chapter 8: matching keychains

Y/n's pov:

"Hey Y/n" Osamu said while continuing to hug you.
"Y- yeah?" You replied while closing your eyes.
"He's really warm and I feel so safe in his arms" you thought.
"I- I need to tell you something"
"What is it Miya?"

Osamu's pov:
"Should I tell her how I feel? Would she reject me? Maybe she likes my brother better then me? I think I should tell her- but I don't want our friendship to end. Because I love Y/n. Ever since she walked right into the gym for the first time. Ever since I laid eyes on her." He thought.

Y/n pov:

"Osamu, are you okay?" You asked while opening your eyes and raising your head up to look at him. Your chin resting on his chest.

You saw the boy looking into the distance. Not saying a word. Then he looked down at you. And then he put his head on your forehead. You started to blush instantly. "Hey I like ya" Osamu said.

You froze. You couldn't say no words. You didn't know how to feel. You put your arms in front of his chest and backed away.

"Wait but how and why me?" You said while trying to get on a sitting position on your knees. "Why me? I'm just a girl in the background who's just there. Nothing special." You added.

"I just do Y/n" Osamu said while giving you a small smirk-like smile.
"Wait do you mean like friend wise?" You asked.

*Flashback to last year in Tokyo*
You always had small feelings for Osamu. You always thought he was really cute. Especially last year when you both went to get matching key chains at the souvenir shop together on the field trip to Tokyo. You started to feel a strange way when it was just you two.

You got split up from Suna and the other first years. You were completely lost and terrified. You tried to ask people if they seen a group of teenage boys with red jackets but nobody said the answer you were looking for: "yes I have." You felt embarrassed and had a mini panic attack.


"I like ya"

You stopped and turned your head to a familiar voice. You saw a boy. A boy who was wearing a red jacket. Grey hair. Tall. Stuffing his face with onigiris.
"Y/n? where's the rest of them?" Osamu Miya asked while his mouth was stuffed and walking closer to you.

Your face lit up and you ran and hugged Osamu Miya. "I FOUND YA! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME! I HATE BEING ALONE!" You screamed.

Osamu gave you a confused look.

"Osamu! I can't find yer brother and the others! I asked everyone and no one said yes!" You cried while still hugging him.

"I couldn't find them either and Suna kept texting me to get them food and I did- see? *shows you white bags of food* but he didn't say where to meet up.. and he told me that you weren't with them. So I got worried." He said while patting your head gently.

"It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention to him when he said to go! I hate being by myself! I get scared and I don't know how to function!" You stated while pulling away from your hug with the boy. But you held both his hands. "Osamu I'm so glad ya found me"

Osamu blushed and quickly let go of your hands and turned away dropping the food on the ground.

"Oh no! The food!" You gasped.
"MY MEAT BUNS!" He yelled.
"I'll help get the ones that haven't opened. I'm so sorry" You said while bowing multiple times then picking up the containers and placing them in the white bags.

Osamu froze. Covering his face. Blushing.


"The hell?" You and Osamu both said while turning to see a black headed rooster shaped hair lookin guy dressed in red. The boy was holding a bunch of keychains in a box. The rooster head guy came up to you and Osamu.

"Good evening, My name is Kuroo. Me and my teammates are selling keychains at this festival to raise money for our club. These keychains are ment for couples. You know, matching keychains, eh eh" Kuroo said while giving Osamu a smirk.

"Couples?" You asked. "Festival?" Osamu asked.

"Yeah this is a festival we have every Spring. You guys didn't know?" The black haired boy asked.

"We're not from here" You and Osamu stated.

"Ah, well take some souvenirs love birds. The girl picks one for the guy. The guy picks one for the girl. Keychains are all $3.50 thanks."

"LOVE BIRDS??" You screamed.
"YUH DONT ACT LIKE YOU TWO AINT" Rooster Head yelled back.
"BUT YOU DONT KNOW US! DONT SAY STUFF LIKE-" You yelled, then stopped.

"Y/n here" You felt Osamu touched your hand and placed a small fox keychain in you hand.
"What's this?"
"A fox. For you"

You stared at the keychain and blushed.
"Lovebirds?" You thought while smiling.

"Now pick one for me I payed already" Osamu said while pointing at your hand.

"Huh? Oh okay then"

You looked at the box Kuroo was holding and there were so many choices. You then saw a cute onigiri one. You grabbed it. Walked towards Osamu. Grabbed his hand. Placed the keychain in his hand and close his hand with both of your hands holding his. "My souvenir gift to ya" You said blushing.

"SHUT YER TRAP YA ASSHOLE" You said while turning away from Osamu, to scream at Kuroo.

Osamu opened his hand and saw a mini onigiri keychain. He smiled to himself and looked up seeing You kicking the Rooster Head boy to the ground. After you were done you walked towards Osamu with your hands behind your back and stood beside him and stared at him.

"Y/n, Thank you."
"Of course! And thank you! You made this trip even more special!" You said while staring at his keychain in his hand. Then yours.

"Osamu! Wanna go meet up the others now? Together?" You said while turning at him with a big smile across your face.
"Yeah" he replied.

"OI IF YOU TWO DATE THEN SAY IT WAS ME!" Kuroo yelled while tryna get off the ground.
"The hell are you doing Kuroo? Why are you on the ground?" Kenma asked.

When you both walked alone across the food stands, lights, people, etc.. you felt like it was a mini date. Just you and Osamu. You stared at Osamu and moved your hair behind your ear and scooted closer towards him. Trying to hold his hand for just a moment. He ignored your hand and raise his to do a half wave to someone. Looking up you saw Atsumu, Suna and the others. Osamu ran towards the guys first and you tried to reach out your hand to grab onto his sleeve. But couldn't. You blushed and thought "What is this feeling? Why am I feeling like I want this moment with Osamu to never end?"

After that day you had a small crush on this boy. You hid it because you thought that the team or his fan girls were going to judge you. Till this day, you still have feelings for Osamu but you never show it. It's just a tiny crush. That's all.
*End of Flashback*

Y/n's pov:

"Friend wise or you really really like me?" You asked.
"It's a really really like Y/n" Osamu replied.
"Then.. I really really like ya too, dumbass" You said while turning your head away from him and blushing.
"Woah really when did you felt this way??" He asked while looking shocked.
"Um ever since last year on our Tokyo trip.. ever since we got matching keychains from that Rooster Head guy" You answered.
"Oh really.. I liked ya ever since I saw ya walked into the gym, I saw you in the halls before and thought you were really pretty. My brother was asking me after that day if I had a thing for ya and I instantly said yes and told him to back off" He laughed.

You blushed a lot at what he said and moved closer towards Osamu. You grabbed his chin and pulled it closer towards your face.

You both kissed.

For a long time.
Jk let's say 10 seconds till:

You realize that you're both naked.

"AYO" You screamed.
"What" Osamu said while looking shocked.

You got up and ran outta the pool

"HEY FOOD BOY! GET UP AND GET YOUR TOWEL OR GET CHANGED! THEN WE CAN CONTINUE" You screamed while covering yourself with your towel.

"Oh right. I forgot we are- yeah okay sure then we continue?"

"Yeah" you giggled.

"POOL CLOSES IN 15 MINUTES" An employee yelled from the other side of the door.

You and Osamu both looked a each other and agreed to leave as soon as possible before the employees ask why I guy was in the girl's bath.
