Mom woke me up next morning, singing in an ear-wrenching pitch that almost sent me orbiting from my bed sheets.
"Honey, it's 6:50 you gotta get up." She yelled from the other side of the wooden door that divided her from the bedroom. Slipping out of my bed, my feet hit the floor in light taps - my slip night gown falling further down my legs as I jumped up. Fixing my appearance and changing into an outfit from the abundance of clothes hanging in my wardrobe. I smacked my lips with a strawberry lip gloss, dragging it across my lips in a slow tug.

Swinging open the door in an eccentric pull, I ran down the staircase with a skip in my step.
"Are you ready to go?" My Mom asked from the kitchen, looking over the jagged brim of her newspaper and nose of her crystal rimmed glasses.
"Oh don't worry about it, I've got a ride today." I smiled taking a slice of toast from the plate sitting on the checkered tablecloth with a swipe.
"Oh yeah, from who?" She cocked a brow, twiddling the narrow pen she held around in her fingers and halted the crossword she was filling in underneath the headline.
"Cindy." I smiled with a small scrunch of my shoulders raising the ruffled seam of my embroidered cardigan - my eyes narrowing, lips curling in to a spiteful grin as she pushed for information.

The obnoxious blaring of a car horn outside caused me to whip my head around to the front door. I grabbed my bag, hanging from the banister of the staircase and slipped on my shoes in a rushed shuffle.
"Bye Mom!" I yelled from the porch, closing the door with a quick slam behind me.

Cotton candy colored hair flowing lushly and dazzling in the sunrise, Chanhee Choi sat in the car waiting outside - Not Cindy - The roof of his cherry waxed convertible folded into the boot, exposing the tanned seats to the daylight. Grinning at me with those pearly white teeth, his caramel eyes hidden behind the tinted panes of his thin sunglasses.
"Morning Future." He smirked as I jumped into the passenger side, my bag slumping beside my feet.
"Why aren't you wearing your seatbelt?" I gasped as he glanced over, furrowing his brows with a confused gaze.
"You don't have to wear it, they're voluntary." He chuckled, shaking his head slightly as his eyes peaked above his sunglasses briefly.
"Oh right it's the 80s." I rolled my eyes buckling my seatbelt in anyway as we reached the end of the street.
"You really are from the future aren't you?" He laughed at the comment, sarcasm glued to each word. He reached over to the stereo, pushing in a cassette tape as the music began in the car. It was a wham! cassette, I knew that from the familiar ring of crickets at the beginning of club tropicana.

"Have you got your schedule yet?" He asked, grasping the steering wheel with one hand, the other rested on his lap casually.
"They said they'd have it ready today, I'm done with textbooks and the library. I can't sit another day in there." I replied as he chuckled in reply pulling off the main road and on to the school street.
"Library is one of the make out spots." He added taking out a silver packet of gum from the glove compartment and reaching over my legs to retrieve them.
"You think I haven't figured that out yet? What happened to underneath the bleachers, why the library?" I laughed audaciously as he momentarily handed me the gum packet.
"Oh yeah people go there too, also could you unwrap one of those for me?" He pointed to the silver packet of spearmint gum in my hands. I giggled with a nod unwrapping one of the strips with my fingers neatly. I held it up half expecting him to take the piece from my hands, so when he opened his mouth apart of me was shocked at the gesture.

I reached over placing the gum between his lips, as my fingers grazed them softly. His teeth snapped together taking it from me and enclosing my fingers in his lips slyly. Flushing a light pink tint on to my cheeks, I took my hand away shyly as he smiled knowing exactly what he did - ugh if only he wasn't such a flirt.

Pulling in to the car lot, the school was bustling with students around - bright yellow scrunchies tied highly in their corkscrew curled hair and well-polished sneakers bouncing loudly across the pavements. Jumping out of the driver's side, before I could even grab my bag, Chanhee whipped around the vehicle and opened my door for me. I stepped out and walked with him on to campus.

"Is she a new girl?"
"She was at Eric's party last weekend right?
"She got a ride from Chanhee Choi?"
"She's pretty. Too pretty."
"Is a hot dog a sandwich?"

I tuned out of the many conversations sparking in the cliques we passed, proceeding to Chanhee's friends since Cindy wasn't in radius.
"Oh hey Y/N!" Kevin smiled as I approached, I gave him a small nod and greeted the others shortly. Scuffing my sneakers on the concrete below nervously, I peered around in hopes of seeing a glimpse of the curious redhead girl.
"Are you looking for someone?" Juyeon snapped me out of my scanning, appearing next to me in the circle and lightly tapping the ash off his lit cigarette.
"Cindy." I replied gazing around inquisitively.
"She's always late, she's with Hyunjae." He hinted towards the bleachers with a small nod of his head, his crisp and gelled hair bouncing slightly. Forming an 'Oh.' with my lips I turned away and back to the group beside me.

With a jolted screech the school bell chimed, everyone began flooding in to the main doors with a zoo-like march. Nervously fiddling with the bracelets  arranged to my wrist, a pair of dainty hands took them away and brought me to look at them. Chanhee grinned at me, stood cooly with his left leg pointed outwards and a casual lean on the other. He chewed his gum with loud smacks, letting go of my hands slightly, his denim jacket rustling in soft swipes as he placed them by my side.
"You ready to get your schedule, Future." He spoke lowly considering the nickname he'd given me. I nodded with a small smile and walked with him to the principals office.

"Y/N, L/N..." The principal began looking through her filing cabinet drawer, "Ah yes, class 3."
She took out a folder, flicking through each of the wallets to retrieve an A4 inked with a series of boxes.
"Thank you." I smiled taking it from her with a weak yank. Chanhee beside me soon pulled it out of my hands and began tracing them before I could even look.
"Mr. Choi, did Miss L/N really need your company to visit me?" The principal challenged the boy who looked above the paper with a sarcastic glare.
"Well she didn't know where it was for a starter-" He chimed in about to list of reasons why he was allowed to accompany me.
"Just go to class the both of you." She sighed out in nuisance as we scurried out in another series of childish giggles. Skipping down the corridor together and jumping to touch fire exit signs that hung from the ceiling. On the next turn in, there it was printed in a black and white Times New Roman italic... Class 3.



chanhee choi's character ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎.. thank u for attending..

with love i hope that your weekend has been well spent and that you're ready to push through another 5 days of waiting for the next ! ♡︎

sending my love always..

clover <3
