chapter 6

"I don't wanna lose"

"Loose what?"


Just as I was about to respond I heard someone call out my name from the distance

"Y/n!!" I looked in the scream's direction and saw my science friend standing by the door "Can we hurry? We might miss the movie if we don't hurry!"

"I'll be there Karl! Give me a sec"

I looked back towards Dylan but he was gone. What was all that about?

After the movie, I had ice cream with Karl and discussed our personal opinions about Christmas or Halloween being better


"Yes, Karl?"

"I asked you out today because I thought you were pretty and stuff but- wait why the hell aren't you in the mirror!?"

I looked behind me and saw that there was a mirror there which I didn't appear in

"You are a freak!" He screamed as he ran away

Okay... anyway that was awkward. I made my way down the city streets just thinking about how hard is to make friends with people who just don't get you.

Oh wait- is that the building where I saw Dylan that one time I discovered he was a hunter?

I made my way up carefully making sure I wasn't too loud and startled him.

Crap! I mentally screamed as I accidentally made a really loud noise while stepping up the stairs. A sudden knife came flying in my direction

"AH!!!" I screamed as I tripped back due to my failed attempt at dodging the knife

"Y/N!" Dylan rushed towards me to check if I was okay

"I'm good," I said as my heart was finally able to go to a relaxed speed

"I'm so sorry! They are instincts and I was-"

"Don't stress over it Dylan, it's my fault for not telling you I was coming to see you"

"Weren't you supposed to be with that guy?"

"Oh he found out about me and ran away" I awkwardly chuckled

"I promised I'll beat him up next time I see his dumb face," Dyaln said while clenching his fist

"Wow, no need for violence. It's cool I'm already used to being called a freak every single day"

Dylan looked guilty, after all, he used to hunt people like me

"How about this," he grabbed my hand "Tomorrow I will quit my deal with the guy I work for"

"Would you?"

"All blended like you are kids...they haven't done any wrong"

I smiled as I happily leaned in for a big hug...wait...HUG!?

I immediately backed away when I realized what I was doing, however, I walked away a little too much than needed and I almost fell off the rooftop luckily for me Dylan was there to save me from my close death
I was lying calmly in my bed waiting for my very expected message

-I quite, he didn't
takeย  it so well,
but...It's worth it
because it's you
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Yay! I am so
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  happy about
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  This Dylan we
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Should totally
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Celebrate

-Celebrate how?

โ˜…โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก โ‹†โ˜†โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก โ‹†โ˜…โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก

I met with Dylan outside the mall as we happily walked around looking at a bunch of stuff

"What would you like me to buy you?" I said as we looked through the plushies

"Huh!? No, I ain't letting you pay for anything"

"But I asked you out"

"But I want to be a gentleman"

"But I wanna treat you"


We ended up playfully fighting for the next 10 minutes until we made a deal that we would buy each other a thing

"Soo...what do you want Y/n?"


"I mean like a gift-like object

I looked at his hair and saw his cool goggles and accessories

"Uh uh, no. That is mine"

"Oh common sharing is caring"

"But I wanna buy you something" he winded

โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก โ‹†โ˜…โ˜†โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก โ‹†โ˜…โ˜†โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉ

After we finished arguing for the next 20 minutes again I successfully got what I wanted and a scented candle

"Give me your hand"


"Just do it!"

He extended his hand out. I carefully took out a pack of bracelets from my purse

"I notice you always wear cool bracelets so I thought maybe this one would be your style"

"I love it." he said as he smiled widely "Wait a sec someone is calling me"

Dylan walked away and came back after a few seconds

"It's Kev, he wants my help finding a dog," he said tiredly

"Hey! Be positive this is your first hunt that doesn't involve Blendeds"

"It's not that...I just really wanted to hang around with you today"

"I can tag alone if you want me to"

โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก โ‹†โ˜…โ˜†โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก โ‹†โ˜…โ˜†โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉ

"Okay, let's make this quick.ย  I have a busy schedule"

"Oh hi Y/n" Kev greeted


"One foot tall, crossed eyes, bulldog."

"Okay. Likes? Dislikes?"

"Likes Taco Tuesday." The little boy whom I had never met before said

"Dislikes codependency" the little girl continued

"Okay, here's what I'm thinking--"

"Wait a minute! We don't know your credentials" the boy said

They started asking a bunch of questions which Dylan tried to keep up with

"I assure you this guy has the skills to find all dogs"

"I have tracked, captured, and delivered on 37 targets"

"Alive?" The girl asked

Just as Dylan was about to answer the question I interrupted

"Well Dylan is the best at his doing, I can assure you your dog will come back home just fine"

"Okay, if you say so."

"What's in the bag"

"We should get going kids, we want your dog to be home before midnight," I said trying to keep them from asking a little too much about it

"Let's catch a Canine," Dylan said as we all started walking toward the last place the dog had been seen

We arrived at the park and found a puddle of dirt.

"The canning was here," Dylan said while tasting the dirt...strange?

"This is where we lost it," the kids said

"How did you learn so well," Kev asked

Oh...I guessed he figured it out, does that mean Carmie told him about her identity?

"Hunt?" Dylan panicked "This is a search mission" He tried to cover up his acts

"Right, whatever, but how do you do it?"

"We must become one with the target. Slip inside their minds, feel what they feel" He said as he got down to touch the grass "Fear what they fear. We must become the Canine. "

I got down with Dylan and started observing what he was doing

"You are good at this," I said

"Yeah...but it's not gonna be so useful anymore"

"Hey! Just because you gave up on hunting doesn't mean you don't have a purpose"

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We had finally found it after a while of searching for it. The dog was having a conversation with another dog

"Shhh" we all shushed Carmie who had accidentally tripped over a trashcan

Dylan walked up to it and picked it up, something that surprised me was that he started petting it with plenty of love. For a hunter, he treats his prey with a lot of affection

"Thanks, Dylan," Carmie said

"It's what I do" me and Dylan fisted bumpedย  "Isn't that right, Rainey?" He cutely played with the dog

We went back to Carmie's house and I was finally able to understand that the dog that was missing was Carmie's little twin brothers.

"Well our mission is accomplished," Kev said

"That makes it 38" He smiled (did I mention his smile is cute?)

"My man." the little boy said as they dabbed up

"Your girlfriend is pretty" The little girl said

"We are not-" we tried to explain

"Thanks for the compliment," I said

"We better run," Dylan said to both of usย  "Glad everyone came home alive."

"Haha!" I awkwardly laughed "What he meant to say is for you'll to take care and bye"

I grabbed Dylan's hand as we moved towards the exit

"Thanks for helping," Carmie said

"Well that's what friends do for each other"

"Because we're friends" This girl can not be more obvious "Oh and Y/n sorry for bothering you into this too

"No, it's cool, Dylan and I were already hanging out before coming here so it made no difference"

"I did notice we bearly talked Y/n, how about you give me your number" Carmie took out her phone

"Uh sure"

"Bye Dylan" Carmie held onto Dylan's arm which Dylan didn't exactly give a good reaction to

Dylan walked me home after taking me to the grocery shop to buy some snacks

"Alright we are here," He said as he handed me my bags

"Wanna come in?"

"What!?" He blushed a little bit

"I mean like in a friendly way you know...movies or something!"

"I would love to but- would your parents be okay with a boy coming in"

"Oh right. Parents, I forgot about that. Maybe another day than

"See ya"


We stood outside for a few more seconds without saying something


"Oh yeah, I guess I will go" He scratched his neck

"Were you expecting a goodbye kiss or something?" I joked

He looked away nervously...other was expecting a kiss

"Not at all, I just- bye!"

I reached to him and gave him a really fast kiss in the check then went back inside panicking about what I had just done

โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก โ‹†โ˜…โ˜†โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก โ‹†โ˜…โœฎ:โ˜„๏ธŽโ˜…:โœฉยฐ๏ฝก

2 more chapters to go! :)

Thanks for reading
