β…°. Prologue

A brown-haired girl, barely five years old, and a blond boy, a year older, played together in the extensive mansion courtyard.

On the lawn, a red picnic blanket was spread out, adorned with empty tea cups. The girl, visibly annoyed with the boy, pulled on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Come on, Gray, why won't you let me do your hair in pigtails?" The girl kept insisting, not understanding why the boy rejected the idea of ​​wearing pretty pigtails with the red ribbons that TobΓ­as Hawthorne had given her.

Gray, or Grayson, showed an unusual maturity for his young age, although that didn't stop him from having fun with his best friend.

"But, Millie, I don't want to," Grayson protested, pouting.

Amelia, the five-year-old girl, crossed her arms determinedly. "If you don't let me do your hair in pigtails, I'll tell your grandpa."

The boy pretended to be horrified by the idea. "Okay, okay, I'll let you do my hair in pigtails," he said with a smile. For him, the pigtails his best friend made him were the same, as indifferent as the ribbons and potions she wanted to put on his face, even if she claimed they were face masks. None of that mattered to him, as long as he could see his friend smile.

The girl, radiant with joy, delicately took a small red ribbon and began to adorn the golden locks she admired so much.

For Amelia, her friend Grayson was an angel with powers. She associated the color of his hair with gold, a material her mother had explained to her was extremely valuable and beautiful, and she immediately linked it to him. For Amelia, Grayson meant her world. The boy and his grandfather had given her a heart-shaped pendant with pearls engraved with her name, a gift Grayson had chosen and Amelia never took it off; she carried it everywhere.

A few hours later, the two children said goodbye with pouts as they went to their mothers, reluctant to part. However, they promised them that they could continue playing another day.

As they went to sleep, both felt happy, unaware that the promises their mothers had made were empty.

The next day, the little girl was over a thousand six hundred miles away from her friend, and she didn't understand why her mother said she didn't want to see her anymore. Maybe it was because she didn't like her ribbons anymore, the girl thought sadly.

At the same time, the boy was locked in his room, refusing to cry since his mother had told him his best friend didn't want to see him anymore. Maybe it was because he was too boring for her, the boy thought. When the boy felt tears welling up, he told himself that boys didn't cry and swore never to cry again because he was a responsible little man, and his best friend wasn't.

Little Grayson learned not to trust anyone for fear of being deceived or betrayed, while little Amelia was left with a void in her heart, clinging to a broken promise, feeling a piece of her joy fading away with the darkness of the night.


Alright, here you have the prologue and Amelia's childhood.

What do you think? I really don't know what else to say, so until the next chapter <3

Stay safe for me!
