rings οΉ†Χ‚Χ‚ Λ–

❛ paper ringsΒ  ❜


Taylor Swift was blasting through my speaker as I dance around my room. No one was home so I could sing without being judged and turn the volume to maximum.

"That's right! Darling, you're the one I want!!" I sang along in front of the mirror with my brush as my microphone.

This song was one of my favourites. There's something about it that makes it so catchy.

Well, all of Taylor's songs are catchy but this one was just...urgh. Perfect.

And paper rings are so cute!

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

I looked through the driveway to see no car, meaning my parents weren't home yet.

Even if I'm seventeen, I still go by the "don't open the door to any stranger." rule. I ignored it but it started ringing again.


My music was probably too loud and the stranger probably thought someone was home. I began to panic and reached for my pepper spray before I got a notification.


lou boo πŸ˜ŸπŸ™πŸ€ͺ😍πŸ₯Ί
mf open the godamn door rn.

I let a sigh of respite when i realised it was my boyfriend and went ahead downstairs to open the door.

"Fucking hell, Lou. You scared the shit out of me."

He came in, "How?"

I began to walk up the stairs with him following behind, "Thought you would kidnap me or some shit. Don't your parents ever teach you the "don't open the door for strangers." rule?"

He shook his head, "Most times I just go to work with them or stay at a friends or family."

We finally reached my room and I resumed Paper Rings.

"This song again?" Louis groaned, "Bloody hell Y/n, you've got to be bloody joking."

"I'll stop when you give me a paper ring."

Louis smirked, "Oh really? Funny."

"And why is it funny? Mind telling me?" I ask puzzled.

He stood in front of me and reached in his pocket. He pulled out a black box and I step back in shock.

Opening the box laid a paper ring, with a heart in the middle, "Funny." He repeated.

"Holy shit." I scoffedβ€”in a good way! The ring was so pretty. My heart exploded, "Waitβ€”this isn't an actual proposal, right?"

"God, Y/n. Of course not! We're seventeen, fucks sake."

"Okay good. Cause, you know..I-I just wanted to make sure." I grumbled.

"Y/n just shut up and take the paper ring." Lou pestered.

I nodded abruptly, "Right, sorry." I smile as I take the ring delicately, placing it on my ring finger, "Oh, Lou. It's so pretty."

"And..." he pulled out a matching ring and placed it on his ring finger, "I've got one too."

I hug him, closing my eyes tight in happiness, nearly knocking him to the ground. He laughs and embraced my hug.

I pull away and squeal in excitement as I look at the paper ring on my finger. Paper rings were still playing and nothing could've been more perfect.

"W-how?" Was all I could ask.

He shrugged nonchalantly, "Well, you've listened to this song so many times and I've seen some Tiktoks of girls wishing that someone would give them a paper ring and I thought of this song, which lead me to thinking about you. And you can figure out the rest."

I bit my lip smiling and placed my arms around his neck, "I fucking love you."

"Likewise." He placed his lips on top of mine and I fight a smile, pulling him closer.

I love him so much.

And his paper ring.

