Harry's Unexpected Pregnancy

Harry's Unexpected Pregnancy

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Category: Teen Fiction
It's during Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts when the accident happened with Draco and Snape. It was in Defense class when Neville's spell went wrong and hit on Harry, Draco, and Snape. It caused Draco and Snape to disappear but nobody knows besides Harry was the two lights going into Harry's belly. After Harry and his friends leave they head to Madam Pomfrey where Harry tells her about the two lights. She does an ultrasound and tells Harry he is pregnant with both Draco and Snape. Harry has to go through the nine months of being pregnant, labor and raising both of his rivals. How will Harry handle begin pregnant and a single father? What happens when he learns that Draco and Snape remember Harry raising them.

I don't own Harry Potter and all rights go to J.K Rowling

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