


Ahh the best part.ย M E T H O D S. There are alot of methods. Sometimes people don't even use methods or they combine methods. I'm going to explain a few of the most common and powerful shifting methods.



1: find a seat or somewhere comfortable to sit. Close your eyes and focus on entering your DR slowly bringing in the reality. Try your best to bring parts of your reality to your mind (YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VISUALIZE)you should eventually feel your DR and get that feeling that you're in it.
2: This method is more commonly used before bed. Get comfy in your bed and start visualizing your DR. parts, characters, keep the image in your head. You can do this while repeating your affirmations and listening to shifting subliminals.



Listen to some subliminals to get yourself in a tired/half asleep kind of mood. Then go onto your bed and lay in a starfish position while counting to 100. Every few numbers(I like to do every 5)imagine a scene from your DR and repeat affirmations. For Hogwarts you can imagine what your dorm looks like. Once you count to 100 you should feel yourself all tingly and very floaty. Some people say that the floor breaks or your surroundings change, but that varies from person to person so don't be scared or open your eyes if you feel like you're falling. Once you feel its *that time* and it's all still and black,open your eyes and you should be in your DR


Turn on some music. It can be any. Imagine a person from your DR (it can be anyone. Like literally anyone.) and imagine you dancing with them. Once the song finishes, or if you're not ready yet, repeat it, imagine you walking down a long hallway with a door on the other side. The person you danced with will open the door and say โ€œit's time to go home nowโ€ and they will open the door. You should feel all tingly and then walk through the door and ta-da your in your DR!


This method is more of a booster. You can combine any other method with this one. First read your script (hopefully itโ€™s on paper)then write down at least 5 affirmations. Put your script and your affirmations under your pillow and sleep. (or use another method)



First you want to lay down somewhere comfortable. Lay on your back and position yourself like a star. Put on some headphones and turn on some subliminals. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in an elevator and each passing floor your energy gets higher (you can imagine each floor as a different reality if you want). Once your energy gets high enough, land on a floor. see the doors open and it should be your desired room. Walk in and you should see your desired self sleeping, and go into their body. then, while staying in their body, go to sleep. you should wake up in your DR or WR!


Imagine you're at the bottom of a staircase. Each step you take on a step symbolizes something, maybe a little thing like feeling tingles (signs of shifting). The changes raise and you start getting more noticeable results like your subconscious trying to leave or maybe just you trying to get out of your body. When you feel you reached the top, start walking and bask in the results you now have and when you're done with that. say thank you and now open your eyes.


close your eyes and relax your mind completely (meditate if needed). Just lay on your back and breathe slowly. Make sure you're completely relaxed before moving onto the next step.
clear all negative thoughts. We don't want your train to go the wrong direction so we can only have positive thoughts (listen to affirmations if needed). Think about things that'll make you happy and don't allow negative thoughts to get to you.
Imagine you're on a train and you're on the route for your desired reality. keep your eyes closed and do not open them. only open your eyes when you've reached your stop. if you open your eyes before you get to your stop it'll just start over. This is why it's important to keep your eyes closed until you get to your stop.


This method works best while listening to subliminals or high vibrations. First get into a comfy position you would fall asleep in, then proceed to close your eyes and imagine your in a small room with a small staircase leading up. Walk up the stairs remembering both good and bad things about your reality. I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH SO PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME. At the top of the staircase should be a mirror, look into the mirror, you see your current self, look into the mirror knowing that this will be the last time you will be able to call this person yourself. Turn around to face the white door in front of you, put your hand on the door knob and feel energy rushing through you as you turn the doorknob. Push open the door to reveal another staircase with a wall at the bottom with another white door. Feel your positive energy rising as you walk down the staircase. Turn the doorknob and imagine someone important from your DR holding out their hand and saying โ€œAre you ready to goโ€. THINK FOR A SECOND BEFORE REPLYING. If you said yes then take their hand and walk through with them. Once you walk through the door you should be your DR self not your CR self. They ask you about things in your reality and you answer, once you're sure this is what you want, walk to the bedroom of your desired house and get into the bed. Get into the same position you started the method in. Watch your ideal self fall asleep, then fall asleep for yourself.



Lay down in a comfortable position.ย Make sure you're close to feeling sleepy, but don't go to sleep yet. Visualize yourself surrounded by your soul energy. It can be any color you'd like it to be. I personally chose the blue because blue is a calm color to me.ย Visualize your soul energy flowing around you and you should feel tingles and vibrations. Now visualize that energy leaving your body, it can be the shape of your body or an orb. If an orb is easier than visualizing your soul energy turning into an orb.ย ย Now picture a tunnel to your desired reality forming. It can be as short as you want. BUT, don't be too fast, take it slow. The tunnel can be any color you'd like as well. I imagined my tunnel being the same color as my soul energy. Now slowly navigate your soul energy through the tunnel. And as you do so, make sure your energy is growing brighter and stronger. So by the time you reach the end of the tunnel you'll have enough energy to shift. Once you're at the end of the tunnel and you see your desired self, in your desired room you'd like to wake up in, exit the tunnel. After exiting, enter your soul energy into your desired self. Now try falling asleep knowing your soul energy is now in your desired self. For this part I chanted in my head, "I'll wake up in my ideal reality" a few times before trying to sleep.


Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes, breathe slowly and feel all of your thoughts exit your body as you drift into a light sleep (not asleep but like beginning sleep if that makes sense)Imagine your in your bedroom, in front of you is a lone flower, it has multiple petals. Pick up the flower, look into the center of it, close your eyes and take a deep breath in, feel positive energy surrounding your body as you calm down. Slowly pull a petal off of the flower and imagine yourself letting go of this current reality. Feel your emotions cycling and happiness surrounding you as you tell yourself, that you are shifting. Close your eyes for a few seconds and imagine your mind leaving your body and escaping into the air. Open your eyes and you should be in your desired bedroom. Walk around the house until you come to the front door, once you find it you open it to find your current self sleeping in your bed, this is where you have to make the choice, stay in your current reality or move on. If you decide to stay, go walk through the front door, you see your current self sleeping, enter your body and go to sleep, if you decide to shift go back to your desired bedroom and fall asleep in the bed in the position you are currently in.


When you are ready to shift, visualize CR you saying goodbye to people in the CR at the entrance to an airport. enter the airport. go through security but as soon as you go through the machine you walk through that they use to scan for weapons or something you become your DR self. When youย get to dutyย free buy some cool things that you want in your DR with you and put them in a bag. go to the lounge. when your flight gets called go on the plane with the bag. visualize yourself on the plane. when you feel ready visualize the plane landing in your dr. go through security and have someone from your dr drive you to your dr house. fall asleep in your dr bed and then just visualize yourself sleeping until your body in yourย CR catchesย up and falls asleep. when you wake up you will be home!


Or just lucid dream :/
