"Why do you look like you've both been dragged through a hedge?" Sunwoo commented as Chanhee and I entered the living room.
"Have you been crying?" Juyeon asked the coral haired boy, his under eyes puffed up in a soft reddish color. Chanhee nodded sitting beside Younghoon, who put his arm around him comfortably.

Juyeon nodded to me curiously, nibbling away at one of the chips ahoy! cookies my Mom had brought out. Gesturing for him to follow me into the kitchen, I sat across from him on one of the island stools.
"What happened?" He questioned me with furrowed brows, observing the way I half-smiled solemnly.
"He didn't tell me where we were going when we left earlier, I only figured it out when we arrived on his street. There were no cars on the driveway, we thought it would be possible that no one was home. However-"
"Oh no." Juyeon cut me off with a worried voice. "His parents were home weren't they?" He asked with pure concern, sighing as I nodded my head to his question.
"They were. When they saw him, they thought that were seeing a ghost. His Mom was especially upset, she was so emotional and her words just brought me to tears - Chanhee of course more so. His Dad was more stern but even he welled up at one point. It's just I don't know how comfort him Juyeon, how can I possibly make a situation like this better?" I raked my thoughts profusely, all I wanted was for him to be okay, I bit my lip harshly and tapped my fingers impatiently on the table.

"With Chanhee, as long as I've known him, all he's ever needed was love and you can do that easily. Show him you care, keep him close and show him affection. Of course none of the guys were ever good with that, but that's why he was so close to his Mom. Just love him Y/N. That's the best thing you could ever do." Juyeon scrunched my hair in a friendly ruffle, before waltzing back into the living room area.   Love him? I thought. Something about that brought an explosion of warmth in my heart, something I'd have to contain in order to prevent myself or him from getting hurt.

Releasing a short sigh, I redirected myself to the living room and mixed in with the boys again. Finding myself next to Chanhee, who gave me a soft smile as he noticed my presence in the room. Younghoon took this as an opportunity to move, pushing the drained boy over for me to take care of. Nuzzling his face into the crevasse of my neck, I affectionately patted down the peachy strands of hair on the back of his head. Using my free hand to place over his own weak palms and hold them in an adoring grasp.

"Where's my Mom?" I asked out into the gaggle of boys, wondering where the chirpy lady had disappeared off to.
"She went to bed, she said we could take the living room or your spare rooms to sleep though." Sunwoo replied, sat with his back lazily glued to the couch behind him.
"Y'all annoyed her that much?" I giggled ridiculously, laughing at the devilish smirks that appeared on half of their faces. With an exaggerated eye roll, I moved Chanhee off me slightly and got up from the living room floor.
"I'm gonna go get ready for bed, make yourselves comfortable but I don't wanna see a mess." I pointed my finger around the room warningly before pulling down the handle to the door. As the boys began chatting amongst each other again, I nodded for Chanhee to follow me. Getting up with a blank smile, he dusted off his knees briefly before following me out.

"You feeling okay now?" I asked, watching him fall back on to the bed with a spring. He didn't reply, but instead just continued to stare ahead with saddened eyes. I sighed, coming up with an ingenious plan to put a smile on the the boys face. Crawling on top of him slyly, I watched as he panicked internally - not expecting the sudden action from me. I peppered his face with kisses, watching him recoil with a soft giggle.
"I said, you feeling okay now?" I repeated my question, rubbing my nose against his cutely.
"I'm feeling better now." He finally replied in a slight daze staring up at me angelically.

Unexpectedly, he pulled me into a kiss, closing the tiny gap between our lips and firmly placed his hands on either side of my face. Slowly moving his lips, I held myself up with a palm on his chest and the other on the mattress beside his head. Sneaking one of his hands to my waist he gently turned us over before pulling away and smiling down at me boyishly.

A knock on the door caused us to anxiously scramble away from each other, sitting inconspicuously on the other side of the bed from each other as I yelled a sharp "Come in!" to who ever was behind the door. Sunwoo kicked the door open fashionably, wielding the television remote with his fingers - Haknyeon and Kevin stood behind him curiously peeping over his shoulder.

"What?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance of the little smirk poking at the corner of his lips.
"Not that I may have accidentally walked in 5 minutes ago but we can't work your TV." Sunwoo commented cunningly, hand on his hip, remote control in the other. Completely mortified, I chuckled nervously.
"It's like a spaceship." Haknyeon added, peeping over his shoulder.
"There's so many options." Kevin snatched the remote control in awe as I sighed irritably.
"I'll be down in a second. Let me just get ready." I shooed them out of my bedroom door, closing it with a sharp slam.

Raking my pajama drawer, I found the satin slip gown I usually wore and threw it over my arm to change in to.
"You're not wearing that." Chanhee grumbled, leant against the headboard with his arms folded.
"Yes I am and why would I not be able to?" I scoffed outrageously, turning to the boy who's gaze flickered up and down my attire. He got up from the covers, strolling over casually to pull out a pajama set from the drawers.
"Call it a my eyes only thing." He bluntly replied, taking the night gown away from me gently.
"Well I guess you're gonna have to make something else for your eyes only." I commented snidely, snatching away the night gown before running off to the bathroom with an evil chuckle. Leaving the pink haired boy beyond shocked and alone in my bedroom.



hee has been getting pretty possessive lately.. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) just an observation..

as always as we reach halfway through the week i hope you're feeling well!.. i hope the stress of the week is coming to a close and that you're resting well..♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3
