battle of the bands - brendon urie x reader

y/n slid her fingers across her bass guitar, smiling to herself as she looked up at her best friend and band member, damien. he had bought her one right before they were accepted into the most popular battle of the bands competition ever. bands were going head to head to find out which band was superior.

being new to the music industry, y/n's band, which consisted of her and her friends damien and ryver, hadn't made any band friends. they had just been signed by a popular record label,ย  Fueled By Ramen, and had even briefly met pete wentz. he liked their music and thought their band had potential.

damien, ryver and y/n would talk about band names daily. they had lyrics and songs, but they decided on a name last minute when they joined battle of the bands. the final product of that was venom's faith.

they had a few weeks to decide on a song and practice to perfection, and that's just what they did. daily, y/n sang her heart out and played the bass until her throat went dry, damien rocked on the guitar like there was no tomorrow and ryver expertly headbanged on the drums. they were a perfect trio.

the weeks passed by fast. damien was the dad of the band, he bought them their instruments, gave them tips and even sang full on duets with y/n. he was generous enough to buy ryver and y/n their plane tickets to los angeles as they both fell short by at least $10.

los angeles, the spot for this yearly battle of the bands competition. the three of them waited patiently on the plane, either sleeping or watching one of the movies from the small selection the airline offered.


y/n was gently shaken awake by ryver and helped off the plane. damien carried all three suitcases, the girls taking the instruments. two days until they would have to compete against their idols.

they couldn't practice in a hotel room, so y/n and damien sang to each other while ryver used the pots and cooking utensils to drum along. it was the closest they could get to rehearsal.


"today's the day!" y/n exclaimed, grabbing her lucky guitar pick and heading for the door. she had her bass case and a change of clothes for the performance in the bag, as well as a water bottle. as she headed out the door, her band members followed her and they piled into a rented car and damien drove them to the competition. they sang in the car while ryver hit her hand on the dash to make a beat. all three of them were clearly exceedingly nervous.

it was a short drive, but once they scrambled out of the car, they were met with another group. they held all of their instruments with a white-knucked grasp. they glared at everyone as they walked to the venue.ย  the lead singer, brendon, snuck a glance at damien, ryver and y/n and smirked. this should be easy as pie.


"next up, panic! at the disco!"

there were cheers from the crowd that managed to pack into the venue. it was voters choice, the crowd was the judges. the band set up on stage and they started to play.

brendon smiled to himself as he started to sing. the crowd listening and dancing around. some holding their hands out to hope the hot lead singer would even glance at them. y/nย  stared at brendon from backstage, he was very attrictive. she was snapped from her trance-like state when damien approached her with a cup of water and all of fall out boy. he handed her the water, which she accepted and started to drink immeadiately.

"the boys wanted to say hi." ryver said, taking y/n's now empty cup and setting it down. y/n wiped her damp mouth and smiled at all four of them.

"hey guys!" she exclaimed, waving excitedly. they responded with a chorus of 'hey' and 'hello's

"good luck out there." pete said with a smile, patting her shoulder. before the conversation could continue, everyone was distracted by the crowd cheering at panic! at the disco's song. then, venom's faith was called to the stage. she was about to smile and compliment brendon, when he walked right past everyone, his shoulder clashing against hers.

"harsh." she mumbled, taking her bass and walking on stage.

they sang their most popular song, which got a lot of love from the crowd. and when they walked off, they did it with confidence. walking right past brendon with her head held high.


being one of the last performances, the trio didn't have to wait long for the results. every band was one the stage, waiting to be announced in the top three.

"in third place we have," the announcer paused, reading off of the peice of paper he recieved from those who counted up the votes. "fall out boy!"

pete took the 3rd place award from the announcer and posed with his band members, smiling widely like the rest of them.

"between the amazing panic! at the disco and the ravishing venom's faith, being seperated by only one vote, our first place winner is. ."

"venom's faith!"

y/n's eyes widened in shock as the announcer approached her with one of those comically large checks for a thousand dollars. with one hand, her band members hugged her and took a hold of the check with the other. y/n was about to break down in the happiest tears ever, while panic! at the disco's members were stuck with a small silver trophy.

everyone cleared off the stage and it was time to leave. the check was replaced with $1000 in cash and y/n thanked the announcer over and over again. she was beyond happy. damien then rested a hand on her shoulder.

"you ready to go?" he asked softly, smiling proudly at y/n. she shook her head. "you two go wait in the car, i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. but i'll meet you there!" y/n told him, waving him off.

damien and ryver carried their instruments back to the car and fit them in the trunk and backseat, still making sure y/n had enough room once she came back.


y/n existed the public bathrooms, waving at fans along the way, but the sudden appearance of a random voiceย  startled her.

"you're welcome, y'know."

y/n turned around, brendon had his arms crossed and was leaning against the wall. raising an eyebrow, she copied him and crossed her arms. "i'm not sure what you mean."

"we were seperated by one vote. i was that vote."

"you what?"

brendon sighed and pushed himself off the wall, leaning down infront of her to match her hieght. as if she was a toddler and he was her teacher, trying to explain something simple.

"i voted for you-" brendon could barely finish his sentence, she hugged him tightly, repeating 'thank you' over and over again.

"you wanna meet up sometime? i know i wasn't really friendly at the beginning but i really wanna get to know you." brendon offered, scratching the back of his neck. y/n shool her head. "i wish i could say yes i really do. but i can't and i'm sorry. i don't live here. we will meet again someday, fate works in mysterious ways."

y/n walked off confidently, smiling to herself. she was sure brendon was watching her, and she would miss him. when she got in the car, damien looked at her with a smile.

"you good?" he asked, starting the car.

"couldn't be better."
