "China Computer News" and some local newspapers reported one after another. On the third day, "People's Daily" reported the interview with Ren Jingnian and the development and launch of Huajing Hanka.

  Immediately, foreign media also quickly noticed and reported the matter with headlines.

  You know, the Western media has always felt that Chinese characters cannot enter the computer world and that Chinese characters will eventually be abandoned. Some people in China have even begun to advocate that China use Pinyin characters.

  When the news came that Ren Jingnian invented the smart input method, everyone was trying to find problems and flaws. Even if it was really good to see it with their own eyes, they still felt that it was a "burden" that greatly slowed down the performance of the computer.

  As a result, now, the Huajing Han card is out. Once the card slot is inserted, the world will be transformed into Chinese in an instant. Will it not drag down the system performance?

  How can you believe this!

  Many foreign media reporters came to interview one after another. Everyone went to see it with their own eyes. Some of them even bought a piece of Hanka for testing. Soon, the American Computer Newspaper announced the test results. Those who tried to find faults were all shut up. .

  Everyone began to marvel and admire. Everyone once predicted that informatization would bring an end to the civilization of Eastern Chinese characters. As a result, this problem has been solved in such a wonderful way. Science has no borders, and everyone is amazed!

  Western media reported it with headlines, exaggerating and exaggerating it to the fullest. They were so impressed that they even said it was the fifth greatest invention after China's four great inventions.

  That day, Gu Shunhua went to the hotel to go to work as usual. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the hotel, several waiters came around and said excitedly: "Boss, boss, you are in the newspaper, look, foreign newspapers! Today, Mr. Li from the embassy specially sent it! Since you weren't around, I left it here."

  Gu Shunhua: "There is nothing surprising. Foreign media love to hunt for novelties."

  She has been interviewed by foreign media several times and appeared in English newspapers, so it is not unusual. Besides, she still remembers the last interview with The Times. Counting the time, it is estimated that it should be released by now.

  But the waiter said excitedly: "It's different, it's different this time. Look, this is the boss, and this is your lover, the boss, and you two have been published in foreign newspapers together!"

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he was naturally surprised and hurriedly took it over to take a look. Sure enough, the two people were on different pages, but they both had related reports. One was about China's magical Hanka, and the other was about Chinese cooking. And in Chinese cooking In that column, there is also a photo of a cook from the Song Dynasty in China. Her photo is below this photo.

  Although they are on different pages, there is only a dividing line in the middle, so the coverage of the couple is almost right next to each other!

  This is really a coincidence, not to mention that the couple appeared in foreign newspapers together, even in Chinese newspapers, it is also a coincidence, and now they appear together in a foreign newspaper that no one pays much attention to.

  She couldn't help laughing: "That's great. I have to keep this newspaper. We actually met in a British newspaper."

  When the waiter saw her like this, he became even more excited: "Boss, our brother-in-law is really good! Although I don't understand English, I heard from people that he has gained face among the Chinese people now. The Hanka he made is said to have saved the world." Chinese words!"

  Gu Shunhua laughed out loud: "There are achievements, but they are not so exaggerated."

  Everyone said: "Anyway, it's amazing! We all admire him to death. The boss is great, and so is the brother-in-law. They are all great! Now the brother-in-law is famous, and all our neighbors know the name. We say that the restaurant we open is Ren Jingnian's lover is rare to everyone. After hearing that it was the famous super female chef, everyone was puzzled, saying how could they both be so good! They really became a family!"

  Gu Shunhua: "You are really good at complimenting. It makes me feel comfortable all over. I feel so happy no matter what. Let's have extra meat for lunch today!"

  When she said this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

  When he got home, Gu Shunhua naturally showed the newspaper to Ren Jingnian. He also liked it very much. Although there were many newspapers reporting on him, this was the only one where two people actually appeared together.

  Gu Shunhua: "You are famous now, much more famous than me. Now when I go back to the courtyard, everyone says you are in the People's Daily, and they say you are going to make a fortune, and some say you have become a scientist."

  The neighbors in the courtyard are simple, but when I heard that he was so powerful, I thought he was a scientist.

  Ren Jingnian listened to what she said with a smile in his eyes: "Huajing Hanka has been put on the market. He Lina has now hired several sales staff to increase the sales force. There are quite a lot of orders, and more than 500 have been sold in a blink of an eye. There are a lot of other inquiries. I estimate that the Hanka will be sold out before next year."

  --At this time, the Chinese New Year is only seven or eight days away.

  Upon hearing this, Gu Shunhua said: "What should we do? Should we give birth as soon as possible?"

  Ren Jingnian nodded: "Two weeks ago, I already mentioned it to the Hong Kong factory to let them continue to produce circuit boards. According to the current situation, these thousand Han cards will be sold out before the year. In the middle of the first month of the year, our new Han cards will be sold out. The card will be on the market, and then we can continue to sell it."

  Gu Shunhua was naturally happy after hearing this. He calculated in his mind that the price of a Smart Han Card is 3,800 yuan, and the cost is about more than 1,000 yuan. If the labor cost is added, it is 1,500 yuan. That is, the net profit of a Han Card is Two thousand three.

  One thousand yuan equals--

  Gu Shunhua paused.

  She didn't believe her arithmetic. Did she earn 2.3 million?

  She began to be a little confused: "Two million and three hundred thousand? I didn't add an extra zero, did I?"

  Ren Jingnian nodded: "Yes, that's right, 2.3 million."

  Gu Shunhua took a deep breath and sighed: "Earning 2.3 million, 2.3 million in one breath! It's like magic!"

  She once earned more than 4,000 a month in Japan, which was so much money that I couldn't believe it.

  Later, she opened her own restaurant and could earn more than 30,000 yuan a month. She couldn't believe it even more. She felt that times had changed. How could people make money like picking up gold?

  Now, when she heard that Ren Jingnian was worth 2.3 million in a blink of an eye, she felt that she didn't know how to count and couldn't believe it. Is this money still money?

  Ren Jingnian has obviously been thinking about this amount in his mind for a long time, so he was particularly calm at this time: "Shunhua, this is just the beginning. Next, we will earn more and more money, and our annual income will be thousands." Calculated by tens of thousands, we will make a fortune, so next, what we need to learn is how to manage this huge wealth."

  The two million and three million yuan went back and forth in his heart so many times. Apart from the surprise of getting rich, he was more calm.

  Sudden huge wealth and success can easily go to people's heads. What he needs to learn is how to use this wealth in a wise way, to become a rich man, to be a rich man who contributes to society and the country, and to let this wealth be used for himself. Use it as a tool to achieve higher-level goals and pursuits, instead of being controlled by wealth and turning people into slaves of wealth.

  After hearing this, Gu Shunhua understood what he meant: "The more money a person has, the more social resources they have, and accordingly they have a higher responsibility to society.

  This money will no longer affect the basic lives of the two people. In other words, the money they earn is no longer in the category of improving their lives, it is a higher level.

  Ren Jingnian: "Well, 2.3 million, but I have some ideas. I plan to use the money to set up a research and development department, and then recruit outstanding fresh graduates, or go to research institutes to recruit some professional talents and give them High salary, no expectation of anything in return, and let them do scientific research well."

  Gu Shunhua: "You are right. Making money is temporary. You should do more research and development and keep innovating. Now that your company is getting bigger and bigger, you have limited energy to do it alone. But if you want to achieve results in research and development, you have to spend money. ."

  She remembered a book she had read in Beitu. In the early years, China wanted to research laser technology. It was obviously the most difficult period for the domestic economy at that time, but the leaders still spoke out and said that they would find a group of people and feed them. I don't do anything else, just study this. It doesn't matter even if I don't get results.

  This is why Ren Jingnian's company is like this, and even his own company has to recruit professional chefs and constantly develop new dishes. Even if 90 of the 100 dishes are not suitable to be presented to customers, they still have to keep researching. , that is the cost of trial and error.

  Those who plagiarize only see others making a lot of money, but they don't understand that others tried a hundred ways before they found the only correct one, and the ninety-nine mistakes were the cost of research and development.

  Regarding these, Ren Jingnian has obviously considered this very maturely, and said: "I also want to donate 200,000 yuan to the University of Science and Technology of China, 100,000 yuan for the unique scientific research expenses of the computer major, and another 100,000 yuan, Set up a scholarship for students, which can be obtained by students with excellent academic performance, so as to encourage students to study hard."

  Of course, there are also the bonuses given to He Lina and the continued recruitment of other new employees. All these will cost a lot.

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "That's right. Your school has provided you with a creative environment for smart input methods. Although there have been financial returns before, it is also right to have more now. You can also consider it in the future. conditions and provide appropriate support to poor students."

  Of course, everything is just getting started, and these are just long-term plans. After all, the most important goal now is to continue to develop the company and make the business bigger and stronger.

  Ren Jingnian: "Well, yes. And Professor Yan. In fact, I have been thinking about it. His hopes for the collective housing have failed. I hope I can help him, but it is obviously inappropriate to provide financial assistance rashly. "

  After Professor Yan's fund-raising project failed, and the school's professional title evaluation has not gone smoothly recently, he obviously feels a little depressed. After all, he is a human being, and people who don't care will eventually feel unhappy.

  Gu Shunhua thought for a while: "Then let's wait and look for opportunities appropriately."


  It snowed a few days before the New Year. Gu Shunhua braved the heavy snow and took the bus to TV University and got her diploma. She was naturally happy when she saw the diploma.

  In fact, now she no longer cares about the "college student" status that this diploma brings to her. Over the past few years, she has understood that these are all false. The key is to have real skills.

  However, she still cherished it and carefully put it away in the document bag. To her, this was proof of the hard work of the past few years and the most important trace of her life.

  After getting her diploma, she breathed a sigh of relief. Now the only thing she was worried about was the business of Shunhua Hotel.

  Now Gu Shunhua is too busy to keep her feet off the ground. She is the first big earner in Sijiu City. Naturally, she must do this well and make a good start so that she can continue to do it every year in the future.

  For this purpose, she borrowed a few waiters from Yuhuatai in the first few days, and asked Bai An's master Qian Xiangli to help her. These private secondments would naturally result in a heavy red envelope.

  Qian Xiangli was also very happy. Anyway, it didn't matter to her whether it was the Chinese New Year or not. She just needed to get a benefit for everything. Who wouldn't be happy if she could get a red envelope?

  She was actually interested in Gu Shunhua's restaurant and wanted to join her: "Never mind it later, let's make a fortune first!"

  These words made Gu Shunhua couldn't help laughing.

  And Su Yinghong also wants to resign and follow Gu Shunhua completely. Everyone can see now that although the iron rice bowl is secure, it only costs tens of yuan a month and how many years to work to become an eighth-level worker. Even if it is more than 100 yuan, but If you do a good job outside, you can earn hundreds or even thousands a month. If someone works for three years, you can work for ten years. Even if it is unstable, just make more money!

  These days, those who make atomic bombs are not as good as those who sell tea eggs, they still have to make money.

  The two of them were talking lively and discussing the snacks for the dinner. At this time, the waiter heard that he was looking for her outside. Gu Shunhua went over and saw that it was Lei Yongquan's mother.

  Since the last time Chang Hui and Lei Yongquan went to Beidaihe to plead guilty, Lei Yongquan's mother finally softened her heart and talked openly to each other, so the matter was considered in the past.

  After coming back, I took Chang Hui to a big hospital to check with experts. They said that the child was developing very well, but he liked Lei Yongquan's family very much. Mr. Lei was so happy that he was cured. Now almost the whole family is surrounding Chang Hui. Hui wanders around.

  As for Lei Yongquan, he has now been assigned to the grassroots level of a key unit. He will start from the grassroots level and look back and slowly work his way up.

  Gu Shunhua was completely relieved when she saw where Lei Yongquan had gone. She thought that Lei Yongquan had gone away completely different from the truth in the book. Maybe there would still be some troubles in his life in the future, but at least, the original one should be avoided. .

  Now seeing Lei Yongquan's mother coming, Gu Shunhua was also happy, so he asked about Chang Hui's current situation. It was said that she was more than four months pregnant.

  When Lei Yongquan's mother mentioned this, she couldn't help but smile: "It's been four months and my belly has grown bigger. I checked it at the hospital and said it was fine. After asking, it was a daughter. In fact, I want one." Grandson, but a daughter is a daughter, and I accept that, it's good, as long as I can have one!"

  The older generation favors boys over girls, and Lei Yongquan's mother is no exception, but she doesn't seem too entangled, so let's leave it at that.

  Moreover, in current family planning, the better the unit, the stricter the control. It is impossible to have a second child, so many people just accept their fate.

  Gu Shunhua naturally persuaded Lei Yongquan's mother, talking about the benefits of a granddaughter and saying that was the real benefit, which made Lei Yongquan's mother very happy: "If it had been a few years ago, I would definitely have a grandson to inherit the blood of our old Lei family. But now I've figured it out, the country has said that it's the same whether you have a son or a daughter, so we have to answer the call."

  Gu Shunhua smiled and praised Lei Yongquan's mother for her openness. After saying this, Lei Yongquan's mother hesitated a little when talking about the purpose of her visit.

  When Gu Shunhua asked, he found out that it turned out that Lei Yongquan's mother had a friend who also wanted to order a banquet. I heard about this recently and was interested, but Shunhua's hotel was already fully booked, so it was in vain to find a relationship. Later I found out Lei Yongquan's mother was familiar with the owner of Shunhua Restaurant, so she asked him to ask.

  Gu Shunhua pondered for a moment and said, "Almost all the tables that can be added have been added now. If we add more tables, the quality will definitely be affected and customers will not feel good, so we really can't add more."

  In fact, at the beginning, Gu Shunhua also asked his friends if anyone wanted to stay at the table. At that time, he helped Wang Xinrui stay, and also helped another intercourse friend to stay. Lei Yongquan and Chang Hui were preoccupied with the matter of pregnancy and did not care. He said he didn't need it, so he didn't leave it for them.

  I had just started doing it at the time, and I was worried about inconvenience and costing everyone, and I couldn't be too direct about leaving it to everyone, so it just passed.

  Lei Yongquan's mother was helpless and took Gu Shunhua's hand: "Shunhua, you have to think of a way. This is a good friend of mine. His father went abroad for business some time ago and saw your profile in foreign newspapers. News, I hope to be able to eat when I come back this time! At least help me and see how we can clear a table."

  Gu Shunhua: "I've been approached by several companies. When I asked, I really couldn't help it. After all, the place is so big. Otherwise, if any company cancels their subscription later, I will definitely be the first to tell my aunt."

  At this point, Lei Yongquan's mother was helpless and said disappointedly: "Okay."

  In fact, she also knew that after only a few days, anyone who had subscribed would unsubscribe.

  Gu Shunhua sent Lei Yongquan's mother away, and she actually felt a little bit regretful. After all, the Lei family had helped her a lot in the past, but now they were all fully booked, and the customers had already booked. She couldn't persuade her not to come, because she couldn't do it. That kind of thing comes out.

  Immediately she found Shunzi and discussed it with Shunzi.

  Now Shunzi is in charge of these coordination chores in the store. When she heard what she said, she thought for a while and said: "There is a bit of excess in the ingredients purchased. It's no problem to make a few more tables. I'm just afraid that we won't be able to place extra tables. Indeed, our store Spaces are limited."

  Gu Shunhua thought for a while: "I'm looking at the location next to the service desk. If we can place it, can we put an extra table?"

  After hearing this, Shunzi went over, measured it, and made some gestures: "That's okay, but in that case, the table at the service desk can be moved."

  Gu Shunhua smiled: "Actually, it's okay not to have a service desk. It doesn't have to be in the style of a traditional hotel. Just move the service desk back to this corridor. Anyway, for dinners, they are all booked in advance, and the charges are also unified in advance. ."

  As soon as Shunzi thought about it, he started to plan the matter. He would take care of it. Gu Shunhua felt relieved and let him think of a solution.

  Shunzi is already very good at some things now, and Gu Shunhua has many things to distribute appropriately.

  After setting it up like this, Shunzi came over and said, it's okay, I can add a table. Gu Shunhua breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over to Lei's house. When he mentioned this, Lei Yongquan's mother was naturally surprised and pulled Gu Shunhua She kept saying thank you with her hands, saying that she was a good sister. She opened her mouth, but there was nothing she could do.

  Lei Yongquan was also at home. Seeing this, when he came out to see Gu Shunhua off, he felt a little embarrassed: "I told my mother before, don't let her mention it. Who knew she would sneak away to find you again? My mother's People like this probably put you in a difficult situation. After all, at this time of year, how can you change the location so casually? There are only so many tables in your restaurant."

  Gu Shunhua smiled instead: "This incident also reminds me that in the future, I have to be a little loose with my hands, so as not to be caught off guard."

  The Lei family quickly told the news to that family. The family's surname was Xu. The son of the Xu family came over to register, and it was considered a reservation. When he came over, the son of the Xu family was very grateful: "The main reason is that the old man published it in foreign newspapers I saw it and wanted to eat it."

  Gu Shunhua also chatted with Mr. Xu for a few words and explained to him clearly that this was an extra table after the service desk was moved. If the reception was not good, he would have to ask for Haihan. Naturally, the other party had nothing to say, after all, the distance was The New Year is only a few days away, who can still keep extra space?

  While they were chatting, Zhang Zhaoyun hurried over.

  As soon as Mr. Xu saw that Gu Shunhua was busy, he left.

  After Zhang Zhaoyun arrived, he was very excited: "Shunhua, haven't you been thinking about Grandma Tong's bowl before? That old gentleman is back! I heard that he just came back from abroad. I have already asked, and my dad can help me I made an appointment with them, so I can go over and have a look today!"

  Gu Shunhua was happy when he heard it, but he was a little worried: "It's the New Year now, is it appropriate to bother others?"

  Zhang Zhaoyun: "Didn't I say that there are other people who are also watching? We have to buy this bowl as soon as possible! Otherwise, if others beat us to it, it will be in vain for us!"

  Gu Shunhua gritted his teeth: "Okay, let's go now and see if that bowl belongs to Grandma Tong first!"

  Because Zhang Zhaoyun was still pregnant, Gu Shunhua was naturally cautious and did not dare to ride a bicycle. He took the bus directly. The two of them arrived at the courtyard where the seller lived in Xitangzi Hutong, Dongcheng. When they saw it, they saw a silver vermilion gate and a hard mountain roll shed. There are still faint traces of the screen wall on the opposite side of the door. This must have been a wealthy family in the past.

  Gu Shunhua understood that this family should not be short of money. The other party bought Grandma Tong's bowl probably because he liked it, not because of opportunism. If he wanted to buy it from this kind of family, it would be difficult for him to get the money. It's useless to smash it, but it will make people annoying if you don't do it well.

  But the most important thing now is to confirm first. As for what the other party thinks, we can only talk about it separately.

  As soon as you enter, there is naturally a screen wall, east and west screen doors, green paint and red squares. The host family quickly came to welcome a well-dressed middle-aged woman named Hu. They called each other Sister Hu based on their age. Hu Jie led them from the west. After entering through the screen door and walking on the road, I realized that it was the old man who had collected the bowl. He also heard that the original owner wanted it, so it was convenient for them to see it.

  So they were led to the study, and Sister Hu took it out for them to see.

  When Gu Shunhua saw the bowl, he became excited: "It's exactly this, it's unmistakable. When it was sold, I was the one who carried it!"

  After hearing this, Sister Hu said: "Actually, I am not from this family, but a relative. I help take care of the family affairs. Now that you see it, I will tell the old man about it later. He will be home tomorrow. If you come here again, whether to sell it or not depends on what the old man wants."

  Gu Shunhua naturally understood, and thought about coming over tomorrow to talk face to face. Maybe the other party would be accommodating and sell it. It was sold for 6,000 yuan, and she would rather buy it back for twice the price.

  She has made money now and is not short of money. Throwing out ten thousand or twenty thousand is just like playing. But for Grandma Tong, the weight hidden in this bowl cannot be measured by mere money.

  Who knew that Sister Hu said again: "Besides you, there is someone else who is also asking. I don't know what's going on with you. It's not something I can ask. Anyway, you are coming tomorrow, so you should do it early. They have an appointment." Okay, come over tomorrow."

  Gu Shunhua was worried at first, but now he became more vigilant after hearing this. It seemed that the current owner was a kind person and not too fussy. In this case, he could still hope to buy it from the other party.

  If we had changed that person, the one who could have been keeping an eye on me until now, without knowing where he came from, would have lost hope if the other party snatched him away.

  After walking out of that house, she discussed with Zhang Zhaoyun, thinking that she must come as early as possible tomorrow and decide on this matter early.

  Unexpectedly, on the second day, they rushed over and saw Chen Lu when they arrived in front of the silver vermilion gate.

  When Chen Lu saw them, she was slightly startled, and then smiled: "What a coincidence."

  Gu Shunhua's heart skipped a beat.

  The one who dared to buy this bowl was Chen Lu. What a coincidence!

  At the moment, Gu Shunhua remained calm: "Are you here?"

  Chen Lu: "Mr. Xu and I have already made an appointment."

  Gu Shunhua understood more clearly. It seemed like she was here to buy a bowl.

  I couldn't help but gnash my teeth for a moment, thinking that I wish I had known the news a few days earlier, but I happened to catch up with her. Now even if the old gentleman agrees to sell the bowl, he still has to fight with her later. She must be deliberately causing trouble.

  Zhang Zhaoyun next to him didn't know Chen Lu and didn't understand the ins and outs, but looking at Chen Lu, he also felt that the person coming was evil.

  Suddenly, Sister Hu came over and was a little surprised to see them: "You are all here, are you together? Well, please come in and have a look. We old gentlemen are waiting to see you."

  Upon hearing this, Gu Shunhua hurriedly said: "Sister Hu, we don't know her. That bowl was lost by an old man in our family. It has nothing to do with her. It's us who want to buy the bowl."

  Chen Lu: "Cousin, why do you say that? Even if you are usually close to Grandma Tong, that bowl was originally sold because of me. Shouldn't I be the one to buy it back now?"

  Gu Shunhua was really funny and angry when he heard this.

  She really didn't say a word wrong. She was indeed her cousin, and that bowl had something to do with her at that time.

  Just listening to her words, it is inevitable that there will be a misunderstanding!

  Sister Hu didn't care about that. She invited them into the living room and asked them to wait for tea. After that, Mr. Xu arrived.

  Mr. Xu has silver-white hair and looks to be in his eighties, but he is still in good spirits. His hair is neatly combed, and he even wears mousse. He is wearing a sapphire blue leather jacket, and the soles of his feet are shiny. The genuine leather shoes made him look like a very fashionable old man.

  When Gu Shunhua saw him, he said hello first and then talked about his intentions.

  Seeing this, Chen Lu quickly stepped forward and explained her intention.

  Mr. Xu frowned, looked at Gu Shunhua, and then at Chen Lu: "You are cousins, and you both want to buy this bowl for the elderly at home?"

  Chen Lu nodded: "Yes, but Mr. Xu, I mentioned this to you first. My sister also came to you after hearing that I wanted to buy it. There must be a first-come, first-served basis."

  When Zhang Zhaoyun heard this, he laughed out loud: "Cousin, look at what you said. Why did I find you after I heard you bought it?"

  With that said, she stepped forward to salute Mr. Xu and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Xu, I am Zhang Tianyue's daughter. My father once mentioned you to me."

  Mr. Xu was surprised, and then he said with a smile: "I had a relationship with your dad a few years ago. How is he now?"

  Zhang Zhaoyun: "It's okay, I'm in good health now, and I walk to the Forbidden City by myself every day to go to work."

  Seeing this, Chen Lu frowned: "Old man, as I said before, you can't just rob it here just because you are a friend, right?"

  As soon as these words came out, Mr. Xu felt a little uncomfortable on his face.

  He glanced at Chen Lu and said, "I originally bought this bowl before. Since I bought it, it is mine. I can sell it if I want to. If I don't want to sell it, I won't. It won't be manipulated by others' words." "

  After saying that, he picked up the tea bowl. In fact, picking up the tea bowl meant seeing off guests.

  However, Chen Lu didn't understand. How could she understand these old rules? She smiled and opened the box in her hand and said, "Mr. Xu, take a look at this. Are you interested?"

  After hearing this, Mr. Xu looked over and became somewhat interested.

  Gu Shunhua and Zhang Zhaoyun looked over and saw that it was a magenta wine cup with painted enamel on a porcelain body. Gu Shunhua didn't understand, but Zhang Zhaoyun knew that this kind of porcelain with painted enamel on a porcelain body was a painted porcelain used by the Qing court. Except for some used to reward meritorious officials, most of them were He stayed in the Qing palace.

  This kind of painted porcelain has been left in the world since the Kangxi period and ended in the Qianlong period. In other words, the object Chen Lu took out was from the Qianlong period anyway. It is quite old, so it is naturally valuable.

  Mr. Xu suddenly became interested and quickly called Chen Lu to come closer. He wanted to take a closer look at the red ocean cup.

  Gu Shunhua and Zhang Zhaoyun looked at each other. Who would have thought that Chen Lu could do this!

  This was clearly prepared.

  For a moment, neither of them knew what to do.

  At this time, Mr. Xu asked Chen Lu about the origin of the red wine cup. Chen Lu told him that it was recovered from abroad, and Mr. Xu became even more interested.

  As for Gu Shunhua and Zhang Zhaoyun, they were left hanging there. It was really embarrassing. Not only was they embarrassed, but they were also worried. Can they still mention the bowl at this time?

  Chen Lu was naturally very proud. She glanced at Gu Shunhua with a smile and told her with her lips: That bowl is mine.

  Gu Shunhua sneered, thinking that's all for now. If you don't let me buy it, then you won't be able to buy it. I won't leave, so I'll poke here and ruin the deal later!

  In fact, according to her thoughts, she knew that Chen Lu was arrested and sentenced because of that bowl, and Chen Lu was obsessed with that bowl.

  In this case, she had to let her have her way. Instead of having the bowl in the hands of someone like Chen Lu, it would be better to just leave it in the hands of Mr. Xu!

  Who knew that at this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and then, a person walked in.

  When Gu Shunhua saw it, he was also surprised. It turned out to be Mr. Xu, the one who Lei Yongquan's mother had begged to let her reserve a seat.

  Mr. Xu was also surprised to see Gu Shunhua: "Master Gu, why are you here?"

  Mr. Xu over there heard this: "What? Master Gu?"

  Mr. Xu smiled: "Dad, I'm afraid you don't recognize me. This is Master Gu, the Master Gu of Yushan Family! Haven't we already ordered a banquet at Yushan Family? We will go for dinner in two days! You Can you taste Master Gu's craftsmanship?"

  Mr. Xu was also surprised. He quickly raised his glasses and looked at Gu Shunhua: "Are you Master Gu?"

  After saying that, he took a look: "Yes, yes, it's you. No wonder I looked at Mian Shan just now. I was so confused that I didn't remember it!"

  Chen Lu frowned from the sidelines. She was introducing this magenta wine cup to Mr. Xu!

  However, Mr. Xu has already forgotten the carmine cup. He has no choice but to do it. He is old and has a bad memory. What he regarded as a treasure just now will be discarded like a shoe after a while, and he is like an old child.

  This old boy, Mr. Xu, stepped forward enthusiastically, shook hands with Gu Shunhua, and praised repeatedly: "Everyone abroad knows that Chinese food is delicious. Master Gu, he is amazing, amazing!"

  When Gu Shunhua saw this, he was naturally delighted, so he took the opportunity to talk to Mr. Xu about the big meal this time, how he used fresh prawns in the peach blossom pan, and how he struggled to find the charcoal for the braised pork. : "These days, it's hard to find food like this, even if you have the money! The dishes for our dinner are not simple dishes, they require hard work and are an old Chinese cultural tradition."

  These words made Mr. Xu really excited and full of admiration: "Okay, okay, I love this bite and I'm looking forward to eating it. If I don't get it, I'll be so greedy!"

  Mr. Xu also laughed from the sidelines: "I am old, and sometimes my temper is like this. Master Gu, don't laugh at me, please be considerate."

  The conversation was in full swing, and Gu Shunhua took the opportunity to mention the bowl. By this time, Mr. Xu never refused to agree.

  When Chen Lu saw this, she became anxious and hurriedly stepped forward: "Mr. Xu, do you see this magenta wine cup?"

  This is a good thing made during the Kangxi period. It's hard to find. Isn't it better than that meal?

  However, Mr. Xu no longer had the glass of magenta wine in his eyes, and he didn't even look at it: "Comrade Chen, I'm sorry for the poor hospitality today."

  This is the way to see off guests.

  Chen Lu was also funny and angry at this time.

  There was a reason why she wanted to buy this bowl. In that prison, she didn't know how many times she reflected on it. She thought about it in her past and present lives. She felt that all the joints were in that bowl, and she had to get that bowl.

  So since she was released from prison, she had searched hard and finally got the information. She planned carefully, and just in case, she also asked about Mr. Xu's preferences. Unexpectedly, in the end, she lost to such a big meal!

  What a ghost!

  The author has something to say: Wan: I am the biggest protagonist of this article.

  Because the plot is too much to write, I re-planned it in detail. The main text will be completed in six days, so this time it should be no problem! Come and celebrate we have a clear and detailed outline!

  Chapter 125 New Year's Eve Dinner

  Gu Shunhua successfully bought the bowl. When he bought it, Mr. Xu asked about it, so Gu Shunhua told him about Grandma Tong. For a moment, Mr. Xu Laoxin and his son were also surprised, thinking that they were not relatives, not old friends. Yes, she bothered to do this because she thought he was a righteous person.

  Talking about Chen Lu again, Gu Shunhua mentioned that Chen Lu was sent to jail for stealing a bowl. Mr. Xu slapped the table directly: "She is such a person. If you had mentioned it earlier, I would have kicked her out! "

  Gu Shunhua just smiled, but Mr. Xu remembered that he and Chen Lu had a heated conversation just now. It was really difficult for Gu Shunhua to interrupt at that time, so he just laughed a few times and didn't mention it again. Instead, he talked about the price.

  According to Mr. Xu's wishes, he will reimburse the original price, six thousand yuan: "Just think that I have fulfilled your friendship."

  But of course Gu Shunhua knew that after a few years, the value of this thing must have appreciated. It is impossible to buy important things back at the original price, so he paid 10,000 yuan: "I will pay 10,000 yuan. If you lose, old sir, you will bear it." point."

  In fact, the price of 10,000 is enough. Although prices have risen now, they have not doubled. However, when dealing with the elderly, you have to pay attention to everything, do things properly, and say things properly to make people feel comfortable.

  Mr. Xu also thought that Gu Shunhua's words were pleasing to the eye, but naturally he refused to accept the money. When Zhang Zhaoyun saw this, he knew that Gu Shunhua was interested in buying it back, and he didn't want to owe anyone any favors. It was okay to pay some money, so he also helped to persuade him. In the end, Mr. Xu saw the situation and advised Mr. Xu to accept it: "If you don't accept it, Master Gu will not feel at ease buying it."

  When Mr. Xu saw this, he accepted it.

  The next delivery went smoothly. Gu Shunhua quickly withdrew the money and bought the bowl. He then deposited it with Zhang Zhaoyun. Then he went to tell Grandma Tong that he had found the bowl. The other party wanted to sell it urgently because something happened at home, and the price was only five thousand and five thousand. One hundred, and I made five hundred!

  Naturally, Grandma Tong didn't believe it, and Master Pan also felt something was wrong. Gu Shunhua stamped his feet: "Grandma, don't hesitate. Let me tell you the truth. This is Zhaoyun's father's relationship. If he is not an acquaintance, how would he know the news? Just take the opportunity to buy it! If you delay the afternoon any longer and someone else takes it away, it will be too late!"

  When the relationship with Zhang Zhaoyun's father was brought up, the two of them stopped talking, so Grandma Tong took the bankbook and withdrew 5,500. Gu Shunhua left with the money and took a bowl from Zhang Zhaoyun.

  When the bowl arrived, Grandma Tong recognized the bowl as soon as she saw it, and started crying while holding the bowl.

  For her, this bowl has been with her for half her life. It is more than just a bowl, it is all the memories of her youth1

  Master Pan had some doubts. After he came out, he asked Gu Shunhua: "Just tell the truth, how much did you pay for this bowl?"

  Gu Shunhua knew that he couldn't hide it, so he roughly said it.

  Mr. Pan sighed: "I guess that's it. I estimate the price is tens of thousands. You are doing a favor to your grandma Tong and added more than four thousand."

  Gu Shunhua: "We are rich and powerful, so why do we care about this!"

  Master Pan: "Let's see, I still have some money here, and Gu Duo'er has also earned a lot. Let's go back -"

  Gu Shunhua: "Yes, Mr. Pan, please don't say this. This is my filial piety to Grandma Tong. If you deliberately don't let me show filial piety, I will fall out with you later!"

  Master Pan looked at Gu Shunhua, who had a stubborn look on his face: "Master Pan, don't let Gu Duo'er give me money. Gu Duo'er gives me money. It doesn't matter. Is it because you are married to Grandma Tong, and she and Tong are married?" Grandma is closer than I am to Grandma Tong, so I'm not convinced!"

  Mr. Pan finally smiled helplessly: "You, you, are still the same as when you were a child!"


  After buying the bowl, Gu Shunhua felt really happy both physically and mentally.

  In fact, when outsiders talk about it, they will think that Grandma Tong and you are not related, so why bother? Is it interesting to pay more than 4,000 yuan, but Gu Shunhua feels that it is worth it.

  She no longer cares about many things in the past, and she is relieved of those that hurt her, but she is especially fond of those who gave her a little warmth and made her feel family affection and care during her most difficult time. cherish.

  At this time, all I cared about was one feeling.

  She is not short of money now. With more than 4,000 yuan, she can buy a happy old man who has gone through many vicissitudes of life. She feels that it is worth it.

  At this time, it was finally time to celebrate the New Year, and Shunhua Hotel began to get busy in full swing.

  Naturally, the time spent on the New Year's Eve dinner is not only on the stove, but also elsewhere.

  In the first year of doing it, Gu Shunhua wanted to create a good atmosphere. To put it bluntly, people don't eat at home during the Chinese New Year, but come to your restaurant. It can't be deserted, it has to have that New Year's flavor.

  So on New Year's Eve, when everyone came over to prepare for dinner, they saw that it was really lively. Needless to say, there were lights and colorful decorations outside the hotel. Big red lanterns were hung up. As soon as you entered the hotel, you saw a big money tree. There were copper coins, ingots, and pomegranate flowers hung on the money tree, and small colored lights were installed on it, just twinkling.

  The New Year's Eve dinner is usually held by a large family, both old and young. The children naturally find it lively when they see this, jumping up and down with joy and circling around. I also heard from the hotel that anyone with children can take a hanging small one. Gift, the child suddenly screamed for joy, as happy as anything.

  In this way, the atmosphere is lifted, the adults are also happy, and there is a sense of celebration even before they have eaten.

  In fact, Gu Shunhua learned this trick from abroad. In the past, there was a tradition of making money trees in Beijing, but there were no gifts. She hung up the gifts, which was combined with the foreign Christmas trees.

  Of course, I don't care about strictly following the tradition. To put it bluntly, it's just about having fun and being happy.

  After everyone entered the house, they saw that there were decorations in the house, including a lobby and partitions. There were red lanterns above the head, New Year pictures on the wall, and there were hall flowers on the table next to them.

  The so-called hall flowers are peonies, plum blossoms, winter jasmines, etc. that have been specially treated. The shape of the flowers is still retained, and the fragrance and color are also retained. They are put in bottles and sold. The hall flowers of Shunhua Hotel are well selected and are pleasing to the eye.

  By this time, everyone felt that the New Year's Eve dinner was worth it, at least it had a New Year flavor.

  When we got to the table, the first thing we saw was the New Year's dinner made of gold and silver rice, placed in the middle, with pine and cypress branches, jujubes, longan, fragrant branches, etc. on it. Some old people sighed: "Even this is not enough." It's all ready, it's been a long time since our New Year's Eve dinner has been so elaborate!"

  The children happily played with their gifts, and some ignored the New Year's Eve dinner and circled around the money tree. The old people thought it was delicious. The young people saw the old people and children happy, and they were also very happy.

  At this time, hot meals were served one after another, which were naturally carefully prepared by Gu Shunhua. The first dish was Master Hu's peacock fish. This dish is a tradition in Shandong cuisine and is also a Spring Festival dish. As soon as it is served, Everyone saw the delicious and tender fish arranged like a peacock spreading its tail, decorated with millet peppers and green onions. It was festive, peaceful, beautiful and grand, and they couldn't help but admire it again and again.

  Next is Shunhua Restaurant's signature charcoal-braised braised pork with peach blossoms, fried eggplant boxes, four-joy bags, blooming flowers, pork with clear sauce, etc. These dishes are all traditional New Year's Eve dinners, and when combined, they are full of color, flavor and flavor. , which makes people's mouths water.

  Naturally, there are also some regular customers or acquaintances present here. Some of them originally wanted to support me, but now, they really have no other ideas. They just think: it's good enough and it's worth it!

  Mr. Xu was so happy that he exclaimed: "Our New Year's Eve dinner contains five thousand years of Chinese culture, it's authentic! What foreigners say in newspapers is not enough, they don't understand our Chinese culture!"

  Due to limited space, everyone inevitably sat next to each other at the New Year's Eve dinner, but at this time, we were quite friendly with each other, especially the children playing together, which was so lively and festive that both adults and children laughed.

  On this day, because of the Chinese New Year, everyone was on holiday. Ren Jingnian had been busy in the kitchen early in the morning. Gu Zhenhua and Gu Yuehua came over to help with the chores. Su Yinghong and Guduoer also arrived. Anyway, if there is any errand that does not require skills, they would help. I can also help wash the dishes and dishes.

  But even so, Gu Shunhua had been busy since yesterday for the New Year's Eve dinner and almost didn't sleep all night. By this time, all the dishes were on the table. Seeing that everyone was satisfied, she was slightly relieved. After all, it was a success.

  Ren Jingnian cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks from the back stove with everyone, and when he saw her like this: "You go home and lie down for a while, I will just keep an eye on it."

  Gu Shunhua: "No, I'll just hold on. I'll go back after all the guests have left, just in case anything happens."

  Ren Jingnian had quite a lot of management experience, but working in a hotel was different from running a company. Gu Shunhua was worried when he wasn't watching.

  Gu Zhenhua: "How about you lie down on the folding bed in the utility room at the back for a while, and we'll call you if anything happens."

  Gu Shunhua thought it was right, so he went over to rest, and advised Gu Zhenhua: "Now that you are done with your work, you should go back quickly. My sister-in-law is pregnant for the Chinese New Year."

  Gu Zhenhua: "She said she wanted to come over and have a look. I said forget it. I'll go pick her up. I'll go to my parents' place later and have a meal together tomorrow. You guys will go too."

  Gu Shunhua: "Well, let's go there then. I heard there is a temple fair this year. We can go to the temple fair together later."

  At that moment, Gu Shunhua went to lie down on the folding bed for a while. However, after lying down, she was obviously very tired, but she could not fall asleep quickly. She was still a little excited. She was excited about the success of the New Year's Eve dinner. She was thinking that she could do this in the future. Keep doing it, but you will need more people than family members to help.

  Otherwise, doing this business for her would make everyone have a bad New Year.


  This New Year's Eve dinner was quite late, and it was a great success. Before leaving, I gave each customer a "red envelope". They said it was a red envelope, but in fact it contained "vouchers" that can be used for future meals. Some amount, this can also tie the guests.

  Gu Shunhua packed another bag for everyone who came to help today. This is a real unity. It was just taken out from the bank a few days ago. Thank you everyone for coming to help.

  After all this work was done, Ren Jingnian accompanied her home and fell asleep when she got home.

  I feel satisfied, satisfied and tired at the same time.

  After sleeping like this, the next day was the first day of the Lunar New Year, so we started to pay New Year greetings. We went to the courtyard and the whole family had a New Year's Eve dinner.

  During the meal, Chen Cuiyue took very good care of Zhang Zhaoyun. Finally, her son got married and her daughter-in-law was pregnant. She was extremely happy. This actually made Zhang Zhaoyun feel bad. She quickly said that she was fine, and then mentioned that she was pregnant. Move more, don't sit still all the time.

  Chen Cuiyue naturally disagreed, and she said a lot of old-fashioned things, which made Zhang Zhaoyun dumbfounded. Fortunately, Gu Shunhua was beside him to help him out. After that, Gu Zhenhua directly told what he had asked from the doctor, saying that only then It's science, so Chen Cuiyue won't say anything else.

  Seeing this, Gu Shunhua also thought to himself that it would be good not to live together, otherwise there might be conflicts over time. If they don't live together, they feel close. Even if something happens occasionally, it will be over with mutual tolerance.

  After dinner on New Year's Day, the children ran out to set off firecrackers. We used to play together all day long, but now we are in school. Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, we are familiar with each other. We just shoot fireworks together, whisper to each other, and stuff the snacks in our pockets to each other.

  In the past two years, everyone's life has been better, their hands are not so cramped, the new year has been good, and the children have more snacks in their hands. Unlike in the past, when I saw the pear candy, I was so greedy that I drooled, thinking that it was a rare thing.

  But when adults stand together and talk, everyone knows what they are doing. Everyone knows that Gu Shunhua's restaurant is getting more and more prosperous and he is making a lot of money. As for Ren Jingnian, they only know that he has made money and become famous, not that he has made a fortune. What a fortune.

  Aunt Huo sighed with emotion: "A person like Jingnian can't earn more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan a year? Is this the 10,000 yuan household mentioned in the newspaper?"

  In fact, hundreds of thousands or two hundred thousand, this is what everyone can think of, making a lot of money, otherwise, what about one million or two million? I can't even imagine how there could be so much money!

  The person next to me started laughing: "What are you talking about? Huo Huo, please put it in a lower tone. Even Chen Lu can drive a Japanese car. She is a hundred times better than her in the same year. That's not true." Earn hundreds of thousands?"

  Everyone was talking about everything, and Gu Shunhua just smiled.

  If this kind of thing is told truthfully, wouldn't it scare people? Not to mention the big guys in the courtyard, even if they are well and have been to Japan and opened a restaurant, they are still knowledgeable. I heard that a batch of Hanka can directly earn more than two million, which is not surprising.

  With the reform and opening up, there are some things that ordinary people cannot think of.

  A group of people were just standing there cracking melon seeds and talking. The topic somehow came to Chen Lu, and some people were wondering: "How could a spy in jail make her rich? Why don't you care about her? She should be allowed to do something." You can't even do it, just leave her alone!"

  Gu Shunhua remained silent.

  Xinfeng Company's Hanka probably used Ren Jingnian's smart font input method, which was tantamount to infringing on Ren Jingnian's interests. The 500 computers that Xinfeng Company installed for the Institute of Science are now also under investigation. When I arrived, I didn't understand that the smart font input method package was also used above.

  To put it bluntly, I worked hard to develop it there, and others can just use it and make money. When you make money later, people will still step on you and say, look at your stupidity, you deserve to be unable to make money. .

  You can even say arrogantly, "So what if I copied yours? It's our ability to make money, so you can sue. If you have the ability, you can sue!"

  Gu Shunhua understands these things, and Ren Jingnian also understands that the lawsuit will definitely be fought. For the things I invented, I can sell the patent rights for a penny, but if you don't ask for it, then it won't work, so just go ahead and sell it. I'll fight you to the end!

  But now is not the time. We need to collect evidence, consult legal professionals, and inquire about current policies. In Ren Jingnian's words, we must win the case with one blow and give everyone a warning. It also taught Chen Lu a thorough lesson.

  When he said this, his tone was ordinary, but Gu Shunhua understood how cruel he was.

  That is the bloody spirit of fighting in the wilderness. We have fought against heaven and earth, against wild beasts and birds of prey, and against foreign spies. Now times have changed, and we have begun to pay attention to patents and intellectual property rights. We have to fight culturally. We are going to fight an economic war, so don't be afraid.

  So Gu Shunhua just smiled and talked about home affairs with Grandma Tong. As he was talking, he thought of Gu Duo'er, so he casually asked about Gu Duo'er. Grandma Tong smiled: "I was here just now. I wanted to talk to you, but she disappeared in a moment. There's no one there, who knows, maybe he went shopping in Dashilar!"

  On the first day of the new year, Dashilar is of course very lively, with everything for sale. Sometimes you can hear the sound of sales in the distance in the courtyard.

  Gu Shunhua said that he would take his children over there later to have a look, buy whatever he wanted, and join in the fun. During the Chinese New Year this year, she was busy with the New Year's Eve dinner at the hotel and failed to spend time with her children. After the New Year, she planned to make up for it. She didn't think about what to buy for her children. It just depends on how much her children like it. .

  Who would have thought that before they even went out, they saw Gu Duoer and Gu Yuehua coming over carrying a bamboo pole with a cannon tied to the head. They were still discussing: "I won't say anything else, just in front of the courtyard gate." Let's see who can do it better!"

  When these two people said this, everyone understood that this was a competition, and the older ones quickly said: "You two are so old, don't be shy! There are adults and children here, who will be hurt later? Let's see what you do!"

  Gu Yuehua: "Then let's go out and compete! Find a place where no one is around!"

  Not to be outdone, Gu Duoer said: "Okay!"

  Gu Shunhua was amused when he saw this scene, and said to Ren Jingnian next to him: "This is really... one is a college student after all, and will be an engineer in the future, and the other is doing business to make money and become a boss. Look at the result, what it looks like !"

  Ren Jingnian originally wanted to take his children there, but the children had so much fun with the kids that they rarely wanted to go out, so the couple decided to go out by themselves.

  When Ren Jingnian heard it, he said, "These two people are a good match."

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help laughing: "What are you talking about? The two of them have been together since they were young -"

  She actually wanted to say that she had been like this since she was a child, but she suddenly stopped.

  Ren Jingnian: "Don't you think so? They both came to help at last night's New Year's Eve dinner, so I felt something was wrong with them."

  Gu Shunhua: "I didn't feel it before, but now that you say it, I feel it."

  Ren Jingnian looked at her, seeing her confused and suddenly enlightened look, with a smile in his eyes: "Why are you so slow?"

  Gu Shunhua was helpless and innocent: "We are different. I was used to seeing them making noises, so now that I have grown up, we have a very good relationship and are very close. It is normal for us to laugh and have fun. But you reminded me. It feels like it's not as simple as I thought."

  What could these two people possibly have?

  It was really unexpected. Yuehua had a relationship with her during college, but they broke up when they graduated. Since then, they have been indifferent, and she didn't seem to be interested. Guduoer also had a relationship with her. She was not satisfied with the support of the elderly, so she also broke up. After that, it never looked like what I was looking for.

  The result is good, these two people seem to be able to work together!

  Actually, thinking about it, it's quite good for the two of them to get together. They have similar temperaments and can play together. The key is that Yuehua and Pan Ye are both familiar with each other, and they are both in the courtyard. They will support the elderly together in the future, so they will definitely get along!

  Gu Shunhua was in a good mood, and even going shopping felt exciting. Now Dashilan has a wide variety of products, and there is no shortage of all kinds of food and drink. I heard from the news that the supply of agricultural products has increased by 20%. For the first time this year, " It's hard to sell".

  You must know that in the past, it was impossible to buy anything if you had money, and you needed food stamps to buy anything. It is rare that there is a time when you are "worried about selling"! Except for a few state-owned ones, most of them can be purchased from outside. As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want!

  The two of them bought a lot, and finally went to a bookstore. Books about reform and opening up are very popular in bookstores now, such as "The Tragedy of Yanzhao" and "Heavy Wings", which are very popular in major bookstores. Gu Shunhua picked them up casually. I bought it, thinking about checking it out later when I have time.


  After the Chinese New Year, people everywhere inevitably gather together to visit relatives and friends. At this time, Gu Shunhua and his senior fellow apprentices naturally have to come solemnly to pay homage to their master and his wife. When they came over, Gu Shunhua happened to be there, and they started talking like this.

  He said that everyone no longer wanted to work in Yuhuatai and was thinking of some other way out, so he asked Gu Shunhua if he could accept it here.

  Gu Shunhua asked about the situation at Yuhuatai, but politely declined.

  Her current staffing in the kitchen is sufficient for the time being. This is one reason. The other is that she does not want to poach the corners of Yuhuatai. The business of a state-owned restaurant may not be very good, but it can still operate. If she can poach a few more, If you look back, you will really fall down.

  With so many years of old brand, even if the earth wall is crumbling, she can't push it with her hands. There is hope if she keeps it, it is just a thought.

  However, Su Yinghong officially resigned and came to help, which made Gu Shunhua relax a lot.

  At this time, she had no other thoughts, so she concentrated on running the hotel business well. Once it was done, it would cost 30,000 to 40,000 yuan a month, which would be 40,000 to 500,000 yuan a year. Then she would slowly introduce new things, gradually improve the quality, and then look back. When I have time, I will write articles for publication and finish the book I originally planned to write.

  However, what Gu Shunhua didn't expect was that at the beginning of the new year, the hotel business would be even more prosperous. It turned out that this time there was a reporter who booked the New Year's Eve dinner. After returning home, he wrote an article and published it. The writing was good and vivid, and it was interesting to read. Everyone was so greedy that they regretted not coming over for the New Year's Eve dinner. Suddenly, the Shunhua Hotel was almost packed. There were often people waiting for tables outside, and those large private rooms could only be booked a week in advance.

  As a result, friends from all walks of life would come to him from time to time, saying that they would be willing to reserve a box for a certain day. Normally, whenever there was space like this, Gu Shunhua would naturally do the favor.

  That day, Mr. Chen from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came over and said that he wanted to entertain a foreign friend. The foreign friend used to be from the U.S. Embassy in China. He has always loved Chinese culture, but this time he came to Beijing on a tight schedule. Can he arrange it as soon as possible.

  Gu Shunhua looked at the arrangements and felt very sorry. There was really nothing he could do, they had all been booked out.

  Mr. Chen was helpless and said that this American friend liked Chinese food very much and was famous for coming here this time: "It was Mr. Bush who was mentioned by several US officials in China last time. This time he actually came to Shenzhen, China, and stopped by. When it comes to tourism, I have no other reason to visit Beijing than to miss Yushan's food."

  Mr. Chen has always taken good care of the business of Shunhua Hotel, and Gu Shunhua is not willing to offend him too much. Besides, several officials stationed in China did mention it before. From what I mean, Mr. Bush really likes Chinese culture.

  Finally, I thought of a way to move a table, but it was not a private room.

  Mr. Chen is naturally grateful.

  Gu Shunhua casually asked about the situation of the American ambassador, so as to know the other party's taboos. Mr. Chen gave a general introduction, and then talked about the current situation of this gentleman. The meaning of his words was that the other party was also a big shot, but this This is a temporary detour to Beijing, so it is not an official arrangement.

  Gu Shunhua listened and suddenly realized something was wrong.

  Scenes from that book came to her mind.

  That book is pulpy and different from the development in reality. Many things are no longer of reference value, but unfortunately, the current name is actually mentioned in it.

  Isn't this the current Vice President of the United States? He will also be the President in the future!

  I can't help but sigh when I think that my small shop is hosting the future president of the United States.

  But after the surprise, that was it. It's not like I haven't met big people when I open a restaurant now. I didn't say anything at the moment. I just waited for Mr. Chen to leave and specifically mentioned it to Shunzi. There was an important foreign guest who had to be well entertained. .

  When she left the hotel, she took a deep breath, thinking that as the hotel became more and more popular, she might meet any big shot in the future.

  Chapter 126 Borrowing a chicken to lay eggs

  That Mr. Bush came to the hotel for dinner, somehow word got out, and he was photographed by reporters and published in newspapers. Only then did everyone know that this man was already the Vice President of the United States.

  The Vice President of the United States actually came to Yushan's house for dinner! The news spread all of a sudden, and the Yushan family's reputation became even louder.

  Because of Gu Shunhua's instructions, the people at Yushan also took pictures before, but now they simply washed them out and hung them on the wall. People who come and go can see them. Everyone knows that this is the visit of the Vice President of the United States. Every guest who comes over will inevitably look at it. Look, it seems that Yushan has some qualifications now. This is the inscription from the former emperor's brother, and over there is a photo of the Vice President of the United States.

  When the news spread, everyone in Qinxing naturally knew about it. It happened that Gu Shunhua attended the Chinese food sharing meeting and met Chen Wenbing. Chen Wenbing came over to greet Gu Shunhua. When he talked about Yushan, he was filled with emotion: "The juniors are to be feared, the juniors are to be feared! Your business is getting better and better." The better you do, the more it gets published in foreign newspapers, and even the Vice President of the United States comes to have dinner with you, and you become famous all of a sudden! You have brought glory to our Chinese food."

  Gu Shunhua: "I feel a little flattered when you always praise me."

  Chen Wenbing: "I'm telling the truth. Look at our hotel, what do you want to do? It's very difficult. There are all layers of approvals. It's not like you! Speaking of when you made that New Year's Eve dinner, I even advised you Don't mess around, the result will be good, you made the New Year's Eve dinner famous, I guess many restaurants will be tempted by this, next year there will be New Year's Eve dinners everywhere in Beijing!"

  Gu Shunhua naturally understood the meaning of Chen Wenbing's words.

  Private hotels are different from state-owned hotels. The state-owned hotel system is backward and you have to think twice before doing anything. However, private hotels are easy to turn around, so it is very difficult for Chen Wenbing to do the same thing by himself.

  There's nothing we can do about it.

  Several other former colleagues and familiar ones also asked about it. Someone asked Gu Shunhua about the operating income of the hotel. Gu Shunhua said vaguely, which made everyone cluck their tongues: "This is really incomparable, incomparable!"

  Speaking like this, I don't know who mentioned Lu Wenqiao, saying that he is living a very comfortable life in Germany. Europe is a good place. It is said that he took a lot of photos, and there are blond German girls pursuing him.

  Gu Shunhua hadn't heard Lu Wenqiao's name for a long time. Now that he heard someone mention it, he asked a few more questions. Knowing that he was doing well now, he felt relieved.

  I thought for a moment that he was such an outstanding person. He had made great achievements during this trip to Germany. He might not be sure what he would do when he came back. He might climb to the position of executive chef at a young age.

  During the Chinese New Year, Ren Jingnian has not been idle. The second batch of circuit boards he commissioned from the Hong Kong factory are being manufactured in full swing. At the same time, he also understands that using the Hong Kong factory for production is only a temporary emergency. In the long run, We still have to produce in mainland China so that we can have a stable manufacturing environment.

  He is confident in his Hanka, and the sales of this Hanka will definitely be good in the future. He hopes to expand the production of circuit boards in the mainland, but at present, mainland factories do not have much experience in making circuit boards, and the board pass rate is too high. Low.

  After much thought, Ren Jingnian came up with a way to cultivate his own production capacity.

  With his current amount of funds, it is obviously impossible to invest in factory production by himself. The stalls required to open a factory are too large, such as cutting machines, drilling machines, pin machines, screen printing machines, exposure machines, laminating machines, and electroplating production lines, etc. A small piece of Hanka requires a huge amount of capital just to lay the production line.

  He felt that domestic production equipment was fine, but the key to why the pass rate was not high actually lay in people and the management system, so he wanted to borrow a chicken to lay eggs.

  The so-called borrowing chickens to lay eggs means that you recruit a few workers yourself and borrow the Nanyuan factory's production lines to work, but these workers are trained and adjusted by you. In this way, you can control the work of several workers, but you can't. There is no need to purchase and lay production lines, saving a large amount of fixed asset investment.

  In fact, he had heard of this model abroad, but it was obviously new in China, so he talked to the leaders of Nanyuan Factory about it.

  At this time, Nanyuan Factory was actually in confusion. It was at the juncture of reform and did not know where to go. Now that Ren Jingnian was mentioning it, there was a glimmer of hope, but what was this model and this kind of cooperation? No one dares to define or approve it casually.

  In the end, there was nothing we could do. The leadership team held a meeting to discuss the matter, and then went to the higher-level leadership department to ask for instructions. Finally, special measures were taken and approved.

  At this time, the leadership team sat down to discuss cooperation with Ren Jingnian. The result of the negotiation was that the site and fixed assets would be provided by the factory, and the personnel would be provided by Ren Jingnian. At that time, Ren Jingnian would pay for the use of the site at a certain rate every year. .

  As for the purchase of raw materials, the factory provides a list and Ren Jingnian can choose freely.

  Ren Jingnian was naturally satisfied with this plan, which greatly solved his current problem. He began to take action intensively and recruited five workers at a high price. In fact, these five workers were originally from the factory. Now they have resigned from the factory, and then Put it in his name and be managed by him.

  But there's a problem here. He can't do it all by himself. He has to recruit people. He Lina is good at sales and public relations. It's okay to let her focus on technology, but it's not a long-term solution, so he needs someone to help him. Train and manage workers, and at the same time supervise and control factory production to ensure production quality.

  Gu Yuehua found out that Ren Jingnian wanted to find a factory director, and Gu Yuehua was a little moved.

  His temperament has become much more down-to-earth in recent years, but he is not a peaceful person after all. He has been working in Shougang for half a year, and if he continues like this, it is not in harmony with his temperament.

  Finally, he discussed it with his family and talked with Gu Shunhua, and just in time, he resigned and came to help Ren Jingnian.

  It was naturally an accident for Ren Jingnian, and he felt great after the accident.

  He believes that his career will be big in the future. What does he need at this time? A good man cannot withstand four punches. He needs a partner with good character and reliable work. He Lina is one of them. In the future, Yan Chongli wants to bring him over. Now Gu Yuehua is willing to join. That couldn't be better.

  A person of one's own kind knows the basics.

  So Ren Jingnian explained this to Gu Yuehua in general, and put a whole pile of information in front of him: "After you have studied these thoroughly, you can go to the factory. Learn it in the factory first, and then slowly Let's work together with the workers to get started with the production of circuit boards, and you will be fully responsible for our production from now on."

  Ren Jingnian is not in a hurry about this matter. He knows that the mainland is indeed lagging behind Hong Kong in terms of production levels in this area, so he can wait and patiently cultivate it himself. This is the long-term goal.

  After giving the task of training the team of his own manufacturing factory to Gu Yuehua, he began to devote his energy to Xinfeng Company's Hanka technology.

  Xinfeng Company's Hanka is not yet on the market and is being manufactured. It is naturally not easy to find evidence, but the system they installed for the Science and Technology Research Institute can find loopholes.

  Ren Jingnian decided to attack this first. The research institute is a unit within the system. They gave Xinfeng Company a large sum of money for this computer installation. If these computer systems infringe on intellectual property rights, he can pursue them. The institute's responsibility was forced to hold Xinfeng Company accountable.

  Ren Jingnian was polite first and went to the researcher's Logistics Procurement Department Director He and mentioned the matter. Then the Director of the Logistics Procurement Department couldn't listen and said to Ren Jingnian with a smile: "Comrade Ren, we use The program that Xinfeng Technology Company used to Chineseize the Japanese Chinese character input method is Japanese technology and has nothing to do with you."

  Ren Jingnian directly handed over the materials he collected and asked him to take a look.

  The purchasing department smiled and pushed the material back with a smile: "I can't understand this. I'm in charge of purchasing. I don't understand the codes inside, but I want to say that the Japanese technology we use -"

  Director He, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, knocked on the shiny desk, took a puff of cigarette, and then said slowly: "Don't talk about what is there and what is not. How can China's technology be so good?"

  Ren Jingnian looked at Director He in front of him. He had seen countless people like Director He. When the effective forces of this country were running forward with all their strength in the wave of reform and opening up, they could still use the tricks that the government was accustomed to using to move the country forward.

  He knew that the person in front of him could not help him solve this problem.

  He also didn't want to run into a wall within the Technology Research Institute again.

  So Ren Jingnian worked non-stop, sorted out the information he collected, and wrote a report to the Science and Technology Committee and the Central Committee, which mentioned that the Technology Research Institute illegally used the smart font input method and infringed on his patent rights.

  As soon as the report letter came out, the Science and Technology Commission could not ignore it according to the regulations. What's more, the smart font input method is in the limelight now, and foreign media are also paying attention. They immediately verified the misconduct in the report letter and conducted investigations. By comparison, it is indeed found that the input method of the institute is Ren Jingnian's smart font.

  As a result, the Science and Technology Committee conducted administrative interviews with the institute, circulated criticisms, and even suspended project funding.

  As soon as this move came out, the institute was embarrassed and was really caught off guard.

  At the beginning, the person in charge didn't believe it. After all, they outsourced the installation to Xinfeng Technology Company. At that time, Xinfeng Technology Company was very confident that it was a secondary development of the Japanese Kanji input method.

  Although everyone knows that the so-called secondary development is actually modification, but since it is authorized by Japan, it makes sense. Besides, this input method is quite easy to use, and everyone can use it smoothly.

  Who would have thought that on the surface this looks different from the smart font input method, but in fact it is just a shell, and the core inside is all from others!

  The people at the Technology Research Institute were also anxious. In fact, the so-called interview was just a formality. As for the suspension of project funding, it was also temporary, and what should be allocated had to be allocated. Therefore, the biggest impact of this incident on them was that they were embarrassed.

  The vice-president of the institute personally approached Ren Jingnian. The vice-president was naturally concerned. You can just discuss this matter directly. Why go to war and sue the Science and Technology Commission directly? Who still owes you those patents? money!

  Ren Jingnian mentioned the matter of meeting the Logistics Director before, and he had no choice but to mention him. The Vice-Dean naturally had a bad look on his face, and immediately called the Logistics Director He over to give him a lesson.

  Director He was taught a bloody lesson, but he couldn't help it. He explained that it was Japanese technology, but the deputy director threw the evidence directly in front of him. He grabbed the investigation materials and looked at them quickly. He was also stunned.

  Director He apologized to Ren Jingnian in person, his words were sincere and he almost burst into tears.

  Ren Jingnian gave up and apologized to the deputy dean. He said that he was young and was angry at the time. He didn't know that the deputy dean was so reasonable.

  The vice president may not be angry with Ren Jingnian, but Ren Jingnian was willing to give up this step, so he stopped mentioning it and said that he would handle the matter well. As for how to handle it, relevant personnel from the Science and Technology Commission soon intervened.

  This matter involves 500 imported electronic computers, which are expensive and are a large fixed asset of the institute. They have been put into use. At this time, it is impossible to reinstall the 500 computers. The only option is Spend money to buy the right to use Ren Jingnian's patent.

  Ren Jingnian gave the institute a total price of two thousand yuan for the entire unit.

  The vice president was overjoyed.

  You must know that the price of each institution is about 2,000 yuan in usage fees, but that is an institution. How many computers can an institution have? But the research institute is different. Each institute needs to use a lot of them. Five hundred is not a small number. Measured.

  Now it's two thousand yuan, which is really a big advantage.

  Ren Jingnian asked again about the disposal of Xinfeng Company. The vice president was still angry. Seeing what Ren Jingnian meant, he tested it out and found out what he was up to, so he decided to file a lawsuit against Xinfeng Company: "Comrade Ren can file a lawsuit and demand compensation for our infringement, and we will ask Xinfeng Company for compensation!"

  This is equivalent to Ren Jingnian paying 2,000 yuan to authorize the institute, and the institute has taken a big advantage.

  However, the researcher sent people to ask for compensation from Xinfeng Company. The institute would then compensate Ren Jingnian. If things went smoothly, Ren Jingnian would receive a large amount of compensation.

  In this way, it can be said that everyone is happy with Ren Jingnian and the institute, only Xinfeng Company, let them lose money!

  After digging such a hole for Xinfeng Company, Hanka cards commissioned from Hong Kong factories were also delivered one after another. Huajing Hanka went on the market with great fanfare, and He Lina worked hard to sell them. The sales were booming and she made a lot of money.

  At this moment, Gu Yuehua came.

  After accepting Ren Jingnian's task, he has been studying the production process of Hanka recently. Fortunately, he is also a science and engineering major, and with Ren Jingnian's guidance, it is easy to get started. Now he is very comfortable with Hanka production. The few workers that Ren Jingnian recruited before have also started working and become skilled in technology.

  Everything was going well, but today there was something special: "People from Xinfeng Company approached Nanyuan Factory and entrusted them to produce circuit boards. It seems that this is the Hanka they are going to put on the market."

  Ren Jingnian had actually expected it.

  The last time Xinfeng Company announced their planned Hanka at a computer seminar, thunder rumbled, and it had to rain. It seems that they decided to bite the bullet and launch their pirated Hanka.

  Ren Jingnian: "There is such a factory near Beijing. They really need to find Nanyuan."

  Gu Yuehua laughed: "They want to find Nanyuan, but we have several skilled workers who have signed contracts. Nanyuan can't take them. They are arguing with the people in Nanyuan factory."

  Ren Jingnian raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

  Gu Yuehua: "Let them worry!"

  Ren Jingnian thought for a while: "This group of workers we have ordered now only have theory and no practical experience. If they don't practice in practice, the pass rate will not be high when they finally get started."

  Gu Yuehua: "Now after training, it should be better, but it does need to be polished slowly."

  Of course, I don't actually have much confidence in saying this. After all, the operation of something as small as a circuit board is micro-technical. After some people get started, they can do it casually, but some people just can't.

  Even if there is a bug, no matter how much I check, I can't find it out, which is inexplicable.

  Ren Jingnian said: "Talk to the factory and let these workers take over their work."

  Gu Yuehua frowned when he heard this: "Brother-in-law, no, why should you help them? They are thieves who steal your things, how can you give them an advantage!"

  Ren Jingnian smiled: "If Nanyuan Factory doesn't let them work, they will still have to find other manufacturers to do it. As long as they pay, they can always find someone to do it, so it's better to solve the problem right under their noses. Besides, let's let the workers go." By giving them work, firstly, they can earn some craft fees; secondly, they can know the composition of their Hanka very well; thirdly, it just gives the workers an opportunity to practice their craftsmanship, killing three birds with one stone."

  Gu Yuehua was stunned. After being stunned for a while, he immediately exclaimed: "Brother-in-law, you are really good, you are really good, I will do as you say!"

  Ren Jingnian nodded: "But clarify the contract with the factory. Xinfeng Company's circuit boards are handed over to the factory, so this is a contract transaction between them and has nothing to do with us. We only need to ask for the part of the workers' time. Just the fee."

  Gu Yuehua: "I understand, this matter must be handled smoothly, leaving no clues!"

  So Nanyuan Factory quickly accepted the order from Xinfeng Technology and started production.

  After receiving the order from Nanyuan Factory, Gu Yuehua left the factory first according to the agreement, leaving Nanyuan Factory and Xinfeng Technology to do their work. He first studied the problem of welding circuit boards.

  The institute soon took the case to court against Xinfeng Group, and Xinfeng Group responded proactively and began to provide proof of the Japanese Chinese character input method to prove that they were secondary development of Japanese Chinese characters.

  But the input method is on the computer of the institute. Now that they have lost their person, they just want to carry up the banner of justice and save some face for themselves.

  Xinfeng Company refused to admit its debt and even tried to beat them up. These things made the institute angry. Under such circumstances, the institute naturally wanted to release some public opinion.

  Public opinion naturally talks to itself, telling how wronged it is and how it has been deceived by traitors. Now it is striving to maintain justice. It must maintain justice for the intellectual property rights of the software and must abide by China's patent law.

  After such a commotion, in fact, everyone in the industry knew about it. Reporters heard about it, interviewed the matter, and published it in newspapers. Suddenly, Xinfeng Company had a bad reputation, and even the previous Chinese printer business was prepared. Affected.

  On that day, Ren Jingnian was invited to participate in an event of the Ministry of Science and Technology's Youth Competition because he donated three computers to the Children's Palace, and Yue Chuanxin happened to be there too.

  Yue Chuanxin was obviously a little haggard and hid when he saw Ren Jingnian.

  Originally this was just a small thing, but the keen eyes of the colleagues present saw it, and it was inevitable that they would start talking about it.

  Later, when Ren Jingnian came out to use the toilet, Yue Chuanxin was still waiting for him.

  So the two people said a few words.

  Yue Chuanxin: "Mr. Ren, our company has already held a meeting to discuss the issue of computer software infringement at the Scientific Research Institute. We will apologize and compensate."

  Ren Jingnian said calmly: "That is a problem between Mr. Yue and the institute."

  Yue Chuanxin was amused: "Mr. Ren, there is no need to pretend. Who doesn't know that you are behind the institute? People in the dark don't do secret things."

  Only then did Ren Jingnian look at him: "Yes, it's me, so what? The Institute of Technology, a national institution, actually used my smart font input method without authorization, infringing on my intellectual property rights. Shouldn't I speak out?"

  He smiled and said: "I reported it to the Science and Technology Committee. I didn't hide it, cover it up, or keep it anonymous. It was fair and aboveboard. I asked the institute for compensation. It's natural for me to ask for compensation. Why, to you, did it turn out that I did something wrong?"

  Yue Chuanxin chuckled and looked away helplessly.

  People say that Ren Jingnian is not someone to be trifled with. I didn't think so before, but now I realize it. Kill with a borrowed knife, kill with a borrowed knife! This person is ruthless!

  If Ren Jingnian directly competes with his company today, the two private individual companies outside the system will be equally divided, but the research institute will stand on the same line with him, and it is not necessarily who will win. The result is better now. He will first put the research institute He was pulled over and allowed to go to court against such a formidable opponent as the institute.

  Yue Chuanxin thought for a while and finally pleaded: "Mr. Ren, I want to cooperate with you with the greatest sincerity. We can sit down and talk about this matter."

  Ren Jingnian raised his eyes and looked at Yue Chuanxin.

  Yue Chuanxin is actually a talented person. He is able to lead Xinfeng Company to where it is today by himself without relying on any technical background. He really has two skills.

  He doesn't want to drive people to a dead end, he just wants to protect his own rights legally.

  So he pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Yue, it's not impossible to talk about this matter, but if you want to talk about it, you have to show sincerity."

  Yue Chuanxin: "Sincerity? What kind of sincerity does Mr. Ren require?"

  Ren Jingnian smiled: "At the very least, any hardware that uses smart fonts should pay me serious patent royalties. I can make appropriate concessions on the fees so as not to push people into desperation, but The other party must first learn to respect my patents and my efforts."

  Yue Chuanxin heard the meaning of his words.

  What he wants more than money is respect and recognition.

  This made him feel somewhat relieved: "Mr. Ren, I'll go back and think about it. If possible, we can sit down and talk in detail."

  Ren Jingnian nodded: "Okay, Mr. Yue, I'm waiting for your good news..."

  When things came to this point, Ren Jingnian was quite happy.

  According to his original plan, he would first force the Academy of Sciences to confront Xinfeng Technology and let them suffer a lawsuit first.

  At the same time, they kept a close eye on the production process of Nanyuan Factory. Once their Hanka production was completed, they immediately tried to obtain Hanka and took them to court again before they were put on the market in large quantities.

  He has already hired a lawyer and consulted experts in various fields. It can be said that everything is ready now, and he is just waiting for Xinfeng Technology's Hanka to be produced as evidence.

  But now that Yue Chuanxin came to him, he felt that he could sit down and talk.

  Putting aside the case of the institute, the issue of the smart fonts on Hanka will be over as long as they stop production and try to destroy it, or pay a certain amount of patent royalties.

  They paid patent royalties, which naturally served as a warning to monkeys in the market. When the patent fees they demanded were not unbearable, who would be willing to take risks and steal.

  In this way, the crisis surrounded by wolves will be resolved.

  Chapter 127 Crazy Piracy

  It was almost the first lunar month, but it snowed again.

  There was a lot of snow this winter, so it seemed nothing unusual. When Ren Jingnian came back, he saw two children playing in the alley, playing shuttlecock with a few classmates who lived nearby. The light snow on the ground was covered with the shuttlecock. Kicked up, snowflakes flew everywhere, and several children laughed.

  The child saw Ren Jingnian coming back and said hello quickly. Ren Jingnian remembered that there was a bag of chocolate candies in his briefcase. He didn't remember when he got it. He said it was for the child. He forgot to take it out at the time. Now he quickly took it out and gave it to Duoduo. , let Duoduo distribute it to several classmates.

  Conditions are better now, but chocolate candies are still a good thing. Several children put chocolate candies in their mouths and were so happy that they said thank you to uncle repeatedly. Duoduo and Manman looked very proud on their faces.

  Because of this, Ren Jingnian had a smile on his face when he entered the house. When he entered the yard, he heard the sound of cooking in the kitchen. Gu Shunhua had come back and was busy in the kitchen with Sister Lu.

  Recently, she began to properly train her subordinates. She asked Li Qian for desserts, and Su Yinghong also trained them, which saves effort.

  Although the hotel business is now booming and there are even plans to expand, she is no longer busier than she was at the beginning. Instead, she often takes a break from her busy schedule.

  When her subordinates are trained and able to take on responsibilities, she is happy and relaxed. All she needs to do is grasp the general direction.

  What comes out with the smoke in the kitchen is the aroma of pasta, a rich aroma, seems to be the aroma of chestnut noodles? There's also a hint of sweetness.

  When Gu Shunhua saw him coming back, he smiled: "Originally, there was an Imperial Dessert dim sum, Chestnut Noodle Steamed Wotou, in the store. Recently, Xiang Li wanted to improve it using Western methods. After making it, he would try it for himself. If he liked it, he would sell it later. Everyone thought it was delicious when I made it today, so I simply brought some ingredients back to make it myself."

  The original chestnut flour steamed buns were made with chestnut meat and flour, but now cream is added. The chestnut flour is ground into powder, just like peanut powder, stirred with butter, and then used to steam steamed steamed buns.

  When Ren Jingnian saw it, he picked one up with chopsticks and tasted one. It was a bit hot to the mouth, so he had to blow it before taking a careful bite. It was indeed delicious, with a tangy chestnut flavor, and it tasted sweet and soft, with a faint milky aroma.

  Gu Shunhua: "We'll eat later, so you can go and have a rest first."

  Ren Jingnian actually wanted to help in the kitchen, but since Sister Lu was here, he stopped getting involved. He went back to the room, opened his briefcase, and took out the materials to look at. He printed out all the industry-related materials with ink. , watch it while waiting for the bus or when you have nothing to do at home, so you can use your free time.

  Soon the meal was ready, and Sister Lu went back first, saying that her grandson was thinking about her.

  Gu Shunhua quickly packed some butter chestnut steamed buns for her to take with her. Sister Lu declined and took them.

  The two children came back, washed their hands and ate together.

  The food and nutrition at home are good, their faces are always rosy, and they are slightly taller than the children in the same grade.

  Ren Jingnian mentioned Sister Lu. He remembered that Sister Lu was always absent when his family was having dinner.

  Gu Shunhua nodded: "Actually, what I said was that she would eat at our house. This is casual and we don't care about it. But Sister Lu is a very particular person and is not willing to take advantage of this. She will find excuses and leave from time to time. I don't care either. No, I didn't say anything. This is the Chinese New Year, so I wrapped a bag for her as a token of appreciation for her thoughtfulness."

  Ren Jingnian: "Then feel free to do whatever you want. I am a decent person and care about face."

  The food at home is good, not to mention making this new style of creamy chestnut powder all the time. I just say that on weekdays, every now and then, I have top-quality ribs, or fresh lamb from Inner Mongolia, or fresh sea bass from the south. According to the What's in season is top-notch, and there's nothing you can't get enough of.

  My own family is living a good life, and I stay in the restaurant and eat as much as I want, but other people's families may not be like this every day. Naturally, I feel that my own family is too luxurious, and I am embarrassed to take advantage of it every day.

  After almost eating, the children couldn't wait to go out and play. They made an appointment with their friends to play bounce house.

  Ren Jingnian then mentioned to Gu Shunhua his encounter with Yue Chuanxin today, and analyzed the pros and cons of reconciliation.

  Gu Shunhua; "Actually, I understand what you mean. You still want to leave a way for others. After all, this company is indeed doing well, and Yue Chuanxin is also a very talented person. Even if he goes astray for a while, as long as he is willing to correct himself. "

  Ren Jingnian: "I flipped through the books on reform and opening up that you bought a few days ago, and I was quite impressed. In fact, who wants to do something drastic without being under tremendous pressure? A private enterprise does it It's not easy to reach the scale we have today. Although I have to protect my own interests, I can really make a concession and give each other a chance."

  Gu Shunhua: "Of course it's okay for you to think so. I'm just worried about Chen Lu. She has a bad heart and just got involved. I don't know what happened."

  Ren Jingnian said: "If Yue Chuanxin can be won over by me, then Chen Lu has nothing to fear. He will soon discover that Chen Lu is going the wrong way, and the two of us will part ways sooner or later."

  Gu Shunhua thought about it and said, "Then it depends on Xinfeng Company's response."

  In fact, she was quite worried about him in this matter, and she even felt like she was being stared at while carrying the golden doll through the busy city. But now it was good, he seemed to have the situation under control with three moves, five divided by two.


  While Ren Jingnian and Gu Shunhua were savoring the aroma of butter chestnut steamed buns and talking about Yue Chuanxin, Yue Chuanxin was frowning and sitting with Chen Lu in the western restaurant.

  Western music was playing in the Western restaurant, like a low murmur. On the white porcelain plate in front of him was a freshly fried steak, medium rare, which was Yue Chuanxin's favorite taste recently.

  But he was not in the mood to enjoy all this.

  Chen Lu held the knife and fork in her well-maintained hands and cut the steak with the most elegant posture - this was what she liked. She found that her inadvertent elegance always aroused the reverence and appreciation of people of this era.

  She smiled and raised her eyebrows, looking at Yue Chuanxin: "So Ren Jingnian's few words moved you? Who do you think he is, that he has such a kind heart?"

  Yue Chuanxin: "If we can really obtain his authorization formally, and depending on his intentions, he will not be too harsh and will give us room for profit. In this case, why not do it."

  Chen Lu sneered and said in a mocking tone: "Do you really believe it?"

  Yue Chuanxin looked at Chen Lu's smile, her slightly curly hair brushing her ears, and the faint smell of perfume. He asked, "Why can't you believe it?"

  Chen Lu placed the cut steak in front of him: "Don't be stupid. Who is Ren Jingnian? Let me tell you this. He is my cousin-in-law. We have dealt with him more than once. He is very scheming. It's not something we can imagine. When we cooperate with him, we won't necessarily dig a hole for you, but just let you jump into it. You, after all, have a technical background, so you don't understand the insidiousness and cunning of businessmen."

  There was a hint of complexity in Yue Chuanxin's eyes: "Do you understand?"

  Chen Lu picked up the red wine next to her and took a sip with an elegant gesture.

  She has an advantage in this regard. She always has taste and knowledge beyond this era.

  After taking a sip of red wine, she sighed softly: "Do you know why my family turned against his family?"

  Yue Chuanxin frowned: "Why?"

  Chen Lu stared at the red wine in the glass, with a trace of melancholy and moisture in her eyes. She said: "I have been to Inner Mongolia to visit my cousin. In fact, I felt sorry for her and missed her. I brought them fruits from Daoxiang Village. I brought them urgently needed medicines and thick cotton clothes for the children, but I didn't expect-"

  Yue Chuanxin's voice was tight: "What happened?"

  There was a coldness in Chen Lu's eyes, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I didn't expect that he would be worse than a beast. Fortunately, I was clever and he didn't succeed."

  Yue Chuanxin stared at Chen Lu, and Chen Lu looked at Yue Chuanxin.

  Yue Chuanxin saw the pain in Chen Lu's eyes, and slapped his hand on the table.

  The low music in the western restaurant trembled, and his cheeks tightened: "He actually did such a thing?"

  Chen Lu's voice was bitter: "Originally, I never wanted to mention this matter, but I didn't expect that he later came to Beijing and was admitted to university. He was afraid that I would tell him and ruin his future, so he told me They set up a trap and sent me to jail. Otherwise, why do you think I could go to jail? If I were really a spy and I was really good at stealing, would I have fallen to this level?"

  Yue Chuanxin: "A beast dressed like a beast!"

  Chen Lu looked at Yue Chuanxin, her eyes moist and soft.

  She murmured: "It is impossible for Ren Jingnian and I to cooperate in this life, so when you say this, think about whether you should choose him or me."

  Yue Chuanxin fell silent.

  But he didn't hesitate too much and naturally chose Chen Lu.

  As a partner, Chen Lu has a keen sense of the world's computer industry and a far-sightedness that surpasses everyone. She can always analyze things that she is confused and can't understand to the point.

  As a woman, she is not too beautiful. In fact, her face is just average, but she has taste, knows how to dress, is fashionable, understands English, understands Western food, and knows how to deal with foreigners.

  She also has a temperament that women of this era generally don't have, and she can always seduce Yue Chuanxin's heart at critical moments.

  Compared with her, his fiancée is tasteless.

  He gently picked up a piece of beef with his fork, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

  He thought that he had to think about this problem carefully and study it from Chen Lu's perspective.


  Ren Jingnian had high hopes for Yue Chuanxin and thought he could advance this matter.

  One more friend is better than one more enemy.

  He also wanted to give Yue Chuanxin more time, so he didn't press anything.

  Now Huajing Hanka is very easy to sell, but the worry is to make it. As long as it is done well, the sales will be there. There are so many computers in China, all waiting for such a Hanka.

  But Ren Jingnian is not satisfied. He wants to develop his own chip, which is the lowest level. Only by developing his own chip and mastering this technology can he be finally qualified to stand on the stage of world electronic information. Get a piece of that pie.

  If we do not develop chips and only work on software programs, we are afraid that we will have to bow to hardware manufacturers in the end. In this electronic information feast at the turn of the century, the Chinese are not qualified to participate in the table and can only share some scraps.

  Chapter 128 Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while

  In fact, various manufacturers on the market are now eager to try Hanka. Naturally, everyone has some ideas. The batch of Hanka that Xinfeng Company is about to launch uses Ren Jingnian's smart font input method, and everyone is also convinced. Know everything.

  But no one said anything about this, and the market unanimously maintained a strange silence.

  Ren Jingnian naturally understood that there were many onlookers here. Xinfeng Company suffered a setback due to the incident at the research institute. That was because they did it too openly, but this time Hanka had done enough on the surface to The order of the program code has been moved, and even the Chinese character library has been appropriately adjusted. In this case, can rights defender Ren Jingnian still defend his rights?

  This incident can be regarded as a benchmark event in the industry.

  In February in Sijiu City, the ice and snow were beginning to melt, and the willow branches in some warm places had already sprouted a light new green. However, Zhongguancun, the information frontier, was enveloped by a low pressure.

  Everyone knows it well, and the next step is to look at Xinfeng Company.

  Gu Shunhua's work in the hotel has not been busy recently. The business is booming and her assistants are capable. Although she works in the background every day, it does not need to be done all the time. She is happy to steal some free time for herself and take the opportunity to spend more time with her children.

  She also knew about Ren Jingnian's recent affairs in the company.

  But now I don't have any other ideas. Anyway, others are obviously trying to steal and take advantage of loopholes. What else can you do but take up the weapon of law.

  Whether you can win or not, you have to try your best.

  Who knew that on this day, Gu Duoer suddenly came to her: "I heard, it's that shameless Chen Lu, right? She actually stole Jingnian's invention and used it for herself, and she also wanted to make money from it. !"

  Gu Shunhua was also a little surprised: "Gu Duo'er, where did you hear about it?"

  Gu Duo'er: "Now our entire alley knows that Chen Lu was fined and ordered to pay compensation by the court for stealing Jing Nian's things. I heard that her Honda car has been sold, as has the courtyard house, and there is nothing. However, her parents are very capable and are still trying to make trouble, saying that her daughter's company will soon launch a Hanka! But I asked Yuehua, and that Hanka was stolen just to compete with the new year. "

  Gu Shunhua naturally did not expect that these things had become gossip and were circulated several times: "Yuehua said that."

  Gu Duo'er: "I asked. I asked, but he wasn't allowed to tell."

  She originally just mentioned it casually, but Gu Shunhua felt it. She looked at Guduo'er with a smile: "Hey, what's going on? It seems that you and Yuehua have gotten very close recently."

  Gu Duo'er was stunned for a moment, and then made a big blush: "Yeah, don't we always play together? There is no way. Now many young people are trying to move out, and there are not many who are still staying in the courtyard. ."

  Seeing this, Gu Shunhua was already 70% sure, so he smiled and said, "That's good, I'll just keep you two company!"

  Guduo'er felt a little embarrassed. After the embarrassment, he took a deep breath, seemed to have thought about it, and said frankly: "We have been getting closer recently, but I am also a little hesitant."

  Gu Shunhua: "Ah? Why are you hesitating? Do you think my brother is not honest? Do you think he is no longer an iron rice bowl? Do you think he doesn't make as much money as you?"

  Gu Duoer glared at her: "Come on, don't mess with me. I don't think so much. I just think he seems to be two years younger than me. I treat him as a younger brother when I spank him. He has a bare butt." I've seen this look before, do you think it's appropriate? Sometimes I think it's a bit strange."

  Gu Shunhua laughed sullenly, and she suddenly remembered that when she was a child, Gu Duoer once took her own skirt and tricked Gu Yuehua into wearing it.

  Gu Yuehua was stupid at that time. He actually wore it and felt very beautiful when he wore it. However, he was made a joke by a few people. Only then did he realize that he had been fooled. He was very angry and chased Gu Duoer all over the street.

  Gu Duoer glared at her even more: "Don't just laugh, you should analyze it with me!"

  Gu Shunhua reluctantly stopped laughing and analyzed it for Gu Duoer: "Since you can like my brother, have you found that he is handsome, reliable, has ideas, and--"

  After all, Wang Po's melon-selling thing was not easy to deal with. She was a little at a loss for words, so she finally had to say: "Isn't it very manly?"

  Guduoer: "I guess so, it's not bad."

  She frowned and said distressedly: "As for me, I'm very confused. I think I have three thoughts."

  Gu Shunhua: "Three types?"

  Gu Duo'er: "The first one, I think he is very nice, really good, and he is very compatible with me. If I marry him, I really wouldn't be disgusted. The second one, I feel that he is the same with the exposed pussy." You little brat, how could I do this!"

  Gu Shunhua: "What about the third type?"

  Gu Duoer sighed: "The third option is more realistic. I originally didn't plan to get married or have children, but now I feel that Mr. Pan actually still wants me to get married. Grandma Tong also said that she has never planned to get married in this life. She is married and has no children. Fortunately, all the children in the courtyard are very good. She feels very lucky to have me when she is old. However, she is afraid that I am not as lucky as her. She said that when they leave, they will miss me and worry about me. So when I looked at Yuehua, I felt that if I married him, it would be quite suitable. Knowing the basics, the key is not to delay taking care of the elderly."

  In the end, she concluded: "Anyway, my thoughts are not pure. I am very far away from love and so on. I mainly consider practical factors. If Yuehua and I are together, it may be more important to live together."

  Gu Shunhua: "What do you want to do so much? If you can get along well with a partner, it may not be love. As for love, you may not be able to get along with each other if you have love. We are looking at people who are already in their thirties. , Why do you think so much and don't have much, hurry up and register for marriage, and later I will build a wedding tent for you according to my sister-in-law's standards, and I guarantee that you will get married with great splendor!"

  Gu Duo'er was immediately startled: "No, I haven't even written a word about it yet. Why did I get to this point? I haven't figured it out yet."

  After saying that, he got up and ran away quickly.

  Gu Shunhua couldn't help laughing when he saw her running like a rabbit.

  In fact, Gu Duoer and Yuehua are quite a match. It would be great if they could really get together.

  That day it happened that Gu Yuehua came to talk to Ren Jingnian about something. Later, when he saw that it was getting late, Ren Jingnian asked him to come over to have dinner together and talk about something.

  Gu Yuehua was naturally happy. He knew that Gu Shunhua had good food and was eagerly looking forward to it.

  The two children were also very happy. They both liked their uncle. In their words, "Among the adults in the family, only my uncle can play with us like a child."

  After Gu Yuehua arrived, he played with the two children for a while, and then it was time to eat. While Gu Shunhua was eating, he casually asked about him and Gu Duoer.

  "Actually, Guduo'er is quite good. He knows everything. If you two can get together, your parents will be happy too."

  When Gu Yuehua heard this, he remained silent for a while.

  Gu Shunhua raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

  Gu Yuehua was a little helpless: "Actually, I think it's pretty good. She really doesn't seem to want to get married and just wants to hang out like this. Last time I mentioned her blind date to her, she even cursed the man. It's not a joke, I said you can't just think about getting married in the future."

  When Gu Shunhua heard this, he simply didn't know what to say: "You usually look very smart, why are you so stupid now? She scolded others, but she didn't scold you, and you even twitched back, don't you look like a man!"

  Gu Yuehua was stunned for a moment after being scolded: "Sister, did Gu Duoer say anything to you?"

  Gu Shunhua: "Why do you want others to say something? If they don't say anything, why don't you take active actions? Ask yourself first, what are your thoughts!"

  Gu Yuehua stopped talking. After holding it in for a while, he blushed and said, "She may think that I am a younger brother. She said that I am two years younger than him. I used to listen to her in everything. She also said that I am her follower." . Even if I want to pursue her, I have to act like a human being so that she doesn't treat me as a follower, right?"

  Gu Shunhua chuckled: "I'm afraid the day lilies will be cold by then."

  Gu Yuehua frowned: "Sister, what did Gu Duo'er say?"

  Gu Shunhua spread his hands: "How could I know? I don't know. I don't know!"

  Gu Yuehua thought for a while: "Forget it, I'll ask her later."

  Gu Shunhua felt helpless when he looked at him like that, thinking, couldn't this man be more positive? If it really happens, my parents and Master Pan and Grandma Tong will definitely be happy. It will be a happy event in the courtyard!


  Ren Jingnian got the Chinese card from Xinfeng Company. After receiving it, he analyzed the Chinese card with Yan Chongli immediately. After two days of analysis, he compared the application and the Chinese character library in detail, and finally determined that the other party was indeed the Chinese character. Slightly adjust the order of your wisdom fonts and cover them up in a way that looks smart but is actually clumsy.

  The core is still the same, it just looks different on the surface, a trick that an expert can see through at a glance.

  At this time, He Lina became a little anxious: "I know that several companies in the industry, including companies affiliated to major universities and the Academy of Sciences, have begun to think about Hanka. They said that Xinfeng Company will provide some technologies, and some said that They have developed an input method and said they are going to apply for a patent. But they are actually using smart fonts. If they really want to do this, then we will be unable to beat four hands with two fists, and we still don't know what will happen in the end!"

  The current Huajing Company is selling well in the Hanka market, but after all it is an individual private company, and it also involves some issues of defining social nature. If it competes with Xinfeng Company, it may still win, but if it competes with Xinfeng Company Those state-owned enterprises will definitely lose if they come to terms with it!

  Ren Jingnian, however, was unhurried: "How many companies has Xinfeng Company contacted?"

  He Lina: "According to the news I got, we have already contacted them, and those companies are obviously interested!"

  Ren Jingnian smiled: "To be able to persuade so many companies, it seems that Xinfeng Company is bleeding a lot."

  He Lina saw that he could still laugh, but she didn't know what to say: "He was bleeding, but he did pull him over. When the time comes, we will be surrounded on all sides, what will we do?"

  Ren Jingnian: "We are now taking three steps."

  He Lina: "Which three steps?"

  Ren Jingnian: "The first step is to place an order with Nanyuan Factory and occupy their production line."

  This is naturally easy to handle, Gu Yuehua can just do it.

  Ren Jingnian continued: "The second step is to contact a lawyer and ask the lawyer to directly contact the Japanese factory where Xinfeng Company is the agent for printers, raise the issue of infringement of Chinese characters and Chinese cards derived from Xinfeng Company's Japanese printers, and point the finger at them. They want to If they need a certificate, they must provide proof that they have no connection with Xinfeng Company's Hanka program, so that they can be kicked out."

  Gu Yuehua heard from the sidelines and exclaimed: "Yes, in this way, Japanese companies will inevitably cut off from them. By then, they will no longer be able to pretend that their Hanka is a secondary development of Japan."

  Ren Jingnian: "This is an external cutoff. In the third step, we must unite the majority as much as possible to disintegrate and isolate the enemy."

  He Lina: "How to do this?"

  Ren Jingnian: "Look for Mr. Hu from China Silicon Valley Company."

  Mr. Hu from China Silicon Valley Company is talking about Hu Xianrui.

  This person can be said to be the first person in Zhongguancun.

  While Ren Jingnian was still struggling at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, Hu Xianrui had already visited the United States as a member of the Chinese physics inspection team and visited Silicon Valley, the famous Highway 128 in Boston, and learned about the American high-tech development model.

  After he came back, he was eager to imitate the development model of the United States and build Zhongguancun into China's Silicon Valley. But at that time, starting a company was not allowed. He himself was the chairman of the Plasma Association, so he simply established a " Advanced Technical Services Department".

  The "Advanced Technical Service Department" actually performs the same functions as the company.

  It was this Mr. Hu, the "Advanced Technology Service Department", who triggered a big debate in the scientific research community, and finally made the leaders above clearly approve the correctness of his bold attempt, thus promoting the development of Zhongguancun high-tech enterprises.

  Later, the "Advanced Technology Service Department" transformed into a Chinese Silicon Valley company in the wave of reform and opening up.

  He Lina: "You want to find him?"

  Ren Jingnian: "Tomorrow, I will find a way to meet him and have a talk."

  He Lina: "What are you talking about?"

  Ren Jingnian: "Discussing the right to use patents."

  He Lina: "Ah?"


  Ren Jingnian's idea is actually very simple. He wants to talk to companies that have the most background in the industry but lack development in the computer field, such as China Silicon Valley Company, which is backed by a big tree and can enjoy the shade. He believes that China Silicon Valley Company will definitely have success in the future. What he did, well, he would license the patent rights for free, but ask for a commission.

  Smart Han Card is installed on every computer, and he takes 10% of the profits.

  Is it much? Not much.

  The computer business of China Silicon Valley Company is just in its infancy, and their business volume is pitifully small.

  For Chinese Silicon Valley companies, smart font patents are naturally a big pie.

  They want to produce computers, but it's hard to say how competitive computers are in the market. Everything is very difficult. Now Ren Jingnian comes to the door. He only wants 10% of the profit, which is really not much.

  If by any chance one unit cannot be sold, he will not draw it, and it will be wasted.

  Why not!

  So Hu Xianrui made a direct decision, decided to use it, and everyone would cooperate and make money together.

  After Ren Jingnian got rid of Hu Xianrui, he went to find three or five others.

  After successfully negotiating with three or five companies and signing the contract, he didn't care and just did whatever he had to do.

  As for everything else, if you want to enter this market, take a look at these companies first.

  Others pay to use it and get a commission. If you use it again, why should you pirate it? Ren Jingnian came up empty handed and found himself a few partners, or backgrounds.

  At this time, the companies in the market were waiting and watching, and they all started to feel the taste, and one after another people came to talk to Ren Jingnian.

  In terms of price, Ren Jingnian is actually very easy to talk to. What he wants is respect. You must respect my patent first, and then we can talk about other things.

  In just half a month, just when Xinfeng Hanka was selling like crazy in the market and making a lot of money, Ren Jingnian had already tied up seven or eight state-owned enterprises.

  So just when Xinfeng Company was determined to make a big move, Ren Jingnian filed a lawsuit and took Xinfeng Company to court.

  Xinfeng Company had already expected that since they used smart fonts, they would have to fight this tough battle sooner or later. Yue Chuanxin immediately made arrangements and prepared with both hands.

  "First, we must defeat Ren Jingnian in the market, build a reputation for our products, and occupy the market as much as possible. Only by bundling our interests with the interests of more manufacturers and state-owned units can we have more You have more say, please remember that the patent laws and regulations are not yet perfect, so our battle with Ren Jingnian is not a legal battle, but a battle of voice! We should produce Hanka as soon as possible and communicate well with the Nanyuan factory , mass-produce as many Hankas as possible. If he sells 3,800, we will sell 3,000, or even 2,000. As long as it is profitable, we can sell it. We are cheap and easy to use. Why don't consumers buy us? Buy them!"

  When he said this, the two partners were indifferent and did not say anything. They had wanted to withdraw their capital before, but they made a fuss and were unable to withdraw their capital. Everyone's interests were seriously tied up.

  The final result was that Chen Lu became the legal shareholder of the company with 200,000 yuan.

  But now when faced with the Ren Jingnian incident, everyone has nothing to say. After all, we all have technical backgrounds, and everyone has dignity. But at this point, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, and there is no way back. , after all, their wealth and life are together.

  If Xinfeng Company is really doomed, they will be doomed as well.

  So everyone did not object or support, they just remained silent.

  Yue Chuanxin naturally understood the current situation. When he saw that everyone was silent, he continued: "Secondly, I have contacted several well-known lawyers. Since he wants to sue us for piracy and infringement, then we will sue him for damaging our reputation. He Damage our reputation and cause us to suffer losses. Anyway, the lawsuit is going to be filed in one day or two, so we will delay it. We have plenty of time and we are not afraid of him delaying it with us!"

  The partner next to him heard this and finally couldn't help but said: "We are going to take the shameless route, right?"

  When Chen Lu heard this, she raised her eyebrows and sneered: "How can you call it shameless? This is the strategy. This is the characteristic of the times. Have you not seen how many pirated disks are sold on the street? How many of them use genuine ones? Without this, do you think you can?" Developed? Have you never used pirated versions? Do you dare to say that you have always paid for genuine ones?"

  Everyone stopped talking. To be fair, it was difficult for everyone to tell the truth and to be completely innocent. Since you can't be innocent yourself, you really don't have the right to criticize others.

  Chen Lu glanced at everyone and said calmly: "Let's lower the price first, start a price war, and mass-produce. They also need to do research and development. It is definitely impossible to lower the price like us. By then, they will be squeezed out."

  The partner next to him couldn't help it: "What about us, won't we make money? Then everyone will drink the northwest wind?"

  Chen Lu smiled and said calmly: "So this is knowledge, this is strategy. When Ren Jingnian is bankrupted and we are the only ones left in the market, we will upgrade Hanka and then take the opportunity to raise the price. Who can say anything? Isn't the market still in our hands?"

  When she said this, everyone suddenly understood. After that, they also felt that this method was brilliant.

  If we can really capture this market, we will indeed have autonomy in pricing in the future.

  Everyone is still confused: "What about our money? Now that we have no extra funds, how can we operate it if we sell it at a loss?"

  Chen Lu then calmly uttered four words: "Bank loan."

  After saying these four words, she glanced at several shareholders, and sure enough she saw their unacceptable looks.

  She smiled: "Bank loans are not a scourge. Let's put it this way, bank loans are the best way to resist inflation. The one who owes money is the boss! Using other people's money to make your own money is the top earner." Money strategy."

  Yue Chuanxin nodded and made a direct decision: "Just do what Chen Lu said. At this point, we have no way back.


  The news of Xinfeng Company's price reduction spread like wildfire and quickly spread throughout the market. Huajing Company's Hanka was priced at 3,800, while Xinfeng's Hanka only cost 1,999.

  As soon as this news came out, everyone hesitated. Everyone knew that Huajing Company's Hanka must be of good quality and reliable. After all, it was developed by Ren Jingnian, who has the patent for smart fonts. However, Xinfeng Company's Hanka only costs 1,000 yuan. Nine hundred and ninety, that is to say, for the price of one Hanka from Huajing Company, you can buy two from Xinfeng Company.

  So what if it doesn't work, what if it's pirated, anyway, it's not you who breaks the law.

  Since people can sell it, it must still be possible.

  So amid this hesitation and struggle, everyone took action one after another.

  The sales of Xinfeng Company's Hanka suddenly increased, and many manufacturers even began to order Xinfeng Company's Hanka.

  When He Lina heard the news, she was very angry: "What should we do? We can't just lower the price, right? But now foreign Hanka cards can sell for four to five thousand, and we Chinese have lowered the price first. What is this?"

  The key point is that their Hanka is still produced in Hong Kong, and the production cost is high. They also have to consider R&D costs, quality control costs, sales costs, etc. How can they compete with Xinfeng Company on price?

  If they really cut the price like this, yes, they won't lose money, but when it comes to the research and development of Hanka, don't they need to invest money? We need to support R&D personnel and innovate. How can we innovate without making money? This is no longer the era of state funding. Private enterprises also have to survive!

  Xinfeng Company is shameless. It doesn't require any R&D or investment. It can just be copied. Of course, there is no need to consider these things. It costs absolutely zero!

  Gu Yuehuahua was bored: "We lost a lot of orders, and they all took them away?"

  He Lina sneered: "That's what it means."

  Gu Yuehua: "It's an order, not ready stock, right?"

  He Lina: "Of course. Where can I get the ready-made goods? Now we are all placing orders--"

  Halfway through her words, she suddenly thought of it. When she thought of it, she understood.

  Naturally, Xinfeng Company does not have its own factory. They also have to find an OEM to produce. Currently, the one they have found is the Nanyuan Factory, and the production capacity of the Nanyuan Factory is actually controlled by itself.

  In other words, my company can directly choke her in terms of production!

  The anger on He Lina's face turned into realization, and after realization, she became happy: "Okay, let them sell it, let them place an order, and when the time comes, the customer will urge the delivery, let's see what they do!"

  Gu Yuehua smiled: "Yes, I will go to Nanyuan Factory right now and occupy the Nanyuan Factory's production capacity to the maximum extent! They will never get a circuit board from Nanyuan Factory in the future! They will breach the contract by then, and the liability for breach of contract will definitely be A sum of money!"

  At this time, both Gu Yuehua and He Lina had to admire Ren Jingnian's original foresight, and directly signed the Nanyuan factory's circuit board production capacity regardless of the cost, even if it was not needed for a while.

  Raising an army for a thousand days can be spent in just one moment.

  Chapter 129 The Great Trial 1

  According to Gu Yuehua's intention, he would directly cut off the supply channel first, but when he went to the Nanyuan factory, he discovered that something unexpected had happened.

  After receiving a large order, Nanyuan Factory seemed to be resurrected and became excited. They even added product lines and recruited some workers to the circuit board production line. In this way, their production capacity increased significantly. According to the previous The plan was all taken up, and it seemed like there was no chance.

  The equipment of Nanyuan Factory itself is the inherent asset of the factory and was originally purchased with state funds. Huajing Company is not qualified to intervene in this.

  Nanyuan Factory's current economic performance is not good. It is a dream for them to earn extra money from orders. They will not care who is the genuine product and the pirated product from Xinfeng Company or Huajing Company.

  After Gu Yuehua communicated with Ren Jingnian about this situation, Ren Jingnian thought it was nothing: "Our workers continue to produce circuit boards for us. Now that they have been trained, their processing technology should have been greatly improved, and the yield rate should also have increased. As for We don't need to worry about the relationship between Nanyuan Factory and Xinfeng Company and let them continue production. Even if they increase production capacity, the qualification rate of the new product line is low and the workers are unskilled, so it is not certain what the final product will be."

  Gu Yuehua thought about it and could only ignore it for now. It was important to focus on his own production. Now that Hanka was produced, it could be sold. The supply exceeded demand. As long as it was produced, it would be money. It was time to make money quickly!

  But at this time, Xinfeng Company relied on its low-price strategy to annex a large amount of the market. It was impossible to sell many of them at once. Even some people who were originally interested in Huajing Hanka were also interested in switching to Xinfeng Company.

  Huajing Company is naturally in an embarrassing situation, and even some employees of Huajing Company have begun to wonder. After all, they are not an iron rice bowl, they are just employees of a private company, and they are worried about their future.

  When Ren Jingnian went out for a meeting, everyone who saw him was cautious and looked sympathetic. Even old friends from the past asked: "Are you okay?"

  Ren Jingnian just smiled and didn't care.

  Chen Lu was naturally proud. It seemed that the Toyota car could be bought back. She even planned to go to Hong Kong to go shopping and enjoy what she should have enjoyed beyond the times.

  Yue Chuanxin was in the company, and he felt proud now. He said to his partners: "Now you know, Chen Lu has extraordinary knowledge. We can't even imagine the things in her mind."

  He paused and blew out a smoke ring: "Do you think I'm dating her just because she's good-looking? If I only look at her face, I won't fall in love with her."

  While he was thinking this, he remembered a set of pajamas that Chen Lu was wearing. She said they were sexy lingerie. He didn't understand it, but he found it exciting enough. He didn't know that women could do that.

  He took another drag on his cigarette: "This is a forward-looking vision that transcends the times. Our target is the United States, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan. Do you understand?"

  The two partners have nothing to say so far, they just hope everything goes well.

  However, his happiness obviously did not last for a few days, as news from all aspects came one after another.

  First, there were some accidents at the Nanyuan factory, which prevented smooth delivery. Yue Chuanxin had no choice but to explain to the customer that the delivery would be delayed because the order volume was too large.

  Those manufacturers also expressed their understanding at the beginning, but after waiting for half a month, they still could not deliver the goods, or only part of the goods were delivered. Everyone was anxious.

  You know, the price of personal computers is very high, and they are not accessible to ordinary people. These people have spent so much money to buy computers, and now they are in urgent need of Hanka to solve the problem of Chinese characters. But you tell them that this will have to wait, half I have been waiting for months, and I may have to wait urgently. As for when, I don't know!

  Manufacturers were anxious and began to rush for goods.

  At this time, Xinfeng Company was also very worried. It could only go to Nanyuan Factory to urge them. When they arrived at Nanyuan Factory, they checked carefully and found that the workers they used were not skilled workers at all, and some of them had only learned a few skills. Yue, technically it doesn't work at all!

  At this point, Yue Chuanxin went crazy. Wasn't he doing well before? Why did he pile up his picks at the critical moment?

  He hurriedly asked, and only after questioning did he find out that the workers used in the factory before he hurriedly were "outsourced" by them!

  What is this? How can it still be like this?

  Yue Chuanxin took a few deep breaths and asked people to do it quickly. Even the current workers, no matter what, do it at full speed. While doing it, he contacted the factory everywhere to see if there was anywhere else that could be done. At the same time, Send some of the inventory currently received separately to appease customers. After receiving some of the goods, customers will at least be emotionally stable.

  When Chen Lu saw this situation, she naturally decided that Ren Jingnian was causing trouble. She was furious for a moment, but she had no choice but to solve the problem quickly.

  Yue Chuanxin quickly contacted various factories, but after all, this was a new technology and not every factory produced it. After contacting him again and again, there was no suitable one. Finally, he was inspired and went to Hong Kong to try his luck. Only then did I know that the Hong Kong factory was operating at full capacity to produce Ren Jingnian's circuit boards!

  He was so angry that he stepped on the filter cigarette to the ground: "Damn it, Ren Jingnian, you can't sell it anymore, and you still produce it! You are looking for death!"

  He sneered. At this time, there was no choice but to let Nanyuan Factory produce as much as possible and ship as soon as possible.

  At a critical moment of life and death, it all depends on who wins or loses. He will risk his family's fortune to fight for it!


  Xinfeng Company relies on its low price, and Huajing Company relies on its professional technology. The Hanka companies of the two companies are fighting fiercely in the market, and each has taken damage from each other. The weather in Beijing has become hot in the battle like a battlefield in shopping malls. Get up, summer is here.

  As the vendors shouting ice cream, ice cream, and popsicles on the street, Ren Jingnian's intellectual property case against Xinfeng Company finally came to court.

  It can be said that on a street in Zhongguancun, many people are waiting for this case and the opportunity for Xinfeng Company to negotiate with Ren Jingnian. This is the weathervane for the future, and it also sets the direction for the Chinese characterization of computers. keynote.

  On this day, the Zhongguancun court heard the case publicly. At this time, the Zhongguancun court had opened a dedicated intellectual property court composed of intellectual property researchers and intellectual property protection administrators.

  Ren Jingnian's case against Xinfeng Company was handled by the country's first dedicated intellectual property court.

  Because it was a public trial, there was a lot of excitement before the trial, and many people came to listen.

  When Gu Shunhua passed by, he found that many colleagues from Zhongguancun had already arrived, including Chen Lu's parents Chen Yaotang and Feng Xianer, and even some people from the courtyard came to watch the fun.

  Everyone felt strange when they heard the news.

  Naturally, there were some reporters on the scene. This was China's first intellectual property case, and the person involved was Ren Jingnian, who was famous for his smart fonts. Naturally, no one wanted to miss such a big news.

  Ren Jingnian did not hire a lawyer. He had studied all the relevant legal provisions before coming, so this time he took charge of his own case.

  The presiding judge banged the gavel and the case began. Sitting in the plaintiff's seat was Ren Jingnian, and in the defendant's seat was Yue Chuanxin, the legal representative of Xinfeng Company.

  At the beginning of the trial, after a series of legal procedures, both parties submitted materials on the issue of infringement. Ren Jingnian submitted a report that he and Yan Chongli spent several days making. It compared Xinfeng Company in detail. The similarities between the application used by Hanka and the smart font input method were similar. He even used a chart comparison to vividly show what adjustments Xinfeng Company had made and how it "cleverly" and "clumsily" covered up its plagiarism. fact.

  However, Yue Chuanxin also came prepared. What he prepared was the Chinese character encoding application in Japanese Hanka. He compared the similarities between the application and Japanese Hanka encoding, and concluded from this: "We are not so much like smart characters. Type input method, it would be better to say that we are more like the Japanese Kanji input method. Everything we get is inspired by Japanese Kanji input, and we are the secondary development of Japanese Kanji!"

  Intellectual property professionals reviewed their materials, and it was inevitable to distinguish them for a while. It has to be said that Yue Chuanxin did summarize some similarities with Japanese Kanji encoding. He even summarized the current encoding used by a domestic state-owned enterprise. The similarities between the "self-developed software" and the software of a well-known foreign company are used as an example to compare and prove that the "similarity" of this kind of program is not considered plagiarism.

  When he compared it like this, the situation became a bit embarrassing.

  If the judge determines that Xinfeng Company plagiarized the "Smart Font Input Method", it means that a well-known foreign enterprise software can use the same reason to sue a domestic state-owned enterprise for "infringement", and other software will also appear on the market. In a similar situation, the consequences would be unimaginable.

  Intellectual property professionals are a little confused at this time. After all, domestic intellectual property protection laws are not perfect enough, and there are no precedents to follow in many places. It can be said that this is the first time for them to try this kind of intellectual property case, and they are not sure.

  The hesitation of the professionals was naturally noticed by the staff in the hall. For a moment, everyone was whispering to each other secretly, and some reporters were ready to make a move. After all, the final direction of this case was of great importance.

  At this time, the court adjourned. After the temporary adjournment, reporters immediately rushed over to conduct interviews, and some gathered around Yue Chuanxin.

  Yue Chuanxin was obviously full of confidence, and Chen Luxiao next to him forgot to glance at Ren Jingnian, who was silent not far away.

  Facing reporters, she spoke eloquently: "This is an open era. What we are about to face is an era of knowledge explosion. Only by adopting an open and consultative attitude can we better push our Chinese computers forward, for the sake of individuals." For their own interests, they are complacent or even maliciously slander, treating the field of input method as their own private field. This kind of behavior will seriously harm the Chinese characterization of China's computer information and hinder the pace of the times!"

  There happened to be foreign reporters present. She smiled and started speaking in English. Her English was really good, which almost shocked the whole audience. She was so fluent and international!

  At this moment, all the flashlights seemed to be aimed at her.

  Chen Lu smiled, with a bitter satisfaction in her heart. She thought, she seemed to have done it.

  No matter what, she influenced the development of history with her own abilities. She became a powerful opponent of Ren Jingnian. She has changed the world in this era, and she will leave a mark in the development history of the era.

  Gu Shunhua frowned when she saw this scene. She realized to some extent that the situation was actually not good for Ren Jingnian. After all, the patent law had just begun to be implemented. People had no such concept at all. So many companies here may not actually exist. With some thoughts, how many people sell pirated copies on a street in Zhongguancun? With this background of the times, and the ability of Xinfeng Company to copy and excerpt, it is difficult to say that this matter will not be fooled by them.

  But once this lawsuit fails, Ren Jingnian's patent will become public property and can be used casually without any protection. How is this fair to him?

  Yan Chongli was obviously worried about this, but he said: "If the first instance is not good for us, we can also apply for a second instance. We can find a Japanese company to testify, but in that case, we need to show the Japanese Chinese code to the court, which may not be possible. Japanese companies agree."

  There were several friends in the same field nearby who naturally had the same idea. An intellectual property expert next to him frowned: "If we can't get further evidence, the result of the case will probably be unsatisfactory. It's a pity, what a pity."

  Yan Chongli frowned even more after hearing this: "In today's China, the only one with independent intellectual property rights is the Smart Font Input Method. Only such an input method can compete with the world's multinational companies. For such a software, if legitimate benefits cannot be obtained, Protection, then what else can our laws protect? The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked, and the bird is hidden. There are no research inventions that can be thought of in the head. They are all the results of other people's hard work. If other people's hard work can be used casually, To be imitated, plagiarized, and used as a public knowledge base is to kill the goose that lays the golden egg!"

  Yan Chongli's words naturally made several colleagues around him nod in agreement. What he said was actually correct, but everyone also understood that the truth is that truth, and the actual implementation may not be as good. The final result of the case must take into account all aspects of the comprehensive reasons. , it's not up to you.

  The court was re-opened soon. After the re-opening, the atmosphere was indeed different. Several industry professionals spoke in favor of "no plagiarism", and the question was obviously looking for loopholes in the materials submitted by Ren Jingnian.

  The people sitting under the court could see where the wind was coming from, and some looked at Ren Jingnian with sympathy.

  He Lina was even more anxious: "What should we do? What should we do now?"

  Gu Shunhua: "Jingnian still has a piece of evidence in his hand."

  He Lina was a little confused, but she didn't have much contact with scientific research. She was mainly in charge of the market, so she didn't ask any more questions.

  At this time, Ren Jingnian presented the latest material to the court. It was a very simple material. It was a report issued by a Japanese company. The report proved that the input method and Chinese character library used in the "Sample Hanka" , is only 20% similar to their program, and has only a 30% overlap rate with their Chinese character library. Considering the particularity of Chinese characters and the commonality of application development programs, they believe that the architectural design in "Sample Hanka" and Their company's "Kanji Kanka" app has no development relevance.

  As soon as this report came out, Yue Chuanxin's expression changed.

  He didn't expect that Ren Jingnian would get such a report!

  When did he contact the Japanese? How could the Japanese give him such a report?

  When the judge saw this material, he was confused for a moment. Intellectual property professionals circulated it one after another. Everyone didn't say it publicly, but they were obviously embarrassed. The evidence was too obvious. No matter what, as a professional, it was impossible Bite the bullet and judge that Xinfeng Company did not plagiarize.

  But if they are convicted of plagiarism, then their work will also face great pressure.

  These laws are not perfect yet. Everything is just the beginning. What happens next is beyond the control of individual conscience. This is the trend of the times and even the need for development.

  Ren Jingnian naturally took in the scenes in the courtroom. The professionals looked at each other, the reporters whispered, and the fellow manufacturers looked confused. Naturally, such a lawsuit was not about the little Ren Jingnian and Xin. Feng Company, this is the keynote of China's intellectual property rights, and it is a difficult problem that countless inventors and creators will face together in the future.

  He lowered his eyes, smiled, and began his concluding speech: "When everyone mentions the smart font input method and the three words Ren Jingnian, they all think it is a legend. They all say that I was a legend when I was in school. I independently developed a font input method and thought it was a miracle, but I knew it was not a miracle, and my family also knew that it was not a miracle. The time span from the time I started researching computer Chinese characterization to the moment I became famous all over the world was about In the past three years, I have made tens of thousands of homemade cards and excerpted notes from four thick books. Not to mention me, even my five-year-old son and daughter have been able to skillfully recognize thousands of Chinese characters. . This is a road with no light. I wander alone in the desert with no one. I may give everything but see no way out, but my family supports me and I keep doing it, even in the most desperate times. And I didn't give up."

  When he said these words, the whole court fell silent, and everyone looked at him.

  Gu Shunhua's eyes were filled with tears. During the two most difficult years for him, she went abroad to Japan. Later, when she came back, he rarely said this. He always smiled and said that it was not hard.

  Ren Jingnian continued: "I succeeded, I researched it, and I applied for a patent. This is a patent recognized by the country. This is a patent that I spent a lot of time to spell out. It is the result of my hard work. I As an inventor, I now ask the country to give me legal protection and the court to give me the most reasonable judgment."

  "I know that everyone wants to take the most ready-made path and is waiting like hungry wolves to imitate others. No one is willing to invest in research and development, and no one is willing to take risks. Because research and development is too difficult, investing money and energy, the road is long and full of difficulties , once it fails, there will be setbacks and ridicule, and there will never be a chance to turn around. But if the research and development is successful, a group of people will swarm in, directly raise the banner of secondary development, move and piece together, directly copy, and directly pirate."

  "No one is a fool. Everyone knows that plagiarism and piracy can make money quickly and without any risk, so why not do it. But to make quick money is to kill the goose and lay the eggs. If things go on like this, whoever does research and development will develop. Plagiarism and piracy can bring new things to the streets of Zhongguancun. Temporary prosperity cannot bring about the real take-off of China's economy, let alone China's core competitiveness in the information industry. If you want to be at the forefront of the world, you can only follow others and not innovate. You can only pick up the unwanted leftovers from others!"

  "Now we need to develop the economy, and there are many alternatives. But because of some difficulties, should we give up our ethics and the protection of intellectual property rights? Don't think about tolerating it now until one day we make drastic changes. What is lost is lost. , What is lost can never be picked up. Even if it is picked up one day, it will take a hundred times the effort to repair it."

  Originally, this time was supposed to be Ren Jingnian's concluding speech, but no one expected that he would say such words without mentioning evidence, new frontiers, or the smart font input method.

  The scene fell into a deathly silence, and even the flashlights of the media present seemed to be silent.

  After quite a while, the judge announced a temporary adjournment.

  As soon as Ren Jingnian walked out of the court, he was immediately surrounded by reporters. The spotlight blared and people from all walks of life swarmed forward, surrounding Ren Jingnian.

  At this time, Ren Jingnian was also extremely cooperative. He answered everyone's questions with a candid smile.

  The two partners of Xinfeng Company can no longer stand it.

  After all, they are all engaged in technology, who has no character? They used to be full of passion and wanted to serve the motherland, but now for some reason, they have become shameless plagiarists.

  Now almost everyone understands what's going on with Xinfeng Group. It's like the emperor's new clothes, it depends on who will expose it.

  The two partners were relatively thin-skinned and couldn't hold on anymore, but they couldn't admit that they had plagiarized, so they simply left the scene early. Anyway, the outcome of the trial depends on the judge, and it will be whatever the judge says.

  There was embarrassment on Yue Chuanxin's face. He knew that he had embarked on the most embarrassing road. He had once been arrogant and courageous, but so what. Now, he had no way to look back. He could only go on bravely. .

  He glanced at Chen Lu next to him. From his angle, he couldn't see Chen Lu's expression, but he was thinking about what Chen Lu had said.

  He had to trust Chen Lu.

  Chen Lu has abilities that no one in the world has. She knows the development of the times, and she can even predict the future. Yue Chuanxin took a deep breath to calm down.

  What he didn't know was that Chen Lu was actually panicking at this time.

  She always felt that everything was different from what she knew. Some things might have changed. She tried her best, but what result did she get?

  Chapter 130 Finale (Part 2)

  The court pronounced its verdict and Ren Jingnian won the case.

  The judge's solemn and clear voice echoed in every corner of the court: "This court ruled in the first instance that the defendant Xinfeng Company should pay the plaintiff Ren Jingnian RMB 240,000. The defendant Xinfeng Company will continue to use it in the subsequent production of Hanka Smart font input method should be negotiated with the plaintiff Ren Jingnian and reasonable fees should be paid."

  He Lina was so happy that Gu Yuehua almost jumped up, but the court wanted to remain silent, so he excitedly punched the palm of his left hand with his right fist, and a big smile appeared on his face.

  Yan Chongli finally breathed a sigh of relief. If Ren Jingnian still lost the case after achieving this step, then he would not know how to face the world and the hard work and sweat he had put in for it.

  Of course Gu Shunhua was also happy and relieved, really relieved.

  She looked at Ren Jingnian. Among the crowd, there was no emotion on Ren Jingnian's face, but she knew that he was also happy. He was actually very stressed about this case.

  This lawsuit has been highly publicized before, and many news media and industry insiders are paying attention. At the forefront, what kind of situation he will face if he loses the lawsuit, and where the chip research and development will go in the future, everything will become unknown.

  Now that I have won the case, it is really great that I have won the case. Everything I once worried about will not happen anymore.

  Ren Jingnian walked down from the court, and Gu Shunhua and others hurried over. At this time, reporters outside the court were already waiting eagerly, and even manufacturers and colleagues came over.

  At this time, it is said that the court leaders also attached great importance to this case, so after the verdict was announced, they immediately announced that they would hold a press conference. For a while, the reporters were excited.

  This press conference was attended by the president of the court in person, introducing the current situation of intellectual property rights in China and introducing the case. Journalists and relevant people from all walks of life actively asked questions.

  The president of the court personally affirmed the current legal emphasis on and protection of intellectual property rights, and also said that intellectual property laws must be continuously improved and a professional intellectual property trial team must be established.

  Ren Jingnian took advantage of this moment to walk out of the court with Gu Shunhua and others.

  Outside the court, Yue Chuanxin and Chen Lu were also surrounded by reporters, asking them how they felt when they lost the lawsuit and what their plans were next.

  These two were already in a bad mood, and were almost poked in the face by several microphones. Of course, they were even more annoyed. However, in front of reporters, they did not dare to get angry at will, so they could only endure it with ugly expressions.

  At this time, everyone saw Ren Jingnian, and everyone became excited. Some people looked at Ren Jingnian and his group, and then at Yue Chuanxin and Chen Lu. They immediately felt that this was big news, and a reporter said sharply: "Mr. Yue , this time you lost the lawsuit against Mr. Ren, do you have anything to say to Mr. Ren? How do you plan to pay the compensation, and will you continue to do Hanka in the future? "

  He said this, and suddenly, the scene became quiet for a moment.

  This is like asking a thief face-to-face how it feels to be caught.

  Yue Chuanxin's eyes were full of embarrassment and shame. He gritted his teeth and looked at Ren Jingnian stiffly.

  Through the crowd, he clearly saw the early summer sunshine falling on Ren Jingnian's face. Ren Jingnian looked at him indifferently, with no expression on his face.

  He suddenly remembered that Ren Jingnian had given him a chance, and he had also thought about going down that stairs, but Chen Lu said that this was because Ren Jingnian was forced to have no choice.

  She said that it is always better to get something for free. Everyone is getting it for free. Why should we pay when there is something available for free?

  It was also a moment of greed, thinking that if everyone really takes it for free in the future, then it doesn't seem to matter if he takes it. There are pirated copies out there. Why don't I see anyone catching it? I excerpt and copy it. It is considered a secondary development and it is also injected. Hard work.

  As a result, I thought wrongly and went astray.

  Didn't he feel uncomfortable listening to what Ren Jingnian said just now? It was a slap on his face, it was a direct point at his nose and said that you are a morally corrupt thief and someone's stolen goods. The thief who gets everything!

  When the reporters around him saw his expression, they all keenly sensed the news and became even more excited. Some took photos and others continued to ask questions.

  Yue Chuanxin gritted his teeth stiffly. After a while, he suddenly laughed dejectedly. Without saying a word, he pushed aside the crowd and left.

  A reporter tried to stop him, but Yue Chuanxin suddenly shouted: "Get out of here, get out of here!"

  The reporters were frightened, but quickly reacted and took photos.

  Big news, Xinfeng Company Yue Chuanxin lost the lawsuit and was angry to vent his temper!

  Yue Chuanxin didn't care about this, he walked forward with his shoulders slumped.

  Chen Lu watched this scene and stood blankly on the steps, not knowing what to do for a moment.

  She turned her head in confusion and looked at Ren Jingnian. Accompanied by Gu Shunhua, Ren Jingnian was being interviewed by reporters. He talked calmly and calmly.

  There was no trace of the arrogance of a winner in his demeanor, nor was there any air of vanity.

  In a daze, he seemed to be the Ren Jingnian later, the person who haunted her and tried her best to get close but never touched her.

  There was bitterness in her heart.

  Even if she was reborn, she was still not good enough. She couldn't win his favor. Even if she relied on the prophet to become his opponent, she still seemed not qualified.

  She withdrew her gaze and looked at the road ahead in confusion.

  On the newly built asphalt road, people are passing bicycles. This is a sunny country, full of hope.

  But she felt that she was lost in the tunnel of time and space. She could not find her direction or her way home.


  The battle over intellectual property rights between Huajing Company and Xinfeng Company has finally come to an end. This lawsuit has been highlighted by major domestic and foreign industry media. Some people have begun to discuss the way out for China's technology research and development, and some have begun to discuss intellectuals in marketization. Regarding the issue of conscience, some people also began to discuss the differences between domestic and foreign concepts of intellectual property, which stirred up waves. It seemed that everyone began to focus on patents and copyrights, and there seemed to be fewer people selling pirated disks in Zhongguancun.

  Huajing Hanka's reputation has grown, and domestic manufacturers and institutions have come one after another and signed contracts without hesitation. However, of course, some people are daunted by the high patent fees. After all, some companies are just starting out, and they have to be like big companies. It is really difficult for companies to pay large amounts of fees.

  Fortunately, Ren Jingnian had already anticipated this situation. He should protect his patents and safeguard his own rights. However, in terms of money, he was willing to make concessions. He hoped that more people would use his Hanka. , I hope the patent fee is not too high a barrier.

  Therefore, he authorized his patent to be used by universities and research institutions free of charge, and at the same time, it was granted to other developing companies with financial difficulties in the form of commission without payment. In this way, it not only expanded the use of smart font input method, At the same time, it can also gain something in the future. As for those companies that are struggling, the addition of smart fonts has also opened up their market and won two birds with one stone.

  In just a week or two, Ren Jingnian has clearly presented two roads in front of everyone. One is the upright and genuine road. You need to pay, but it is not much. You can bear it and you will benefit from it. , and the other path is imitation and piracy that everyone despises, and it is a huge compensation after the defendant goes to court. The result can be imagined. Ren Jingnian controlled the entire market situation, and for a while, he came to Huajing Company to negotiate There are almost hundreds of companies, big and small, that have signed contracts, and all of them are desperately trying to obtain the patent rights to use the smart font input method. Every manufacturer wants to install the "Huajing" that turns decay into magic into their computers as soon as possible. Hanka".

  At this time, his relatives and friends who had been sweating for him all breathed a sigh of relief. It must be said that Ren Jingnian was facing a desperate battle that challenged almost all Chinese computer manufacturers, but he fought brilliantly. Turnaround, he succeeded.

  Ren Jingnian himself actually breathed a sigh of relief.

  He remembered that day, at the seminar where he was about to announce the research results of Huajing Hanka, when Xinfeng Company announced the victory of Hanka in advance, everyone in the audience looked at it.

  The modern civilization that took hundreds of years to forge in the Western world is only a few decades for China. Behind the ever-changing technology are traces of the old era that stubbornly remain. Human nature is complex, and the pursuit of interests is the most primitive motivation for people.

  When you think about hell and when you think about heaven, right and wrong are actually not that clear.

  Fortunately, in the wilderness at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, he finally repelled the surrounding wolves. In the Vanity Fair where light and night intertwine, and the concept of intellectual property rights is not yet sound enough, he also successfully broke out and stood at the forefront of the times. Welcome the light on the wind.

  History moves forward ruthlessly, and perhaps everything he once stood for will be just a yellowed page in the pile of old papers and become insignificant after a few years. However, he believes that, at least for now, he is worthy of the military uniform he once wore. , has not wasted the country's cultivation, and has never failed to live up to the responsibility that the times have bestowed on intellectuals.

  This is enough.


  Ren Jingnian's most glorious moment was the beginning of Yue Chuanxin's plunge into extreme darkness.

  It's like a domino effect.

  From the moment they lost the lawsuit, Xinfeng Company fell into an unprecedented crisis. Immediately afterwards, Nanyuan Factory terminated its supply relationship with them, and they lost their processing plant.

  At this time, those units that they had delivered discovered quality problems with Hanka one after another and requested returns.

  In fact, according to the court's ruling, because Xinfeng Company has made compensation for past infringements, the previous Hanka will be sold, but subsequent Hanka will no longer be able to use the smart font input method, so those that have already Those who have purchased Xinfenghan Card can continue to use it.

  But sometimes people's hearts are like this. Knowing that you are infringing, it is inevitable that you will not like this thing. If you have some small problems, you may overthink it and feel that you have been deceived.

  Besides, many people have discovered that the problems in Hanka are really no small problems.

  There are crashes, typos, missing characters, and even weird character jumping problems after inputting individual letter keys.

  These problems will not reoccur, so if you have to ask, it is difficult to tell what problems will occur under specific circumstances. This problem does not even occur during the standard Hanka demonstration.

  But when I used it, I felt very bad, which everyone can understand, so various problems appeared one after another, and everyone asked to return it.

  The two partners of Xinfeng Company have given up at this time and do not want to save the company. The company will take whatever step it takes. Yue Chuanxin is in a state of despair. He still wants to give it a try. He started his business with a Chinese printer, even if it is Hanka. If he can't do it together, he can still go back!

  Although a Japanese printing company betrayed him, he could have chosen others, and he had other partners with whom he had maintained good relations.

  He could compensate Ren Jingnian's money, it didn't matter, he still had some financial resources. In the most difficult time, he kept reciting two poems silently. The children of Jiangdong are so talented, and there is no telling how they will come back!

  But just when he barely regained his confidence and planned to regroup, another Japanese company also came to him and unilaterally announced the termination of cooperation with him and banned his right to represent its brand of printers.

  By this time, Yue Chuanxin felt the pain of being cornered.

  He found that he really had no way out.

  Customers came to him one after another and asked him to compensate for the breach of contract. The factory came to him and asked him to pay the balance of the previous manufacturing costs. Even the property owners of the building came to him and said that he owed rent. People from all walks of life came to him. They all came to him. Ask him for money.

  He was defeated like a mountain. He didn't know that a person could be so unlucky when he fell. Everyone in the world was his enemy!

  He thought of Chen Lu. In despair, he suddenly wanted to find Chen Lu and ask her if she didn't have many options. She should think of a solution.

  But he couldn't contact him. He couldn't contact Chen Lu at all.

  Chen Lu ignored him completely!

  Yue Chuanxin slammed the coffee cup in his hand to the ground. This must be a betrayal!


  It's not that Chen Lu doesn't want to pay attention to Yue Chuanxin, she just doesn't even care about herself.

  She walked back in confusion, not knowing where to go. The courtyard had been sold and the Toyota car was gone. She originally thought that this time Hanka made a lot of money, so she could buy it back. She also made a perfect plan for herself. She must take every step accurately to continuously expand her wealth.

  But now, she hasn't even taken the first step.

  The company collapsed, and she still had a large loan. The bank was collecting the debt. If the debt was not repaid, she would be sued and punished.

  She found that in the end, she seemed to have nothing but a high debt pile.

  She walked back listlessly, and could only go back to Dashilan Hutong, the place she had hated and tried to return to her hometown in fine clothes.

  Walking into the alley, she met her father.

  Her father Chen Yaotang said angrily: "Why did you lose? Why did you lose to him! Aren't you talking about secondary development? The Japanese ones you used have nothing to do with Ren Jingnian! No, this needs a second trial. It must be Retrial!"

  Chen Lu just glanced at Chen Yaotang lazily.

  Chen Yaotang was stunned for a moment. He felt that his daughter looked strange, as if she was completely different from before.

  "Lulu, what's wrong with you?"

  But Chen Lu was really not interested.

  When her mind was withdrawn from the conflicts of this era, she seemed to clearly remember her past self, the self in the 21st century, the self who had gone to college.

  And the one who was cornered because of an online article.

  She was forced to find Gu Shunhua, but accidentally bumped into the bowl. After that, time and space changed, and she came to this era.

  During her year in prison, she thought of that bowl countless times. She even felt that the root of everything was that bowl.

  But she couldn't get the bowl and Gu Shunhua wouldn't give it to her. She was trapped in the 1980s and could never go back.

  So she finally didn't say anything, and just said lightly: "Don't pay attention to me, I want to be quiet."

  In fact, she knows that she can continue, she can make clothes, she is a prophet, she has many, many things that can be used.

  But I just don't want to.

  As she walked forward, she heard voices in front of her. She heard it was Gu Duoer and Gu Shunhua talking.

  At this time, Gu Shunhua and others returned to the courtyard, and the whole family gathered together, eating and drinking happily. Everyone's life was prosperous, and everyone found their own direction in the wave of the times.

  Gu Zhenhua is already a candidate for the leadership team of the National Cotton Factory, Zhang Zhaoyun, who is pregnant, has also been promoted to technical specialist, Gu Yuehua has made some success on the circuit board production line, Gu Duo'er has opened three branches, and Gu Shunhua's Yushan Renjia has already become popular. Forty-nine cities, she has published articles in newspapers many times. Her next step is to write a book and publish it.

  Even retired Gu Quanfu was hired back and became the vice principal of the Culinary Technology School.

  Everyone is working enthusiastically, and everyone is vigorous and positive, like a small tree in the early spring, stretching its branches and leaves upward in the spring breeze of reform and opening up.

  Chen Lu thought about all this and smiled more and more desolately. She felt the helplessness of fate.

  So, going around and around and reliving her life, she wondered what she had mixed up with. What didn't belong to her still didn't belong to her. What belonged to Gu Shunhua was still in Gu Shunhua's hands in the end and was firmly held by her.

  Chen Lu looked up at the sky. It was evening, and it was when the smoke was rising. She saw the smoke changing into different shapes in the sky, just like her bizarre life.

  She suddenly laughed loudly: "What on earth am I doing? I am a qualified and educated person. I am a college student. What on earth am I doing!"

  When she was laughing like this, Gu Duoer and Gu Shunhua who were talking over there happened to hear her. When they looked over, they saw her looking straight at the sky and talking nonsense.

  Gu Duo'er frowned: "I'm afraid this person is really crazy or has something wrong with him!"

  Gu Shunhua listened and understood.

  She watched Chen Lu go to the alley, but she wanted to talk, so she told Gu Duo'er and followed him.

  Chen Lu noticed it, turned around and looked at Gu Shunhua, her eyes desolate and desperate: "You came to see my joke, right? To see my joke, I am a loser, I have always been a loser."

  Gu Shunhua: "What's going on in that book?"

  Chen Lu smiled: "You really know, you really know, I'm just telling you why everything got out of control, you already knew it!"

  Gu Shunhua looked at Chen Lu and said calmly: "You are also a college student with higher education and a high-level talent, but you ended up doing such a thing."

  Of course she didn't know anything, she just wanted to test Chen Lu

  Chen Lu laughed: "I never thought of that. It's really interesting, right? I just wrote casually for self-satisfaction. Who knew that this book would be so popular on the Internet? Who knew that I begged you that day, and it just happened to be right?" Something happened. Unexpectedly, we traveled into the book together and experienced everything again. This time, you and I are on the same starting line, the same era, the same conditions, but I still can't compare with you. "

  She smiled and said suddenly: "No, you and him are already married, so we are still not on the same starting line. What do you think I am stupid about? Why do I have to set it up like this? I should set it up that you and him are not the same. We know each other!"

  However, at that time, she hated the young lady Duo Duo so much that she wanted to punish her severely. How could she have that young lady if they were not allowed to get married!

  She smiled sadly: "I'm so smart!"

  After saying that, she walked forward, walking listlessly.

  Gu Shunhua stood where he was, looking at Chen Lu's back.

  Until now, the only thing she knew about was that book, but now she understood that that book was created by Chen Lu, and in the world outside that book, she had interacted with Chen Lu, and she held a grudge. That's why I created a book like this.

  Outside of this book, what is she like, and what is Ren Jingnian like?

  She stood for a long time and then stopped thinking about it.

  In fact, there is no need to think so much, let alone whether to read or not.

  At this time, now, the sky is clear and blue, the smoke is light and graceful, the chirping of cicadas never stops, and the laughter of children comes from the gray walls and red tiles.

  This is the old alley, this is the courtyard, this is her real life.

  Life of flesh and blood has nothing to do with anything else.
