πšƒπš˜ πšœπšžπšπšπšŽπš— 𝚝𝚘 πšœπš˜πš˜πš—....

Purpled POV
I was peacefully sitting on my ufo when I heard it. *BOOM!CRASH!* and then.. *screaming*
And next thing you know,I'm falling to the ground below me which crumbled as it set aflame.
There were people running, and screaming as I hit the ground,and hit my head on a piece
Of concrete from the remains of the UFO. I could feel my head start to bleed as my vision went blurry.
A couple figures,My guess being two, ran over to me,I couldn't see who they were,But I could see:
Wings on one,And roses on the other,I knew who the roses were(Hannahxxrose) my guess being,but I wasn't thinking.
And the wings being....Phil-? Philza was it? I'm not saying a lot of it,I wasn't thinking the best as
my sweater burn a bit,I could feel the heat from it hit my skin as my head bled out and I blacked out.forever..?
[Philza's POV]
I sat on a chair next to purpled,who was passed out and covered in bandages.that fall must've hurt
The kid,I mean it all happened to fast for him to react. Tommy got back at him to hard. To,hard.
I wonder when he's gonna wake up, *I think looking over to purpled.* It's been 3 days since what've happened,
And I'm not sure he's still alive.....I'll check his pulse in a moment...I swear if he's been dead for days straight..
I checked Purpled's pulse as it was there,But it was very,very slow. I gave a concerned look at the heart
Monitor as just when I looked...it went flat. I stood in silence before yelling out and slowly started to cry.
[Minx's POV]
We're we all waiting outside purpled's hospital room as we heard phil yell out. I ran inside the room yelling,
"Phil?! What hap-" then I saw it. Purpled's heart monitor went flat. The ringing from it stuck in my mind as
I started crying without even realizing it. My brother...just died in-front of my eyes,basically...WHY?!
[Technoblade's POV]
I ran into Purpled's hospital room to see what phil was yelling about,and I look to see
Philza,Comforting minx who's brother just died. A flat heart monitor,
And a 17 year old it happened to fast and to soon too.
(Cliffhanger aha-)
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