~𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕀𝕝π•ͺ ? ~


updates cutely.






" WE'RE HERE!!! " Bae yelled

If i could begin to be,

Half ofΒ  what you think of me

" Don't be too loud!- " Gura said to bae.

" Ok- ok- "

" This arcade is lookin' fine!~ " Amelia said looking at the games and things at the arcade.

" So many games to play with too..- " Ina looked.

I can do about anything, I can even learn how to love.

Gura and bae smirk.

Ina and Amelia was hearing some giggles.

When i see the way you act..

Wondering when im coming back,

" Uh.., you guys Ok?.. " Amelia lean towards Gura and Bae.

Gura and bae turned with evil smirks on their faces.

" .. "

Bae grabbed Amelia by the arm pulling her closer to herself

Then this happens..




Bae kicked Amelia by the stomach with her knee making Amelia fell on her knees.

I could do about anything,

I could even learn how to love like you..

" Haven't learn self de!- " Ina kicked Baes leg.

Bae turned to see Ina having an abit scary glare.

" EEP!- " Bae runned to Gura.

Gura looked up at Ina.

Love like you..

" Lets just play al-already- " Amelia stood up.

I always thought i might be bad,

Now I'm sure that is true.

" GIVE ME A TURN WATSON! " Bae yelled at Amelia


'Cause i think your so good,

And im nothing like you!

Gura looked at them fight.

Ina lean them self at Gura with a smile.

Look at you go i just..

Adore you.

I wish that i knew..

" Hey Gura. "

" What ? " Gura looked at Ina

" What makes you think im so special?.. "

" You dingus..- "




" ITS MY TURN WATSON INA SAID SO!! " Bae tried to pull Amelia out of the seat

" NOOO! "

If I could begin to do,

Something that does right by you

" Guys- chillax.. " Gura tried calming both of htem.

Ina sighed

I would do about anything,

I would even learn how to love..




When I see the way you look,

Shaken by how long it took

" bleh! "

" Tsk. " Amelia looked away.

Ina smiled at Amelia.

I could do about anything,

I could even learn how to love like you!

" Don't frown it doesn't suit you 'ame' "Β  Gura said to Amelia.

" Why do you care now? "

" Because.. i want too. "

Ina took a seat with bae and played with them.

Love like you




Love me like you

Even i can't compare.

Ina looked at Gura and Amelia.

And I'm sorry if i stare,

Ina sighed yet again.

" I just want to do everything. "

" What was that? " Bae asked Ina.

" Nothing.. "

Both of them continue playing

Maybe i could learn how to love?

People say this love is wrong.

Flash back of Ina.

" You can't love girls nor women! " Ina's mother yelled


Ina cried.

End of flashback

All i want is to belong..

I can say without any doubt

" .. "

Amelia and Gura was still talking.

It made..

Ina jealous..









blood thristy tako.

i guess


have this chapter

Now Moshi signing out!
