๐‘บ๐‘ฌ๐‘ณ๐‘ฌ๐‘ฝ๐‘ฌ๐‘น โ™ฅ๏ธŽ

This oneshot what requested by AngelaUchiha-Uzumaki, Thank you so much for the request!


Your POV:

I was lying dowm in my bed reading manga, wrapped comfortably in my blankets. It was 12 a.m and you were trying to go to sleep,
but you didn't feel tired so you decided against it. Suddenly you heard your phone go off, it was a text from your boyfriend, Selever.
The text read "Hey darling, i'm coming over to cuddle you. i'll bring you (Favorite food) and (fav drink), I'll be there in 20 mins, love ya."

I smiled and wrote back a quick thank you, before picking up my manga again to read while I waited for Selever.
Sure enough, about 20 minutes later I hear a knock on my front door and I quickly get up to go answer it.
I swung open the door to see Selever holding a bag of food, "Hey dollface" he said and wrapped the arm that wasn't holding a bag
around my waist and I hugged him back, taking in his scent. We stood like that for a while as he rested his head on mine, since he was much taller than me.

When we finally moved I grabbed his hand and took him to my room and we both sat down on my bed. He handed me my food and drink while starting
to eat is own food. 'Thank you again Sel, you didn't have to do this but thanks" I smiled, He smiled back and said "Anything for you cutie~" while winking.
We decided to watch a movie and Selever let me wear his rose colored sweater, which was very comfy and warm. I cuddled up to his chest as he wrapped
his lanky arms around me and kissed my forehead and played with my hair. I started to drift off to sleep, but just before I closed my eyes I heard
Selever speak. "Sweet dreams my darling, I love you Y/n" and I peacefuly fell asleep in his arms.

Hey lovelies, I'm sorry if this wasn't exactly how you expected, but I hope you liked it <3
