Chapter 6

"I think I'll go, too." Megumi spoke out from the spot next to you. "Don't push yourself. You're still recovering." Gojou was also on the other side of you. You all were seated on the stone slab in front of the building. "But someone needs to keep an eye on Itadori, right?" Megumi questioned.

"True. But the one we're testing this time is Nobara."


The mentioned female was walking throughout the building, "what a pain. Why do I have to deal with curses after coming all the way to Tokyo?" She spoke out as she ascended a flight of stairs. Yuuji followed her, "Huh? Didn't you come here to exorcise curses?"

Nobara ignored his question and looked at him without fully turning around, "Let's save some time and split up. I'll start from the top and go floor by floor. You start from the bottom. Let's get this over with quick I want to spend more time with Y/n-san and grab some sushi from Ginza."

Yuuji grew a bit annoyed, "hold on a minute. Let's take this a bit more seriously. Curses are dangerous, you know. Also I want to spend time with Y/n-san!" Nobara grew annoyed and ran down the steps towards the pink haired male and kicked him so hard that he spun, "I don't wanna hear it from someone who was a normie until recently! Y/n-san doesn't hang out with losers like you! Now get moving!"

She then huffed and turned around, marching up the steps. Yuuji collected himself, "Your emotions have been all over the place today!"

"This is why girls don't like you!"

Yuuji whipped around and looked to where the female once was, "How did you know they don't like me?!" He then slowly stood up, "Are you even popular enough to talk? Bitch." He mumbled to himself.

Unbeknownst to the pink haired male. A curse slowly lowered itself from the ceiling. It then launched an attack only for Yuuji to swiftly cut off its appendage and jump away from it. The curse got off the ceiling and onto the floor, "Do... you need... a receipt?" It's head twitched as it tried to look at the sorcerer.

Yuuji held out the curses blade and placed his hand on the tip of the handle, 'it's a curse!' The curse then charged at him, practically reaching out for him. Yuuji acted quickly and ducked then slid under it and sliced up the underside of it.

He then turned back around and started to cut off all of its legs and finally he sprung up into the air and shoved the blade into the top of the curse's head, killing it. "Yeah, I can really move!" He smiled proudly but sulked once he realized something, "man! I wish Y/n-san could of seen that!" He then pulled the blade out of its head, making purple blood ooze everywhere.


"That Yuuji..." Gojou began, "He's missing a few up here." He gestured to his head, "He has no hesitation when it comes to killing these things that take the form of living creatures, albeit bizarre-looking ones, to try to kill him."

During Gojou's explanation, you crossed your arms and silently went into a slightly meditative state, "And it's not like he's been familiar with curses for a long time, like you two. This is a boy who used to live a normal high school life. You've both seen plenty of jujutsu sorcerers, even those with talent, give up in frustration because they couldn't conquer their fear or disgust, haven't you?" He asked both you and Megumi.

"Deep down we are all the same, fear will always be a key to a part in our lives. It's unavoidable. When it is conquered then and only then when a person unlocks true potential." You spoke out with your eyes closed. Megumi looked at you with hidden surprise and pondered your words for a moment.

Gojou hummed in agreement, "I agree. So today I want to confirm how crazy she is."


"Hey, you, curse." Nobara stood in front of multiple mannequins. She scanned all of them with her eyes until they landed on one specific one, "I mean you, mannequin in the center.
You actually think you're hidden there?" She then took out her nails and held both them and her hammer in front of her.

"If you won't come out, I'll just exorcise you there."


"But Kugisaki has experience, right?" Megumi spoke out, "Little late for that now, isn't it?" Gojou only smiled as he answered, "Curses are born from human minds. So their strength and numbers grow in proportion to the population."


Blue cursed energy surrounded Nobara's hand that held the nails. She let go of the nails and struck the heads of them with her hammer, sending them towards the mannequin, hitting it in the head.

The mannequin fell back but stayed up on its feet. It then slightly craned its head up and lifted its eyelid to show a red eye. Multiple red eyes started to appear as it lifted itself up.

Nobara watched it as she laid her hammer on her shoulder, "You might want to pull those out..." she moved her hand, making the nails go deeper into its head, "or my cursed energy will flow into you." The nails fully went into the curses head, cracking it and making it explode. It's lifeless body fell to the floor.

She then smiled proudly, "nailed it." A wooden pallet then fell over, catching the female's attention. A little boy was seen to be hiding behind the boxes, 'a child? Must have snuck in for some fun and encountered the curse.' She thought as she walked towards the kid.

"Hey, it's all right now. Come on out." She bent down to the kids eyes level. The little boy stared at the female and shook his head no. Nobara was completely stunned by the child's behavior, 'huh!?'

She then turned around with a sigh, "I guess it's true that kids don't warm up to beautiful women. Guess I'II call Itadori." Once the child seen Nobara about to walk away, he went into a state of panic and held his hand out towards her, "wait! Don't leave me here!"

Nobara looked at the kid but to her horror a abnormal had reached through the wall and grabbed the kids head. The curse then fully went through the wall and into Nobara's line of sight. It grinned as it shook the kid tauntingly while laughing.

Nobara scowled and got into a stance. The curse then pointed its sharp claw at the kid's neck, threatening to pierce it at any moment. Nobara's eyes widened, 'It's taking him hostage?' The curse then slightly pierced the boys neck causing a straight line of blood to trail down his neck, 'This curse has intelligence?!'
