Mr . Clifford part 3


    After he left you went upstairs to take another shower because you felt dirty because of the whole incident under the table.

      *After the shower*

     You got out of the shower and put on panties and a 'Nirvana' tank top you were sitting on your bed and it was currently 7:30 and you were exhausted!

    You were finishing up brushing your hair wen you heard something on your window you just thought it was the trees brushing against your window but that's when you heard a thump against your house you got up and saw Mr . Clifford hanging off your house. You ran to your window opening it while Mr . Clifford climbed in.

     "Mich-" you were cut off with warm plump lips on yours. You were tooken back by it but you just went with it. Michael pulled back smirking. "So what were you saying?". Michael said while wrapping his arms around your waist and started sucking on your neck .

     "UUUUHHHHH" you moaned you could feel Michaels smirk against your skin. He pulled back " Sounds like my princess is enjoying herself hm"  He pushed you on the bed then crawled over so he was hovering over top of you. He started playing with the elastic band of your panties. " Kitten Daddy loves the choice of panties but I think they should come off". he grabbed the front of your panties and yanked them off so the ripped at the sides. once he ripped off your panties you felt his mouth attach to your clit. "UUUUHHHHH Michael" Once you said that you felt a stinging sensation on your side . " It's Daddy to you!" you just nodded "uh uh looks like my baby needs a punishment".


     Mich- I mean daddy pulled something out of his pockets. He pulled out handcuffs and duct ape He put them on you and started to get undress after he got done undressing he put on a condom (No babies here) and lined him self up with your entrance and intertwined your fingers with yours and said "Ready?" you nodded and he slowly pushed himself into you and you moaned but it came out muffled he started to rock back and forth thrusting into you he was a moaning mess he suddenly stopped and took the handcuffs and duct ape off and then flipped over so you were on top. "Ride me kitten!" you started to bounce  while he left sloppy kisses down your chest.

    You were almost to your climax when someone knocked on your door "Honey are you ok ? what's that noise?can I come in?". After you heard that you felt Michael climax in the condom. "uuuuuhhhhh mom don't come in i'm naked!". "Ok honey you seem a little bit off is it the time of the month?". Your mom said Michael was laughing. "NO MOM GO AWAY!". "OK ok sorry ". Michael was still laughing while you pouted . "awwwwwwww babe it's ok we'll continue this later. Remember get your home work done or you will get a punishment tomorrow  later kitten" he kissed your temple and walked out of your window and winking. Guess what ......................You did not do you home work.

thank you guys i would just like to shout out to one of my best supporters and a person who helped me with the ideas Sweet_Shaye please no hate and follow her she is an awesome person luv   yall
