
โ€œI can hear your brooding thoughts from up here, spit it out,โ€ Klaus comments, casting a small look in the rear view mirror where Stefan was sitting. Cybele Fayeโ€™s head was resting on the Salvatores lap while her legs were sprawled on the other seats.

โ€œIs she going to wake up?โ€ Stefan asked as he looked down at the girl, softly running his hands through the long curls. Klaus clenched his jaw as the feeling of jealousy flowed through him. In fact he was wondering if the spell that he had set to cast on her was prohibiting from raising from the dead.ย ย 

It was five days since Klaus had kidnapped her from the parking lot and injected her with the potion the witch told him. A normal neck snap would only prompt Cybele to regenerate only in three days. It has been two days later.ย 

A loud barking erupted in the rather silent car. Kluas let out an annoyed sigh, โ€œBloody hell.โ€

An amused smile made its way onto Stefans face. As much as Klaus claimed to hate the mutt that Cybele had befriended, he still took the dog along with the girl. The dog popped up from the trunk making himself known. Stefan reached behind himself and lifted the dog, sitting him in the backseat with himself and Cybele. In an instant Moose climbed onto Cybele's chest, laying down on top of her.ย 

โ€œWe are here, grab them and put them in the roomโ€


Why is it so bright?

That was the first thought that popped into the shapeshifters head, that along with the sudden urge to murder Niklaus. Jolting awake with loud gasp Cybele rapidly tried to get her eyes adjusted to light.ย 

โ€œWelcome to the land of the living,โ€ Stefan Salvatoreโ€™s voice drifted through the air. Cybele barely had any time to survey the area before she was attacked by a small blur of white fluff. Moose began to attack her with sloppy dog kisses.ย 

โ€œMoose! Calm down buddy!โ€ Cybele laughed as she tried to get the energized dog to calm down. She saw she was in a simi-rundown hotel room with two queen sized beds. There was a small room leading to what she could only assume was a bathroom, which had the door closed and light on.ย 

โ€œWhere are we?โ€ย 

โ€œGreenville Kentucky,โ€ย 

Cybele let out a small hum of acknowledgement, petting Moose. โ€œWhere is-โ€

As soon as those words leave Cybeleโ€™s mouth the bathroom door swings open revealing none other than Klaus Mikaelson. โ€œRight here Cybele,โ€ he muttered as he stalked out of the bathroom, a trail of steam following him out.

โ€œOh hello kidnapper, and side note dognapping as well? A new low for youโ€ She rolled her eyes and she had to stifle a laugh at Moose lowly growling at him.ย 

โ€œTell the mutt to shut his trap,โ€ Klaus rolled his eyes as he threw a towel on the bed Cybele was sat on. Stefan eyed the interaction, but decided against commenting.

โ€œHe is not a mutt.โ€

Klaus simply sat down at the small table where Stefan was lazily flipping through a book. Cybele clears her throat before motioning for Moose to follow and heading to the door, โ€œWell it has been a fun time being dead with you gentleman but I must be going.โ€ย 

As Cybele went to grab the hotel's door handle, Stefan tried to stop her, โ€œCybele, I dont think thats a smart-โ€ He is cut off by Klaus raising a single finger to hush him.ย 

โ€œLet her figure it out mate,โ€ย 

Cybele ignores them both and bolts out the door, she manages to get a few feet away when pain sears through her chest. An invisible forcefield pushes her over and backwards onto her back, harshly landing on the pavement. The pain in her chest begins to increase, it was immobilizing. She was just left on the cold ground writhing in pain. It felt like her heart was about to combust in her chest. Her body felt like it had been thrown into a raging fire, and her skin was being melted off.

Stefan watched in silence, uncomfortably shifting, โ€œKlaus, I think she gets it.โ€

Klaus simply hums, sitting stationary in his chair taking a sip of bourbon.ย ย 

โ€œKlaus-โ€ Stefan tries again, watching as the tiny dog desperately tries in an attempt to ease his owner's pain to no use. Klaus uses his superhuman speed to go to Cybele. All she could do is whimper in pain. He kneels ignoring the dog about to lunge to bite him, and wraps his arms tightly around Cybele's shoulders. Cybele felt an instant cooling relief as soon as his skin met hers. She leaned her back against his chest as she attempted to regain her normal breathing.ย 

โ€œWhat the hell was that?โ€ she weakly tried to wiggling her way out of his hold but failed miserably. Stefan whistles for Moose to follow him into the hotel room, trying desperately to escape the tension, Moose happily follows him.ย 

โ€œThat was an insurance spell. It makes sure you donโ€™t try to run off, you have seen the side effects. If you are not within twelve feet of my body.. Well, you saw.โ€ He let Cybele throw herself out of his arms scampering away from him desperately, before laying on her back to look at the night sky.

โ€œYou have trapped me,โ€ If Niklaus did not have hybrid hearing, he would not have heard the soft broken whisper.ย 


One month and 23 days

That is how long Cybele Faye has been trapped traveling the country looking for werewolves with a brooding vampire and an egotistical hybrid. Sadly she decided to put Moose in a doggie hotel. The life she was forced into following Klaus, was no life for a dog. She stole a phone and sent a text to Seb to pick Moose up and care for him. He instantly agreed and promptly asked 'Where the fuck are you?' When she had tried to text him about her location Klaus quickly found out, and promptly smashed said phone.

The three supernatural creatures were currently in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.ย 

โ€œYou are the worst kidnapper ever! Why canโ€™t we go to Hooters!โ€ Cybele complained as she scanned the frozen meals section of the grocery store. Klaus was tailing behind her reluctantly. He was beyond irritated.ย 

โ€œWhy would you want to go to that grease trap?โ€ He asked, throwing a bag of frozen broccoli into the cart that Cybele was pushing.ย 

โ€œIf not what about that wing restaurant we passed a few roads from the hotel?โ€ Cybele tried again sending a small look to a group of teenage girls, she noticed that they had been following them since they entered. They would lingerie at the ends of isles, then proceed to switch when Niklaus and her also switched isles.ย 

โ€œWe are currently shopping for food, why would I waste money for a restaurant?โ€

โ€œYou are expecting me to cook every single night, for all three of us, without a break?โ€ Cybele asked, turning into the snack aisle. Junk food, the best type of food. Klaus grabbed her shoulder pausing her in her steps. โ€œPlease do not touch me,โ€

Klaus instantly removed his hand, โ€œI have offered to cook plenty of times, you denied every time.โ€

โ€œHmm,โ€ Cybele hums in agreement, โ€œMaybe it's because I think you may poison me, or even better set another linking spell!โ€ Cybele let out fake gasp before spinning on her heel and heading down the aisle. The two of them shopped in silence until Cybele heard giggling, breaking the peace. โ€œNiklaus for the love of gods get rid of that group, they are annoying.โ€ Cybele grumbled scanning over the various bags of chips.ย 

โ€œDid you suggest killing the tennagers following us?โ€

โ€œNo! I was meaning compel them, or give them your phone number, considering they are following us because they are attracted to you.โ€ She grabbed two bags of chips and quickly went to find Oreos. Klaus chuckled and followed her.


She scoffed at the idea, jealous?ย 

Hell no.

ย โ€œI have enhanced hearing and when I hear giggling every twelve seconds it is irritating,โ€ Cybele paused and sighed loudly as she spotted the bag of chips she wanted is on the highest shelf, the exact one she can not reach. โ€œKlaus grab that bagโ€

Klaus chuckles as he sees exactly what is going on. She was 5โ€™3 and the top shelves were her enemy. โ€œWhat? I canโ€™t hear you, I didn't hear a please in that demand.โ€

Cybele fully paused and stared at him for a good few seconds. โ€œNormally demands donโ€™t have the word please you cocksuc-โ€ She cuts herself off at his stupid cocky smirking face, burying her face into her hands in defeat. โ€œNiklaus please can grab itโ€

Klaus puts on a faux shocked expression, โ€œWhy yes I can!โ€ย 

Klaus put the bag into the cart and the two of them continued their shopping, Cybele agitated and Klaus constantly making snarky teasing comments.ย 


A few months later

Cybele curled herself into Klausโ€™s arms, snuggling close into his chest. They were at a club in Florida looking for a lead on werewolves. Klaus was going the less violent route at first. They were after a lead for a werewolf that was connected to a pack. Klaus wanted to make more hybrids, so here they are. Stefan was compelling some of the people around the bar, mostly so he could drink half of them dry.

As both of the immortals spotted the subject on the dance floor, grinding on some girls. An audible sigh escapes her mouth, โ€œI hate this, do we have to act like we blend in if everyone is compelled and aren't you just going to kill him after?โ€ Cybele tried to act completely in character but she was uncomfortable and tired.ย 

โ€œYes, do you want to leave another slaughter of everyone here? Love you were the one to tell me, and I quote, โ€˜I dont want to see innocent civilians hurt! Niklaus please!โ€™โ€ Klaus smiles to s group of girls pretending like they weren't talking about their possible death. Cybele nods and hesitantly grabs Klaus's hand and pulls him close on the dance floor.

โ€œI hope you know that I hate you with every fiber of my being,โ€ Cybele looks up at him, swaying her hips to the music. The both of them were trying to get closer to the man, slowing inching their way with the moves.ย ย 

โ€œI know, I am absolutely wicked.โ€ He smirked down at her, placing his hands on her hips. Cybele could not lie about how her heartbeat definitely spiked. Over the summer she was stuck with Niklaus and Stefan, which brought a tidal wave of memories from centuries that they were together. It was painful for her, everyday she had to see the face of her once lover who left her for dead. Klaus spun her around in the middle of her train of thought making her let out a noise of surprise. He wrapped his arms around the front of he, shoving her back into his chest. He dipped his head down to her neck, she could feel his hot breath fanning her neck, making her shift on her feet. โ€œHe is right there, go dance with him so I can compel him.โ€

Wordlessly Cybele worms her way out from his grip, slipping between bodies and maneuvering herself to try to dance against him. This was disgusting. She loved the music, the dancing, the atmosphere but since she was being forced to do it.. She absolutely hated it.

She managed to push past all the other girls lined up for this man. She felt the guy's eyes on her as he reached out and guided his hands on her sides dipping to her hips.

Do not throw up. Do not throw up. Do not punch him. Do not punch him.. I don't like this.. Fuck iโ€™m getting anxious.. Klaus please hurry..

She pushed her back against the man's chest, grinding her body backwards on the front of him. Cybele brushed her hair to the side as the target leaned down to her ear, โ€œHey there gorgeous, whatโ€™s your name?โ€ His voice was higher pitched but just as gross as she had imagined.

โ€œMy name is Tori, what is yours handsome?โ€ The voice that came out of her mouth was most definitely not her regular voice. She made it much higher pitched and whiny like. I should be a professional actor at this point. Screw being a musician.

โ€œAlex, and might I say pretty name for a pretty womanโ€ He all but purred in her ear. At that point she could not cover up disgust, she quickly turned her head. Her heart began to speed up, everything felt like it just when super speed. At that moment she felt a pair of hands rip her from the man's grasp, she instantly recognized it was Niklaus.ย ย 

โ€œDo not scream, do not make sudden moves. We are some old pals of yours and you are going to follow us outside.โ€ Stefan spoke clearly to the man, patting his shoulder and leading him out of the club. Kluas looked down to the small shapeshifter in his arms,

ย โ€œAre you alright?โ€ He softly asked. Cybele could only nod, feeling her heart rate increase as she looked at how she noticed how crowded the place they were in was. Why did everyone feel so close to her? Why was everyone looking at them? Why was everything so hot? Klaus knew exactly what to do. He gently held her shoulders and led her out from the crowd, using his body as a shield to protect her from anyone else touching her. They both got out to the back alley where Stefan looked like he was about to tear off the man's head. In an instant Cybele bounded from Klausโ€™s touch and sat on the cold and dirty concrete floor in a small ball, tuning out every single thing around her and only focusing on herself.ย 

โ€œWhat is wrong with her? Cybele are you okay?โ€ Stefans voices filled the air.

โ€œI know what is happening, the best thing right now mate is she wants to be left alone.โ€ Klaus quickly dismissed him.ย 

She knew that at one point Klaus slammed the man against the wall so hard that the wall itself cracked under the pressure and left an indent. The biggest reaction Cybele gave was a flinch. From what felt like forever she was vaguely away on how Stefan uncompelled the man and told him to run, then he sped off.

โ€œLove it is time to go back to the motel,โ€

When she lifted her head, Niklaus was kneeled in front of her looking at her with a soft look in his eyes. A look she had not seen in awhile. Wordlessly she shook her head no, and buried her head back into her knees.

โ€œRight now I know that you are nonverbal and will not answer me with your words. Cybele you are safe with me, so let me take you back and order you tater tots, or maybe some of those chicken wings?โ€ Klaus asked offering his hand

Cybele lifted her head nodded yes but reached both of her hands out to him. She was beyond exhausted and did not want to walk. Klaus gently got ahold of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. She linked her arms behind his neck, and laid her head on his shoulder.

โ€œMay I speed us to the room?โ€ Cybele just nodded, tightening her grip. โ€œDon't worry Iโ€™ve got you.โ€


NOTES: omg yall I am sorry for just disappearing! This chapter does not take place within an episode of TVD, but it does include the man that lead Klaus & Stefan to the two farm house girls. ๐Ÿ‘€

Remember vote and comment if you want more! <3
