Chapter 16

Previously on

Harry's Unexpect Previously

Harry's Pov

"I think Remus might be seeing someone." I say

"Me too."

After the movie, we head to bed. Climbing into bed Greg pulls me into him and we cuddle.

"Goodnight, I love you Harry."

"Goodnight, I love you too Greg." 


(March 20, 1998)

(Nine months old)

Harry's Pov

Nine months old. Draco and Severus are nine months old and it's hard to believe. They have gotten so big in the last month, it's crazy but I love that they are growing. Both boys have been eating more solid foods and breastfeeding less which I'm happy about because it will make weaning them at a year old easier. Both of them are crawling more and we had to baby-proof the house even more. The other day I had to put a baby gate in the door of the boys' room so they would stay there because we have gotten to the point of them climbing out of their cribs, especially Draco, it surprised us to see Draco climbing out of his crib because he does it more then Severus. 

Speaking of Severus, we have learned that apples are one of his favorite foods besides bananas which he loves. Severus is also talking more; his favorite word is no, which didn't surprise us much after knowing the adult Snape. Severus is the one I'm the most scared of him to get his memories back because he didn't like me due to my parents but I'm hoping that he remembers everything that Greg and I did for him and shows him that he had a better childhood this time around.  Severus has chosen that he wants to start trying to walk which scared the crap out of me when I saw him stand up using the couch before taking a step and falling on his face because when I picked him up, he had blood going down his face since he hit his nose on the floor hard when he fell. We now practice walking with someone holding his hands which funny enough ends up being Remus. Severus also likes picking on Dragon and the poor cat. Severus will crawl up to him and pull his fur, likes to dump water on Dragon, and throw food at him. Dragon was not happy with the bath after Severus threw mashed potatoes at him. We have told Severus many times to leave Dragon alone but he doesn't so Severus has been spending a lot of time in time-out. 

Draco on the other hand loves Dragon. Draco will spend hours petting Dragon and playing with him. Dragon also sleeps at Draco's feet in his crib which is really cute to see. Draco has also been talking more and his favorite word is Remus but without the r since he can't say the r yet.  Every time Draco sees Remus, he yells "Emus" as loud as he can until Remus picks him up and plays with him. When it comes to my feelings about Draco when he gets his memories back are different from Severus because I hope that Draco and I can keep a good relationship when he gets older after he remembers. The thing that I want both of them to remember is the love I have given them since before they were "born" again because I talked to them every day when I was pregnant which is something that I hope Draco will remember along with the fact that Greg and I have raised him very differently then the Malfoy's did the first time around. Draco has also been starting to want to walk but unlike Severus, he wants to hold onto someone as he takes steps and he has managed to "walk" from me to Greg as he holds onto my hands. Something that has started in the last two weeks is Draco's want to read. He loves to read the baby books that we have in the nursery and watching how much he loves reading, I wonder if he could be a Ravenclaw. 

When we moved to America, I gave the war over to Riddle and Greg, Remus, and I have stayed out of the Wizarding World for the most part but I did hear from Luna that Riddle has taken over the Ministry along with how Weasley and Granger have been using the DA to help Dumbledore fight. Luna told us that Neville and the Twins are trying to move over to Salem for the rest of their education which I told Luna that I agreed with. She said that she would keep us updated on them. I hope that they go to Salem because Neville needs to get away from his grandmother who wants him to be a copy of his father which I get since everyone wanted me to be like James and Fred and George need away from their mother who I think verbally abuses them. Another thing that has changed is that Remus finally told Greg and me about him seeing someone, he won't tell us who he is seeing but that he is seeing someone and how the person makes him happy which in turn makes me happy because I haven't seen Remus happy in a long time, he was somewhat happy third year with teaching and Sirius but since Sirius died, I haven't seen Remus happy. Hopefully tells us more about the person who makes him happy but I'm not going to push. 


Remus's Pov

Moving to America has to be one of the best things I have done in my whole life, Harry was right about werewolves having all of the same rights as everyone in the Wizarding World. One of the first things I did when I moved here was go to the American Ministry of Magic to get citizenship, find out more about the rules, and ask questions about werewolves. When I told them that I was a werewolf and from England, the women said that it was disgusting what the British Wizarding World was doing to creatures and that it was a good thing that  I moved to America. I got a job in the Wizarding world and have days off for the full moon and no longer hiding myself. The best thing was meeting someone who wanted to date me because of me and not be scared of the werewolf thing. I did finally tell Harry and Greg that I was seeing someone but not who I was seeing and I told Harry that I was happy. Harry told me that he was happy for me. Another thing is that I'm happy that Harry is happy and out of the damn war. I always had the feeling that Dumbledore was using Harry to fight in the war. So seeing Harry as a happy 16-year-old living his life is all I wanted for him although his path to happiness was something I wasn't excepting with him engaged to Greg or having twins, I love watching Harry raise Severus and Draco and I hope that when they remember that they will also be able to move past the hate and know that Harry loves them so much. 

Right now, Harry and Greg are at school and I'm watching Draco and Severus who are currently napping which means that I'm doing some work. Around 12, the boys wake up so I change them before putting them in their highchairs and giving them lunch. After they are done eating, I take them to the playroom. 

"Emus paly." says Draco 

"Okay I will play with you." I say

Sitting down on the floor, I play with the boys until Harry and Greg get home. I talk to them for an hour before heading to my room and getting ready for my date tonight. Around 5, I tell Harry that I'm leaving.

"Have fun." says Harry

I met my date and we hug before heading into the restaurant, sitting down at the table.

"How was your day Remus." 

"My day was good. Got some work done and played with my godsons." I say

"How are they?"

"Getting so big." I say

"How old are they." 

"9 months. How was your day?" I ask/say

"My day was good. Glad I get to see you." 

Our waiter comes to the table and takes both our drink and food orders. We talk more and eat when the food arrives. My date pays and we end up talking a walk before ending back up at their place. The night sees us making out on the couch like teenagers before falling into bed. At the end of the night, I'm tired and ready for bed.  We say goodnight to each other before falling asleep. 
