

๐š๐ง๐จ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ฐ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ (๐ฌ๐ž๐ฑ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐š๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ญ & ๐ซ!๐ฉ๐ž) ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ˆ'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ค ๐ข๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก "โœง"

"What are you doing?" I ask.


Evander creeps closer to me, his hot breath blowing onto my ear, making my stomach churn. "No way am I letting you leave now that I have you all to myself."

I slowly turn towards the boy, looking at him with a pointed look. "What?"

He smirks at me, his hand coming up to brush my hair away from my face and over my shoulder. I smack his hand away.

"Don't touch me," I bit out, getting annoyed by his weird-ass mannerisms. I swiftly turn around and go to open the door again but Evander pulls onto my shoulders, making my back slam against the wood of the door as he locks it the second after.

Not again.

"I'm allowed to touch whatever I want," he says, his face growing close to mine.

I punched him in the face, grazing my knuckles across his face. He falls to the floor by the power behind the punch, making him cradle his nose that started to slowly drip with blood.

"I don't know what shit you're on right now, but snap the fuck out of it, you creep," I hiss out. I go to walk away but Evander pulls on my ankle, making me drop to the floor right next to him.


He slaps me harshly across the face then throws me on top of his bed, climbing on top of me seconds later, pinning my hands above my head. "You talk too much," he says, then crashes his down on mine.

It's just a dream.

My eyes widen in revolution as his slimy tongue licks against my tightly closed lips. Snapping out of my shock I bit down on Evander's lip and tried to shove him off of me as one of his hands went to his lip wound.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I scream out, but he just smiles down at me with a devious smirk as he licks away his blood. He didn't even move a muscle as I tried to knock him off. I don't stop however, my body bucks beneath his, willing myself to get out of his hold because I knew what would happen if I didn't.

Wake up, Y/n.

"Help! Someone help! Help-"

"Shut up!" Evander hiss then proceeds to punch me. My face whips to the side from the forceful hit; blood starts to cloud part of my vision. My thoughts started to muddle seconds after.

"No," I whisper as Evander traces my clothed body with his hands. "Stop it," I say, tears starting to drip down my face. I tried to resist again but he only just slapped me across the face one more time. My cheek stung with pain as my eyes started to close. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.

I heave out a sob when the brown-haired boy begins to unbutton my shirt. "Stop it!" I scream and buck out my legs again, kicking against the sheets to Evander's bed. I won't let this happen.

It's not real; this isn't real.

I began to scream again with whatever strength I had left. My shrieks and bellows echoed in the room, my voice cracking as I screamed and screamed again.

"Help! Someone-"

Evander cuts me off, gagging me with his handkerchief. I struggle again as he places his entire body weight on top of me, his legs holding down my own, while one of his hands secures itself around my wrists, gripping them so tightly that I knew they'd started to bruise.

I fumble with the cloth in my mouth as Evander paws at my breasts, his hands sliding over my still intact bra. My body shuddered in disgust at his actions. Stop it, please.

It's not real, it's not real, it's not real.

Evander starts to unbutton the top of my pants and I lay there, silently crying as the boy on top of me reached towards my clothed area.

My hands struggled weakly against his to break free, but to no avail, as Evander continued to touch me like I was merely a doll. Please stop.

"Don't worry, I will treat you better than that asshole ever could," he whispers in my ear, nipping harshly at it.

This is just a dream, this is just a dream...

I finally get the cloth that slips partially out of my mouth when I take in a deep breath and scream at the top of my lungs.

"JEAN!" I shouted out for him, even though I knew he was hallways away in the infirmary wing, but I still continued to yell out for him regardless. "JEAN! JE-"

"Fucking bitch." Evander punches me once, twice, then three times. My head lolls to the side as my eyes droop closed, my mind swimming in and out of consciousness.

"Stop," I wheeze out, blood coating my tongue as my lip starts to bleed.

My stomach started to twist in nausea, fear, and panic as Evander's head dipped to lick across my exposed stomach. His fingers trailed down my sides and rested on my hips.

Jean will come. I'll be fine; Jean will save me.

His deep, blue eyes that held a revolting, lustful look to them, stared down at me. "Just relax. You'll enjoy it. You want this, I know you do."

All I could do was shake my head with tears pooling in my eyes as he unzipped the zipper to his pants. "Please stop," I begged once more, but he didn't listen.

It's okay. Jean will come.

His hands went away from his pants as he pulled mine down to my knees- including my underwear. The cold air to the room hit me like a slap and I tried to kick out my legs but nothing happened.

But he didn't.

And Evander didn't stop.

"S-Stop. Please, stop!" I whispered out as my head lolled to the side, the edge of my vision blurring into darkness.

Why isn't he stopping? Where's Jean?!

His hands gripped onto my hips and-

I screamed out at the pain. "Stop! Stop," I sobbed out.

This isn't supposed to happen! This- This can't be real.

But it was real- it seemed so real.

"You feel so good," Evander breathed out, his eyes watching me as I cried in agony beneath him.

I weakly clawed at his face. He just laughed at my futile attempt.

"Jean," I say, my voice cracking with disuse.

"Oh hun, loverboy's not gonna save you now."

Evander shifted from above me and a searing pain resonated in my body again. I screamed again and again and again, but no one heard me.

I screamed and screamed and screamed and-


"Y/n! Y/n, wake up!" I jolted up in my bed to see Sasha, Jean, and Connie in front of me. I looked at them as ragged breaths drained my body.

I looked around the room quickly for any sign of Evander, my body shaking like a leaf the whole time. Bile started to creep up at my throat.

"W-Where is he?" I croaked out. "Where... Where is he? Where is he?"

Sasha tightened her hold on my wrist, trying to bring my attention back to her, but I only flinched away from her, my hand cradling my wrist from the past memories.

My hair covered my face as I shuffled back against the wall by the side of my bed.

"Y/n?" Jean said. I could hear his voice right by me. I just shook my head. "Y/n, you were screaming in your sleep," he said softly.

I froze and began to shake again. My hands gripped my hair as I bent my head.

"I-I'm sorry," I breathed out. "I'm okay. I'm... I'm sorry."

It's silent for a few moments then I feel a hand placed on my leg. My head shoots up to see Connie looking at me with a calm look, reassurance in his eyes.

"Do you want some water?" he asked. I blinked once at his question but nodded nonetheless. He nodded back once and got up and looked towards Sasha, tilting his head towards the door. Sasha quickly got the hint and followed him out of the door, right before giving me a soft pat to the head. It took all that was in me not to flinch away again.

Soon it was only Jean and me in the room. I avoided his gaze like the plague as it settled on my shivering form.

"Y/n..." Jean said hesitantly as he neared closer to me. My body relaxed on its own from his scent. I breathed in once and closed my eyes. Jean gripped my hand in his as he sat up against the wall next to me.

"I... I'm sorry," I say, clearing my throat as tears started to cloud my vision. I open my eyes again to see Jean looking at me with a watchful look. His hand gripped my own tighter. He didn't touch me anywhere else.

"You don't need to apologize," he said.

I huffed out a breath that could be classified as a chuckle, my eyes watering again. "Yeah, right. I probably woke up the whole hall," I say, remembering that he told me I was screaming in my sleep.

Jean shakes his head with a small smile. "Only Sasha, but she deserves it."

My mouth quirks up into a smile for a moment then I let out a shaky breath while rubbing at my eyes. "I'm so sick of this," I mutter.

"I know, baby," he says, his eyes hiding pain as he looks at me.

"And I'm so tired of this," I say, my voice wavering with emotion.

"I know, love," he says, both of his hands enveloping my own. He sat with his body facing mine as I stayed leaning against the cool, stone wall, my head tilted upwards and mouth quivering to retain my cries.

"I just want them to end," I say, referring to the nightmares.

Jean kissed the palm of my hand, his soft lips staying there for a long moment.

"They will, baby, but it's just gonna take some time."

My other hand covers my eyes as I let some tears be shed. My body shuddered against the wall as sobs threatened to spill out of my mouth. I felt Jean shuffle closer to me as his head leaned itself against my shoulder, his arms wrapping themself around one of mine as he hugged the limb to himself.

He knew I didn't like people to touch me right after an episode or nightmare, so he stayed away, and yet... he stayed right by my side at the same time. He was there without hovering too much; he made me feel comforted, and he made me feel safe.


"Guys, come quick!" Connie screams out, rushing through the door and making it almost swing completely off its hinges. Jean unwrapped his arms from around my body and sat up as Sasha hid underneath her own covers from the other side of the room.

"Shut up, Connie! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Jean yells out and comes back down to snuggle up against me again, his head comes to rest on my chest as I hug him once again.

"No, you shut up Jean. You're just trying to bone your girlfriend for another ten minutes-"

"I am not!" Jean says, sitting up again with a disgruntled look on his face. I just sigh and sit up next to him, yawning loudly in the process.

"What do you want, Connie?" I say, rubbing my eyes awake as Jean pulled my covers up to hide my braless chest under my shirt. Connie blushed at the action, his eyes looking away.

"J-Just wake up already! The commander wants us in his office, like five minutes ago!" he says then closes the door, making Sasha shoot up from the loud thud.

"What's happening?!" she screams out, her hair disheveled and knotted atop her head. I cover up my snort from the sight, even though I probably looked the same.

"The commander wants us in his office, like five minutes ago," Jean says, imitating Connie's voice with a scowl. I hit him in the shoulder lightly with a smile and shooed him out.

"Get out, we need to change you pervert."

"Yeah, get out, you pervert," Sasha says with a laugh, giving me a wink right after. He rolls his eyes and climbs out of my bed, slipping on his shoes right after.

"Whatever, just meet Connie and me at the end of the hall when you two are done."

"Yeah, yeah, got it," I say and change out of my pajamas and into my uniform. In no time Sasha and I were ready for the day and met up with Jean and Connie.

"So, did the commander say anything, Connie," I ask him while I patted down the baby hairs to my ponytail.

He shook his head. "Nope, just said to get you guys and meet him."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Form beside me I felt Jean slip his hand into mine, gripping it with reassurance.

"It's probably 'cuz you guys and Sasha stole bread from the pantry yesterday," he said with a cocky smirk.

Connie, Sasha, and I immediately hit him on the arm to shut him up, looking around to see if anyone heard.

"Shut up, Jean! Someone could hear you!" Connie hissed out. "Plus, Sasha made me come along so it's not my fault."

Jean just shrugs and starts to talk again but we reach Erwin's door. Everyone halted in their steps and inhaled deeply, readying themselves for what was to come, but I cut their preparation off as I opened the door without any hesitation and strolled in.

"Morning, Erwin," I greet, but I stop in my tracks when I see Levi and Miche already there. "Um..."

"Good, you guys are here," Erwin said and pointed us to stand in front of his desk. I gave a confused look towards my uncle and Levi but they just stared at me with a blank look, but even I could see the smirks they were trying to conceal.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Erwin's silent for a moment then he speaks up.

"Evander is dead."


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