๐—–๐—›๐—”๐—ฃ๐—ง๐—˜๐—ฅ 1 : The Yule Ball and the girl in Viridian Dress


Draco walked stepped inside the great hall accompanied by his three trusted friends, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe as he waits for his Yule ball date, Astoria Greengrass, to arrived.

'Impatient, eh?' He rolled his eyes at Blaise, irritated with his obvious question. 'This ball is ridiculous.' Draco muttered making his way to the reception area, grabbing a cup of firewhiskey while staring at the dancing crowd. He looked at Potter, his arch enemy sitting on the table beside his Weasley friend, he let out a laugh and grabbed some random girl to dance with to make Potter envy.

Already affected by the alcohol to the extent of losing control, his eyes wandered as he glanced at one girl wearing a viridian dress, she's blurry yet he found her stunning.

He made her way to this gorgeous lady, offering his hand. 'Gorgeous. My name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.' He blurted out, the woman seemed shocked but lets out a familliar chuckle afterwards. 'Of course I know who you are, Draco.' He raised both of his eyebrows, showing his iconic expression. 'Oh you do?' Draco seemed to be really drunk as his eyes light up as the background music comes to a halt and the band starts playing a slow love long, he offered his hands once more. 'Shall we?'

The mysterious woman smiles broadly and links her arm into his. They made their way to the small tiled dance area in the middle of the great hall.

With his hands on her lower back, he gently steers her towards the dance floor. The touch instantly sending tingles through her body. On the dance floor, they turn and faced each other.

With that she placed one of her hands on his arm and the other in his hand. She felt his taut muscles beneath the luxurious materials of his black coat.

She hesitates and stumbles forward. They both regain their composture and continue to move to the music.

His fingers intertwined with hers as she realized how big his hands are- how tall he was and how he smell.

Manly hands, hands that could do things to a woman that..

'Enjoying the view, darling?' Her eyes widen but plays it cool 'What view exactly?' She mumbled, trying to look unapproachable. Draco let out a quiet chuckle as he continue dancing with the lady.

His words, being in his arms, and the intimacy between them, suddenly hits her like a ton of bricks. Her body yearning for his touch.

The music finally stopped as he dragged her to get some firewhiskey, as they drink, Draco seems distracted, looking around. 'Is everything alright?' She put her cup aside as she look at him, confused. 'My peasants left, all is clear, lets go.' He suddenly held her hand, dragging her outside the great hall as they head down to the dungeons, she felt her heart racing as they entered the Slytherin common room.

The cold air touches her skin, they're all alone. There's deafening silence between them that causes more tension. She cleared her throat, trying to calm herself down.

He pulls her closer and whispers in her ear - his breath instantly thrilling the most sensitive part of her neck.

'I want you.' She looked at him, confused but was immediately lost in his eyes. He plants a kiss on her lips aggressively that she can't help but to kiss him back as aggressive as he does.

He pushed her against the wall, trailing kisses down to the her exposed collar bone to the valley of her breast, she couldn't help but moan over and over again as she feels his firm grip on her waist.

She heard him cuss under his breath, it made her body grew hotter, she gave in, that's the cue that Malfoy wants to see.

He carried her to his dorm, locking the door behind them as he lay her gently on his bed and making his way on top of her. He looks at her as she lets out a low snarl of approval, and she bit her bottom lip as he pulled down her dress, along with her undergarments, revealing her gorgeous naked body.

He kissed every inch of her body leaving red marks as his left hand massages her breast, he slid on of his fingers inside her causing her to moan loudly.

Her body arched in pleasure as his finger moved in and out of her, her mouth hanged open in pleasure, he kept kissing her naked body, worshipping it as he slips another finger inside her. In and out his finger moved, trying his best to pleasure her.

She felt something's about to come out of her, she's not that innocent and she knew that she's already at her climax, she grunted in frustration when he pulled his finger out with a mischievous smirk on his face as he removed his belt and held his shaft out of his pants.

Her mouth went dry as she dragged her gaze on his long thick manhood, gulping nervously. 'That will rip me off.' She presumed jokingly, he looked at her, remaining serious. 'It surely will do something more than that' He rubbed his length against her core, causing her to bite her lips harder and contain her moan. 'L-like.. what?' She asked nervously, she shut her eyes closed as she feel her insides getting ripped off when he suddenly buried himself inside her, droplets of tears were running down her cheeks.

He leaned his face closer, wiping her tears away. 'Like ruin you, and make you my property.' It brought shivers down her spine as he whispered those words in her ear, hoping that she misunderstood what he said.

She threw her head back while her mouth still hanged open, moaning her name as he started pumping in and out of her, she can feel him getting bigger and longer inside her. Draco buried his face on her shoulder, raining it with kisses as he keeps thrusting in a slow pace.

He plunged himself deeper, desperately burying himself inside her as his thrust became faster, he felt something flowing down his manhood and grinned when he realized that the mysterious woman reached her limits already.

He continued penetrating her, moving in and out of her faster. He squezeed his eyes shut as his body releases and spasms in pure ecstasy.

He gave her a quick kiss before laying down beside her, breathing heavily as he gazes on the woman beside her, peacefully sleeping, she's still blurry yet he can see her short black hair covering her face, she pushed off the hair off her face and kissed her forehead, whispering in her ears.

'You're mine now. I have my mark in between your thighs as my evidence.'


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