
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Oh it gets so much better, my favourite character is the guard. He makes so many cameos.

You know I wrote this while feeling bad about my writing skill. I couldn't really hold a story (still can't). But then, you know, I wrote this.

It has character development, plot development, and humour.

It's a good story when you accept it as one. Don't let others define your works or worth.

11: Eat everything!

The Dragonborn shoved his face with flowers, mushrooms, honey.

Pretty much everything he could find.

"My Thane, are you sure you should digest such-"

She almost vomited when he pulled out a Giant's toe.

Luckily, he was full.

The housecarl let out a relived sigh.

12: Touch the Dragonborn while he is levelling up.

Bandits swarmed them as the Dragonborn fell to his knees, exhausted, Lydia fought on. A bandit was about to give the finishing blow when the Dragonborn gazed at the stars.

"Stop!" Lydia exclaimed, the bandits looked at each other in furious bewilderment. "He's levelling up!" Realisation dawned on them as they sheathed their weapons knowingly.

13: Sing the Troll song in a village.

"Trollolololollololollololol..." The Dragonborn didn't know why he was singing this, but he was. Townsfolk fled in fear yelling 'Trolls!'. Lydia shook her head disapprovingly.

"I told you not to sing the Troll song, bad things happen when you sing the Troll song..."

The Dovahkiin looked down at his boots.


14: Reverse the Thuum.

"Hey Lydia!! Check this out!!" The Dragonborn yelled at Lydia, catching her attention as she bargained with a man selling insanely high-prices sweet rolls.

"HAD OR SUF!!" Tomatoes from a nearby fruit stand flew past his shoulder and hit a guard in the knee.

"Not cool." The guard muttered.

15: Arm wrestle a giant.

Elbows pounded on the stone slab and the match commenced.

Giant was winning.

Lydia helped.

Giant was losing.

Dragonborn fell asleep.

An arm hit the slab and the giant shook his wrist and gazed at the abnormally strong lady.

"Wha... what? Did I win?..."

Lydia dragged the mumbling Dragonborn away. Ugh, they should be fighting dragons.

16: Distract a dragon during flight.

The monster swept over the village of Riverwood, it's mouth opening and fire leaping over the luscious landscape as a hero rolled to his right, dodging the blast. A civilian ran to him in terror.

"What can we possibly do?!!" He screamed. The Dragonborn thought hard as fire sprayed everywhere. An idea popped into his head. Just as the dragon was about to set a building alight, the Dragonborn yelled:

"Hey dragon!!" He threw a cabbage from a nearby cart and flailed his arms wildly.

The dragon turned its head in annoyance. Just then it collided mid-flight with a house, smashing it all over the ground. The Dragonborn smiled at the civilian. The civilian smiled for a second before his face dropped into shock.

"MY HOUSE!!" He looked to his house and back.


17: Make a Basketball team.

"Come on guys!" The Dragonborn yelled. "For Whiterun!!" The citizens of Whiterun piled into the makeshift quad outside of Jorrvaskr. Opposing team: Giants. Surprisingly Whiterun won, the Giants slam dunked a net, more like pummelled it to the ground, and got a penalty. They then proceeded to smash through the city's wall in rage, creating yet another gaping hole in the defence of this bustling city.

"I have to fix that you know." A nearby guard muttered to the Dragonborn, not impressed. The Dragonborn slowly backed into the shadows.

18: Refer to the Throat of the World as 'Mount Doom'.

The Dragonborn gazed up at the monstrous mountain before him and his housecarl.

"Mount Doom..." He muttered to himself as he clutched a ring in his right hand. "Come on Sam, let's roll."

Lydia was not amused.

19: Refer to Gandalf as the original Greybeard.

The Greybeards were somewhat... cautious around the Dovahkiin, who was unpredictable at best. As they were teaching him about the history of the Thuum, he blurted out:

"Where's Gandalf?" They stared at him in shock. "You know, the original Greybeard..."

20: Level up sneaking.

The Dragonborn peered around another corner, being as quiet as possible, not willing to make a noise. Sentries stood staring at the cave wall.

Suddenly the words 'Sneak Level Increased' appeared before his eyes while loud drums and voices created a commotion. The sentries jumped in shock.

The Dragonborn face-palmed.
