Luke Hemmings morning sex

      You wake up to your husband Luke rubbing your thigh. You roll over to meet his piercing blue eyes. He smiled and tried to give you a kiss but you refused." Uh uh morning breath" He gave you a sad puppy dog face making you feel bad. " uuhhh how can I resist that face!"  He gave you a smile and a peck on the lips he tried to make it into a make-out session but you pulled back.

" Come on y/n you can't just tease daddy like that." you just smirked going into the bathroom closing the door and stripping. You got into the scalding hot shower but instantly relaxing. You started washing yourself when the shower curtain opened to reveal Luke.


He smirked and hopped into the shower with you.  You just simply ignored him. " awwwwwwww kitten don't be like that you know daddy didn't mean it come on give daddy a kiss" You rolled your eyes and turned around giving him a peck on the lips.

"That's better kitten now let daddy make it up to you". He grabbed your loofa hanging it up and grabbed your body wash and he used his hand and started to wash you. He occasionally   squeezed  your boobs and butt. The only place to wash is your pussy. "uummm I can do this myself." you tried to wash down there but he grabbed your hand and said  " Daddy's got a special treatment for that." And with that he got on his knees and started to eat you out. He gripped your thighs. "uuhhh Luke". After you said that you felt a harsh slap on your butt. "oooooowwww Luke what was that for!" He looked angry and he gritted through his teeth " It's daddy to you!". you were lost for words so you just nodded your head while he got back to work.

Soon you felt a knot in your stomach. "uuhhh daddy i'm about to cum!" He didn't say anything he just kept sucking and nibbling on your clit. Soon you couldn't hold it any more so you came in his mouth with a occasional cuss word slipping out. Luke stood back up and pecked you on the lips. Luke gave you no time to slow your breathing down and he rammed into you. "Uuhhh daddy don't stop!". With that Luke went faster and harder. Soon you felt another knot in your stomach. "DADDY I'M ABOUT TO CUM!" "Go ahead baby girl cum on daddy's fat cock" With that you came followed by Luke. He removed himself and said " Best morning sex ever"
