ฦˆษฆวŸึ„ศถษ›ส€ 4 (blood and knife & smut warning)

I slowly drift off to sleep...
I gasp and wake up. I can't move...
'Noooo it's happening again' I think to myself.
I see the dark figure creep up to me with a knife in his hand. 'Ahh what are they doing!?'
"HAHAHAH!!" The figure starts laughing out of no where.
Tears start to fall down my face. "Aww, I'll make it quick darling. I promise..."
The figure says as he starts smirking. He starts cutting a heart into my left arm with the knife. I clenched my teeth as it sinks deeper into my skin. "Ahh" I hiss out in pain. "Ohh baby girl, your just sooo..." he starts kissing me and I open my mouth in shock as he slides his tongue in. "Mhmm~~" muffled moans slide out my mouth. He presses his bulge against my body "Ah~" he picks me up and sits me on his lap. 'I can move again!' I think to myself. I feel something hard and big press against my ass. "Wha, what?!" "Shhh baby girl, it will all be over soon just... stay on my lap~"
He removes my pajamas and slides my panties off my legs and throws it on the floor. He starts ferociously rubbing my clit. "Mhm~ ahh more, please.." he stops as soon I say that.
"Beg." He commands
"Please daddy, I need more."
"As you wish darling~"
He continues rubbing my clit but faster.
"You like that princess." "Y-yes daddy!"
Out of nowhere he stops and whips his dick out and shoves it up my pussy.
"AH!!" "I-it hurts! S-stop! Please!"
"Just lay down and take it!" He yelled at me because I kept whining. He flipped me over and put me into the doggy position. Tears fall out of my eyes, the pain was unbearable, but it felt oddly good.
"Good girl. Just like that baby."
The pain was slowly starting to go away and... it felt so good!
"Mhmm, it feels so good!"
He was groaning so loud and as he thrusted faster in to me. "You're so beautiful." He grunted. "MHMM!~" Im so light headed and he started choking me.
He smacked my ass so hard and squeezed it. Suddenly he hit my sweet spot.
"Ahhh~it's too much!" I moaned.
I hit my climax and started moaning uncontrollably and arched my back even more.
"That's right baby, keep moaning for me."
"I make you feel so nice, don't I?" He said
"Y-yes d-daddy!" I could barely speak the pleasure was too much.
"Mhm~" He moaned and shot his hot liquid into me.
Both of us started panting uncontrollably. The room felt so hot.
I was so tired and my vision got darker.. and darker.
"Aww my sweet princess passed out. How cute!"
