
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Psssh, every three days? Who came up with that rule? Wait, me? Oh...

I'd like to personally apologise for No. 30, please don't hate.

What's that? There's a petition to get me kicked off Wattpad? I don't blame you. xD

21: Declare yourself as someone else's imagination.

The arrow zipped into an unsuspecting bandit sentry, his companion turned in shock.

"Who's there?!!"

With Lydia by his side, the Dragonborn thought quickly. He then stepped out into view.

"Your imagination?..." The sentry thought on this, looked at the arrow in his companion's back before declaring:

"Must have been my imagination..."

Lydia sighed.

She didn't know how the Dragonborn pulled off these stunts.

22: State: 'I like dragons'.

"I like alchemy!" Said the boy.

"I like smithing!" Said the girl.

"I like dragons." Said the Dragonborn.

There was utter silence before a great fire-breathing beast collided with the hero and flew off.

23: Not feel like a sweet roll.

The village of Whiterun was bustling in the marketplace, mainly because the Dragonborn was leaving. Leaving Whiterun.

"I'll remember you all!" He called out to the citizens he missed already. Some boy ran up and gave him a gift. A sweet roll. The Dovahkiin wasn't really in to sweet rolls. He tried to offer it back.

"No I'm fine thank you."

Suddenly everything was silent around him. The cheering voices stopped. Every eye was on him.

"I don't really like sweet rolls." He explained. The entire town gave a single glare. A dragon flew overhead, about to attack the Dovahkiin, but when it saw the glare it turned away. The wind stopped. Even Lydia was taken aback. The Dovahkiin backed about forty steps away before they charged. So much for a farewell party.

"I'll send you a postcard!!" He called out to Lydia while dodging a barrage of tomatoes.

24: Ride a carriage.

The rain was pouring heavily, thunder sounding in the distance, heavy clouds covering all of Whiterun hold.

A drenched man walked up to a carriage driver, showered in both rain and... tomatoes, a few coins in hand.

"Where to?" The man sitting with reins in hand questioned.

"Riften." The Dovahkiin answered awesomely, and handed the coins over.

"Lovely weather for a carriage ride!" The driver stated cheerfully.


Suddenly, as the Dovahkiin entered the carriage, everything went black.

He woke up almost instantly, as if he were never asleep.

"What? Where am I?!" He questioned the ground before him.

He looked around, he was just outside Riften, with another carriage driver to his right.

"How did?..." He realised it didn't actually bother him.

"Meh." He casually stated as he walked up to the city.

25: Hunt with a battle-axe.

The Dovahkiin ran wild as he chased a stray fox, swinging a battle-axe wildly. It swung from left to right, shoulder to foot, all over the place. The Dragonborn couldn't even see where he was going. Unbeknownst to him, before he gave up, he had taken out three bandits that had ambushed him, a Grizzly bear, a vicious werewolf and a dragon. Finally he turned to look from where he had come from. Trees cut down, bushes mangled, dead beasts all over the ground.

The Dovahkiin looked at his handiwork.

"I should go hunting more often!"

26: Discover electricity.

Sparks appeared in the Dovahkiin's hands.

"That was easy." A guard waved to him. He waved back. The sparks flew from his hands hitting a tree next to the guard and setting it alight.

Meanwhile a thief shiftily shifted near the now burning tree.

He was not impressed. He was totally going to make a treehouse in that tree.

27: Try to be Ezio.

The Do- *Cough* *Cough* Ezio looked down at the bandit's bodies before him.

"Requisate in pace..." Now, to eliminate all signs that anyone was ever here."

He walked over to the nearby fire, he threw a random jacket over it. It kept burning... He shot a frost spell, no effect. He stomped on it, setting his entire body alight, but then it miraculously un-alighted.

"FO KRAH DIIN!" In minutes seventeen guards had come to see the origin of the shout, one of them noticed a figure slip away.

"Assassino." He whispered, his bad knee reminding him pursuit was currently not an option.

28: Try to Earthbend.

"I'm the Avatar!!" The, er, Avatar exclaimed to a random traveller.

"Look! I can waterbend!" He exclaimed as he shot a frost spell from his right hand.

"And firebend!l Flames now flew from his left hand.

"And airbend!" The Dovahkiin took in a breath...

"Fus Ro DAH!!" The traveller's ears were ringing, deafened by the sound, but he lipread the next thing the, uh, Avatar said.

'But I still can't Earthbend...'

"What's Earthbending?!!" The traveller shouted, not used to being deaf.

"You know, like kicking dirt and rocks." The traveller could hear now, but he was confused.

"Isn't that Nirnbending?"

The Drag- *Ahem* Avatar shifted uneasily.

"Right, yeah..."

They both backed away slowly.

29: Try to be... Batman.

"I'm Batman!!" Yelled Batm-

"No you're not!!" A transferred guard with a permanently handicapped knee shouted back.

"Yeah I guess you're right..."

30: Make a music video.

"No Dragonborn! No!! We're not giving you any more words of power! You'll probably blow up half of Skyrim!"

Suddenly pop music started in the background.

"Hey, you barely know me,

You think I'm crazy,

But here's my proposal...

Thuum me maybe!

And all the dragons,

They'll try to kill me.

Unless you accept my proposal,

And Thuum me maybe."

The Greybeards stared at him in shock.

"Wait 'till you hear the verse!"

The Dragonborn was banned for life.
