


 can we talk about this in person?


sorry i just was shocked

i would like to talk abt it rn if thats ok


yeah sure

dorm 835

Beomgyu quickly got ready and headed out his dorm,once he got to yeonjun's he knocked on the door. Yeonjun quickly opend it and hugged beomgyu tightly. once the two boys where inside yeonjun didn't let go. "i love you, can i kiss you?" yeonjun looked so pure, we was genuine.

 Beomgyu nodded his head, before kissing him yeonjun took a moment to stare in to beomgyus eyes. "your so perfect" he gently kissed him, the soft kisses grew passionate. Yeonjun quickly broke this kiss, "can we take this further?". "please" Beomgyu almost imidately said.

 he picked beomgyu up bridle style and brought him to his bedroom. "my roommate is at work right now so we are good" Yeonjun said. Beomgyu sat on the bed, he was nervous. "hey baby you don't have to do anything you dont want to-" "No i wan't to i just, ive never done anything with anyone.." "thats okay, we can take this slow, i won't hurt you i promise" Yeonjun landed a kiss on the youngers forhead.

 Beomgyu took yeonjuns shirt off, following his own. Yeonjun laid kisses following hickys down beomgyu's neck. Beomgyu laid down on his back, allowing yeonjun to slip off the boys pants. The elder boy went down to kiss and play with Beomgyus thighs. The shorter boy could't contain his whimpers anymore, they where spilling out like crazy. Yeonjun stood back up and slipped his fingers underneith the waistband of beomgyu's boxers "may i?""yes''

 beomgyu nodded his head as well. Yeonjun slowly slipped beomgyu boxers off. "your so perfect baby" he pecked him on the lips once more before sticking his tongue to beomgyu's entrance, circling it before fully penatraiting. Beomgyu arched his back and gripped the sheets, not knowing how to deal with his amount of plesure. Quickly flicking his tongue in and out, "yeonjun- Yeonjun ah- im close-" and with that yeonjun slowly stopped, which earned a pout from beomgyu. "im sorry baby, can you hold it for a little longer?"

 beomgyu nodded. Yeonjun leaned over to his night stand where he pulled out a condom and a small bottle of lube. he ripped the condom packet open with his teeth and slid it on, he took the lube and squeezed some out before pumping his shaft a couple times. "are you ready?" "mhm"

yeonjun slowly and gently slid his length inside beomgyu, the sorter boy let out a loud moan, Yeonjun checked in on him before sated gently thrusting. the boy under him was whimpering and squirming with plesure, occatinally cursing though his moans. his bangs stuck to his forhead from the sweat. both of the boys bodys where begining to get sticky

Yeonjun would whisper things like "your so good for me, good boy, your so pretty" which turned beomgyu on more honestly, yeonjun started to quickly move faster, eventually both of the boys came. Yeonjun landed in a couple more thrusts before pulling out completely. he kissed beomgyu again beofore cleaning him of, then himself. it was getting late, both of the boys where to tired to they just cuddled in bed like that.



"will you be my boyfriend?"


u wish u where beomgyu rn

omg cliff hangerr

should i finish the story hear on nah?
