πŸŽπŸ— , grandma's

β‡’ ぇ ﹏ Λ’ LOVE BOMB ❜ ᡎᡎ βΏ» 🍰

0:00 ──────|─── 1:30
↻ ◁ II β–· β†Ί

β€”IF you told me that one day me and Andy wouldn't be together, but we had to do puzzles with our grandmas together, with a girl who was in love with him too, I would have laughed in your face. Ugh, why did our grandmas have to be best friends again? I question mentally as I sit in between the two women, building the puzzle, while Andy and Stacy sat there in awkward silence.

"Don't you love puzzles," Stacy breaks the silence, staring at Andy.

"Puzzles are corny."

"You're corny, Andy," I say before grabbing another piece and connecting it. I didn't see the smile that showed up on his face as he stared at me.

"Facts..." Stacy says, I have no clue who she was agreeing with but whatever.

"I have a question, is Lydia a good kisser?" I freeze for a second before going back to working on the puzzle. I silently listened in.

"She's a'ight," 'Yea right, based off the kiss at the movies she can't kiss at all'

"A'ight? Huh, probably because you were her first kiss,"

"No, she's told me she's kissed a bunch of guys before,"

"Awkward..." I say, in a high-pitched voice while looking off to the side.

"At camp?" the two ignore my comment and continue talking about the troll.


"Does her tight-lipped technique suggest a high level of experience?" Stacy asks. I laugh a bit before covering it with a cough.

"Nah, it's like she thinks she's kissing a stuffed animal or something," I start to tune out the conversation as I didn't need to know about this weirdo's kissing life. I turned my to the two older woman, laughing at what they're saying as I began talking to them.


"Plus every time I move my hand, she starts laughing. Says she's mad ticklish," 'Ugh does this girl ever shut up? I just wanna talk to Chloe without mentioning this dumb relationship that I'm in.' I hear giggles coming from my left. Looking over, I see Chloe laughing with Grandma and her grandma. God, I love her. She's so perfectβ€”her laugh, her smile.

"You have the patience of a saint,"Β 

"A Jewish saint," Chloe speaks up before paying attention to the two oldies again.

"True," I say, smiling as I stare at Chloe.

"Twenty points for me!" Grandma says, earning a huff from Chloe's grandma.

"Get it, Grandma,"

β€”"WANTΒ me to take a picture of you and your grandma to prove to your mom you were here?" I continued to work on the puzzle, listening to their conversation.

"Uh, yeah, that's low-key a good idea. Chloe, come over here," he beckons me, I stand up walk over beside him. Suddenly, he grabs my arm and pulls me onto his lap.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-yell at him as Stacy moves her chair closer to us, shooting a small glare in my direction before preparing to take a selfie.

"Shh, don't worry about it," he says, flashing his 2 middle fingers up to pose, our grandmas following him as I shake my head and smile. Stacy quickly snaps the photo.

"Yeah, grandmas"

"Hilarious, I have to prove to Rabbi Rebecca that I'm here too," Stacy says, eyeing us both. I try to shift off Andy's lap, but he tightens his grip on me around me, "I'm volunteering for my Mitzvah project" 'Whoops, kinda forgot about that'

"That's what's up" I start to stare off into space as I unintentionally start to lean into Andy's embraces a little more. Another smile creeping onto his face as he looks down at me before looking back up at Stacy who starts talking again.

"Here, I'll send it to you,"

"For sure"

"Oh shoot. I sent you more pics. Just ignore," I hear the 'Andy Goldfarb' go off his phone as I glance at his screen, furrowing my eyebrows at the 'accidental' photos sent. 'I know damn well those were sent on purpose' I send a glare in the girl direction.

"Nice," he replies while looking up from his phone. I push Andy's arms off before quickly getting off.

"I've gotta go to the bathroom" I say, before quickly exiting and heading to the bathroom. As I walk in, I let out a sigh. Moving to face myself in the mirror, I dab my cheeks a bit with water, trying not to ruin my makeup. I hear the bathroom door open as I glance in the mirror reflection of where the door is. I notice the girl I've had to sit with for the past 45 minutes as she walks up to the sink beside me.

"You good?" Stacy asks, leaning against the sink.

"No, but why should you care," I reply, my tone laced with frustration, avoiding direct eye contact as I stare into the mirror.

"Well, I just thought that you were upset about something, and it might have been my fault. And I just thought since you're super cool, super popular, and everyone wants to be your friend- I'm rambling, aren't I? Not the point, I'm just trying to be nice," Stacy says, her gaze fixed on me.

"Hey, you think I'm never lonely because I'm 'so popular'? I can be surrounded by people and be completely alone. It's not like any of them really know me. I don't even know if they like me half the time. People just want to be in a popular zone. Sometimes when I talk... everyone's so busy agreeing with me, they don't hear a word I say," I say, looking down at my hands.

"Well, if you feel so alone, then why do you work so hard at being popular?" Stacy questions.

"Well, it beats being alone all by yourself,"

β€”MYΒ mom and dad were sitting on seats outside of the fitting room I was in as I tried on some new dresses just to have and maybe find a Bat Mitzvah dress.

"Ew, this is so ugly, I'm not stepping out of the room with it on," I say loudly so my parents could hear me.

"You've said this about the last three, Clo," my dad groans. I could just tell he had his face in his hands as I slightly giggle to myself at the thought.

"But this one's really badddddd,"

"Chloe just show us, we won't get it if you hate it that much," my Mom says.

"Fine!" I open the door a little, just enough to see the dress. "Don't expect me to step out with it on."

"Nevermind, definitely not getting that," my Mom says, closing the door.

"I told you so," I mumble under my breath as I quickly change back into my clothes before stepping out with the dresses I'm buying hanging on one arm and the ones I don't want on the other.

"Okay, let's go home now," I say, smiling sweetly, knowing damn well I'm the only reason we've been here for 2 hours.

"Finally," Dad groans again, getting up and taking the stuff out of my arms to carry. I give him a small thank-you before walking towards the cash register. Just my luck, though, I see Stacy and Lydia.

"Bree!" my mom squeals, giving the older woman a hug, as I stand off to the side where the other two younger girls were.

"Andy broke up with me," Lydia says as the two have a stare-off. My eyes widen at the statement.

"Hmm. Sorry to hear that, you two were the perfect couple," Stacy says sarcastically as I let out a laugh.

"He said he couldn't deal with the ticklishness or the closed-mouth kissing,"

"Sucks for you, I guess," I try to contain myself from making a big scene as I hold in my laughs.

"Said he heard I lied about kissing boys in camp,"

"Well, you did lie, so," I pitch into the conversation as I glare at Lydia.

"Clo, time to go," my dad calls out, cutting off Lydia before she can say anything back to me . I give the two a tight smile as I turn on my heel and walk towards my parents.

typed this whole chapter up on my phone so i'm sorry for any spelling mistakes but anyways JAMAICA IS SO FUN ‼️ n i found a cute boy who literally was on the same plane as me to get here meaning we probably live around the same area 🀭 no one can beat my bf dylan hoffman tho

Published β€” December 16, 2023
EditedΒ β€” March 15, 2024

Β© zuzu_mushroomz β€” do not translate, copy, or repost any of my works without gaining my consent.
