γ€ŽNezuko X Reader 』

For everyone's favorite adorable demon! UwU

[P.S. My apologies for that last chapter...]


(Genre: Somewhat Fluff)

"Tanjiroooooo! Where's Nezuko-chan?!" you called out to the burgundy boy who only smiled at you.

"She's inside, (Y/N)-chan. In her room." the boy answered, glad that you adore her little sister.


You dashed the whole way to Nezuko'room, in lightning speed. Once you got there, you knocked first but then got inside eventually because you can't wait to see her.

You found her sitting on her bed and then you immediately sat beside her, making her look at you and hug you. You laughed hugging her back.

"So, Nezuko-chan, how are you?" you asked, earning a 'mmph!' from her. The said demon nuzzled her head in your chest.

Both of you stayed like that for a while when suddenly, Nezuko made herself smaller and then started to run around the room. You sweat dropped and then began to catch the bundle of cuteness.

"Nezukooo-chaaan! Stop running around!" you whined, making the said girl look at you and then run around again.

You huffed, trying your best to catch her. Once you got a grip, you ran after her and then put both of your hands on her waist, holding her up.

You then carried her to her bed, and then laid her down. She sat up, however, looking at you and then patting your head which you enjoyed very much.

"Your so cute, Nezuko!" you said while putting her on your lap, cuddling her in the process.

"Hmmph mmph!"

"Wait, hang on! I have a present for you and I left it outside. Stay here for a minute okay? I promise I'll be back in an instant." you said, making her somewhat frown but let you go nonetheless.

You went outside in light speed and went to where you left the flowers you brought. You then went back inside and out the flowers in a vase.

After putting a good amount of water, you went back to Nezuko's room and then handed her the vase with lilies in it. She jumped happily and then proceeded to take the vase from you and then put it on top of the drawer.γ€”For the sake of the story just pretend that there is one.〕

You looked at her with awe-filled eyes as you sat beside her. You kissed her forehead while she let out happy noises.

Both of you then spent the whole day cuddling making Tanjiro smile and Zenitsu jealous at how you have Nezuko all to yourself while Inosuke couldn't care less.


My dumbass apologizes for this forking short chapter. My bad.

